11 minute read

islandBeat islander

WoW partnering with FGCU students

The “Ding” Darling Wildlife SocietyFriends of the Refuge recently reported that the J N “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge's Wildlife on Wheels has built a great partnership with four students f r o m J e s s i c a R h e a ' s h o n o r s c l a s s a t Florida Gulf Coast University in Fort Myers Three of the students will build social media content about the WoW, while the fourth one will create a new lesson plan

The DDWS also reported that the WoW team recently hit Oak Hammock Middle School in Tice The mobile classroom typically visits Title I elementary schools, using a specific curriculum for each grade Oak Hammock students discovered the visitors who come to stay with

Symphony to present

‘Forever Plaid’

T h e G u l f C o a s t S y m p h o n y w i l l p e r f o r m “ F o r e v e r P l a i d ” n o w t h r o u g h M a r c h 1 1 a t t h e M u s i c & A r t s C o m m u n i t y C e n t e r , a t 1 3 4 1 1 S h i r e L a n e , F o r t M y e r s . O n e o f B r o a d w a y ' s m o s t p o p u l a r a n d s u c c e s s f u l m u s ic a l s , t h e s h o w i s c h o c k - f u l l o f c l a s s i c b a r b e r s h o p q u a r t e t h a r m o n i e s a n d p i t c h - p e r f e c t m e l o d i e s O n c e u p o n a t i m e , t h e r e w e r e f o u r g u y s ( S p a r k y , S m u d g e , J i n x a n d F r a n k i e ) w h o d i sc o v e r e d t h a t t h e y s h a r e d a l o v e f o r m u s i c a n d t h e n g o t t o g e t h e r t o b e c o m e t h e i r i d o l s T h e F o u r F r e s h m a n , T h e H i - L o ' s a n d T h e C r e w C u t s O n t h e w a y t o t h e i r f i r s t b i g g i g , t h e “ P l a i d s ” a r e b r o a d s i d e d b y a s c h o o l b u s a n d k i l l e d A t t h i s m o m e n t the gopher tortoise, a keystone species, in its burrow

“ A t t h i s g r a d e l e v e l , s t u d e n t s l e a r n h o w h u m a n s a r e i m p a c t i n g t h e e n v i r o nm e n t o f g o p h e r t o r t o i s e s a n d a l l t h e o t h e r 3 5 0 s p e c i e s w h o r e l y o n t h e t o rt o i s e , ” U r b a n E d u c a t i o n L e a d e r M e l i s s a M a h e r s a i d “ W e a r e l i n k i n g s e v e n t hg r a d e a n d e i g h t h - g r a d e S u n s h i n e S t a t e S t a n d a r d s w h i l e e d u c a t i n g t h e m i d d l e s c h o o l s t u d e n t s ”

The WoW currently operates with a reduced team because of the hurricane's impact on staffing

To donate to support the upkeep and programming for the WoW efforts, visit https://interland3 donorperfect net/weblin k/WebLink aspx?name=E54182&id=12

Refuge team reaches out to local students

T h e “ D i n g ” D a r l i n g W i l d l i f e Society-Friends of the Refuge reported that t h e J N “ D i n g ” D a r l i n g N a t i o n a l W i l d l i f e R e f u g e ' s J u n i o r D u c k S t a m p team recently reached h u r r i c a n e s u r v i v o r s f r o m F o r t M y e r s E l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l , who are currently displaced at San Carlos P a r k

“ t h e i r h e a v e n l y j o u r n e y a n d f i n a l c h a n c e a t m u s i c a l g l o r y b e g i n s T i c k e t s r a n g e f r o m $ 3 9 - 5 0 F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o r t i c k e t s , v i s i t h t t p s : / / g u l f c o a s t s y m p h o n y o r g / y ' v e b e e n through so much And it looks like they won't get their school back, it's so sad. But they were really excited about the Junior Duck Stamp contest and learning how to draw a duck from '

Westland said. The deadline for the annual Florida Junior Duck Stamp Contest is March 15 For more information, contact Westland at Toni Westland@fws gov or 239-940-0169 a Town Center General Commercial District, visit https://library municode com/fl/sanibel/codes/code of ordinances?nodeId=SPBLADECO CH126ZO ARTVIIICODI DI

Commercial District, visit https://library municode com/fl/sanibel/codes/code of ordinances?nodeId=SPBLADECO CH126ZO ARTVIIICODI DIV4TCTOCELICODI

Sanibel (FLUMS) Resort Housing District

This layer identifies properties within the Resort Housing District classified by either allowing resort units with unlimited rental or “Prohibited from Resort Housing Use,” where rental is limited to a minimum 28 consecutive days “Nonconform Resort Housing Use” identifies lawfully existing nonconforming resort housing use properties with unlimited rental For more information about a Resort Housing District, visit https://library municode com/fl/sanibel/codes/code of ordinances?nodeId=SPBLADE


Sanibel (FLUMS) Interior Wetlands Conservation District

Properties within the Interior Wetlands Conservation District have strict development regulations to protect Sanibel’s freshwater aquifer For more information about an I n t e r i o r W e t l a n d s C o n s e r v a t i o n D i s t r i c t , v i s i t https://library municode com/fl/sanibel/codes/code of ordinances?nodeId=SPBLADE


Sanibel FLUMS Environmentally Sensitive Lands Conservation District

This layer delineates the properties classified as Environmentally Sensitive Lands with strictly limited uses allowed For more information about Environmentally Sensitive Lands, visit https://library municode com/fl/sanibel/codes/code of ordinances?nodeId=SPBLADECO CH126ZO ARTXENSELACODI

Sanibel (FLUMS) Ecological Zones Map 1989

The city's development regulations for Residential Districts are based upon the ecological sensitivity, which is classified by ecological zone. Environmental Performance Standards are also established by ecological zone For more information about Residential Districts, visit https://library municode com/fl/sanibel/codes /code of ordin an ces ?n o d eI d = S P B LA D EC O C H 1 2 6 ZO A R TV I I R ED I F o r mo r e in f o r matio n


From page 19

As I look at Patty’s gift, I see God in the gold that unites us to each other God is love God is the love that binds us to each other in this life, and the love that awaits us in the life to come This disaster, terrible as it was, can be an opportunity for us to let God’s love shine

If you would like to enjoy an evening of post-Hurricane Ian artistic expression, I encourage you to attend “Hope Rising” today, March 8, from 6:30 to 8 p m at the Sanibel Recreation Center, at 3880 Sanibel-Captiva Road, Sanibel There will be art displays by artists of all ages and live performances by musicians, poets and storytellers. Our hope is to help facilitate healing through the arts https://library municode com/fl/sanibel/codes/code of ordinances?nodeId=SPBLADE CO CH126ZO ARTXIIIENPEST.


Frank Anthony Cassavell

January 6, 1933 - May 16, 2022 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m I s l a n d R e p o r t e r

Frank Anthony Cassavell, 89, of Sanibel, FL and Skytop, PA (formerly of Upper Saddle River, NJ), passed away at home on May 16, 2022 from complications of Parkinson’s Disease, with his family by his side. Frank was born on January 6, 1933 in New York, NY to the late Frank and Marie (Gaida) Cassavell. After graduating from Westwood High School, NJ in 1951, he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Business from Montclair State College in NJ and a Masters Degree in Accounting from Columbia University. Frank was approached by scouts to play in the MLB minor leagues but chose to serve in the U.S. Navy. From 1955 to 1957 he was deployed to the Mediterranean on the U.S.S. Forrestal.

Frank is survived by his beloved wife of 64 years, Barbara (Ulrich). Together they raised six children, and were blessed with 16 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Frank is also survived by his brother Edward of Bonita Springs, FL (Lois), daughter Kim Irigoyen of Marco Island, FL (Joseph- Joseph II, Anthony, Jonathan, and their families), daughter Patricia Cassavell of Key West, FL (Sophia Kloeber), son Robert of Glen Gardner, NJ (Justina- Claudia, Nicole, Zoey, Robert II), daughter Beth McGee of Milton, MA (Michael II- Michael III, Greta), daughter in-law Laura Cassavell of Pennington, NJ (Andrew, Kathryn, Frank, and their families), son-in-law Ricky Neiman of Highland, MI (Eric, Lauren, Jamie, Jennifer, and their families). Predeceased by daughter Cheryl Neiman, son Frank Cassavell, and sister Dorothy Seikel.

Frank started his career as a teacher of Accounting at Northern Valley Regional High School in Demarest, NJ where he also enjoyed teaching driver’s education and coaching the baseball and golf teams. After teaching, Frank successfully launched his real estate development company and built hundreds of houses, apartments, and condominiums in Bergen County, NJ and Sanibel, FL, including many for friends and family. He was known for his integrity as a builder of the highest quality homes, and was a mentor to other developers who sought out his guidance on getting started in the business.

Frank was a gifted athlete and had a passion for basketball and baseball. He played shortstop to be at the center of the action. As a Senior and captain he led his high school baseball team to win the Bergen County championship in 1950. He excelled on the team at Montclair State where he batted .344 over his tenure and accomplished such feats as stealing home twice in the same game. He held his chops with MLB players while playing for Bainbridge in the U.S. Navy league. Frank coached youth baseball and softball teams in Upper Saddle River, NJ, where he shared his love of the game and immense knowledge of the sport with his children and the community. Always up for a challenge, Frank took up golf. He became a scratch golfer and earned the nickname “Frankie Oneiron” for his uncanny ability to play with the challenging club. He won multiple championships at the Dunes of Sanibel, Skytop Lodge, and other clubs.

Frank’s greatest love was his wife, Barbara. Frank and Barbara met in high school and were married on Nov 23rd, 1957. They shared a lifetime of love and moments together, raising six children and enjoying their time with family and dear friends. They hosted lively dinner parties and huge family gatherings. The pair traveled extensively and made new friends wherever they went. They were active members of their communities in Upper Saddle River, NJ, Sanibel, FL, and Skytop, PA, and parishioners of Church of the Presentation and St. Isabel Catholic Church.

Frank had an appetite for living and was perpetually in motion. The ever-growing list of his interests included earning a pilot’s license, playing the piano, painting landscapes, playing tennis, and skiing (which he and Barbara took up in their 60’s). He was an excellent dancer, quick with a joke, and often had a magic trick or two up his sleeve. Frank had an inviting and infectious smile. He was magnetic: exceedingly kind and fun to be with. People were drawn to him. He was generous of spirit and went out of his way to lend a hand to family, friends, acquaintances, and strangers. He was a true gentleman, preoccupied with the safety and comfort of his family and those around him.

Frank was a doting dad/grandpa who not only happily shared his time and knowledge with his family, but also attended hundreds of baseball/softball games, soccer games, basketball games, tennis matches, track meets, concerts, plays, and graduations. If a nervous child didn’t want any spectators, Frank was known to observe a match while hiding in the bushes. He delighted in seeing his kids and grandkids compete and perform – he did not want to miss a single minute.

Frank was a self-made man: an entrepreneur, a Renaissance man, and an athlete, but his love and dedication to his wife and family will be Frank’s legacy. He was ambitious, talented, and accomplished, yet managed to put his family first at all times. His remarkable love for Barbara was immeasurable. He was profoundly proud of their children. Through his integrity and kindness, he earned the unwavering respect and devotion of his family and the many friends he made over a lifetime.

Frank will be missed by all who loved him and the countless lives he touched. The family requests that in lieu of flowers donations be made to: Community Pregnancy Center (940 5th Ave N , Naples Fl. 34102) or Christian Action News, (P.O. Box 1711, Palm City Fl. 34991).

A Celebration of Life funeral mass will be held at St. Isabel Catholic Church, Sanibel, FL on April 21, 2023 at 11:00 am with a luncheon reception to follow.

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