9 minute read

Corps adjusts Lake Okeechobee releases to Caloosahatchee

On Jan 20, the U S Army Corps of Engineers' Jacksonville District reported that it will begin to increase releases from Lake Okeechobee due to the continued high water level in the lake

It will sustain its releases from the lake at a seven-day average pulse release of 2,000 cubic feet per second to the Caloosahatchee Estuary from the W.P. Franklin Lock and Dam (S-79) and add a seven-day average steady release of 500 cubic feet per second to the St Lucie Estuary at the St Lucie Lock and Dam (S-80) It also will send a seven-day steady release of 100 cubic feet per s e c o n d t o t h e L a k e W o r t h L a g o o n f r o m L a k e Okeechobee Releases south from the lake into the EAA have increased because of drier conditions and will continue to be maximized as capacity allows

The Corps reported that the adjustment is necessary due to several factors, principally the lack of lake reces-

Florida Secretary of State issues emergency order for elections

The Florida Department of State announced that Secretary of State Cord Byrd issued an emergency order on Jan 25 to ensure voters impacted by Hurricane Ian have the ability to participate in elections in March for the city of Sanibel and village of Estero

It waives certain provisions of the Florida Election Code, including:

∫ Allowing vote-by-mail ballots to be sent by forwardable mail to ensure voters who have relocated will receive their ballots

∫ A l l o w i n g t h e L e e C o u n t y S u p e r v i s o r o f Elections to accept a request for a vote-by-mail-ballot to be mailed to an address other than the elector’s address on file

The provisions will remain in effect until March 20

“Displaced residents of Lee County, Florida, have experienced long-term effects as a result of Hurricane Ian,” Byrd said “In an effort to help the voters in Lee County, the Department of State wants to ensure that we make the necessary accommodations to give voters who have been displaced an adequate opportunity to cast their ballot ”

The Florida Department of State reported that Lee County Supervisor of Elections Tommy Doyle anticipates continuing challenges and hardships on behalf of the area's displaced electors The executive order gives Lee County Elections a waiver from certain provisions of the Election Code

Helpful tips

sion Reducing lake levels will improve ecological conditions on the lake and reduce the risk of high-volume releases in the wet season when the risk of algal blooms will be high Additionally, there has been a change to the El Niño Southern Oscillation forecast for the dry season from a La Niña to a neutral condition The time window to lower the lake level in preparation for wet season is shortening

T h e s e f l o w t a r g e t s a r e s t i l l i n t h e R E s t o r a t i o n COordination & VERification (RECOVER) optimal flow envelope for the Caloosahatchee and for the St Lucie Estuary and are consistent with the last week's p o s i t i o n s t a t e m e n t f r o m t h e S o u t h F l o r i d a W a t e r Management District

“Lake Okeechobee has not receded as much as we w o u l d l i k e s i n c e N o v e m b e r , ” J a c k s o n v i l l e D i s t r i c t Commander Col James Booth said “We must prepare for the next wet season, and the latest forecasts indicate we may not have as much help from mother nature as originally thought Our partners and stakeholders have expressed that if releasing water is required, now is better than later for a variety of reasons

The Corps will continue to use make-up releases as a water management tool within the Lake Okeechobee Regulation Schedule 2008 (LORS08) to bank releases not made in order to release them later when the schedule calls for lower releases LORS08 Part D guidance currently recommends up to 4,000 cfs at S-77 and up to 1,800 cfs at S-80. The volumetric difference between actual releases and the guidance will be put into a water bank As it moves further into the dry season, it will continue releases using the available volume of banked water at beneficial levels It is committed to transparency throughout the implementation of make-up releases.

With the lake level still more than 16 feet as of Jan 20, the Corps continues to inspect the south side of the lake from Moore Haven to Belle Glade every two weeks The Herbert Hoover Dike (HHD) was inspected thoroughly before and after Hurricanes Ian and Nicole, and no problems were identified

As of Jan. 20, Lake Okeechobee was 16.10 feet. That is 0 75 feet lower than the prior week, 0 35 feet lower than 30 days ago, and 0 98 feet higher than it was on the same day last year

Gopher tortoise surveys reveal loss of burrows

Gopher tortoise surveys are an important part of land management on Sanibel

T h e S a n i b e l - C a p t i v a Conservation Foundation reported that as a keystone species, gopher tortoises can be used to measure how well the habitat is being managed They prefer open-canopy uplands with diverse and abundant grasses and ground cover plants When these areas succumb to the succession of woody shrubs and hardwood trees, t o r t o i s e s o f t e n l e a v e t h e a r e a i n search of their preferred habitat

F i v e S C C F p r o p e r t i e s

F r a n n i e ’ s P r e s e r v e , t h e C R Johnston Tract, Dayton Preserve, Walker Preserve and Wulfert Gopher Tortoise Preserve are surveyed annually for gopher tortoise burrows When one is found, it is assessed as a c t i v e , i n a c t i v e o r a b a n d o n e d depending on its current state

“These numbers are plugged into a formula that is used to obtain the estimated tortoise abundance in a given area,” Wildlife & Management Director Chris Lechowicz said “This

From page 4

∫ Tip 2: Understand why FEMA determined you are ineligible before writing your appeal.

You may not agree with it, but analyze why FEMA determined you are ineligible

Frequently, it’s something as simple as missing documentation or information

Read FEMA’s letter from beginning to end and see what the agency needs from you.

∫ Tip 3: Include documents to support your appeal

An appeals letter on its own may not be enough to get FEMA to reevaluate its decision Consider including documentation to support your reason for appeal It is important to provide any documents FEMA has requested Examples may include:

Documents from your insurance company which show your policy coverage and/or settlement is not enough to make essential home repairs, provide a place to stay, or replace certain contents FEMA cannot provide benefits to homeowners or renters who already received the same benefits from an insurance carrier

Proof of occupancy: A copy of utility bills, a driver's license or lease that shows the damaged home or rental property was your primary residence before Hurricanes Ian or Nicole

Proof of ownership: Mortgage or insurance documents, tax receipts or a deed If your documents were lost or destroyed, visit usa gov/replace-vital-documents for information on how to replace them

∫ Tip 4: Include your FEMA disaster assistance application number on each page of the documents sent with your appeal.

Please write the disaster number and your FEMA application number, and page number on each page of your appeal letter to FEMA and any documents that are submitted FEMA receives numerous documents with every appeal; writing your application number on each page submitted helps to organize your case

∫ Tip 5: Can't write the appeal yourself? Authorize someone to write it for you formula is used around the state and was actually developed on Sanibel ” T h e S C C F r e p o r t e d t h a t H u r r i c a n e I a n d e v a s t a t e d m a n y neighborhoods, businesses and cond o m i n i u m s n e a r t h e b e a c h a n d severely affected natural areas by inundating the ecosystems with salt water and bringing residential debris far into conservation areas

“The downed trees, debris and slippery muck from the storm surge made our surveys very challenging this year, so we received assistance

If you are unable to write an appeal letter yourself, ask someone to write it for you It could be someone in your household, a friend or an attorney You will need to provide FEMA with a signed statement that the writer is authorized to appeal on your behalf

F o r a d d i t i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t FEMA’s appeal process or about authorizing a third party to act on your behalf, call the FEMA Helpline at 800-6213362 The line is open daily from 7 a m to 11 p m Assistance is available in most languages If you use a relay service, such as video relay (VRS), captioned telephone or other service, give FEMA the number for that service

∫ Tip 6: Mail or fax your signed appeal letter

Mail or fax your appeal within 60 days from the date on your FEMA determination letter:

Mailing address: FEMA, P O Box 10055, Hyattsville, MD 20782-8055

F a x n u m b e r : 8 0 0 - 8 2 7 - 8 1 1 2 , Attention: FEMA from another SCCF department the Sanibel Sea School to help us search for burrows,” he said Many gopher tortoises, as well as other wildlife, were displaced on the island The Dayton Preserve had 21 active and two inactive burrows in 2021 There are no remaining active or inactive burrows post-hurricane Located at Tarpon Bay Road and West Gulf Drive, it is close to the beach and does not have very high elevation as compared to other areas on Sanibel

The SCCF reported that the areas near West Gulf Drive, Middle Gulf Drive and East Gulf Drive took on the worst damage due to the rising water However, two SCCF properties on the west end, Walker and the Wulfert Gopher Tortoise Preserve, had similar gopher tortoise burrow counts as last year because of their e l e v a t i o n H a b i t a t c h a n g e s , a s a result of the hurricane, will result in some tortoises and other forms of wildlife seeking out optimal areas to dig burrows or set up new home ranges

∫ Tip 7: Upload your appeal letter a n d s u p p o r t i n g d o c u m e n t s t o y o u r online FEMA personal account.

To set up a FEMA online account or to u p l o a d d o c u m e n t s o n l i n e , v i s i t DisasterAssistance gov and click “Check Y o u r S t a t u s ” F o l l o w t h e c o m p u t e r prompts

∫ Tip 8: Expect a decision within 90 days.

You've submitted a signed appeal letter and included your unique application number on every document sent What’s next? Possibly a call or letter from FEMA asking for more information There’s also a chance FEMA may decide you qualify for another home inspection Or you may simply receive FEMA’s decision within 90 days of the FEMA’s receipt of your appeal

The Federal Emergency Management Agency's mission is helping people before, during, and after disasters For more information, visit https://www fema gov/

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