Today at Breck: Fall 2015

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Today at Breck

Fall 2015

KEEPING IT FRESH Enhancing curriculum at Breck / PG. 8



Fall 2015


Today at Breck




FEATURES 8 / Keeping it Fresh

COVER STORY You may think “curriculum� is a staid topic, but at Breck it is a dynamic part of the overall experience. Learn about some innovative ways our teachers are keeping our curriculum fresh.

13 / You Can Grow Your Brain A Lower School teacher is bringing big ideas into the classroom and helping grow the brains of her students. Learn how gifts to our Annual Fund helped spark a classroom overhaul.

14 / Great Moments from Homecoming 2015 See fun pictures from the many Homecoming events. For additional details about Homecoming week, check out Alumni News on page 17.

27 / Special Section: Annual Report of Appreciation Included in this edition of Today at Breck is our 2014-15 Annual Report, which highlights our philanthropic programs and the generosity of our community. Thank you to all of our supporters.

DEPARTMENTS 2 / 20 Questions 3 / 123 Ottawa 16 / Alumni News 20 / Class Notes 23 / Sports News 26 / In Their Own Words On the cover: Art teacher, Justin Roberson, and students explore the Breck campus as part of the new digital photography class being offered at Breck. Photo by Karyl Rice

There are many traditions we experience in the fall at Breck. The most visible is the variety of festivities and ceremonies around Homecoming. From the Distinguished Alumni award, to the Golden Mustangs luncheon, to the traditional Homecoming dance, we spend the week honoring our past and welcoming back students from years gone by. But this year’s Homecoming had us looking toward the future as well. “Meeting the World” was the theme for Homecoming 2015, and it was chosen to mark an exciting time for Breck. We are embarking on a philanthropic campaign to raise $16.6 million dollars to enhance the Breck experience for our students. We want to ensure Breck continues to foster the next generation of great minds and good people the world needs. We do this through academic, artistic, social and spiritual growth embedded in our school and community. Curriculum is arguably the most pervasive way we nurture our students’ futures. In this issue of Today at Breck, we explore what it means to continue to innovate around curriculum, and share energizing examples of how faculty are bringing fresh lessons into our classrooms. You also will read a story of how your gifts to our Annual Fund gave one of our Lower School teachers a “chance of a lifetime” to learn about brain development, and how that experience is influencing her teaching and students. Breck will always strive to find balance between tradition and innovation. As teachers and leaders we understand that at our core we are perpetual learners, but we must also take time to reflect on our past and hold on to the values that have made Breck what it is today.


Today at Breck

Fall 2015


The Phillips family (left to right): Grayson ’20, Riley ’27, Ainslie, Cooper ’24, Patrick ’87 and Taylor ’18


Patrick Phillips ’87: ASSISTANT HEAD OF SCHOOL 1

What music are you listening to lately? A mixture of Virginia Coalition and Corey Smith 2

What’s one of the last books you read? I’m currently reading three books: Excellent Sheep, Brain Rules and Make It Stick.


What do you remember from kindergarten? Lots of books, lots of sand, and learning to “crab-walk” in gym class


What’s your favorite time of year? I love autumn because of the crisp air, the changing colors of the leaves, and the start of a new school year. 4

What’s one of the most adventurous things you’ve ever done? I rode my horse over a cliff and fell into a riverbed while working as a wrangler in the Colorado Rockies. 5

What’s your favorite Breck

lunch? The all-school cookout

10 What is the most important room in your home? The kitchen because we eat most of our meals together in that room, so it is a source of food and also great family moments. 11 What’s your favorite place on the Breck campus? The Salas Commons, although it’s hard to beat the view from my office.


12 Favorite comfort food? Grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup


13 Favorite treat: salty or sweet? Salty, ideally pretzels

What’s your dream job? Science fiction author What’s one of the best decisions you’ve ever made? To live abroad—my wife and I have lived in Switzerland and in England. 8

What advice would you give to your younger self? In the ’70s, “Get a haircut!”

14 If you had a theme song, what would it be? “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor 15 Favorite line from a movie? “Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.” — John Keating in Dead Poets Society

16 Favorite website? The knowledge and computation site wolframalpha. com. You can do really cool computations based on a vast collection of built-in data, algorithms, and methods. 17 Three people — living or dead — you’d want to have dinner with? Leonardo da Vinci, Bill Bryson and my wife 18 If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? A three-way tie between Machu Picchu, Petra and the Maldives 19 What’s your pet peeve? Bad drivers 20 What keeps you up at night? I have four children, so if they are all healthy and happy then I can rest easy.

Welcome to our new international students (left to right): Petra Noskova, Albert Kong, Julien He and Eryu Yuge

Today at 123 Ottawa Avenue North

INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS JOIN THE BRECK COMMUNITY Breck is delighted to welcome four new international students in 2015-16: E (Eryu) Yuge ’17, Beijing, China Jiaheng (Julien) He ’17, Beijing, China Linghang (Albert) Kong ’19, Nanjing, China Petra Noskova ’17, Prague, Czech Republic We appreciate the presence of all of the international students in our community, along with the generosity of the families who are serving as their hosts.

NEW ROLES FOR FAMILIAR FACES Changes for current Breck faculty and staff.

National Merit Scholarship semifinalists (left to right): Spencer Larsen, Tait Helgaas, Thomas Dickstein, Ingrid Thyr, Madeline McCue and Darartu Gamada

BRECK STUDENTS NAMED NATIONAL MERIT SCHOLARSHIP SEMIFINALISTS Congratulations to Breck seniors Thomas Dickstein, Darartu Gamada, Tait Helgaas, Spencer Larsen, Madeline McCue and Ingrid Thyr, who were named semifinalists in the 2016 National Merit Scholarship competition.

Kat Corrigan, Lower School Art Colleen Crenshaw, Upper School Science Angie Kritta, Upper School Academic Technology Coordinator Erin Merrill, Lower School Faculty — 1st grade David O’Connell, Upper School English Kim Schafer, Lower School Faculty — 4th grade Katie Scherer, Middle School English Sara Thorne, Lower School Faculty — 3rd grade Jean Wang, International Resource Instructor Jessica Wanless, Middle School Spanish

We also welcome back Barbara Jacobs-Smith (Lower School Faculty) and Alexis Kent (Middle School Chaplain) from their sabbaticals, and send best wishes to Dan Ratliff (Middle School Science) and Meg Carlsen (Upper School English) as they begin theirs.


Today at Breck

Fall 2015

Today at 123 Ottawa Avenue North

Lower School (left to right): Hong Juan (Jenny) Zhou, Judy Moran, Amy Roe, Alex Thomas ’06, Tori Carter and Laura Williams


Administration and Staff (left to right): Nicole Cooper, Denny Arons, Patrick Phillips ’87 and Melissa Mrachek

Middle School (left to right): Kris Simonson ’82, Justin Roberson and Michelle Shelp

Upper School (left to right): Whitney Clark ’02 and Carolina Olaya

More Upper School (left to right): Trevor Thornton and Princesa Van Buren-Hansen


Denny Arons, Director of Security Tori Carter, Lower School Teacher Assistant Whitney Clark ’02, Upper School Chinese Nicole Cooper, Advancement Database Manager Joe Ginsburg ’11, Lower School Teacher Assistant Judy Moran, Lower School Teacher Assistant Melissa Mrachek, Director of Communications Carolina Olaya, Upper School Spanish Patrick Phillips ’87, Assistant Head of School Justin Roberson, Middle and Upper School Visual Arts

Amy Roe, Lower School Spanish Michelle Shelp, Middle School Project Adventure Kristine Simonson ’82, Middle School Science (Ratliff sabbatical) Alexandra Thomas ’06, Lower School Teacher Assistant Trevor Thornton, Upper School English (Carlsen sabbatical) Princesa Van Buren-Hansen, Science Department Head Laura Williams, Lower School Teacher Assistant Hong Juan (Jenny) Zhou, Lower School Chinese


(Left to right, front row): Wendy Schoppert, Rebecca L. O’Grady, The. Rt. Rev. Brian N. Prior, Andrew W. Turner, Edward Kim;

(second row) Bradley P. Radichel, Susan Bass Roberts, Anton V. Vincent, Katharine Anderson Groethe ’88, Rory O’Neill; (third row)

William C. Schmoker, Timothy Clark, Barbara Burwell, Kristi Cousineau, Twanya Hood Hill, Nicki L. Zeidner; (back row) Rob Holt,

Michelle Pohlad, Jeffrey C. Slocum, Maya A. Tester ’81, Michael Goh, Daniel Aronson, Ronald D. Sit. Not pictured: Lee R. Anderson ’57, Andrew B. Gaillard ’88, G. Mike Mikan, Joan K. Rex, Jill E. Schurtz

2015-16 BRECK BOARD OF TRUSTEES The Rt. Rev. Brian N. Prior, Chair

Kristi K. Cousineau

Wendy Schoppert*

Edward Kim, Head of School

Andrew B. Gaillard ’88

Jill E. Schurtz

Andrew W. Turner, President

Michael Goh*

Ronald D. Sit*

Rebecca L. O’Grady, President-elect

Katharine Anderson Groethe ’88

Jeffrey C. Slocum

G. Mike Mikan, Treasurer

Twanya Hood Hill

Maya A. Tester ’81

Rob Holt, Secretary

Rory O’Neill

Anton V. Vincent

Michelle Pohlad*

Nicki L. Zeidner

Lee R. Anderson ’57, Lifetime Trustee

Bradley P. Radichel

Daniel Aronson*

Joan K. Rex

Barbara E. Burwell

Susan Bass Roberts

Timothy S. Clark

William C. Schmoker*

* Indicates new board member

Today at Breck

Fall 2015

Today at 123 Ottawa Avenue North


Michal Sagar’s art exhibit at the Schaefer Gallery on the Gustavus Adolphus College campus

OTHER NOTES Upper School English teacher Dallas Crow has a poem, Exit Malvolio or Cross-Garter This, Bill!, in the November issue of English Journal. Lower School art teacher Kat Corrigan has an art show currently on exhibit at the Great Lakes Aquarium in Duluth. Her paintings, Otters Underwater, will be on display through January 2016. Michal Sagar, Visual Arts Department Head, had an exhibition in Schaefer Gallery on the Gustavus Adolphus College campus in the month of October. The show, titled “The Beginning of the Third Dream,” focused on the interplay between what is culture and what is wild — and how these forces live within an individual. Oliver Pohlad, Grade 5, played the young Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys in the film Love and Mercy, which was in theaters this past summer. This fall, Kennedy Lucas, Grade 5, made her debut in the musical Hairspray, which was on stage at Artistry at the Bloomington Center for the Arts.

Descension by Kat Corrigan

Today at Breck

Fall 2015

Keeping it fresh


Photos by Karyl Rice

BRECK TAKES A MULTI-FACETED APPROACH TO IMPROVING CURRICULUM Say the word “curriculum” and it can conjure up thoughts of textbooks, tests, reading, writing and arithmetic—pretty staid ideas of something that is so much more. “If parents come in and say ‘Tell me about the curriculum,’ it would be a lengthy conversation,” says Patrick Phillips, Assistant Head of School. Phillips is part of Breck’s Academic Advisory Council, a group of teachers and administrators charged with reviewing, analyzing and discussing curriculum and how Breck can continue to evolve. “Part of our curriculum is academic—a large part of it. But another piece is preparing students to be successful,” Phillips says. “You can use the curriculum as a foundation to the bigger lessons of being a good person in the world.” Breck has always been willing to try innovative curriculums. Whether adding a new class or a complete overhaul of an entire methodology, Breck continues to analyze, explore and revise what it offers students. “We are not going to change for change’s sake, but we are always going to look at what will make a better experience for our students,” Phillips says.

AN ENHANCED APPROACH TAKES FLIGHT New curriculum ideas come from a variety of places. One place is through professional development for Breck teachers. Third-grade teacher Barbara Jacobs-Smith had an unbelievable experience on her 2014-15 sabbatical that has resulted in a new approach in the classroom. This past year, Jacobs-Smith studied at the Lab of Ornithology at Cornell University in New York. As it states on the lab’s website, its “… hallmarks are scientific excellence and technological innovation to advance the understanding of nature and to engage people of all ages in learning about birds and protecting the planet.” The science curriculum in third grade at Breck is phenology, which is studying the changes in nature based on seasonal changes. An obvious part of phenology is the migration of birds. “I wanted to find out about all the resources available from the lab and how educators in all divisions could maximize their use,” Jacobs-Smith says. “Birds are easily


accessible and are such a great way to engage kids in life science. They are just right outside the window. It’s an easy access point for kids.” At Cornell, Jacobs-Smith was given the opportunity to dive deeper into an innovative curriculum called BirdSleuth. This inquiry-based curriculum engages students in authentic scientific study and purposeful data collection. Jacobs-Smith had already been using BirdSleuth to a certain degree. The lessons learned through BirdSleuth go beyond just learning about birds. The curriculum includes the teaching philosophy of inquiry. “It’s about having students observe the natural world, ask questions, and then teaching them the skills they need to answer the questions they care about,” Jacobs-Smith says. “When students are invested and are wondering and needing to find the answer, that’s when they are truly going to learn—and learn in a way that stays with them.” Back in the Breck classroom, Jacobs-Smith is integrating a deeper level of the BirdSleuth curriculum. “The strongest resource available from BirdSleuth is called Investigating

Barbara Jacobs-Smith

Today at Breck

Fall 2015

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Self-portraits by students in Breck’s new digital photography class.

Evidence,” Jacobs-Smith says. “It focuses on helping children answer questions by collecting and graphing data.” Students learn how certain graphs are better for certain types of data, something Jacobs-Smith had to learn for herself while at Cornell. “I had to learn how to do it and through that process became really familiar with the type of inquiry-based learning I want my kids to do,” she says. “Having to do it myself, I am now better at letting my kids find the answer in a way that makes sense to them.”

ONE NEW CLASS CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE Teenagers are very accustomed to seeing the world through images — photos being top on the list. With that in mind, the Upper School visual arts department has begun offering a digital photography class this year. Art teacher Justin Roberson is teaching the course and says in a world of selfies, this class is giving students a new perspective. “Students are looking at so many images every day on their phones and different media, so in a way they are training their eye,” Roberson says. “As a visual arts department, we want to help focus their eye in the fine art realm.” Roberson says in addition to teaching students about editing software and design principles, he wants to help them understand and appreciate the difference between capturing a moment and creating a photo with meaning that tells a story. “They are all very fluent in snapping shots, but how can we take it one step further?” Roberson says. “They are so

savvy in the technology, my goal is to work on the technique side and help them develop an awareness of what a fine art photograph is.” Each week, students are given an assignment, such as taking a unique self-portrait. When they gather together the next week, Roberson facilitates a group critique, which he believes may be one of the most valuable parts of the class. “I think the critique process is the most meaningful assessment you can do in any art class,” he says. “You have so many brains in the classroom so it’s not just about the instructor’s feedback; it’s also your peers’ which is equally as important.” Roberson says the students are sensitive about giving criticism, but he encourages them to find ways to provide comments that are also productive and can help each other grow as an artist and person. The results of this process are already being felt. “Even just in the first assignment, I was so happy with the results,” Roberson says. “Getting a chance to see these expressive kids in an environment that really nurtures and celebrates self-expression, it validates why I am a teacher here.” In addition to the digital photography class, the visual arts department continues to refresh and grow its curriculum and has added a documentary film class that will kick off later this year.

MAKING A BIGGER SWITCH When it comes to larger scale curriculum changes, Breck has implemented a regular review cycle. This is especially

important in the Lower School where one teacher is covering a variety of disciplines—math, reading, writing, history, etc. Last fall, the Breck math department began an in-depth review of its Lower School math curriculum. Brad Peterson, Mathematics Department Head, says assessing a curriculum should be done regularly not only to benefit students, but the teachers as well. “Teachers need to get refreshed. You can’t be churning things all the time, but you can’t be doing the same thing in the same way forever either,” he says. “There are new things in instruction and you don’t want to ignore them.” For the Lower School, the process of reviewing math curriculums has been a thorough and methodical process. Unlike adding one new class, this level of change requires picking a methodology and entire plan that will carry students through multiple grades.

and you have to address them. But I have a lot of confidence in the process. And if you have a good process and good people in it, you are going to get a good product.” Curriculum at Breck is a living thing, never staying the same from year to year, and sometimes even week to week. This is what keeps Breck on the leading edge in education, and provides students an engaging, energizing learning experience. “Our faculty doesn’t approach curriculum from the perspective of ‘We need to improve test scores,’” Phillips says. “They come at if from the perspective of ‘What are we going to do in our classes that will enrich the experience for our students.’ We want to make this a robust experience for our kids, one that prepares them for the next step and the ones beyond.”

“In an AP statistics or Honors class that stands alone, you have a lot of freedom to be nimble and decide you want to switch it around,” Peterson says. “In the core math curriculum, there’s more to be said for having a consistent set of materials and a consistent look and feel. That also helps you to not miss things or dwell excessively on things. It can provide a flow and consistency.” A committee has spent months exploring new Lower School math curriculums. The group visited several schools using a variety of different methodologies and slowly whittled down the list to two options. The two options being explored are called Bridges in Mathematics® and Math in Focus®—part of the Singapore Math® curriculum. The next step is to do a test run. This fall, Lower School teachers are incorporating a few lessons in place of the current ones. “You see how it goes, how the kids like it, are they engaged and learning,” Peterson says. “There are some limitations to a test like that because you are taking something in isolation that is meant to be part of a whole, but you get some sense of how it feels in the classroom.” Once feedback from teachers is gathered, the next step is to pick a curriculum. Right now, the math department hopes to have a decision by the end of this calendar year. From there the process of preparing for implementing the new curriculum begins. Teachers will receive training through the spring and be given as much time as possible to become comfortable with the lessons, assessments and many other elements that will be new. “If you have done your due diligence it’s not going to implode on you, but anytime you do something new on a larger scale you have to watch how it unfolds and you adjust,” Peterson says. “You always are going to find things you didn’t expect

First-grade student works out a math problem on a SMART Board.

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Today at Breck

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Fall 2013

You can

grow your brain

A Breck teacher is fostering a classroom of brainiacs Oh how times have changed in the world of understanding the brain. Back in the day it wasn’t uncommon to hear statements like “I’m just not a math person,” or “I’m more a right-brain person.” Research now shows that everyone can be a “math person” if they really want to be. And it’s that new research that sparked third-grade teacher Lisa Hunninghake to make big changes to her classroom, teaching style and curriculum. Thanks to a grant made possible by gifts to the Breck Annual Fund, Hunninghake embarked on what she describes as a “chance of a lifetime” at the Future of Learning Institute at Harvard University. In July, she took part in a variety of educational seminars focused on 21st century teaching techniques, brain research and development, and technology. What she learned changed her perspective dramatically. “After going there, I thought, ‘There is no way I can ever be the same teacher again,’” Hunninghake says. “I decided I was going to turn my classroom into a brain lab.” Full of energy and excitement, Hunninghake came back to Breck armed with ideas. The sign on Hunninghake’s classroom door states “Brainiacs” and gives you your first insight into the changes she has made. “My approach to teaching has changed,” she says. “The experience at Harvard sparked me to set up my room differently, to allow more opportunity for movement, group work, pair work and collaboration.” In addition to the physical set up, Hunninghake is incorporating new elements into her curriculum. The foundation for the students’ brain-based learning is an interactive, online curriculum called Brainology. The program is based around the growth mindsets and helping kids understand how the brain works.

I have always been passionate about the brain and learning, and empowering kids to discover their potential — empowering them to be learners. Hunninghake has also introduced brain books, in which students write down what they are learning about their own brains; and visual thinking notebooks, which encourage students to draw what they are learning instead of writing it in words. “Draw it, write it, do it a different way to see how your thinking happens,” Hunninghake encourages. Through all of it Hunninghake is showing students they have the control and can grow their brains in any way they want. “Just knowing that, students are going to take more risks. They are going to try more and be more intentional. They are not going to think they are in a box,” she says. “This is lifelong learning. If you plant this seed at the beginning of their educational career, they will see their academic life and even academic responsibilities in a different way.” Hunninghake says she feels extremely lucky to have received the grant that helped fund her experience, and doesn’t take the philanthropic support at Breck for granted. “This was my work of passion and choice—the grant allowed me to follow my passion,” she says. “It’s such a gift and I am so grateful. I don’t know another school where I would have been able to do this.”

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Homecoming 2015

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Legacies: Breck alumni and their current student children

New Breck Alums (left to right): Emma Luten, Madison Rudnick and Peter Kiesel

BACK TO BRECK The Class of 2005 at Day Block Brewing

SUMMER REUNIONS This summer alumni Breck celebrated three reunions. The combined classes of the ’70s, led by the Class of 1975, held a decade reunion on July 25 at the Town Hall Brewery in Minneapolis. The Class of 1990 celebrated its 20-year reunion at Hotel Ivy on Aug. 1, and the Class of 2005 celebrated their 10-year at Day Block on Aug. 25. Thank you to volunteers Fawn Wilderson Legros ’75, Hal Yngve ’75, Jena Bjorgen ’90, Molly Cronin Clark ’90, Dave Walter ’90, and Marlene Goldenberg ’05 for leading the efforts for their classes.

Breck held its annual Back to Breck Picnic on Aug. 11. The event for college-age alumni provided a great opportunity for the Class of 2015 to be together one last time before its members headed off to college.

ARE YOU LinkedIn?

Over 830 Breck alumni and parents are LinkedIn. Are you? Visit to connect.

The Golden Mustangs Luncheon was held on Sept. 25 at the Breck School Anderson Ice Arena. The annual event, in its fifteenth year, is held in honor of alumni that have graduated from Breck fifty or more years ago. Forty-five alumni reminisced and had lunch together in celebration of Homecoming. This year, the group welcomed the Class of 1965 to the lunch as its newest member and heard from Assistant Head of School Patrick Phillips ’87 who spoke to the group about “Coming Home.” This year’s Athletic Hall of Fame Reception and Induction Ceremony was held on Sept. 25. The night honored Tom Schuster ’66, Dr. Paul Cederberg ’69, Abel Sanchez ’90, Traci Copeland ’97, and Bridget O’Brien ’97. The evening also recognized Dr. Jacob Miller with the Del Carter ’50 Memorial Award. Jake received the award for being overwhelmingly supportive of our student athletes during his 37-year career at Breck.

Joe Ginsburg ’11 and his preschool students enjoying his balloon bouquet.

HOMECOMING 2015 Homecoming week kicked off with recognizing alumni who are now Breck teachers. Balloon bouquets were delivered to Elizabeth Powers-Dempsey ’82, Kris Simonson ’82, Sarah Flotten ’85, Evan Jones ’86, Patrick Phillips ’87, Rob Johnson ’90, Ty Thayer ’90, Deb Pogue Mixon ’87, Rob Johnson ’90, Emily Gibson Jones ’94, Whitney Clark ’02, Lauren Erickson Burrus ’06, Alex Thomas ’06, Madison Styrbicki ’09, and Joe Ginsburg ’11 (pictured above). The week also recognized the contributions of one alumnus at the Distinguished Alumni Presentation. Breck honored Episcopal priest and accomplished poet Spencer Reece ’81 with the 2015 Distinguished Alumni Award. Reece spent two days on campus visiting classes and was presented the award on Sept. 24 in Chapel. His work with an orphanage in Honduras has been documented in the upcoming documentary, Las Chavas. Breck hosted a showing of a rough-cut of the film and a panel discussion with Reece, the film’s director Brad Coley, and the founder of the orphanage Dr. Diana Frade. To learn more about Reece’s time at the orphanage, go to To read more about Reece, check out “In Their Own Words” on page 26.

Homecoming festivities concluded with the annual Alumni Homecoming Barbecue and Carnival on Saturday, Sept. 26. Alumni, parents, students and Breck faculty and staff enjoyed the afternoon. More than 1,100 people attended this year’s barbecue and carnival. With face painting, a photo booth, carnival games and a special performance by Bato Bato, everyone enjoyed the glorious fall day. Check out some great photos from Homecoming on page 14. This year’s efforts were led by Christy Piotrowski Leintz ’04 (Executive Chair – Events), Baillie Parker ’95 (Homecoming Co-Chair), Chris Neher ’94 (Homecoming Co-Chair), Colin Brooks ’97 (Executive Chair – Recognition), and Kirstin Erickson Wilson ’88 (Former Chair, Distinguished Alumni and Vice President, Alumni Council). Thanks to all the alumni and parent volunteers, students and Bato Bato for their work and participation. The Classes of 1965, 1985 and 1995 celebrated their reunions during Homecoming weekend. Thank you to Michael Dobbs ’65, Orrie Kessel ’65, Mike Laukka ’85, Danna Heilicher Mirviss ’85, Sarah Flotten ’85, and Heather Behenke Grant ’95, for leading the efforts for their class. We will start planning next year’s reunions in January. If your class year ends in “1” or “6” and you are interested in helping, please contact Alumni Relations at 763-381-8278.

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Today at Breck

Fall 2015


Grandparents’ Day – Alumni Reception Wednesday, Nov. 25 | Noon Upper School Media Center

Alumni Boys Hockey Game

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Lace up your skates and hit the ice! Wednesday, Dec. 23 | 4 – 7 p.m.

130 YEARS OF BRECK The Breck Community will gather on Friday, Feb. 19, for a special event to celebrate 130 years of Breck. The event will be co-chaired by Alycya Hjelm Cardwell ’88 and Kathy Anderson Groethe ’88. Watch for a “Save the Date” in November!

Breck School Anderson Ice Arena

Holiday Party 2015 December Date and details coming soon!

Special Event — Celebrating 130 Years of Breck Friday, Feb. 19 The Metropolitan

San Francisco Regional Reception February 2016 Details coming soon!

New York Regional Reception Friday, April 15 Bull and Bear Pub, Waldorf Astoria Hotel

OCTOBER EVENTS On Oct. 22, Breck alumni gathered at the New Century Theater for a performance of the The Realish Housewives of Edina, starring Quinn Shadko ’05. Following the performance, the group received a special behind-the-scenes presentation by Quinn. On Halloween, alumni and their families volunteered at the annual Breck Leaf Raking event put on by the Parents Association. The alumni were treated to a special lunch to have time to connect and catch up with their fellow Breck alums.

If you plan on being in the San Francisco or New York area and are interested in helping plan our regional events, please call Michelle Geo Olmstead, Director of Alumni Relations, at 763-381-8278.

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reunion year

class notes 1965


Michael Dobbs and Orrin Kessel led the effort to plan the 50-year reunion for the class of 1965. The class had a wonderful dinner at the Minneapolis Club on Sept. 25.

On Sept. 4 a reunion of the 1983 Breck School varsity golf team was held in Chicago. The 32nd annual match pitted gen-Xers Jon Seed ’84 and Eric Anderson ’84 against Baby Boomers Ben Armstrong ’83 and Jeffrey Rainey ’83. The Charles Krenz Trophy, awarded for the low-gross, was taken home by Rainey. He dedicated his win to former teammate Chris Curry ’83 who died tragically last year. “Life is short; make every day count,” Rainey said. Anderson emerged victorious from a series of low-net team matches, crediting his success to the unbelievable improvement in golf club technology over the past three decades.

1966 Tom Schuster was inducted into Breck’s Athletic Hall of Fame over Homecoming weekend.

1969 Dr. Paul Cederberg was inducted into the Breck Athletic Hall of Fame over Homecoming weekend.



1982 Kris Simonson has joined the Breck faculty. She will be filling in for Middle School science teacher Dan Ratliff while he is on sabbatical.

Wayne Wilderson has landed another big commercial account. You can catch him on the new “Preferred Rewards” spots for Bank of America. Wayne also has a recurring role on the ABC show, How to Get Away With Murder.

1985 The Class of 1985 celebrated its 30-year reunion on Sept. 26. Thank you to planners Danna Heilicher Mirviss, Mike Laukka and Sarah Flotten. Kazz Regelman recently joined former Breck Communications Director Jill Field for lunch and a great walking tour of the Marais district of Paris, France. Kazz, her husband and two daughters (10 and 12) have been living in Paris for four years and she writes the blog A Year in Fromage ( about life, wine and cheese.

1987 Patrick Phillips joined Breck this fall as Assistant Head of School. Patrick is also teaching Upper School chemistry.


Renee Gherity Chandler is a published poet. Her poem, to Robert Lowell, was in the October issue of Poet Lore.

Spencer Reece was honored as the 2015 Distinguished Alumnus on Sept. 24. Read more about Reece on page 26.


Stephen Yoch’s upcoming book, Becoming George Washington, follows Washington through his Virginia boyhood, tracing the circumstances that enticed him to pursue a military career as an escape from his difficult mother. Go to for more information.

Event Co-Chairs Kathy Anderson Groethe and Alycya Hjelm Cardwell will lead the effort for an event on Friday, Feb. 19, at the Metropolitan. The event will celebrate Breck’s 130 years and raise support for the Meeting the World campaign. Watch for a “Save the Date” coming soon.

1989 Craig Finn, lead singer of the band The Hold Steady, was featured in The New Yorker. Check it out at




A big thank you to Jena Bjorgen, Molly Cronin Clark and Dave Walter for their help organizing the 25-year reunion for the Class of 1990 on Aug. 1. It was a terrific event.

Jake Brenk was named an NHL referee for the 2015-16 season. After spending his career officiating with the AHL and ECHL, Jake participated in the 2014 NHL Exposure Combine, which looked to develop officials and promote the transition of former players into officials. He is the eighth US-born official among the 42 current NHL referees.

Quinn Shadko is starring in The Realish Housewives of Edina: A Parody at the New Century Theater. The show runs through Nov. 15. Alumni attended a special performance on Oct. 22.

Abel Sanchez was inducted in to the Breck Athletic Hall of Fame over Homecoming weekend. Anne Parker Weil’s new book, Knitting Without Needles, hit shelves on Sept. 1. Check out the trailer for the book on YouTube.

1995 The Class of 1995 celebrated its reunion on Sept. 26. Thank you to organizer Heather Behnke Grant. Sam Humphries was interviewed by The Washington Post about his new comic book, Citizen Jack. Read the article at

Todd O’Hara recently launched a new app, Brunch, which makes it easy to make last-minute plans with friends and family. Emily Hawkins Rogers and her husband, Jason, welcomed Gabriela Jane Rogers into the world on April 18. She weighed 8 lbs., 13 oz. and was 21.5 inches long. Gabriela joins her big sister Grace (age 1).

1997 Traci Copeland and Bridget O’Brien were inducted into the Breck Athletic Hall of Fame at Homecoming.

Alex Thomas has joined Breck as a preschool teacher assistant.

2007 Jacob Schreiber married Samantha Reuter in New Marlborough, Mass., on July 4. Alex Corwin and Paul Grandstrand were able to celebrate the day with the couple. Teresa Linder graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison College of Veterinary Medicine on May 15. This past June she started an internship at Wheat Ridge Animal Hospital in Denver, Colo. She is planning on specializing in surgery and will be applying for a residency next year.


1998 Ryan Burnet was awarded a coveted retail restaurant space at MSP Airport. His new restaurant and craft beer bar is a partnership with the Minnesota Craft Brewers Guild. Ryan isn’t a newcomer to the airport. A scaled down version of Barrio is located in Terminal 2 (Humphrey).


2002 Whitney Clark is back on the Breck campus as one of our modern language teachers. He is teaching Upper School Chinese.



Chenelle Boatswain has been appointed assistant to the president of Luther Seminary. The Seminary is located on Como Ave. in St. Paul, which is also the location Breck called home from 1922-1956.

Lauren Tanick Epshteyn is now a published novelist. After previously writing and publishing a non-fiction travel guide to Washington D.C. in 2006, Lauren decided to try her hand at historical fiction. Her novel A Northern Gentleman was published this summer under pen name Lane Everett and is available on

After graduating from Penn State with degrees in Political Science and Urban Planning, Sophie Harris moved to New Orleans and started volunteering with the Friends of the Lafitte Greenway. Her involvement led to her being named Executive Director and she is currently developing programs to get residents in the nine communities surrounding the greenway to use it. To learn more, read a recent article at

2010 Kristina Tester will start medical school next fall at the University of Minnesota.

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Today at Breck

Fall 2015

2011 Joe Ginsburg is one of our newest faculty members. Joe joined Breck as a preschool teacher assistant.


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Tyler Hudson garnered accolades for his 2014-15 baseball season at Lafayette College. He played third base and was selected as a member of the First Team/ All-Patriot League. Tyler was named to the Patriot League All-Academic Team, an honor given to the top twelve student athletes for the baseball season in the conference. He is majoring in chemical engineering and has lettered all three years of his college baseball career.

2014 Washington University in St. Louis sophomore Eileen Bayer is leading the Swipe Out Hunger efforts on her school’s campus. The organization partners with college campuses to end hunger while raising young people’s awareness of homelessness and hunger through education and outreach. Swipe Out Hunger allows university students to donate unused meal points. For more information, go to swipeouthungerusa. com.

2015 Three of our newest alumni, Jenn Fabian, Peter Kiesel and Ana Siegel, went skydiving this summer. Jaila Tolbert is playing varsity volleyball for Virginia Tech.

IN MEMORIAM 1943 Rev. Benjamin Story passed away on May 17. After graduating from Breck, Ben joined the Army during World War II. He was a graduate of the University of Minnesota. Early in life he sold real estate until, at the age of 55, he found his true calling and became an Episcopal priest. He served many communities in southern Indiana. Ben and his late wife, Cleo, loved to travel and visited the world. Ben is survived by his children, Benjamin S. Story III (Diane), Willard E. “Chip” Story (Bev), and Constance Story Quinlan; grandchildren, Ben Story, Holly Heffernan (Ryan), Wes Story (Robin), John D. Taylor, Sarah Adkins (Travis), Rebecca Below, Leanne Kommer (Jacob), and Branden Quinlan (Anna); and six great-grandchildren.

1945 Alfred France passed away at his home in Duluth on July 11. Al left Breck early to join the Army and served in World War II. While stationed in Germany, Al convinced his commander of the need for a regimental newspaper and became the paper’s editor and correspondent in coverage of the Nuremberg war criminal trials. Following discharge from the Army at the rank of sergeant, Al graduated from the University of Minnesota with a B.A. in Political Science. He was a great champion of Duluth, the Iron Range and northeastern Minnesota in a long career that included four terms as a Minnesota State Representative, and served for 20 years as president of the Iron Mining Association, representing mining and taconite industry interests in public relations and as a governmental lobbyist. In 2000, he was inducted into the Duluth Hall of Fame. Al was preceded in death by his son Jack in 1978 and wife Phyllis in 2012. He is survived by sons Tom and Ted, their wives Meg Haenn and Brigitte France, and by four granddaughters, Johanna, Melissa, Sonja and Toni, and grandson Luke Mendelman-Haenn. A memorial service was held in Duluth on Aug. 9.

1950 Bill Plummer passed away on September 26. He was preceded in death by wife Sona and survived by children Christopher (Mitsuko) and Elizabeth, grandchildren George and Robert, and nieces. A memorial service was held on Tuesday, Oct. 6.

1963 Bob Williams passed away on June 14. After graduating from Breck, Bob played baseball for five years with the Atlanta Braves organization. He then worked for St. Paul Parks and Recreation Department for twenty-five years.

1977 John Salkin passed away on Aug. 30. While at Breck, John was a member of the boys hockey team and was an avid sports enthusiast. John attended and graduated from the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, New York. He lived in New York for 10 years where he was a buyer for Salkin & Linoff, specializing in women’s clothing. He is survived by his mother, Marlene, and brother, Scott Salkin ’74. His life was celebrated at a ceremony on Sept. 4.

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HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE 2014-15 SPRING SEASON IN BRECK SPORTS Boys Tennis The boys had a great season, finishing 12-4 overall and 4-1 in the conference. The team had an outstanding season with a young group and reached its goals of winning sections and then finishing second at the state tournament. All-conference honors went to Sam Fernandez, Lewis White and Austin Wong. Honorable mentions went to Prashant Godishala and Jack O’Grady. The MIP was Sam Fernandez and the MVP was Lewis White. The Mustanger for the season was Seamus Walsh.

Girls Golf The girls golf team had a great season, finishing with a 9-0 record overall and a 5-0 conference record. The team was IMAC Champions and Section Champions and placed fifth at State. All-conference nominees were Amilea Simonds, Sarah Webb, Anna Zumwinkle and Grace Zumwinkle, with honorable mention to Alayna Simonds. The team Most Improved Player (MIP) was Amelia Simonds, Most Valuable Player (MVP) was Grace Zumwinkle, and the Mustanger was Izzy Gleezel.

Boys Golf The boys finished the season with a 2-6 overall record and 1-5 conference record. They worked hard and improved the team score by more than 40 strokes during the season. All-conference honorable mention went to Mac Turner. The team MIP was VJ Kaul, MVP was Mac Turner, and all seventh-grade team members were declared Mustangers for their great attitudes, effort and commitment.

Baseball Mustang baseball finished the season with a team batting average of .325, nine homeruns, and an overall 9-14 record and 3-7 in the conference. The team also defeated two top-ranked teams at their home fields (Holy Angels and Delano) and advanced to sub-section finals. All-conference nominees were Jeremy Burton and Tyler Lindstrom; honorable mentions went to Will Culliton and Graydon Kulick. The team MIP was Nehemiah Kindle, MVPs were Tyler Lindstrom and Jeremy Burton, and the Mustanger was Josh Audette.

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Girls Lacrosse The girls team finished the season 9-2, and 2-1 in the conference. The team was incredibly young, with just one senior and five eighth graders on the team. Despite that, the girls made it to their first section quarterfinal appearance, proving that great teamwork and a solid work ethic can make a difference. All-conference nominees were Adri Keller, Kendall Kozikowski, Leah Schwartzman, Grace Taylor and Layla Tattersfield. Honorable mentions went to Macie Gruver and Cecily Nordstrom. MIP for the season was Cassidy Holzer, MVP was Layla Tattersfield, and the Mustanger was Cecily Nordstrom.

Boys Lacrosse Overall the boys team finished the season 5-8, with a 2-1 conference record. The program continues to build and gain more members, with a core group returning for the 2015-16 school year. All-conference nominees were David Husband, Peter Lillehaug, Reed Goldstein, Austin Heidemann, Chris DeMaris and Donovan Ennevor. Honorable mentions went to Carter Breitenfeldt and Neil Leville. For the past season, MIP was Reed Goldstein, MVP was David Husband, and Peter Lillehaug was the Mustanger.

Softball The softball program continues to grow, with a junior varsity team running again this past season. The JV finished the season 4-8. The athletics department is looking forward to running a varsity program in spring 2016. MIP was Kylie Pha, MVP was Malisha Stevenson, and the Mustanger was Madison Rudnick.

Track and Field It was a very good season with many individual and relays moving on to state competition. Both the girls and boys finished in second place in the conference standings. At sections, the girls finished third and the boys finished fourth. For boys, all-conference honors went to Ramaud ChiaokhiaoBowman, Bryce Johnson, Daniel Kuntz and Easton McChesney. Honorable mentions went to Kwaku Bodom, Justin Brown, Jake Levy and Mark Murray. On the girls team, all-conference honors went to Milan Burgess, Gabby Billing, Kajsa Johansson, Morgan Richter and Terrina White. Honorable mentions went to Elise Garvin, Paige Olowu and Shayla Henderson-Thomas. The MIPs for the season were Justin Brown and Gabby Billing, the MVPs were Bryce Johnson and Kajsa Johansson, and the Mustangers were Ramaud Chiaokhiao-Bowman and Elise Garvin.

FALL SPORTS PREVIEW Quick highlights from the 2015-16 season so far Girls swim and dive has started very strong. Freshman Saylor Hawkins has broken the Breck School diving record and two pool records at competing schools. The girls tennis team was IMAC Conference Champions this fall and received the first seed in the section. The boys soccer team was IMAC Conference Champions as well and are slated to receive a first seed in the section.


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Fall 2015



Spencer Reece spent a year teaching poetry at Our Little Roses orphanage for girls in San Pedro Sula, Honduras—a city infamous for its poverty and violence. The year Reece spent at the orphanage is featured in the documentary Las Chavas. Below Reece describes how his time at Breck influenced his life. Also included here is a poem written by one of the girls at the orphanage.

“Breck was a great gift to me, I see now. Breck taught me that service was important — to be of service to others. I learned about faith here. Having chapel every day for thirteen years gave my life a sense of structure. I also had really incredible teachers. My last year at Breck I had two AP classes and those were incredible teachers. That moment in my life was very intense and the chance for influence and impact was tremendous. My English teacher was very passionate about poetry, and that class set off all the electricity inside of me. There was no stopping me after that. I was really taken with that class and there was no other class like that for me ever again.”

PAOLA Invisible for All My Life I am an eighteen-year-old girl. This girl has put up with being invisible all her life. She didn’t ask to be the happiest woman in the world but she did ask for someone to take care of her. She never had the opportunity to have a family to receive love which is the only thing she wanted. I don’t know if I’m in this world with love or only that they were obligated to bring me into it. It is ugly to know you are a child discarded. I feel a vacancy in my soul and I don’t know how to fill it. I know there are persons that love me but is it true love? Sometimes I wonder, I have had many opportunities to die ... Why didn’t I die in those moments? This life doesn’t make much sense if there is no love! Translated from the Spanish by Spencer Reece

Rooted in Tradition ... Growing for our Future

2014-15 Annual Report of Appreciation

Today at Breck

Fall 2015

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Breck’s Mission is to: Prepare each student for a college whose culture is compatible with the individual’s needs, interests and abilities. Help develop each student’s unique talents and potential to excel by nurturing independence and self-worth. Instill in each student a deep sense of social responsibility.

Dear Breck Supporters and Friends, “Rooted in tradition … Growing for our future” is the theme of this year’s Annual Report. I cannot think of a better way to reflect the dichotomy Breck has found itself embracing this past year. How do we hold on to the values that have sustained Breck for decades, but embrace new ideas that will push us to future excellence? The answer to that question is not easily determined, but Breck has launched key initiatives that will help get us there. Breck’s success depends on your support. Every year, you generously give to the Annual Fund, and every dollar supports invaluable programs that make the Breck experience exceptional. And as the 2014-15 Annual Report of Appreciation shows, this tradition of philanthropy continues to thrive at Breck, and is just one of the things that sets us apart. But we live in a dynamic world. We cannot stand still, but must continue to grow. That is why in June we moved forward with an ambitious effort to raise $16.6 million for our Meeting the World campaign. The focus for this campaign is fostering the next generation of great minds and good people. Your gift will help provide the educational environment needed to empower and prepare every student to meet the world.


In addition to philanthropy, Breck is embarking on an ambitious effort to articulate its future. This past spring, Breck began working on a new, multi-year strategic plan. This strategic planning initiative will incorporate ideas and feedback from all of our constituents – parents, students, alumni, faculty and staff. As members of the Breck community, it is vital that we engage fully in setting the future vision of Breck. To succeed, it will take all of our support. I am thrilled to be part of these bold initiatives, and having been a part of the Breck community for more than 12 years, I am confident in our success. I am honored to serve this unparalleled school. With gratitude, Andrew W. Turner

2014-15 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Lee R. Anderson, Sr. ’57, Lifetime Trustee

Katharine Anderson Groethe ’88 Susan Bass Roberts Barbara E. Burwell

Timothy Clark

Kristi K. Cousineau

Andrew Gaillard ’88

Rob Holt

Twanya Hood Hill

The Rt. Rev. Brian N. Prior, Chair

Maya Tester ’81

Wendell Maddox

David C. Reiling

Anton Vincent

Rebecca L. O’Grady

Jill E. Schurtz

Nicki L. Zeidner

Edward Kim

Bradley Radichel

G. Mike Mikan

Joan Rex

Rory O’Neill

Jeffrey Slocum

Scott Stuart, M.D.

Andrew W. Turner, President

Elizabeth T. Weiner

2014-15 OPERATING SUMMARY Income Student tuition and fees

$ 29,391,477

Student aid



Net tuition and fees

Auxiliary services


Draw - Endowment


Annual giving


Other sources


Investment income


Draw - Restricted Funds


Total Income


Expenses Instructional


Auxiliary services


General and administrative


Plant operations and expense




Infrastructure maintenance and improvements




Unrestricted greatest need


Debt service


Capital expenditures


Parents Association expenses Total Expenses Excess (Deficiency)

28,963 33,938,020 $


Other philanthropic support includes scholarship funds, restricted gifts and Applause

PHILANTHROPIC SUPPORT THROUGH GIFTS $4,797,338 Other $445,560 Annual Fund $1,819,326


hours of service the Class

of 2015 gave during their Upper School careers.


organizations with which Breck

partners on service projects, from food shelves to early childhood education centers to elder

Meeting the World Campaign $2,532,452

care to programs supporting the homeless.


There are

over 65

clubs for

students to join at Breck! Members expand

Unrestricted – Where Breck Needs it Most 31% Endowment – Peter Clark Center 6% Endowment – Margaret M. Wong Fund 3% Endowment – Science Fund 1% Annual Fund 38%

Endowment – Scholarship and Faculty Support 8% Other 13%

WHO ARE OUR ANNUAL FUND DONORS ? Parents 69% Alumni 9%

their minds in modern languages, robotics, investment, math, yoga, creative writing, singing or composing music, current events and much more.

Over $5 million


scholarship funds awarded to Breck students during the 2014-15 school year.


Breck volunteers who made the

Special Olympics Poly Hockey Tournament

Grandparents 7.6% Parents of Alumni 7%

Friends .4%

Organizations 6% Faculty/Staff 1%

in January a success. This year we celebrate 30 years of this partnership!

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We gratefully acknowledge the time and talent given to Breck by these inspiring volunteers ANNUAL FUND VOLUNTEERS Tara Albaugh Laura Austrian Matt Bartel ‘02 Paula Carlson Jodi Chu Kristi Cousineau Amy Giovanini Elizabeth Hogan-Wilcox Amy & Rob Holt, Co-Chairs Joe Huttner Debra Lerner Anna Lyon Maura Mitchell Brian Olson Cheri Palmer Hashem Michael Proman ‘99

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Gina Bardon Paul and Melinda Caouette Tim and Tara Clark Randy deBruyn and Sarah Dodge Jinhwa Eum and Hyangmee Oh Rob and Caroline Fullerton Dave and Marilee Groeneweg Chris and Shonalie Leville Tim and Joyann McChesney Daniel Norrick and Gerry Jones Hyun Sook Park Tom and Carmen Redmond Ben and Riddell Scott Ron and Teresa Sit David and Robin Sternberg David and Jenny Tsao Hendrik and Gretchen Vroege Mike and Leslie Wille


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Breck’s international student host families not only open their homes to visiting young scholars, but they open windows to cultures from all over the world. We sincerely thank these families for their deep and important support.

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William Liang ’16 (center) with his student hosts Ethan Rand ’20 and Jake Rand ’18.


A ROUND OF APPLAUSE COMMITTEE Sara Ahluwalia, Co-Chair Betsy Conway, Co-Chair Sky Fauver Trissa Garvis Charlie Grossman Sarah Hanlon Amy Holt Sarah Huss Elizabeth Laukka Maura Mitchell Michelle Olson Meha Patel Jennifer Shapiro Kim Walker

GRANDPARENTS’ DAY Karen Prest, Co-Chair Mary Welsh, Co-Chair

2014-15 PARENTS ASSOCIATION BOARD Teresa Yueh, President Andrea Kmetz-Sheehy, Past President Kate Berman, President-Elect Lynne Shoars, Secretary Geneva Sorum, Treasurer Victoria Wolf, Communications Karen McKay ’84, Lower School Division Co-Chair Maura Mitchell, Lower School Division Co-Chair Katie McKenna ’87, Middle School Division Co-Chair Natalie Shermeta, Middle School Division Co-Chair Kelly Harrington, Upper School Division Co-Chair Kathy Ganley, Upper School Division Co-Chair Claire Dempsey, Family Community Outreach Co-Chair Amy Giovanini, Family Community Outreach Co-Chair Charlene Jundt, Parent Education Co-Chair Amy Holt, Parent Education Co-Chair Sally Horstman, Multicultural Education Co-Chair Marcela Sotela, Multicultural Education Co-Chair Niambi Jackson, Multicultural Education Co-Chair Karen Shaul, ReUse, RePlay, ReCycle Co-Chair Nikol Williams, ReUse, RePlay, ReCycle Co-Chair Shannon Evenstad, Community-Building Coordinator Amy Paster, New Family Host Co-Chair Elizabeth Hogan-Wilcox, New Family Host Co-Chair Deb Mallin, Breck MealsThatHeal Chair Kristi Cousineau, Board of Trustees Liaison Jill Field, Breck Administration Liaison

Publishing an annual list of donors is a challenging task with potential for both human and computer error. Breck School makes every effort to list donors accurately. Should an error occur on your listing, please accept our deepest apologies. Please contact the Advancement office at 763-381-8184, so that we may correct our records. Thank you!

Today at Breck Fall 2015 Today at Breck is a publication of Breck School, 123 Ottawa Ave. N., Golden Valley, MN 55422 email: communications@





Brenda Janisch-Hoban

WRITERS Melissa Mrachek, Michelle Geo Olmstead

PHOTOGRAPHERS Lauren Kiesel, Michelle Geo Olmstead, Karyl Rice, Sara Rubinstein, Cindy Schmoker


Bolger Vision Beyond Print

ANNUAL REPORT EDITORS Trisha Skajewski Pam Kroyer


Breck is an Episcopal, coeducational, college-preparatory day school enrolling students of diverse backgrounds in grades preschool through twelve. Breck’s Mission is to:

Prepare each student for a college whose culture is compatible with the individual’s needs, interests and abilities. Help develop each student’s unique talents and potential to excel by nurturing independence and self-worth. Instill in each student a deep sense of social responsibility.

Breck School is committed to environmental stewardship. This publication is printed on paper manufactured with electricity in the form of renewable energy (wind, hydro, biogas) and a minimum of 10% postconsumer fiber.

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage

123 Ottawa Avenue North Golden Valley, MN 55422


Permit No. 2995 Twin Cities, MN

Parents of Alumni: Please forward this publication, if your daughter or son no longer maintains a permanent address at your home, or please notify us (763.381.8129 or of their new mailing address.

HANGING OUT AT HOMECOMING Showing their Breck pride and having fun at Homecoming. It was a gorgeous day filled with tradition, community, fun and good times.

photoby byKaryl KarylRice Rice Photo

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