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Duck Raffle

ty, please reach out to us Also, if you have hurricane rated windows or doors that are no longer needed or damaged, we would love the opportunity to have them for training purposes

R e a c h o u t t o u s v i a e m a i l a t davis@pineislandfire org or give us a c a l l a t

Assistant Chief Davis

From page 1

“We’re just providing the space for them so they can have their event,” Brian Crowley said, adding that although they are not finished with rebuilding, the restaurant is open

Although CLT can always use more money for the enormous amount of work done by the all-volunteer organization, Ballard said the event went fine, adding that the duck race always brings in many spectators

“Overall, everything we made is a plus It was good to meet with so many people and make good contacts,” Ballard said. Contacts are critical, he said, for an idea, still very much in its infancy, regarding diseases caused by bugs getting into the pine trees Everyone he’s spoken to so far was very enthusiastic, he said, emphasizing that it could be a good success for both the island and CLT

This year’s Duck Raffle awarded two top cash prizes to the lucky ticket buyers

A total of $2,000 went to Tom Hadley of Po Boy Produce, who turned around and gave $1,000 right back to the CLT The second prize was $1,000, awarded to Jim Nelson of Bokeelia

W a s h b o a r d S c o t t y a n d t h e C o a s t Connection Band were there to entertain those perusing the rummage sale, white elephant and silent auction items

“This event shows the community’s active involvement in support of the CLT and our mission We’re very thankful for their support We didn’t have the same venue as we have in the past, but there are many positive things that came out of it,” Ballard said, adding that he was happy to receive a good number of new members

F o r m e r C L T p r e s i d e n t a n d c u r r e n t board member John Kendall said while it’s hard to re-create 500 or 600 people watching plastic ducks pitted in a race down the canal, the CLT is happy to receive anything that furthers the organization’s mission to serve Pine Island

“The big part of this is just everybody working together and having fun for a good cause,” Kendall said

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