2 minute read
Punctuation and Capitalization
1. . The period is used to end a sentence.
Ex: The book covers a period of two hundred years. 2. , Comma, used to separate grammatical components of a sentence.
Ex: I was so cold, so I put my hat on. 3. – Em Dash, can take the place of commas, parenthesis, or colons.
Ex: You are the friend-the only friend who offered to help me. 4. - En Dash, used to represent a span or range of numbers, dates, or time.
Ex: You could choose two numbers from 1-50 5. : Colon, used to introduce a list of items.
Ex: She kept repeating:” I want that car!” 6. ; Semicolon, used between two independent clauses when a coordinating conjunction is omitted.
Ex: We had too many fumbles; we lost the game. 7. ? Question mark, used at the end of a direct question.
Ex: What level am I on? 8. ! Exclamation point, used to indicate strong feelings or to show emphasis.
Ex: What a beautiful day! 9. ‘ Apostrophe, used for contractions, plurals, and possessive pronouns.
Ex: It’s raining outside 10. “ ” Quote mark, used to indicate material that is being reproduced word for word.
Ex:” When will you be here?”, he asked 11. … Ellipses can be used to represent a trailing off of thought.
Ex: I was running... 12. [ ] Brackets allow the insertion of editorial material inside quotations.
Ex: Wear both [thermal and socks] 13. ( ) Parentheses allow a writer to provide additional information.
Ex: I bought a gift for you (and two for me) 14. / Slash serves as a shorthand for and.
Ex: Each guest must present his/her ticket before entry.
EX: Comma (used to switch words around in a list) – Students at Bravo can freely choose between AP World History, AP US History, AP Government, and AP European History.
Capitalization – Identify and create one (1) example sentence for each rule of capitalization. 1. Please list the rules of capitalization here: 1) -Capitalize the First Word of a Sentence Ex: The museum has a new butterfly exhibit. 2) -Capitalize Names and Other Proper Nouns Ex: High school students use iPods for learning purposes. 3) -Don’t Capitalize After a Colon Ex: She has a passion: cycling EX: (Used to begin a sentence) – Sadly for some, 11th grade is the year with the most high-stakes testing.