Kevin’s photographic background is a combina6on of his interest and experience in photojournalism and event photography. His resume in p h o t o j o u r n a l i s 6 c e x p e r i e n c e includes photographing both large and small events, press releases, and publicity related photoshoots for clients such as the University of Delaware & Philadelphia Magazine. See his feature on page 98.
Photographer Reva6 lives in South Jersey. She ini6ally wanted to be a fashion magazine editor but found her true poten6al in photography. Reva6 had shot many Philly socialites and the anchors of Good Day Fox. You can view her work here. She is an avid traveler, ready to explore unique des6na6ons around the globe. This past winter lead her to the land of fire & ice aka Iceland, on page 6.
Born and raised on Long Island, New York Melinda Moriarity, of Melinda Sue Photography, specializes in the fashion industry with a vast array of clients na6onwide. She also aVends many charity events for the pro bono por6on of her work to give back to local communi6es. "My two favorite pas6mes are photography and traveling" she says. See her feature on page 60.
Letter from the Editor Dear readers! This has been one of my most favorite issues to put together! We have covered everything from Miss America to the crowning of the new Miss New Jersey, and of course, my favorite – Fashion Week! We have some fun product highlights as well; and some a m a z i n g s h o t s f ro m t h e gorgeous country of Iceland! For this issue, I also had the opportunity to collaborate with an amazing designer, who’s based in Spain – and I thank social media for that introduction!
This year has been an amazing one, especially on a personal level. I am starting a new chapter in my life & couldn’t be happier! This year I also traveled to India and visited the historical land of Hyderabad with our amazing Director of Photography, Rafael D. Ortiz. It was an amazing experience which we will all remember! We also worked alongside the Miss NJ Education Foundation to cover the crowning of Miss NJ!
A BIG thank you to everyone who has helped to make this issue a possibility! I hope you enjoy it, as we’re already planning the next one! xoxo
A Walk Into Iceland Photos By: Revtar Photography
Photo By: Revtar Photography
Photo By: Revtar Photography
Photo By: Revtar Photography
Photo By: Revtar Photography
Photo By: Revtar Photography
Health: Product Review – INVO Coconut Water Facts: Invo is a purely simple coconut water. With no addi6onal ingredients other than fruit juice or teas, Invo is a light and refreshing drink. It’s a great addi6on to your daily workout or if you need a mid-‐day pick me up. Invo strives on the idea that coconut water is a classic flavor that can also be remixed! The coconut never has to stand alone with unique flavors like sencha green tea, Thai lime, and a tropical mix, with more on the way (including coffee, laVe, pomegranate and cranberry). Unlike their compe6tors, Invo never heats their coconut water, instead using pressure to infuse the flavors. Learn more by visi6ng: hVp://invo-‐
Editorial Team Thoughts: Being South Asian-‐Indian, hair + humidity does NOT equal a happy marriage; but afer trying Gloss & Toss in our hair, several 6mes, and stepping out into the humid NJ weather, we saw that it works like a charm! Not only did it keep our hair looking smooth & sleek, but it didn’t frizz the en6re 6me we were out in the summer heat! And we found another secret: if you apply the serum to wet hair, it’s a great help in taking out some of those nasty knots!! We highly recommend you visit the website & check out their products!
TUR Photography A look into the mind of our Crea?ve Director, Tamiz U. Rezvi
Photo By: TUR Photography
Photo By: TUR Photography
Photo By: TUR Photography
Photo By: TUR Photography
Designer Highlight:
Anita Style Photos By: P.G. Photography Set Loca?on: Pan Asia, Somerset, NJ
Designer Highlight:
John JNL Leon Photos By: P.G. Photography
A Look Into Miss America Photos By: PG Photography
Miss Teen Allie Nault
As Bravura Magazine prepares to get ready to be a part of the next Miss America pageant, we take a look back at the recent pageant and share some of our favorite moments from the Show Parade, preliminaries, and of course – the crowning moment! This September we will be back in Atlan?c City to see the crowning of a new Miss America, and cannot wait to share more with our readers!
Aloha from Miss Hawaii
Miss New Jersey
Day One as Miss America 2016 Photos By: Melinda Sue Photography
As we prepare for the Miss America pageant, we also partnered with the Miss New Jersey Educa?on Founda?on, as they crowned the New Miss New Jersey, who will compete for Miss America this September! Take a look as Bravura Magazine was BTS at the Miss NJ Pageant! Take a look as Bravura Magazine was BTS at the Miss NJ Pageant! We are excited for this newly formed bond! –Tirusha, Editor in Chief
Miss New Jersey Pageant Photos By: PG Photography
Photo By: PG Photography
Photo By: PG Photography
Photo By: PG Photography
Photo By: PG Photography
Photo By: PG Photography
Photo By: PG Photography
Photo By: PG Photography
Photo By: PG Photography
Photo By: PG Photography
Photo By: PG Photography
Photo By: PG Photography
Photo By: PG Photography
Photo By: PG Photography
Photo By: PG Photography
Photo By: PG Photography
This past June, 30 talented & smart girls competed for the 6tle of Miss New Jersey. From early morning rehearsals to late-‐night interview prac6cing with their roommate, the girls have been preparing for this day since the moment they stepped into pageantry. And at the same 6me, this is also a biVer-‐sweet moment for all, as we reminisce and remember the one who has lef her legacy with the contestants moving forward, Cara McCollum. These young contestants have gained so much from her, and we hope that they con6nue to make the State of New Jersey proud just as Cara, and previous Miss Jersey’s have done so in the past. This June, New Jersey crowned herself a new Miss New Jersey, Brenna Weick, a graduate of High Point University, in North Carolina. Weick, since the age of 14, has “wanted the opportunity to sing and dance on stage,” she said. She con6nued on that, “performing and pageantry seemed like the perfect outlet for me. I won Miss Coastal Shore’s Outstanding Teen, which qualified me to compete for Miss New Jersey’s Outstanding Teen and made me a “Shore Girl” for the very first 6me. In the Miss NJ Educa6on Founda6on, there are several pageants that hold their compe66on on the same day and work with each other throughout the year…I found myself a part of this concept when I won my first local 6tle, and am proud to remain a part of the Shore Family today. My 6tle, Miss Seashore Line, represents a historic train line from the Jersey Shore.”
Photo By: PG Photography
Photo By: PG Photography
From the moment the jeweled crown sat on her head, you could see a twinkle in Weick’s eyes. She truly is deserving of this new 6tle, and all which is to come as she heads off towards Miss America this year. In her post-‐crowning moment, we were able to spend a few minutes with her and share with our readers about herself, her plaoorm, and what’s to come in the future. Tirusha, Editor-‐In-‐Chief: What was going thru your mind when it was just the two of you le? on stage? Brenna: I’ve actually been in that posi6on a few 6mes. This is my 4th year compe6ng. My first year, I was the 1st runner up; my 2nd year I was 1st the runner up and my 3rd year I was the 2nd runner up. So I have been in that posi6on so many 6mes and I have to tell you that your mind is just completely blank. And you’re just wai6ng…wai6ng to hear what happens. When I heard Olivia’s name as 1st runner up, I was just in shock and completely collapsed, I really wanted to make sure I gave her a huge squeeze and congratulated her because I knew exactly how she was feeling. And let her know that she’s amazing as well. And we saw that right away; the first thing you did was show her some sisterly love! Yes, yes! Being 1st runner up is a really, really hard posi6on because you’re so close, and I’ve felt that before, (and) I knew I always wanted to give the 1st runner up a huge hug, and just honor my sisters because I’ve been in their shoes. And they’re all just so wonderful.
Now we live in a day in age where kids as young as 7 or 8 years old are on social media; they are Snapping, TweeJng, using Instagram, and many other social media outlets. With all of these social media outlets, tell us how you hope that with your plaLorm you can help to provide a safer environment for the young generaJon and the adults as well. So I use an acronym for kids which is really easy to understand. It’s the word SPACE. So my plaoorm “Naviga6ng the Cybersphere,” we use fun words like SPACE and it stands for: S-‐select online friends carefully, P-‐protect personal informa6on, A-‐act wisely, C-‐control privacy seqngs, E-‐expose cyber bullying or abuse. She smiled and said, “(So) I teach them those quick 6pis which are really easy to understand and we play things like cyber Bingo, and I do fun things with them, while trying to explain the importance for figh6ng cyber-‐bullying.” Weick then proceeded to share with us examples about this. She stated, “One example of how I try to explain the importance of figh6ng cyber bullying is that I give them a 6ssue paper heart and ask them to crumble it up. And then I ask them to make it back to how it was before. And then when they realize that you cannot change something once you damaged it, I try to explain to them that this is what happens to someone's heart once you cyber-‐bully them; they can never be changed back, and they can understand the impact. I also think that it’s easier for kids to look up to someone like me when talking about social media than their parents. If “Miss NJ” is telling you, then maybe it will work.” Weick went onto assert, “I am incredibly honored and I think that me winning this 6tle on the fourth try shows a lot of perseverance and tenacity, and that’s what you gain from this organiza6on. Not only best friends, sisters, and an amazing experience, and the opportuni6es. You learn how to be a beVer person.
Photo By: PG Photography
Photo By: PG Photography
Now the road to Miss NJ is obviously not an easy one. You said that this is your 4th trial to get to where you are today. How do you foresee the road to Miss America being to you? What hurdles you think you’ll have to jump across? And what is going to make you stronger? Well I’ve always dreamed of going to the Miss America stage. So I am ready to buckle down and do everything that I have to do. I also look at compe6ng for Miss New Jersey as a stepping stone for Miss America. So I said, I want to look like I would look on the Miss America stage. I want to be so ready for swimsuit and talent, that I could go straight to Miss America. I already feel ready and I am excited to push myself further. And to represent the State; it will help me to own the skills you need to be the best Miss America you could be. Now what advise do you have for the LiUle Stars and Miss New Jersey Teens who want to one day be in the shoes which you’re in right now? Honestly my LiVle Stars and younger sisters, who are teens, I would tell them to keep going and keep reaching for your goals. There is nothing that can stop you. There is a sisterhood which is ready to welcome you with open arms. When I saw the former Miss New Jersey’s on the stage tonight they were so exited and said “Welcome to the party!” Just to welcome them and tell them I would help them with anything, and I hope they con6nue doing this, and just set the bar high!
Photo By: PG Photography
Photo By: PG Photography
Photo By: PG Photography
Photo By: PG Photography
Photo By: PG Photography
Photo By: PG Photography hRps:// hRp:// hRp://
Bravura Brides
Jess Weds Nick
Behind the Lens Photos By: Dante Lara
Style Icon: Sonam Kapoor
“You need to balance the natural sexiness of sheer fabrics with soW, feminine details and, if required, conserva?ve touches.” –Sonam Kapoor (Cosmopolitan Magazine)
Fact 1: Kapoor has featured on the covers of many Indian edi6ons to interna6onal magazines such as Vogue, FHM, Maxim, GQ, NOTCH, Grazia, Verve, Elle, Femina and Harper's Bazaar.
Fact 2: She’s been honored with NDTV Brand Ambassador of the Year, Hello! Hall of Fame Awards's Face of the Year, Cosmopolitan Awards Fun Fearless Female Best Dressed, Hindustan Times' Style Icon (Reader's Choice), GQ Woman of the Year and Vogue Beauty Awards' Beauty of the Year, amongst many others!
Fact 4: Alongside a flourishing ac6ng career, Kapoor is a celebrity endorser for brands and products, and has been labeled as one of the best dressed celebri6es in India.
Fact 3: Sonam Kapoor is the daughter of interna6onally known Bollywood actor, Anik Kapoor! We always knew great talent ran in the family!!
Fact 5: Kapoor has she has also o b t a i n e d i n t e r n a 6 o n a l recogni6on due to the fact that she’s also a spokesperson for the French beauty brand, Loreal.
Sonam Kapoor was beyond stunning at the 2011 Cannes Film Fes6val, where she wore a Jean Paul Gaul6er Couture gown.
Kapoor is seen here in Ellie Saab menswear inspired blazer.
Fashionista Kapoor was breathless in this Masaba sari at the 2013 L'Oreal Paris Femina Women Awards.
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Couture Fashion Week, rd 23 Season Photos By: PG Photography
Life has beau6ful moments and P.G. Photography is there to capture them for you. Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. -‐Aaron Siskind
Atlan6c City Fashion Week, Season 8
Photos By: PG Photography