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Meet the Instructors


Jim Belcher teaches and speaks frequently at Department of Defense and veterans’ events, public and private schools, universities, and defense contractor facilities. He has authored numerous magazine articles, a book chapter, hosted a newspaper column, and appeared in international history documentaries and news stories. As a public speaker and educator, Jim presents a deeply emotional and thought-provoking introspection of history. His stories are of honor, respect, pride, integrity, perseverance, tolerance, forgiveness, and legacy. Jim was a duel citizen at birth, born at Yokosuka Naval Hospital, Japan. His father was one of 1195 men on the final voyage of the famous but ill-fated WWII heavy cruiser USS Indianapolis, and served in WWII, Korea and Vietnam.

Jim’s mother is a Japanese WWII survivor and war bride, his grandfather a Nagasaki bomb survivor and uncle a sergeant in the Imperial Japanese Army. Jim is the only Japanese-born son of a USS

Indianapolis Survivor. He is an “Honorary Survivor of the USS Indianapolis” and an “Honorary Colonel, 116th Infantry Regiment 29th Division”. Sandi Belcher has an Associate’s Degree in Early Childhood Development and a Bachelor’s Degree in Management and Organizational Development. She has over 45 years of experience working in community theater as an actor and 20 years as a director. She especially enjoys working collaboratively with younger students as they hone their acting skills and learn about the wonder and joy of theatre. Sarah Butzen is a longtime player and sometime creator of role-playing games. Her kids are her favorite

D&D adventuring companions, but she’s also started using role-playing games with her eighthgrade English students. She loves seeing how passionate they become about characters and stories when they are the ones creating them! As a creative writer, teacher, and avid amateur actor and director, Sarah finds that D&D is pretty much the perfect storm of hobbies. She’s excited to bring the adventure to BRCC this summer!

Matthew Grandpre’ has been involved in 105 musical and theatrical productions throughout his lifetime, including three semi-professional productions. A native of California for 28 years, he taught at five music studios across Los Angeles and Orange County, directed three touring theater productions, and conducted three children’s choirs, including a touring barbershop sextet. He most recently helped co-direct an original student production of The Hermitage and a musical review of the past five musicals he directed for youth theater at BRCC, including Urinetown, Les Miserables,

The Scarlet Pimpernel, Shrek the Musical, and Fiddler on the Roof. Matthew holds a Master’s Degree in Teaching English from Liberty University, a Bachelor’s Degree in Music Education from Cal State

Northridge and a Credential Degree in Special Education from Cal State Bakersfield. Matthew works as a Special Education and English teacher at Waynesboro High School and was awarded both the Teacher of the Year for Waynesboro School District and the Dawbarn Award for his work with students.

Leonard Klein teaches Advanced Technology and Advanced Placement Computer Science at

Shenandoah Valley Governor’s School. He and his wife have a farm in Augusta County where they raise Shetland Sheep. Prior to teaching at SVGS, he taught at the Governor’s School in Hampton and before that at Longwood College. Justine Mackey is a graduate of Mary Baldwin University’s Shakespeare and Performance MLitt/

MFA program and teaches theatre at Spotswood High school. She also holds a BA in Theatre from

Mary Baldwin College. A New York native, working from film to the stage, her most recent theatre credits include: Lady Macbeth (Macbeth), Adrianna/Courtesan Luce/Duke (The Comedy of Errors)

Helena (A Midsummer Night’s Dream) and Katherine/Jaquenetta (Loves Labors Lost) with Compass

Shakespeare Ensemble, Dolly Levi (Hello Dolly) with The Shultz Theatre, and Velma Kelly (Chicago) with MBU. Her most recent directing credits include; A Doll’s House, Fools, and A Midsummer Night’s

Dream with The Oak Grove Theatre and You Can’t Take it With You at BRCC. Recent costume design credits include The Comedy of Errors and Proof. Presently keeping her focus on performance and academia, she hopes to change the world with students through the arts and theatre.

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