Phase 1 – Day 1: Aerobic Endurance (Focus: Oxidative Metabolism with Slow Glycolysis) Overview: Perform on DAY 1; After a short warm-up to get sweating and mentally prepared for your session, perform the # of WORK INTERVALS by completing a given WORK phase at the designated INTENSITY, followed by an active REST phase to bring your heart rate under control (see Table below)
Warm-up: 5 minutes at a light intensity (bike, treadmill, rower, elliptical) Cool-down: 5-10 minutes at a light intensity, with the intent to flush metabolic waste and lower heart rate (<120 beats per minute) Table: Aerobic Endurance - Work:Rest Ratio & Intervals – Phase 1 – Day 1 Week
# of Work Intervals
(in minutes) Week 1 (Sept.26-Oct.2) Week 2 (Oct.3-9) Week 3 (Oct.10-16) Week 4 (Oct.17-23) Week 5 (Oct.24-30) Week 6 (Oct.31-Nov.6) Week 7 (Nov.7-13) Week 8 (Nov.14-20)
2:1 3:1 4:1 2:1 4:1 5:1 5:1 4:1
8 8 6 8 6 6 6 6
Total Time
(in minutes)
(Perceived Exertion)
24 32 30 24 30 36 36 30
70% 75% 75% 70% 75% 80% 80% 75%
Phase 1 – Day 4: Aerobic Capacity – (Focus: VO2 Max) – Work:Rest Ratio & Intervals – Phase 1 Day 4 Warm-up: 5 minute at a light intensity; Cool-down: 5-10 minute lower heart rate under 120 beats per minute 10 sets of 60 seconds full out (go as hard as you can) followed by 60 seconds recovery (continue to keep the legs moving, and focus on bringing the heart rate back down to aid in recovery before the next work interval). 10 times @ 60-sec on: 60-sec off [1:1 (Work:Rest)]
Phase 1 – Days 1 & 4: Core Endurance (Focus: Core Muscular Endurance) Overview: Perform all exercises straight through to complete a single ‘set’; See table below for number of sets and exercise durations; Omit equipment if none available – perform on ground as an alternative
Core Endurance Complex: Perform all exercises straight through to complete a single ‘set’ Exercise Supine MB Bridge with SL Extensions
Weight Bodyweight
Reps/Time 10 reps per leg
Tempo 2:2:2
Prone Plank Hold
6 x 15 s hold with 3-5 s rest between holds
Isometric Hold
SB Prone Linear Knee Drives (Core activation & Shoulder girdle stabilization)
__s per side
2:1:2 in:pause:out
Key Points for Execution Shoulders and head flat against floor; Knees bent at 90 degrees and ankles directly underneath knees Arms crossed over chest (right hand on left shoulder; left hand on right shoulder) Lift hips into full extension (straight line from knees to shoulders); squeeze ball between knees, and press hard into heel of support leg Slowly extend one knee (without losing ball); pause for 2 seconds; lower and repeat with other leg Keep hips up and level throughout movement Forearms are shoulder-width apart with elbows directly underneath shoulders Distribute bodyweight evenly between forearms & toes Keep shoulder girdle neutral; core engaged (braced); glutes squeezed and quads tight Torso should be parallel with ground and neutral spine (straight line from ears to ankles) maintained Place hands on SB with palms facing inward (toward each other) so chest is over center of SB and wrists are directly beneath shoulders; elbows flexed (slightly bent) Keep shoulder girdle neutral and core engaged Drive knee to same side wrist; pause; repeat with same leg for designated duration before switching sides/leg
Core Endurance Complex – continued: Exercise Side Plank Hold
FSU BoSu Cross-Body Knee Drives
Weight Bodyweight
6 x 10 s hold with 3 -5 second rest; switch sides
Isometric Hold
__s per side
2:1:2:1:2:1:2 in:pause: across:pause: return:pause:out
SB Supine Hip Lifts
__s total
2:1:2 up:pause:down
Bird Dog Extensions
6 x 10 seconds then repeat on opposite side
Isometric Hold
Key Points for Execution Support body with elbow and feet in contact with floor Top foot is placed in front of bottom foot and elbow is directly underneath shoulder Body has a neutral spine and a straight line from ear through hip to ankle With BoSu flat-side up (FSU), set up in push-up position with sternum over center of BoSu Drive knee towards wrist on same side of body and then slowly rotate knee to opposite wrist; reverse motions to return to start Keep hips up when rotating; repeat with same leg for designated duration before switching sides/leg Begin laying on your back with hips close to SB, toes pointed toward ceiling, and heels on downward slope Arms extended up to ceiling in front of chest with palms pressed together or pressed into floor at sides Slowly press heels into SB, squeeze glutes and ‘push’ hips up until shoulders and knees form a straight line Slowly lower until hips are several inches above ground and repeat for designated duration Begin in table top position, with knees underneath hips and hands underneath shoulders Keep hips and shoulders parallel to ground Focus bracing the core and stabilizing the spine Extend one arm and opposite leg simultaneously into air and hold for 10 seconds; sweep arm and knee together, and then immediately extend for next rep Do not lift the arm higher than the shoulder nor the leg past height of the hips Make a fist with the lifting arm to squeeze the muscles Remember the spine is locked while only the shoulder and hip joints are moving
Table: Core Endurance – Sets & Duration – Phase 1 – Days 1 & 4 WEEK Week 1 (Sept.26-Oct.2) Week 2 (Oct.3-9) Week 3 (Oct.10-16) Week 4 (Oct.17-23) Week 5 (Oct.24-30) Week 6 (Oct.31-Nov.6) Week 7 (Nov.7-13) Week 8 (Nov.14-20)
# Of Sets 2 2 2
2 3 3 3 2
Duration of Work Interval 30s per side or 45s total 40s per side or 60s total 45s per side or 75s total 30s per side or 45s total 30s per side or 45s total 40s per side or 60s total 45s per side or 75s total 30s per side or 45s total