BRCC Community Link Newsletter, Fall 2020

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Fall 2020

Meet Our New Foundation Board Members Steve Elkins has been in the financial services industry for 25 years and has spent the past 17 years at DuPont Community Credit Union. He is currently serving as President/CEO. Steve received his Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Mary Washington College. He has previously served as a Director and Chairman of the Board for the Community Foundation of the Central Blue Ridge. Steve resides in Augusta County with his wife Becky, and they have four children. Elkins



Dinah Gottschalk, CPA, enjoyed a teaching career that included faculty positions at Piedmont Virginia Community College, the University of Maryland’s European Division, and James Madison University. In addition, her professional experience includes work with the Department of the Navy’s Family Housing Management Institute, JMU’s Mine Action Information Center, and Great Aspirations Scholarship Program (GRASP). She holds degrees from the University of Virginia’s McIntire School of Commerce and from James Madison University. Dinah previously served on the boards of the Community Foundation of the Central Blue Ridge and Valley Hope Counseling Center. She resides in Waynesboro with her husband, Kurt. They have one daughter, Sarah Kate. Paula Moore began her career at McQuay International, Verona holding several positions before transitioning to Product Manager at Des Champs Labs in Natural Bridge Station. After a stint away in Raleigh and then Orlando, she returned to the area and to McQuay International (now Daikin Applied) where she currently serves as Program Manager. Paula is a graduate of BRCC with an AAS in Mechanical Design, and EMU with a BS in Organizational Development. She and her husband Rex McClure live in Stuarts Draft, and enjoy traveling and spoiling their four fur babies—two Newfoundlands, and two cats.

Chair Matthias N. Smith , Vice Chair Andrew P. Vanhook, Secretary John A. Downey , Treasurer Cynthia F. Page Kenneth R. Boward Rob W. Cale Karen C. Clark

Kenneth S. Cleveland III Douglas G. Driver Steve Elkins

Silvia T. Garcia-Romero Teresa H. Gauldin Dinah Gottschalk

Mary Louise Leake Mary McDermott Thomas C. Mendez

David R. Metz Paula C. Moore Tassie L. Pippert

Justin T. Rexrode William M. Saxman Jr. Alan L. Shelton

Linnea J. Spradlin Pamela K. Ungar

Community Link is an official publication of the Blue Ridge Community College Educational Foundation. It is distributed to friends in the Shenandoah Valley, as well as BRCC faculty and staff, and is published quarterly by the Development Office, Blue Ridge Community College, Weyers Cave, VA 24486. If you have any questions or comments regarding this publication, please contact Angie Glenn, Development Services Coordinator, at (540) 453-2307 or

Message from the President


here is a great story I heard a few years ago that is attributed to Margaret Baillargeon. It was about a young boy who was trying to help his mother do some chores, so she asked him to shine her shoes. When he was done, she was so proud of his work, that she reached into her pocket and gave him a quarter to thank him. A few days later, the mom was late for an appointment, rushing to get where she was going. She hurried to put her shoes on when her foot felt something crammed into the tip of one of the shoes. She reached in and BRCC President Dr. John A. Downey pulled out a wad of crumpled up paper. When she opened it, a quarter fell out. On the paper there was a note, written in the unmistakable handwriting of a 7 year old, that read: “Mom, I done it for love!” The work of Blue Ridge Community College employees during the last six months has reminded me of that story often. Who could have imagined in early March 2020 that our faculty would have to scramble over one weekend to convert every instructional course that was taught in person, to an online format? Who would have anticipated the challenges our students would face, some of whom lack the type of computer equipment needed to perform well in this new environment? Would anyone have anticipated that the pandemic would stretch beyond the summer and into the new academic year? Yet despite all these challenges, I have witnessed our employees working harder than ever to provide every student with every chance of academic success, and it is their motivation that inspires me! The obstacles so many of our students overcome is equally inspiring! In a world marred by distrust, polarization and self-interest, it is heartwarming to know that an institution like Blue Ridge Community College exists for the sole purpose of helping people help themselves through higher education. The mission of Blue Ridge Community College is to provide for the educational needs of the students and businesses we serve. What impresses me most about the typical BRCC employee is their incredible motivation to carry out that mission for the benefit of our students. We don’t do it for the pay. We do it for love!

BRCC Online Community Breakfast October 28, 2020, 8:30 a.m. Every fall for the past 20 years, BRCC has hosted a series of Community Breakfasts to update community members about BRCC, sharing successes and challenges. This year, Dr. Downey will host an online Community Breakfast on Wednesday, October 28, 2020 at 8:30 a.m. via Zoom. Following his presentation, there will be an opportunity for Q&A, so please join us to learn more about BRCC! Respond online at or contact Sally Jane Conner at 540-453-2203 or When responding, please include your email address, as it will be used to send a link to the Zoom meeting the day before the event.

Caring Commitment

Beverly Baker, BRCC Class of 2020 by Cathy Sliwoski


t a time in life when many of her peers were considering retirement, Beverly Baker decided to embark on a strenuous educational path: nursing school. At 71, Beverly was among the more seasoned members of the Blue Ridge Community College Class of 2020. As a mature adult student, Beverly faced some challenges in terms of computer knowledge and proficiency, but those obstacles did not deter her. “I guess my greatest strength was having had to persevere through heavy stress before in both my professional and personal lives; there is always light at the end of the tunnel.” She knew how to ask for help and found BRCC nursing faculty to be “very positive, approachable, and self-sacrificing.” Finishing up her degree during the COVID-19 pandemic was “a bit chaotic at times” and made flexibility a key to completing the clinical requirements, but she took it all in stride. “The motivation was that this is the final term, then we can take the board exam. Some aspects of going completely online have been challenging; others were routine,” Beverly explains. After working as a medical technologist in hospital laboratories for most of her career, Beverly chose the nursing program because it is an in-demand credential, and she wanted more rewarding direct patient contact. Although she hasn’t decided what type of nursing to pursue after graduation, she has a “strong interest in the neurobiological underpinnings of mental health issues” and “holistic nursing techniques.” Overall, Beverly is a great cheerleader for BRCC because of the positive interactions she’s had with faculty and staff. From academic advisors being encouraging to math faculty loaning her textbooks to the availability of scholarships, she has found BRCC employees willing to go the extra step. “The whole general environment on campus is that they will do whatever is necessary to help you succeed,” she says. During the 2019-20 academic year, Beverly received the Elaine Parkinson Memorial Nursing Scholarship through the BRCC Educational Foundation. This scholarship was established by generous donors who wanted to help second year BRCC Nursing students, knowing what a positive impact these Nursing graduates have on our community.

Message from the BRCC Educational Foundation Executive Director

T he mission of the BRCC Educational Foundation is to “build community relationships and secure resources to

strengthen the programs and services of Blue Ridge Community College.” In the simplest terms: we raise money, and we use that money to support BRCC in a variety of ways! Please allow me to start by sharing some of the successes from fiscal year 2019-20, ending June 30: Amy Laser Kiger

• We had a phenomenal effort with our Blue Ridge Fund – raising $180,392 – and blowing away our $140K goal AND our $150K stretch goal!

We had a very successful Spring Fling Live! which raised over $42,000. This was our 25th year of the Spring Fling, and I can honestly say that this online format looked like no other year!

Great Community Give – this event came right on the heels of Spring Fling Live! and raised $13,494 from 40 contributions. That’s a healthy increase from last year’s $5,795.

All told, the BRCC Educational Foundation raised $1,167,359 during our fiscal year 2019-20. It is a testament to the generosity of our supporters, the success of our alumni in the community, and the hard work of our employees. What I find even more exciting is the support this will allow the Foundation to provide to BRCC students, faculty and programs going forward. In all, Foundation assets stood at $13.9 million as of June 30 – down a bit from the previous fiscal year. This is due, in part, to a roller coaster year in the stock market, but also due to significant program expenses. Spending to support BRCC is at the core of our mission, and we did that with more than $1.7 million last fiscal year. This spending included funding of more than $500,000 for faculty and staff positions – including career coaches, nursing, employer relations, allied health, dual enrollment, workforce services, and more. The Foundation also invested $318,711 in equipment for the College. The majority of that spending was to equip the Nursing simulation labs in the new Biosciences building which is helping our students prepare to serve our community. We also had a record year in student support, awarding $456,950 in scholarships! I’d like to spend more time bragging about the year behind us, because the year ahead feels a lot more uncertain…we know that we are not going to be able to do many of the events and activities in the way that we are used to doing them. We will be challenged to find new and innovative ways to reach our supporters, and I don’t know what that’s going to look like in this remote world we are in.

Here’s what I do know… •

I’m grateful for the leadership of President Downey. Due to his early decision that the fall semester would be primarily online, our faculty, staff and students were afforded a measure of stability in these uncertain times. Knowing that most instruction would be virtual (with the exception of programs that absolutely require hands-on learning), gave faculty and staff the spring and summer to prepare quality online resources to help students succeed. This decision also gave current and prospective students a clear path forward to choose with confidence.

The College is going to need the Foundation’s support more than ever, and the Foundation will be a resource to help fill funding gaps and address College priorities.

Our students’ needs are not going to decrease – if anything we will continue to see even more students with, not only scholarship needs, but also emergency student assistance needs (like rent and car repairs and computer purchases and more). The Foundation will be ready to provide that support.

And I know that our investors will continue to be supportive. They love Blue Ridge Community College and they believe in what we are doing in this community.

So, for all those reasons, I’m optimistic. The future may be uncertain but, nonetheless, it feels bright for Blue Ridge Community College, the BRCC Educational Foundation, and the students and community we serve.

You Can Make a Difference


lue Ridge Community College is doing everything we can to keep our students on track with their educational plans, and the Foundation is vital to helping make that possible. By making a gift to the Blue Ridge Fund now, you give the Foundation the flexibility to respond to the College’s needs in a timely and effective manner. Thank you for your continued support!

If you are shopping online already, it is easy to support BRCC. Every Amazon purchase you make can support the BRCC Educational Foundation, and it’s as easy as using the following link to shop: com/ch/54-1328809 Also, make sure you turn on AmazonSmile on your smartphone! Open the app and find ’Settings’ in the main menu ( ). Tap on ‘AmazonSmile’ and follow the on-screen instructions to turn on AmazonSmile on your phone.

Online Community Breakfast with BRCC President, John Downey Wednesday, October 28, 2020, 8:30 a.m., via Zoom Register:

Save the Date!

Blue Ridge Community College Educational Foundation, Inc. P. O. Box 80 Weyers Cave, VA 24486 (540) 453-2211 Non Profit Org. U. S. Postage and Fees Paid BRCC

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