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Captiva Current

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CECI to hold gathering, potluck for families

The Children's Education Center of the Islands on Sanibel will host a Family Gathering & Potluck on Jan. 22 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the East Pavilion at Estero Community Park, at 9200 Corkscrew Palms Blvd., Estero. Island families are invited to bring smiles, hugs and their favorite dish for some food and fun. Children will be able to enjoy the playground. For more information, visit @The Children's Education Center of the Islands on Facebook or at www.childrenseducationcenter.com.

City resumes program to remove iguanas post-storm

The city of Sanibel is resuming its iguana removal program following Hurricane Ian.

The city reported that Sanibel is a sanctuary island that lives in harmony with native wildlife and landscapes. By removing invasive green iguanas, the city is preserving native vegetation and protecting native wildlife from displacement.

To authorize the trapper to access private property to lethally remove iguanas, complete the city's trapper request form at https://www.mysanibel.com/government/naturalresources/useful-links/wildlife-information/exotic-lizards. Be sure to indicate on the form the location (plant species, location on property) and time frame of day iguanas are frequently seen on the property to ensure that the city has the best information to increase success of any future trapping events. Iguanas are creatures of habit and typically frequent the same preferred areas daily. The city asked that people only submit a removal request form if they are the property owner of the address that needs iguana removal assistance.

The city noted that it is not collecting information on sightings of iguanas at this time. City staff monitors parks andrights-of-wayforiguanasandthoseiguanasareremoved accordingly.

The city trapper works on the island one day a week. The city contracted trapper does not respond immediately to requests for iguana removal. The current turnaround time for a trapping event is approximately 1-2 weeks, which fluctuates throughout the year depending on the volume of reports.

For questions about the program, contact Conservation Officer Veronica Runge at Veronica.Runge@mysanibel.com.

How the city's program works

∫ The city's Natural Resources Department catalogues each iguana report using the information on the form submitted by the property owner, including location on the owner’s property, time of day the iguana is seen, and the activity observed (foraging, sunning, burrowing). The information is provided to the city trapper each week. ∫ The trapper notifies the Sanibel Police Dispatcher of their location while working. The contracted city trapper wears a lime green shirt, which identifies them with writing, “Sanibel Lizard Control Program. ” The contracted city trapper’s vehicle has a magnetic sign that reads “Sanibel Lizard Control Program. ” ∫ The trapper contacts the Sanibel police upon completion of each daily activity and reports their actions. The report is reviewed by the Natural Resources Department and accounted in the city database, where staff track removal reports specific to each property. ∫ The trapper typically visits the property once a week for two weeks. If iguanas are still present, property owners are encouraged to file a new report.

Tips to effectively manage iguanas

∫ In accordance with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and state wildlife laws, property owners may also hire a nuisance wildlife trapper directly to addressiguanaissuesbeyondthescopeofthecity'sprogram. For more information about licensed nuisance wildlife trappersonSanibel,contactRungeatVeronica.Runge@mysanibel.com. ∫ Iguanas generally are attracted to tropical plants from the islands and South America, where they are native. Removing exotic plants, such as hibiscus, gardenia, bougainvillea, turf grass and invasive Brazilian pepper, and any tropical fruiting plants, such as mangos, can be an effective way to reduce iguana activity in one's yard permanently.

∫ Placing reflective devices in areas where iguanas are regularly observed and using a garden hose or sound devices whenever possible to haze iguanas will discourage their presence on one's property. ∫ Property owners are also encouraged to view guidelines from the FWC on iguana prevention, exclusion, deterrents, habitat modification, and iguana capture at the following: — Iguana Technical Assistance for Homeowners https://myfwc.com/media/3092/iguanatechnicalassistance.pdf — Iguanas in Florida https://myfwc.com/media/3090/iguanabrochure.pdf — Exotic Lizard Identification (City of Sanibel) https://www.mysanibel.com/content/download/27660/fi le/Exotic%20Lizard%20Identification.pdf

Sanibel Public Meetings SPD releases weekly blotter

As Sanibel continues to recover from Hurricane Ian, the Sanibel Police Department is committed to keeping the community safe and secure. To support that effort, a weekly police blotter will be issued on Tuesday that will include real time information about law enforcement response to criminal activity.

Last week, the SPD provided the following updates:

Arrest reports

∫ GregoryFrancisJennings,76,of1398MiddleGulf Drive, Unit B, Sanibel, was charged on Jan. 7 with one count of DUI unlawful blood alcohol DUI influence of alcohol or drugs. ∫ Earl Benjamin Lee, 53, of 5145 Wexford Drive, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, was charged on Jan. 9 with one count of DUI unlawful blood alcohol DUI breath alcohol 0.08 or more per 210 liters.

Other enforcement actions

∫ Officers continue to issue warnings and citations for the dewatering of pools in violation of the city ordinance.

Enforcement operations statistics

Week to date for Jan. 3-9: ∫ Alarm calls (business and residential): 4 ∫ 911 non-emergency calls: 31 ∫ Traffic crashes: 4 ∫ Traffic stops: 55 ∫ Field interviews: 9 ∫ Residential area checks: 910 ∫ Business area checks: 348 ∫ Total CAD calls: 1,729 January 2023 to date: ∫ Alarm calls (business and residential): 6 ∫ Non-emergency calls: 32 ∫ Traffic crashes: 4 ∫ Traffic stops: 69 ∫ Field interviews: 18 ∫ Residential area checks: 1,061 ∫ Business area checks: 383 ∫ Total CAD calls: 2,022

Reminders from the SPD

The Sanibel Lighthouse area, fishing pier and all beach parking lots are currently closed. Anyone found in these areas may be subject to trespassing charges.

Dewatering of a pool or spa directly into a waterbody, into the city’s stormwater system or onto any third-party’s propertywithoutthethirdparty’sconsentisexpresslyprohibited.

Multiple search warrants have been issued and executed as part of post-hurricane investigations, resulting in the discovery of items that may be missing property. Residents, property owners and business owners are encouraged to review photos at http://www.mysanibel.us/police/property/.

Solicitation is not allowed on Sanibel. Please share any photos of solicitation hang tags to police@mysanibel.com or use Tip411.

Reporting suspicious activity

Anonymous tips regarding crimes or suspicious activity can be submitted via Tip411: ∫ Text the keyword SANIBEL then your tip to 847411. ∫ Web tips can be submitted at https://www.tip 411.com/tips/new?alert _group_ id=22450. ∫ Use the free “Sanibel PD” app for your Android or iOS device.

The SPD's non-emergency line is 239-472-3111.

Find the SPD on Facebook at https://www.facebook .com/SanibelPolice.

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