7 minute read

County schools eye access limits on library content

By MEGHAN BRADBURY news@breezenewspapers com

Parents would be able to control their child’s access to school library materials under a media center access plan under consideration by the School District of Lee County

Parents would be able to fill out a form that would determine what their child could check out, according to a policy draft recently discussed

Teaching and Learning Director Lori Houchin said one of the things the district wanted to ensure is that parents had more voice in the types of materials their children are checking out District staff are proposing that one of the beginning-of-the-year forms be a media center access form

“The parent can select that their child has full access with no limitations at the media center, or they can begin outlining what the restrictions are,” she said. “They may have an author, or title of books, or books that they don’t want their child to have access to ”

Parents would be allowed to see what books have been challenged in the district The media center notes any restrictions in Destiny and OverDrive, so when a child does try to check the material out it will deny access

“Parents and community members can visit each school’s website and see what materials are in the media center and then they can go through the child’s Launchpad onto Destiny and view their child’s checkout history as well,” Houchin said

This is part of policy 2 18, the Selection of Instructional Materials, which includes library material

Teaching and Learning Director Dr Bethany Quisenberry said training was made available for purchasing library material for all personnel involved in the selection of library material, which began in the curriculum department

“Each year our schools complete a collection development analysis for their school media center,” she said, which is done through Destiny

All the materials in the media center are run through Destiny, which takes into account Accelerated Reading levels, times the book is checked out and how many books are available in each genre Quisenberry said if they are short on different levels for AR, it prompts them to purchase more

Teaching and Learning Director Candance Allevato said there is a school committee review that determines what books are going to be purchased for the library The committee includes a media specialist or literacy coach and an administrator who oversees every book being placed into the media center There is also a SAC, PTO or PTA member part of the selection process from the beginning

The books are selected based on developmental appropriateness, reading level and have to have book reviews

“We learned from the state that they need to be peer reviewed, professional peer reviewed,” she said “Each book comes with an interest level ”

They bring a list before SAC or PTO for approval and once they have the approval then it goes before the principal The principal is the final person to sign off on the list topics as Title II; Title VI; Title VII and Title IX

Inter vention, notification on Baker Act actions

Another policy that received feedback from the board included Policy 4.221, Student Suicide Prevention Awareness and Screening

Board Member Debbie Jordan asked again what “reasonable attempts” means in terms of the principal trying to call the child’s parents

The policy states “the principal is required to make a reasonable attempt to notify the student’s parent(s) before the student is removed from school, school transportation, or a school-sponsored activity ”

“I need to know, does that look like two times I am going to call and I don’t get you, too bad I need to know we are doing everything in our power before we take a child away from the school and their parents That is really important to me Every time I see that it does something,” she said “I really want to know what does that look like?”

Jordan also asked where the district is as far as the mobile response team

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“The approval for all materials must be certified by the individual that holds a media center certification What we elected to do, the principal signs off the material they would like to purchase That list of books goes into PeopleSoft and it goes to the curriculum department Our certified individual signs off on those pieces,” Allevato said “If there is a book that is not approved at district level it will get pushed back and a note why ”

School bathrooms and locker rooms

Another policy brought forth during the Jan 10 meeting included 2 36, Designation of Bathrooms, Locker Rooms and Dressing Rooms School Board Attorney Kathy Dupuy-Bruno said they have had an unwritten policy in their Civil Rights and Equity Guide for a long time concerning this topic

The policy reads, “The School Board is dedicated to providing students equal access to bathrooms, locker rooms, and dressing rooms in district schools ” It further states that “the board separates bathrooms, locker rooms, and dressing rooms on the basis of biological sex at birth Students requesting accommodation can be provided a single stall/private restroom option on a case-bycase basis by following the appropriate process ”

Board Member Chris Patricca said having the policy strengthens the district with a greater defense of any challenges that might come their way

“I am encouraged that the board is considering this policy today,” she said.

Board Chair Armor Persons had similar sentiments

“I want to be on record as saying, having a policy is definitely the way to go Thank you,” he said

The board also showcased a video of the School District of Lee County Civil Rights and Equity Guide The guide includes such

“Where do we look and say it is not just the two of us deciding what is going to take place with this child? I need to know we are making every effort to have the team there to look at it, as well as making sure we are doing everything in our power to reach an individual,” she said

Superintendent Dr Christopher Bernier said it is a great reminder to all how fragile our young people are, and at the same time have resources in the school buildings who can do the work

“Working as a mental health service provider, being a licensed mental health therapist, provides additional abilities and other professional certifications that educators do not have,” he said “I hear your questions very clearly I think it will be a chance for me to work with academic services and to go back to student services, to Lori Brooks and to bring forth to all of you some of what we have been doing to ensure students can be assessed by mental health team members when an event occurs ”

Bernier also touched upon law enforcement individuals who made the decision to Baker Act a child. He said at that point, a school system loses control of the situation and it is inappropriate for staff to intervene

“What I believe is reasonable is when the officer takes a student into custody, my only responsibility, paramount responsibility, is to make contact with parents,” he said, adding that the first phone call regarding a child being removed from school should not come from the officer “That is an immediate response when it comes to the mental health of children ”

Patricca said one of the ways they can address the issue with School Resource Officers and Baker Acting is to seek funding to have mental health professionals embedded in each of their departments, as it would take the pressure off of the police officer

The board moved all of the policies forth to come back before them again at a future meeting

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