2 minute read
Breathing And Respiration Exercises
Diaphragmatic Breathing: This exercise focuses on engaging the diaphragm for deep, controlled inhalation. Begin by placing one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen. Inhale slowly through your nose, allowing your abdomen to rise while keeping your chest relatively still. Exhale gently, controlling the release of air. Practicing diaphragmatic breathing regularly strengthens the diaphragm and helps singers achieve optimal breath support.
Rib Expansion Exercise: This exercise promotes better lung capacity and improved breath control. Stand or sit comfortably, with your hands resting on your sides just below your ribs. Inhale deeply through your nose, allowing your ribcage to expand laterally. As you exhale through slightly pursed lips, envision the ribs contracting back to their original position. Practice this exercise to enhance your ability to control and manipulate your breath while singing.
Breath Suspension Exercise: This exercise trains singers to sustain their breath during longer phrases or challenging vocal sections. Inhale deeply and exhale gently. Then, take a small, quick inhalation and hold your breath for a few seconds before releasing it slowly. Repeat this exercise, gradually increasing the duration of breath suspension. It helps build lung capacity and strengthens breath control for more expressive singing.
With this issue celebrating our voices, we’re changing gears to bring you some breathing and respiration exercises that are not going to just help you in the gym, but your next karaoke session as well!
When you’re working with our personal trainers, you’ll find yourself constantly being reminded to breath during and after the workout. Proper respiration is key not just to maximise your effectiveness during exercises, but also plays a key role in relaxing the body post workout in order to get us back to rest and recover mode to maximise the benefits of the work we’ve just performed.
Respiration and diaphragm control work hand in hand with our vocal cords to regulate our bodies’ response to stress and anxiety. There’s a reason we’re advised to take a deep breath when calming ourselves down, and also a reason why humming and chanting are parts of meditation practice dating back to ancient times!
Practicing these daily will bring you these benefits and more, but you’ll also find a nice side effect in your expanded vocal range the next time an Adele song comes on in your car.
Lip Trills: Lip trills, also known as lip rolls, are excellent exercises for enhancing breath control, flexibility, and resonance. Start by gently pressing your lips together and exhaling while creating a buzzing sound. The airflow should vibrate your lips. Practice lip trills on various scales and pitches, focusing on maintaining a consistent and controlled airflow. This exercise promotes relaxation, flexibility, and vocal agility.
Sustained Sighs: Sustained sighs help singers develop breath control and a smooth vocal tone. Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, release a slow and controlled “sigh” sound on a single note. Focus on sustaining the sigh smoothly without breaks or strain. Gradually increase the length of your sighs to challenge your breath control and improve vocal endurance.
Personal training, group classes and nutrition coaching available now at Hustle Fitness. DM us @hustlefitness.kk on Instagram to find out more!

by Joshua Tsen Image | Unsplash
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