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BRCC Hosts Veterinary Technology Career Fair
OnFebruary 9th, 38 employers participated in the BRCC Veterinary Technology Program Career Fair. BRCC Vet Tech students met prospective employers and broadened their knowledge of career options within the veterinary technology feld. First year students also had the opportunity to speak with employers about summer externships (350 hours of work in a veterinary hospital) which are required for program completion.
BRCC’s Lunch2Go Program
Ridge Community College ofers a two-year associate degree program in Human Services. Graduates of the program go to work as paraprofessionals in service agencies for mental health, substance abuse, aging, corrections, and more, or they may transfer to a four-year school to work on a bachelor’s degree in social work. While at BRCC, many of these students participate in Beyond the Blue, a student club that provides BRCC students with information, education, and referral services, while also bringing awareness about social, emotional, and health issues. Students in Beyond the Blue gain “real world” experience by serving as the intake organization for BRCC students in need. Te Beyond the Blue Ofce is open and stafed 28 hours per week, Monday through Tursday.
“We can’t have students the Blue, they are referred to food banks and food pantries who are hungering for in the community. However, they are also encouraged to knowledge, when they are complete an application for BRCC’s Lunch2Go program, just
When students who are food-insecure contact Beyond which is then reviewed and verifed by the Financial Aid Dorothy McAulife Ofce. Lunch2Go provides lunch vouchers to students who may otherwise go hungry during their day on campus.
Currently, the Lunch2Go program is supporting 46 BRCC students. Tey receive lunch vouchers each week for the days that they will be on campus. Te vouchers – valued at $7.00 each – can be utilized in the BRCC cafeteria.
Te Lunch2Go program, which is supported through the BRCC Educational Foundation, makes a diference in the lives of Blue Ridge Community College students each and every day.