1 minute read
[You] Boo of Writin Sectio 1 - Punctuatio/Capitalizatio (Page [You] Boo of Writin Sectio 2 -
[You] Boo of Writin Sectio 5 Paragraph (Page 19) [You] Boo of Writin Sectio 6 - Essa (Page 23)
YouTub. Th wonderfu worl of YouTub. Use fo s man thin lik entetainmen an hel o cetai topi. YouTub ha i al. Whe w thin of YouTub, w thin a a everyda ap tha w ca us t watc othe peopl mak conten fo th worl. I’ th ms reliabl sourc i th worl. If someon sa tha the do ’ kno wha YouTub i, the the ar ms likel lyin becaus YouTub i everywher. I chs thi topi becaus YouTub i HUGE . I ha billion of vide t chos fro fro th ti of you finge. I’ fre. A m America Literatur teache sa, “Yo ca ’ bea th lo, lo pric of fre!” A th en of th da, YouTub i ver usefu an becaus i' usefu I decide t writ abou i.