5 minute read


12 WaYs to tHRive in undeR PRessuRe

Writer: Ralitsa Niklova Designer: Mila Engering

For some, the most comforting words they will ever hear are “I haven’t started either” while stressed about completing their assignment on time. For others that work in groups, however, this statement will probably send them into a coma or, worse, turn them into the angry dude from Inside Out . Nonetheless, there are other ways to deal with stress instead of walking around campus, breaking a sweat, and asking people if they have started working on their tasks. And if you have been wondering if there will ever be a time in your life when you won’t be freaking out , we are here to tell you that it will probably come when you’re old and wrinkly, and even then, it is not guaranteed. The bad news is that stress is an inevitable universal experience that prompts us to address challenges and threats. The good news is that there are ways to manage it, so it doesn’t spiral out of control. To do that , we suggest that you should first be well-known with your moon sign. Your moon sign is the soul of your subconscious, the reflection of your inner world, and accounts for a significant portion of your emotional side. Astro-seek is an excellent website to learn more about your natal chart if you are into astrology but know nothing about it. Ring up your mothers to ask about your time and place of birth, and let’s hop right into how you can manage stress according to your moon sign.

Aries Moon

Due to its impulsive, dynamic, and pioneering personality, the Aries Moon is prone to have a primal and rash reaction in times of negative emotions and tension. Being the hothead that they are, people under this fiery moon sign need to find a healthy outlet for their intense feelings. We suggest Aries Moon people engage in a high-energy workout to distance themselves from their worries. Extinguishing the flames before they burn out in the heat of their own fire will give them the space to step outside their emotions and make a rational decision.

Taurus Moon

Taurus Moon carries an innate need for security and comfort. Drawn to predictable, concrete, and well-established circumstances, people under this moon sign often feel overwhelmed by negative emotions. Hence, dealing with stress can be challenging for them. When that vital stability is lost, and the only constant in their life is the pressure that is building up, it is crucial to practice solitude. Treat yourself to a finger-licking good meal and engage in self-care.

Gemini Moon

As a Mercurial sign, Gemini Moon people have intellect-driven and curious personalities that feed on collecting, consuming, and communicating ideas, exchanging information, and habitually involving themselves in multitasking. When exposed to stress, these social butterflies may experience spiraling thoughts splattered everywhere, overcommunicating or intellectualizing their stressful emotions. Therefore, journaling would be beneficial in these situations because it allows the Gemini Moon to organize and prioritize their needs, but it forces them to self-reflect.

Cancer Moon

Ruled by the Moon, the lunar qualities of emotion, empathy, and intuition are amplified in people born with Cancer Moons. Therefore, in trying times, these highly sensitive babies soak up all the energy around them, which disturbs their peace. In the meantime, feelings of vulnerability and their inner world being exposed may arise. Cancer Moons are advised to work out their emotions around the house to reclaim their sense of security. What’s a better way to create a physical outlet than in the comfort of your own home?

Leo Moon

On the contrary, Leo Moons are flamboyant, creative, and passionate due to the sign being ruled by the Sun. In times of stress, their ingrained sense of dignity might take a hit and manifest in negative attention-seeking behavior to soothe their vulnerable egos. In the company of loved ones who cheer them on and remind them how strong they are, people with Leo Moons can tame their inner lion and regain their typical vitality and stable sense of self.

Virgo Moon

If you are detail-oriented, need a degree of routine in your life, and acts of service is your love language, then chances are you have a Virgo Moon. It’s important to note that this sign rules over the digestive and nervous systems, so when stressful situations occur, you tend to really feel it with your whole body. Due to their organized nature, using a bullet journal would be beneficial because it will give them a sense of structure by allowing them to feel in control.

Libra Moon

People with this moon sign are usually socially aware from a young age, making them naturally born diplomats with a fair-minded approach in their business with others. Disruption in relationship dynamics and troubles with problem-solving may easily make a Libra Moon feel overwhelmed since these drastic changes disrupt their harmony. Practicing yoga as an outlet can work wonders for their psyche because it will help them release tension and unify their mental, emotional, and physical selves.

Scorpio Moon

Let’s get one thing straight. Scorpio Moons are the most emo moon signs out there . Due to their high sensitivity and the intensity of their feelings and emotions, people with Scorpio Moons might come off as cold and guarded. In trying times, these angsty emo folks may often retreat into themselves and bottle things up until the tsunami wave forming inside of them floods everything leaving it in ruins. Confiding in a comfort person or playing a movie that will leave them bawling their eyes out are essential outlets for releasing stress.

Sagittarius Moon

Sagittarius Moons are pioneers who are always on the go, pursuing a way to break the chains of norms and restrictions. Therefore, when stress becomes overbearing, these individuals engage in avoidant behaviors or seek to escape their problems. Because of their curiosity, we suggest trying something outside the norm. Taking on a new hobby, cooking something new, or going on a spontaneous trip would make them feel alive, engaged, and reconnected to their potential.

Capricorn Moon

A pragmatist at heart with a very grounded energy and leadership qualities, Capricorn Moons feel the innate need to take action and perform to the best of their abilities. Due to their workaholic personality, stress may serve as an engine that makes these individuals power through it. However, don’t be fooled by this because the fire can burn down just as fast as it lit them. The next time turmoil and strain occur, Capricorn Moons should seek ways to re-nourish themselves. Hence, baking a cake, knitting a warm sweater for the cold weather or making origami would be the perfect activity to release tension.

Aquarius Moon

Aquarius Moon people are masters in detaching themselves from emotional situations due to their ability to focus, persevere and endure. However, due to their airy nature, these individuals may have difficulty processing their negative feelings, which leads to avoiding dealing with them altogether. To counteract that, it’s advisory for Aquarius Moons to engage in activities that would implement their core values and let them express their humanitarian spirit. Volunteering at a shelter, doing community service, or just spending some time with friends would immediately make you feel rejuvenated.

Pisces Moon

Since water is the ruling element of Pisces, people born under this moon sign are highly intuitive with an extraordinary degree of perception and sensitivity to oneself, other people, and the mysterious, unseen forces shaping the world. Similar to Cancer Moons, Pisces Moons absorb, like a sponge, the energy of their surroundings, which contributes to quickly becoming overwhelmed when stressed. To heal from the turmoil, these individuals will need to take some lessons on detaching themselves from stressful situations alongside the much-needed meditation classes.

Although our moon sign is a reflection of our inner world, that doesn’t necessarily mean that these statements would 100% resonate with you. There are additional factors that play into our birth chart and what your emotional needs are. Nonetheless, you should ditch your unhealthy coping mechanisms and instead indulge in and explore activities that will leave you feeling at peace with yourself and your surroundings.

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