On March 22, Captains For Clean Water reported that the U S Army Corps of Engineers announced it will conduct a two-week rest period from the discharges from Lake Okeechobee toward the coasts.
The rest period, which will start on March 29, is intended to bring salinity levels back up in the Caloosahatchee and St Lucie estuaries, which have both been receiving flows for the past 35 days
Captains For Clean Water continued that the Corps stated it will evaluate the conditions on the lake during the two-week period, as well as the weather forecast, so it can determine a new schedule for coastal discharges after that time which it hopes will be lower volumes than the current releases
“After five weeks of high-volume discharges, the changes we've seen in our coastal water quality have been heartbreaking,” Captains For Clean Water shared “This break for the estuaries will provide some very short-term relief, but it's important to keep in mind that the only way we'll be able to avoid high Lake O levels and high-volume discharges in the future, without having to deal with this situation year after year, is by building infrastructure and completing critical restoration projects like the EAA Reservoir that store, clean and move more beneficial water south where it once flowed naturally ”
Captiva program recently concluded for the 13 island residents and employees who participated as the Class of 2024.
The program's first three sessions focused on Government, Environment, and Health, Wellness and Social Services Held on Feb 29, the fourth session concentrated on Business and Community Prosperity The fifth and final session, which took place on March 7, centered on Arts and Culture
On Feb 29, the participants heard from
A shorter version of the Voluntary PreKindergarten program will be offered this summer for students entering kindergarten in the fall
Head Start Program Coordinator Tiffany Franklin said one of the requirements for participating in the VPK program is offering it both during the school year and the summer. There is a requirement of 300 hours for students to complete the program
“Typically, the kids that attend the summer program have not attended the school year program It’s a little more intensive in instruction because of less time,” she said
The classes are held from June 10 through July 29 7:30 a m to 5:30 p m at the Early Childhood Learning Center, at 3650 Michigan Ave , Fort Myers
The School District of Lee County has had decent participation with four classrooms and 48 children taking advantage of the summer program in the past The classes are taught by certified teachers
A boat crash at the Sanibel Causeway last week sent one person to the hospital with injuries
On March 21 at about 3:30 p m , the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission received a report of a single vessel accident that had occurred near the southwest side of the causeway. The FWC, Lee County Sheriff's Office, U S Coast Guard and Lee County EMS all responded to the scene
The FWC reported that the 24-foot boat had collided with the rocks near the bridge
Isreal Rogner, 44, of Punta Gorda, was the sole occupant on the vessel
The FWC reported that he was transported to the hospital with injuries
According to Lee Heath officials, Rogner was listed in good condition on March 22
Sanibel Fire and Rescue District Fire Chief Kevin Barbot reported that the initial report came in as one per-
The city of Sanibel reported that the Beach Renourishment Project contractors have made excellent progress, completing work near the Tarpon Bay Beach Access site earlier than anticipated The Trost Parking Lot and Tarpon Bay access are
open and will remain open For more information about the project or to view an interactive map, visit www mysanib e l c o m a n d c l i c k o n t h e “ B e a c h Renourishment Project” button
son on land and one person still in the water When the island crew arrived in the area on boat, it was confirmed that only Rogner had been involved The crew canceled the call and returned to service
“The FWC is the lead agency regarding this investigation,” Hailee Seely, public information director of the FWC's Southwest Region Office, said “We will provide additional information when available ”
F.I.S.H. reports on assistance, programs provided in 2023
F I S H of Sanibel-Captiva continues to fill the gaps for the islands' residents and workforce
It offers programs representing its f o u r m a j o r p i l l a r s F o o d , I s l a n d Based Education, Social and Senior S e r v i c e s , a n d H e l p i n g H a n d s I t includes the food pantry, educational w o r k s h o p s , s c h o l a r s h i p s , a n d s e n i o r programs for dignified aging-in-place, along with additional services such as providing emergency help with expens-
es and disaster relief to Long-Term Recovery for Hurricane Ian survivors
“As we have for over 40 years, F I S H remains committed to the bett e r m e n t o f t h e i s l a n d s a n d t h e Southwest Florida community by assisting one neighbor at a time,” Executive Director Maria Espinoza said “In addition to our response to Ian, F I S H is actively meeting the needs of the community even during blue skies ”
See F.I.S.H., page 21
Florida's 2024 legislative session came to an end on March 8, with the official declaration of “Sine Die ” During session, bills are crafted by the l e g i s l a t i v e b o d i e s i n Tallahassee After each legislative session, bills that were successfully passed are sent to the governor for a signature or veto
Since several hundred bills are typically passed each session, the bills are not all sent to the governor at the same time.
T h e g o v e r n o r h a s 1 5 d a y s from the date a bill is presented to decide to sign or veto it
W h i l e t h e L e g i s l a t u r e h a s some time to determine when to send the bills, all of the bills must be sent to the governor by June 30 (before the new fiscal year starts on July 1)
In addition to the approximately $117 billion budget, 291 bills were passed in the 2024 legislative session So far, only a handful of those bills have been presented to Gov. Rob DeSantis, and we can expect that a steady stream of bills will flow to his office between now and the end of June
The environment received a large amount of funding this s e s s i o n , f r o m E v e r g l a d e s restoration to funds for replacing aging wastewater infrastructure Ultimately, the state should strive to prevent water pollution from occurring at the source to alleviate the need for t h e s e r e q u i r e d f u n d i n g increases
A l t h o u g h e n v i r o n m e n t a l advocates were successful in d e f e a t i n g s e v e r a l b a d b i l l s from making it to the finish l i n e , t h e S a n i b e l - C a p t i v a Conservation Foundation will still send out veto action alerts for the harmful bills that did p a s s , s p e c i f i c a l l y S B 1 6 2 4 / H B 1 6 4 5 E n e r g y Resources, which rolled back Florida’s previously approved renewable and clean energy goals and grant programs
The SCCF is still analyzing several bills and how they will impact the environment in o u r r e g i o n , i n c l u d i n g S B 1 5 3 2 Mitigation, which allows local governments to establish mitigation banks on public lands
While the governor has yet to decide on
the majority of bills passed this year, the SCCF’s Legislative Tracker lists the penultimate outcome of the environmental bills we followed this session The SCCF will also use the tracker to post updates between now and the beginning of the July 1 fiscal year as the governor decides which bills and lineitem budget projects will pass or fail
We are grateful for your involvement and action taken this year as we were successful in stopping some of the worst environmental legislation this session We look forward to collaborating with you on more legislative success in 2025
To view the 2024 Legislative Tracker and SCCF's weekly Legislative updates, visit h t t p s : / / s c c f o r g / w h a t - w e - d o / e n v i r o n m e n t a lpolicy/
To monitor the list of bills that have been p r e s e n t e d t o D e S a n t i s t o d a t e , v i s i t t h e S C C F ' s 2 0 2 4 B i l l A c t i o n P a g e a t http://www leg state fl us/data/BIR/Governo rAction/2024/govact pdf
Holly Schwartz is policy associate for the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation Founded in 1967, the SCCF's mission is to protect and care for Southwest Florida’s coastal ecosystems For more information, visit www sccf org
As the U S Army Corps of Engineers works through the effects of a strong El Ni o climate pattern throughout the South Florida area, we want our partners and stakeholders to know that we are here, and we are listening As we strive to balance equally important interests, we continue to encourage our partners and stakeholders to make their voices heard
We began releases from Lake Okeechobee on Feb. 17 when seasonal conditions are normally dry and water levels are expected to recede These lake releases helped start the normal winter/springtime recession on the lake Water levels must continue to come down before the beginning of both the wet season and the Atlantic hurricane season, good for both the ecology of the lake and the safety of the citizens in the communities around the lake Lower lake water levels provide flood risk management as well as decrease the probability of large releases occurring during the
summer, which is also the peak of algal bloom season
We understand the current lake releases are stressful for t h e C a l o o s a h a t c h e e a n d S t Lucie estuaries and adjacent communities We know from our consistent engagement with stakeholders that water quality remains one of your significant concerns As such, it is also one of the principal considerations integrated into our decisionmaking as we strive to balance the multiple project purposes for Lake Okeechobee water management
We understand the impact water clarity has on recreation and tourism Looking towards the summer and peak algal
bloom months, we are committed to doing everything within our authorities to help the state of Florida manage its water quality challenges When possible, we will avoid releases when the risk of blue-green algal blooms is high, to mitigate potential health concerns
While we cannot control Mother Nature, we continue to be focused on moving water t h r o u g h t h i s i n t e r c o n n e c t e d system in the most beneficial way practical, including delivering a record amount of water from Water Conservation Area ( W C A ) 3 - A t o E v e r g l a d e s National Park (ENP) in the past Brig
Part of the Lee County Library System, the Captiva Memorial Library is offering the following free programming:
Adult programs
∫ Today, March 27: Queen Victoria
The Grandmother of Europe from 2 to 3 p m
An engaging session featuring a visual showcase that explores the life and family of Queen Victoria, acknowledged for her humane and grandmotherly demeanor
Unearth the captivating narrative of her grandsons, who eventually found themselves at war with each other Registration is required before today, March 27, at 2 p m
∫ April 2: Make a Decoupage Flower Pot from 2 to 4 p m
April showers bring May flowers
Decorate and decoupage your own flower pot with magazines, just in time for spring Supplies are provided Registration is required before April 2 at 2 p m
For more information about a program or to register, call 239-533-4890
In addition, the library system is offering the following free virtual programming:
Adult programs
∫ April 2: Online Author Event with Paula Johnson from 2 to 3 p m
Virtually step into the Smithsonian
Te d a s c r e e n i n g p r e m i e r e o f i t s n e w d o c u m e n t a r y , “ F r o m L a u g h t e r t o L e g a c y C a p t i v a ' s J e n s e n F a m i l y , ” o n M a r c h 6 a t M c C a r t h y ' s M a r i n a o n C a p t i v a “ F o l k s f r o m n e a r a n d f a r g a t h e r e d t o c e l e b r a t e t h e J e n s e n s , w h o f o r 4 0 y e a r s r a n t h e T w i n P a l m s R e s o r t w i t h t h e w a r m t h a n d d e v o t i o n t h a t d r e w i t s g u e s t s t o r e t u r n y e a r a f t e r y e a r , ” t h e C I H S r e p o r t e d H i g h l i g h t s o f t h e e v e n t i n c l u d e d t h e i s l a n d ' s o w n J o e y ' s H o t D o g s , l i v e m u s i c b y C o r k y ' s B a n d , a n d s i n g e r s a n d s o n g w r i te r s f r o m a r o u n d t h e w o r l d f r i e n d s o f J i m m y J e n s e n , t h e m u s i c i a n i n t h e f a m i l y T h e r e s o r t h a d a r e p u t a t i o n f o r h o s t i n g m u s i c i a n s f o r a n a n n u a l m u s i c f e s t i v a l , a n d i t w a s k n o w n f o r s p o n t a n e o u
The Mucky Duck on Captiva made Southern Living's list of “The 18 Best Beach Bars In The South.”
According to the March article, the top beach bars were picked by the editors of the magazine who report, research and visit resorts across the South
I n r e g a r d s t o t h e i s l a n d v e n u e , Southern Living reported:
“Everything about this tiny pub on Captiva Island is surprising In the 1970s when two entrepreneurs bought it, it was set to become a rental home Somehow plans changed and the Mucky Duck, a British-inspired pub was born. The spot is known for its menu that combines a bit of everything fried seafood platters you’d expect from a place on the water, favorite appetizers you’d expect from a pub, and even a few white-tablecloth additions like duck a l’orange This spot is known for its sunset views so grab a table early ”
Others based in Florida to make the list
t h r o u g h o u t t h e y e a r T h e c e n t e r p i e c e o f t h e e v e n i n g w a s t h e s h o w i n g o f t
t a r i a n K e n S n e e d e n “ H e e v o k e d f a c t u a l h i s t o r y a n d t h e g e n e r o u s , f u nl o v i n g s p i r i t o f t h e J e n s e n f a m i l y , ” t h e C I H S r e p o r t e d “ T h e a u d i e n c e , i n r e c o r d a t t e n d a n c e , r e s p o n d e d w i t h r a p t a t t e n t i o n a n d f r e q u e n t a p p l a u s e ” T h e f i l m t e l l s h o w R e d J e n s e n , a n a l u m i n u m s i d i n g s a l e s m a n a n d e n t r e p r e n e u r , a n d h i s w i f e , B e t t y , m o v e d t h e i r t h r e e s o n s a n d d a u g h t e r f r o m M i c h i g a n t o C a p t i v a , w h e r e i n 1 9 7 7 t h e y p u r c h a s e d D o a n e ' s T w i n P a l m s , a m a r i n a a n d c o l l e c t i o n o f 1 9 4 0 s c o t t a g e s T o i l i n g s e v e n d a y s a w e e k , t h e f a m i l y w o r k e d t o g e t he r t o d e v e l o p t h e r e s o r t I n a n i n t e r v i e w i n 2 0 1 2 , D a v e J e n s e n s a i d h i s f a m i l y ' s c o l l a b o r a t i o n w a s s o s u c c e s s f u l b e c a u s e i t w a s b a s e d o n t o t a l t r u s t a n d c a r i n g f o r o n e a n o t h e r . “ S t o r i e s o f t h o s e 4 0 y e a r s , b o t h h u m o r o u s a n d t o u c h i n g , f o r m t h e b a s i s o f t h e d o c um e n t a r y D a v e ' s r e t i r e m e n t a n d u n e x p e c t e d d e a t h a t h i s h o m e i n I t a l y a r e s e n s i t i v e l y c o v e r e d , ” t h e C I H S r e p o r t e d “ B r o t h e r s J o h n a n d J i m m y a l s o c o m m e n t o n t h e i r d e c i s i o n t o r e t i r e a n d , u l t i m a t e l y , s e l l t h e r e s o r t ” C o n t r i b u t i o n s t o t h e D a v e J e n s e n M e m o r i a l F u n d w e r e u s e d t o f u l l y u n d e rw r i t e t h e p r o d u c t i o n “ T h e C I H S i n t e n d s t o c o n t i n u e t o p r es e r v e D a v e ' s m e m o r y a n d l e g a c y b y a n n u a ll y p r o d u c i n g a C I H S p r o g r a m i n h i s n a m e , ” t h e C I H S r e p o r t e d “ D o n a t i o n s w i l l b e u s e d s o l e l y f o r t h i s p u r p o s e ” F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o r t o d o n a t e , v i s i t h t t p : / / w w w c a p t i v a i s l a n d h i s t o r i c a l s o c i e t y o r g /
In an interview in 2012, Dave Jensen said his family's collaboration was so successful because it was based on total trust and caring for one another
∫ B
∫ Seacrets in Ocean City, Maryland
∫ The Gulf in Orange Beach, Alabama
∫ Pirates Cove in Elberta, Alabama
CAPTIVA ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETYThe Sanibel Historical Museum and Village held its Annual Meeting on March 4 at the Shore Haven building, where the 2024-25 board officers and new board of directors members were selected.
The following officers were elected: Ty Symroski as president, Mary Miller as vice president, James LaVelle as treasurer and Jane Jensen as secretary Each of their term of office will be for one year
A l s o , S y b i l A p p e l l , J o h n M c G r a t h a n d G a i l Migliorini were elected to the board Each will serve a three-year term from 2024-27 LaVelle and Celina Kersh Monte-Sano were elected for a second term Appell has worked as a docent at the village and a volunteer for the Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum & Aquarium A retired civil engineer from DuPont with years of construction oversight experience, McGrath has been serving as the village's o w n e r ' s r e p r e s e n t a t i v e w h i l e r e p a i r s h a v e b e e n underway Migliorini had previously served on the board and was the co-chair for this year's gala
M o n t e - S a n o , t h e o u t g o i n g p r e s i d e n t , t o u c h e d u p o n t h e s u c c e s s f u l a c t i v i t i e s a n d r e s t o r a t i o n progress over the past year at the meeting These included the village's limited reopening in March of 2023, the Holiday Opening Celebration, a reception f o r t h e S a n i b e l - C a p t i v a A r t L e a g u e , a n d G a l a Celebration
A progress update was also shared on the repair of the buildings damaged by Hurricane Ian
Repairs by contractors hired by the city's insurance company began in August, and their work was declared complete two weeks ago The only remaining item of significance is placing the bell back into the Schoolhouse belfry; there will be a ceremony planned in the future to celebrate its return home
There is still work to be performed before all of the buildings are open
Landscaping has yet to be restored and is awaiting the completion of the repairs
New displays, some of which will be interactive, will be installed in the coming months
In addition, the village's volunteers were acknowledged during the meeting for putting in countless hours to clean and return artifacts to their former homes after they were removed for the repairs
The city of Sanibel reported that the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada recently awarded it the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its annual comprehensive financial report for the fiscal year that ended on Sept 30, 2022
The report was judged by an impartial panel to meet the high standards of the program, which includes demonstrating a constructive “spirit of full disclosure” to clearly communicate its financial story and motivate potential users and user groups to read the report
The certificate is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management
John R. Wood names president
John R Wood Christie’s International Real Estate recently announced the promotion of Corey McCloskey to president
Her tenure with the company spans 20 years in positions,
ABOVE: A SanCap Chamber of Commerce ribbon-cutting was held on March 7 for Her Sport Closet on Sanibel. RIGHT:
SanCap Chamber of Commerce ribbon-cuttings continue to celebrate and broadcast the islands' emergence from the destruction Hurricane Ian wreaked in 2022 Recently, it cheered the reopening of the iconic Her Sports Closet on March 7 in the Periwinkle Place Shops on Sanibel and the opening day for the Sanibel Shell Show on March 8 at the Marriott Sanibel Harbour Resort & Spa in Fort Myers.
“The continued recovery of the islands’ retail segment has such a huge impact on our rebuild, and the return of landmark annual events puts the icing on the cake,” chamber President and Chief Executive Officer John Lai said “Needless to say, these were two very joyful ribbon-cuttings Watch for more momentous reopenings to come into April ”
Her Sports Closet owner Renae Durand opened her clothing boutique in 1983, evolving the previous golf-wear shop to more traditional lines
“In 1993, when the Lilly Pulitzer line reappeared, I was one of the first accounts,” she said “My sales rep was close to Lilly, so I had the opportunity to meet and visit with her several times She was delightful, kind, charming and fun, and put you immediately at ease ”
Shoulder-high flood waters meant the loss of nearly everything in Durand’s shop and an ensuing physical teardown to bare studs She credits landlord Ben Dahlmann, associate Cassidy Burns, and the chamber for getting her to this point
“Of course, no one predicted the amount of devastation to
V I P R e a l t y G r o u p announced its top produce r s f o r t h e m o n t h o f February
Brian Johnson had the top sales With over $15 million in career sales, he is a seasoned professional who handles homes, condos and lots on Sanibel and Captiva Johnson was the VIP Rookie of the Year in 2003
Deb Smith had the top listings and was the top
most recently serving as executive vice president of operations McCloskey was recognized as the Naples Area Board of Realtors' (NABOR) Realtor of the Year in 2023 She served as the Florida Association of Realtors' District Five vice president in 2022 and NABOR president in 2021
our island,” she said “It’s been such a long road, I can’t really believe we’re able to reopen I’m very excited to see the familiar faces of our fabulous customers ”
An 86-year tradition on Sanibel, the Sanibel Shell Show presented by the Sanibel-Captiva Shell Club previously has been part of the Sanibel Shell Festival & Show at The Community House on Sanibel, in partnership with the Shellcrafters This year, because the facility was unable to guarantee its reopening in time for the event, the club moved off-island for a two-day affair on March 8-9
The event drew shell enthusiasts from all over the country and beyond with more than 300 artistic and scientific entries, including sailors' valentines, shell floral arrangements, shell tables and other creations, plus educational displays from around the world Dr Jose Leal, from the BaileyMatthews National Shell Museum & Aquarium, and other conchology and malacology experts were on hand
“All proceeds generated from the Sanibel Shell Show are poured right back into the community via the SanibelCaptiva Shell Club’s grants program,” Publicity Chair Linda Friedrich said, noting that donations support local conservation and water-quality projects
To date, the club has awarded more than $400,000 to grant recipients
This year, the show also collected nonperishable food items for F I S H of Sanibel-Captiva
Her Sports Closet is at 2075 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel
producer She has a background in accounting and h o l d s t h e S
McCloskey began her real estate career in 2003 and moved into sales in 2004 In 2011, she worked as a project coordinator and broker, earning the Active Brokers License in Florida In 2013, McCloskey graduated from NABOR’s Report
For more information, call 239-472-5187 or go to SanCapIslandRE com
VIP Realty Group is at 1 5 6 0 P e r i w i n k l e W a y , Sanibel
r c h 2 7 , 2 0 2 4 c a p t i v a s a n i b e l . c o m I s l a n d R e p o r t e r
The Suzanne M Dubuc and John A MacLennan Conservation Fund has been created as a permanent legacy to inspire future conservation stewards to continue the work of those before them
The “Ding” Darling Wildlife Society-Friends of the Refuge reported that a recent gift from Kathleen and David W MacLennan was made in honor of former Sanibel residents John MacLennan and his late wife, Suzanne Dubuc
They always lived the life of “giving back” in whatever ways they could have an impact MacLennan and Dubuc had been property owners on Sanibel since 1986 and residents since 2008 MacLennan was a longtime volunteer at the J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge until Hurricane Ian As a result, he moved to California, near his daughter Dubuc had dedicated her life to education, first as a teacher and principal, and then as an entrepreneur, providing educational supplies and toys through her retail business She was also an active volunteer with the SanCap Chamber of Commerce before her passing in 2016
David MacLennan grew up seeing their love of service, and now he and his wife live their lives in a similar manner They are actively involved in projects and organizations that are important to them With the gift, they recognize the impact the couple had on them as individuals, as well as the impact on the J N “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge, the island of Sanibel and the younger generation learning to care about the natural world They acknowledged the role the refuge plays in educating the public on the importance of conserving and managing nature in a time of growing global populations
The Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation reported that its Marine Laboratory researchers collected samples surrounding the Chiquita Lock on Feb 28 as part of an ongoing monthly survey monitoring the quality of the water coming from Cape Coral’s canal system
The sampling was done 11 days after the U.S. Army C o r p s o f E n g i n e e r s s t a r t e d m a k i n g r e l e a s e s t o t h e Caloosahatchee River from Lake Okeechobee
“We noticed there was already an effect on the lower estuary where the Chiquita Lock is located,” SCCF Research & Policy Associate Leah Reidenbach said “The salinity was significantly lower than it had been during the previous four months of sampling which is unusual during the dry season ”
Researchers also observed that the salinity in the river was lower than in the canals
“Usually, the canals are a freshwater source to the lower estuary, as the water mainly comes from runoff whereas the Caloosahatchee estuary experiences tidal inflows of saltwater,” she said
The SCCF has been monitoring the releases from Lake Okeechobee, which began on Feb 17
“In addition to impacting seagrass growth and oyster spawning, the release of nutrient-rich freshwater fuels potential harmful algal blooms,” Reidenbach added
The SCCF reported that aside from collecting water samples, the lab also does remote monitoring with realtime data from its RECON River, Estuary, and Coastal Observing Network RECON data helps the lab understand the magnitude and severity of lake-lowering discharge events Parameters like salinity are used to evaluate stress to species like seagrass and oysters
“So far, dissolved oxygen levels have been normal and not dipping to lethal values for living creatures,” she said RECON also provides data on the amount of microscopic algae in the system throughout the freshwater and estuary system from Moorehaven to the Gulf of Mexico
Researchers are also continuing monthly sampling of the Caloosahatchee and its tributaries to document and study harmful algal blooms (HABs) The SCCF is working in partnership with the Center for Coastal Solutions at the University of Florida's Phlips Lab and Florida Department of Environmental Protection to see if tributaries such as the Popash Creek, Orange River, Hancock Creek and Whiskey Creek are facilitating conditions that are favorable to HABs
The SCCF reported that with HABs blooming in the tributaries, excess nutrients from Lake Okeechobee could p r o v i d e t h e f u e l n e c e s s a r y t o i n t e n s i f y t h e b l o o m throughout the estuary
F l o r i d a G u l f C o a s t U n i v e r s i t y ' s Honors Class was recently back at the J N “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge on Sanibel This time, the volunteers weeded out invasive ragweed and Madagascar periwinkle along the W u l f e r t R o a d c o r r i d o r O f f i c i a l s t h a n k e d t h e g r o u p f o r i t s o n g o i n g efforts to help clean up the refuge and assist staff in other ways
Coastal Watch reported that revitaliza-
s P u s c h e l P r e s e r v e a l o n g P e r i w i n k l e W a y o n
Sanibel The current focus is the ponds and demonstration wetlands Recently, volunteers planted over 1,000 plants “As we celebrate the milestones achieved thus far, we also recognize that there is still much to be done In the coming months, we invite members of the community to look out for volunteer events to join our e f f o r t s i n r e s t o r i n g S a n i b e l , ” C o a s t a l W a t c h D i r e c t o r K e a l y M c N e a l s a i d Coastal Watch is part of the SCCF family
r c h 2 7 , 2 0 2 4 c a p t i v a s a n i b e l . c o m I s l a n d R e p o r t e r
As Sanibel continues to recover from Hurricane Ian, the Sanibel Police Department is committed to keeping the community safe and secure. To support that effort, a weekly police blotter will be issued on Tuesday that will include real time information about law enforcement response to criminal activity
Arrest repor ts
∫ Kenneth Carlton Boone, 67, of 530 Coconut Ave , Goodland, was charged on March 16 with one c o u n t e a c h o f b u r g l a r y o f u n o c c u p i e d d w e l l i n g unarmed and larceny grand theft of property dwelling curtilage $100 to $750
∫ Constance Barron Fugate, 50, of 2320 Wooster Lane, Apt 11, Sanibel, was charged on March 14 with one count each of marijuana possess not more than 20 grams, cocaine possess and marijuana possess over 20 grams
∫ C a r l y A n n H u l s e , 3 5 , o f 5 5 8 2 S i x M i l e C o m m e r c i a l C o u r t , A p t 2 0 1 , F o r t M y e r s , w a s charged on March 16 with one count of DUI unlawful blood alcohol DUI influence of alcohol or drugs
Other enforcement actions
∫ On March 13, a traffic stop was initiated on a vehicle for excessive speed The driver was subsequently issued a citation for unlawful speed and a notice to appear for never having a driver’s license issued
∫ On March 14, a traffic stop was initiated on a vehicle for swerving out of its lane multiple times The driver was subsequently issued a warning for failure to drive in a single lane and a notice to appear for never having a driver’s license issued
Enforcement operations statistics
From March 12-18:
The Sanibel Public Library provides a variety of programming for adults and children
W i t h s u p p o r t f r o m t h e S a n i b e l P u b l i c L i b r a r y Foundation, the library has launched a series of virtual author talks to include bestselling authors and thought leaders The next one will take place on April 2 at 2 p m w i t h P a u l a J o h n s o n , c u r a t o r a t t h e S m i t h s o n i a n Institution's National Museum of American History She will discuss the book “Smithsonian American Table: The Foods, People, and Innovations That Feed Us ” Johnson will cover several stories featured in the volume, with an emphasis on those that intersect most directly with the museum's research, collecting and programming around
The Sanibel Public Library will host a virtual author talk on April 2 with Paula Johnson
food history She will engage attendees in discovering the connections between food and American history
Johnson is a curator in the Division of Work and Industry and is responsible for strengthening and maintaining the food history and marine resources collections She is also the project director for the museum's's American Food History Project and director and co-curat o r f o r t h e e x h i b i t i o n , “ F O O D : T r a n s f o r m i n g t h e American Table ” As one of the curators who collected Julia Child's home kitchen in 2001, Johnson was on the team that developed the exhibition “Bon Appetit! Julia Child’s Kitchen ” Over more than three decades at the museum, she has collected a wide range of artifacts and archives reflecting the work and experiences of diverse Americans and communities
Johnson has published books and articles on the Chesapeake Bay, maritime communities and material culture, and has lectured on these and topics related to American food and wine history, field research, oral history recording and community-based documentation She is an inaugural member of the editorial collective for G a s t r o n o m i c a : T h e J o u r n a l f o r F o o d H i s t o r y a n d received the 2020 Smithsonian Distinguished Scholar in the Humanities Award Johnson is working on a book about Child’s home kitchen for publication in fall
A question-and-answer session with the author will follow
See LIBRARY, page 14
Schwar tz selected as annual Carson Scholar
Joshua Schwartz, an eighth-grader at The Sanibel School, was honored as a 2024 Carson Scholar
The Carson Scholars Fund awards
$1,000 college scholarships to students in grades 4-11 who excel academically and are dedicated to serving their communities Each school can nominate one student to apply Carson Scholars must have a mini-
qualities through community service
There were 35 scholars from the School District of Lee County, along with 61 students who earned Carson Scholar Recognition
Library From page 12
T o r e g i s t e r f o r t h e a u t h o r t a l k , v i s i t https://libraryc org/sanlib/upcoming
Additionally, the library has the following programs scheduled:
Youths are encouraged to come in and celebrate National Reading Month in March Every week will have a new theme where participants can read books, take part in crafts and learn about the theme
Spring Flower Crafting will be held today, March 27, from 3:30 to 4:30 p m with staffer Shannon Gafgen Ages 3 and up and their caregiver will create a natureinspired craft using fresh and dried flowers
On March 29, Family Storytime for ages 5 and under and their caregiver will be held from 10:30 to 11 a m with Gafgen. Sing, read, question and move around during the stories, followed by early literacy centers of play to flex minds, motor skills and creativity The program will include an art/craft center
A Book Club Discussion will take place on March 29 from 11 a m to 12:30 p m Attendees will discuss “The Magnolia Palace” by Fiona Davis Staffers will lead the discussion
From page 12
on Sundays are reminded to park their vehicles in the designated lots Roadside parking is not allowed on Sanibel and is enforceable with a $150 fine
When leaving Sanibel, motorists are encouraged to travel east on Periwinkle Way In order to minimize the number of v e h i c l e s d r i v i n g t h r o u g h r e s i d e n t i a l neighborhoods and increase traffic flow, priority is being given to vehicles eastbound on Periwinkle. Motorists using Bailey Road southbound, Lindgren northbound and Periwinkle westbound may experience additional delays as traffic flows are adjusted for efficiency
The Sanibel Public Library will hold a Book Club Discussion on March 29 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
On April 3, Poetry Share will be held from 10 a m to 1 p m Participants can bring a poem to read that is not theirs
Recreation Center and are valid from the date of purchase through Nov 30 The 2023 permits have expired and are no longer valid
The city of Sanibel's 2021 and 2022 Hurricane Re-entry Passes are still valid If you have one, you do not need to reapply for a new pass
Information on the Sanibel Boat Ramp:
∫ The boat ramp is open to permit holders on weekdays, weekends and holidays
∫ The boat ramp is open to the public
A Rainbow Scavenger Hunt and Craft will take place on April 3 from 3:30 to 4 p m Go on a rainbow scavenger hunt, enjoy a rainbow snack and make a rainbow craft with Gafgen Youths must be accompanied by a caregiver
For the most up-to-date information, visit the calendar at https://sanlib org/
The library is holding its Annual Dollar Book Bag Sale now through March 29 at 4:30 p m Fill up a bag, provided by the library, for $1 each until the end of the week or until the stock is gone
Library cards are available to residents of Sanibel and Lee County at no charge Visitor library cards are available for a $10 annual fee
The Sanibel Public Library is open Mondays and T h u r s d a y s f r o m 9 a m t o 8 p m a n d T u e s d a y s , Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 9 a m to 5 p m
For more information, call 239-472-2483 or visit https://sanlib org/
The Sanibel Public Library is at 770 Dunlop Road, Sanibel
(non-permit holders) on weekdays that are not holidays for a $40 daily fee
∫ Commercial use of the boat ramp is prohibited
∫ Fines for violations at the boat ramp are $250
Solicitation is not allowed on Sanibel Please share any photos of solicitation hang tags to police@mysanibel com or use Tip411
Repor ting suspicious activity
Anonymous tips regarding crimes or suspicious activity can be submitted via Tip411:
∫ Text the keyword SANIBEL then your tip to 847411
∫ W e b t i p s c a n b e s u b m i t t e d a t
https://www tip411 com/tips/new?alert g roup id=22450
∫ Use the free “Sanibel PD” app for your Android or iOS device
The SPD's non-emergency line is 239472-3111
F i n d t h e S P D o n F a c e b o o k a t
Sketch-and-stroll nature journaling is a tradit i o n a l “ D i n g ” D a r l i n g D a y C o n s e r v a t i o n Carnival activity
The “Ding” Darling Wildlife Society-Friends of the Refuge provided the following updates for the J N “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge, at 1 Wildlife Drive, Sanibel:
∫ The refuge is offering Free Winter Programs from now through March 30
∫ A free Pilates class will be held on March 30 at The Roost
∫ The refuge will host a unique Solar Eclipse Viewing on April 8
∫ The “Ding” Darling Day Conservation Carnival will be held on April 20 at Lakes Park in Fort Myers
∫ The 12th annual “Ding” Darling & Doc Ford's Tarpon Tournament will take place on May 10
∫ Art in the Wild will return on Oct 19
∫ P h o t o g r a p h e r - a r t i s t N i k i B u t c h e r ' s “Daydreaming” exhibition kickoff has been postponed until the late fall
T h e S a n i b e l
FlyFishers will hold a Fly Tying Night today, March 27, from 6 to 8 p m at the St Charles Yacht Club, at 15900
S t C h a r l e s H a r b o u r B l v d , F o r t M y e r s
Experienced tiers are asked to bring their vises, tools and materials; the club will provide equipment and tools for those who do not have their own Food and beverages will be available. The event is open to the public. For more information, visit https://www sanibelff org/
Adventures in Paradise will offer its annual Easter Cruise on March 31 from three locations
Participants will hop on board and cruise the San Carlos Bay, usually catching a glimpse or two of dolphins along the way A knowledgable captain and naturalist will narrate the cruise Upon arriving at “Easter Island,” typically known as Picnic Island, ages 11 and under will hunt for over 1,000 eggs
Participants will also have the chance to meet the Easter Bunny
Easter pails will be provided
The cruises will depart at 10:30 a m from the Sanibel
Marina, at 634 N Yachtsman Drive, Sanibel; at 9 and 10 a m from the Port Sanibel Marina, at 14341 Port Comfort Road, Fort Myers; and at 9:45 a.m. from the Snug Harbor Marina, at 645 Old San Carlos Blvd , Fort Myers Beach
Tickets are $69 for ages 12 and older and $59 for ages 11 and under Reservations are required F o r
o r m a t i o n , v i s i t
https://www adventureinparadiseinc com/ or call 239472-8443,
Still recovering from damage f r
“Ding” Darling National Wildlife R e f u g e
r c h
7 ,
0 2
c a p t i v a s a n i b e l . c o m I s l a n d R e p o r t e r
I s l a n d R e p o r t e r c a p t i v a s a n i b e l . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 2 7 ,
I s l a n d R e p o r t e r c a p t i v a s a n i b e l . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 2
From page 1
SCCF voiced concer n for releases
On March 18, the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation reported that it had been more than a month since the Corps began releasing lake discharges to the Caloosahatchee and St Lucie Rivers At the time, it continued to express concern for the health of the local ecosystems
From March 16-29, a daily average of 4,000 cubic feet per second (cfs) was scheduled to be sent to the west coast, while an average of 1,800 cfs per day was to be sent east
“We are beginning to see signs of stress in the estuaries as salinities are held low, and the change in water clarity has been noticed by everyone,” SCCF Environmental Policy Director Matt DePaolis wrote on March 15 in a public comment letter to Corps Jacksonville District Commander Col James Booth
“We were happy to hear that this may be the last 14-day period of full releases, and urge the Corps to stop completely, or drastically lower the volume of, the releases to protect
From page 1
“We are only limited by the number of people we have signed up For example, we do more hiring if we have more students We hope we will be able to get more kids enrolling,” Franklin said
The school district offers transportation to and from the center for the majority of the children She said it does not matter where the student lives in the district
The school day kicks off with the teachers and students in a greeting circle where they go over such topics as what to expect for the day, how their night was and introducing themselves to the other students There is a family-style breakfast that the students participate in where teachers encourage conversations following the circle time
From there instructional activities take
Aerial views over the Sanibel Lighthouse on Feb. 20. Lighthouse Beach Park is the ideal location to photograph water clarity as it is where the Caloosahatchee Estuary meets the Gulf of Mexico
place, as well as going outside to play Franklin said most of their day is based around instruction explicit instruction to hone on certain skills The skills are learning letters, numbers, colors, shapes and positional words to help students with reading
At the end of the day there is a recap of what the students have learned and what to expect the following day before they either take the bus home or their parents pick them up
To participate in the summer VPK program, students must be 5 years old by Sept 1 and be registered for kindergarten for the 2024-25 school year
“Once they meet all the requirements, they go to the coalition to get the voucher extended to them,” she said, adding that if
From page 1
a “who’s who” of local business leaders SanCap Chamber of Commerce Board Chair and Bailey's General Store fourthgeneration owner-operator Calli Johnson served as moderator as a member of the Class of 2022 and a Leadership Planning Committee member
T h e s p e a k e r s i n c l u d e d : c h a m b e r President and Chief Executive Officer John Lai; Eric Pfeifer, owner/broker of the Pfeifer Realty Group and Sanibel P l a n n i n g C o m m i s s i o n m e m b e r ; p a s t S a n i b e l P l a n n i n g C o m m i s s i o n C h a i r Chuck Ketteman; Lee County Visitor & Convention Bureau Executive Director Tamara Pigott; Lee County Economic D e v e l o p m e n t O f f i c e D i r e c t o r J o h n
From page 2
F I S H reported that it impacted many lives in 2023, but perhaps one of its biggest successes was the Hurricane Ian Point of Distribution (POD) program, which is offered in partnership with the U n i t e d W a y ' s G i f t s - i n - K i n d P r o g r a m .
F I S H distributed 1,060 pieces of furniture to survivors of the storm
“We are pleased to partner with United Way to offer this valuable program to our community members, many of which lost
Resorts Board Chairman Tony Lapi, who also sponsored the event
Discussions centered mainly around the economic recovery of the islands following Hurricane Ian and included issues such as the future of hospitality, timeline for recovery, and current business climate in Lee County and Southwest Florida The participants also received a tour of the C r o w ' s N e s t S t e a k h o u s e a n d T h e Shipyard at the 'Tween Waters Island Resort & Spa
CFI Executive Director Dolly Farrell closed the session with a talk about the economic revitalization taking place, role of private philanthropy and results of a
everything due to Ian,” she said “This program helps alleviate the financial pressure and emotional stress for community members who need to replace everything, from smaller items like dishes and utensils to larger furnishings, windows and doors It’s a very meaningful program that our community appreciates each month ”
Also during 2023, F I S H answered more than 24,000 service requests from island neighbors It reported that 86% of
From page 4
We thank our partners in the state of Florida for working with us to advance and invest in long-term solutions with ecosystem restoration projects that are underway to restore the Everglades and limit releases into Florida’s other estuaries
This year alone, we anticipate awarding $3 1 billion in new construction contracts
to keep these Everglades restoration projects moving forward and to ensure they are operational as soon as possible, providing additional water storage and increased water flows where needed for restoration, a n d r e d u c e d a m a g i n g f l o w s t o t h e
Caloosahatchee and St Lucie Rivers
We will continue to seek public participation and feedback to our operations and
the oyster spawn that will likely be beginning at the end of March,” he wrote
The SCCF reported that nutrient-rich water from the lake entering the Caloosahatchee could potentially fuel future algae blooms, and a cyanobacteria bloom was reported at the Alva Boat Ramp on March 11
Since the releases began, the SCCF's River, Estuary, and Coastal Observing Network (RECON) sensors have detected an increase in phycocyanin, a pigment in the water associated with blue-green algae, in both Moore Haven by Lake Okeechobee and Alva by the Franklin Lock & Dam
“With the environmental and economic risk associated with a potential bloom, we ask that future releases be limited to lower the danger of exacerbating this trend and potentially leading to larger algae blooms in the Caloosahatchee river,” DePaolis wrote
the voucher was used anytime during the school year, they will not be able to take advantage of the summer funding for the program
The voucher can be obtained online at www elcofswfl org or by making an appointment to go in person to the Early Learning Coalition of Southwest Florida, at 2675 Winkler Ave , Fort Myers
To register, families need to bring their voucher, receipt of enrollment in kindergarten, child’s birth certificate and proof of address to the Early Learning Coalition Childhood Center
The preference is for families to let them know by the end of May if they plan to participate in the program, so they can prepare for the right number of students
commissioned business climate survey
On March 7, the participants learned about the arts on the islands by local experts and leaders They received a welcome address from BIG ARTS Executive Director Lee Ellen Harder, followed by a gallery tour and an overview of the facility's history by former Board Member and Building Campaign member Ralph Clark, G a l l e r y D i r e c t o r W i l s o n M c C r a y a n d W o r k s h o p s M a n a g e r A i m e e H a r r i s o n T h e g r o u p a l s o h e a r d f r o m S a n i b e l Historical Museum and Village Executive Director Mark Harmon
N e x t , t h e p a r t i c i p a n t s h e a d e d t o Captiva for a tour of the Captiva Civic Association and Captiva Island Historical
every dollar went to programming Other impacts for the year included:
∫ 5,486 visits to the food pantry and 896 holiday food baskets
∫ 2,983 reassurance calls to seniors and homebound islanders
∫ F I S H Social Services provided 5,740 instances of case management
∫ Seniors and homebound residents received 2,983 reassurance calls and 208 Smile Boxes
future plans, and we will continue to do our best to balance the project purposes of the lake under the current Lake Okeechobee R e g u l a t i o n S c h e d u l e a n d f u t u r e L a k e Okeechobee Systems Operations Manual (LOSOM)
That is our mission, and we will continue to execute it, walking side-by-side with our stakeholders and partners in Florida
Franklin said the VPK summer program is important because it is the last chance for students to have kindergarten readiness They hear feedback from many kindergarten teachers, as well as school administration, that there is a big difference in students who have attended the program verses those who do not She said the program provides the students with social and emotional skills, as well as number and letter fundamentals.
“If a child is not used to sitting for a longer period of time, or (receive) explicit instruction, it is hard for kindergarten teachers to teach that in advance,” Franklin said
For more information, call Lori Jacobson at 239-332-2512
Society, which included the facilities, library and cemetery A panel discussion included CCA Executive Director Emily A n k e r s o n , C C A F o u n d a t i o n P r e s i d e n t Lisa Riordan and CIHS Board Chair Tom Libonate. It ended with a presentation by Rauschenberg Residency Director Ann Brady
“Forward-thinking programs such as this one ensure that the future of Sanibel and Captiva looks bright We control our destiny by helping to mold informed leaders who are well-versed in the uniqueness of our island community,” Farrell said “Saying it’s ‘an investment in our future’ is an understatement ”
∫ Hurricane recovery services and supplies totaled 4,018 instances and 745 hurricane preparedness packets were distributed
∫ 285 children received holiday toy a s s i s t a n c e a n d 2 1 7 c h i l d r e n r e c e i v e d school supplies
∫ Volunteers provided 10,603 hours of service, equating to $311,834, and drove 24,000 miles
Brig Gen Daniel Hibner is commander of the U S Army Corps of Engineers' South Atlantic Division It is the regional b u s i n e s s c e n t e r i n t h e s o u t h e a s t , C a r i b
https://www sad usace army mil/
SanCap Chamber of Commerce ribbon-cuttings celebrated the comeback of two longtime island businesses: MacIntosh Books + Paper on March 12 and John Grey Painting on March 14 on Sanibel
Macintosh Books opened in 1960 and has lived in a few locations around the island under a handful of different owners in its 64 years, starting with William and Dorothy MacIntosh Rebecca Binkowski purchased the bookshop in 2017, after managing it for six years Having lost her Village Shops store and most of its inventory in 2022, she and several businesses relocated to the Bell Tower in Fort Myers for a year as she started rebuilding at a new location in Heart of the Islands shopping center
“I’m thrilled to bring it back to Sanibel after Hurricane Ian and usher it into its next evolution It is the very definition of a community bookstore,” Binkowski said “It feels amazing to be home and part of the recovery We heal through sharing our stories and listening to one another Every business that opens creates a safe space for learning more about what we need from one another to get back to ‘normal ’ We’re giving each other hope, and hope is everything ”
She welcomes the added space in the new location as the shop continues to build out with a fall target date to have everything in place with more books, stationery and events Current hours are Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p m , Saturday from 10 a m to 4 p m and Sunday from 11 a m to 3 p m
“What would Sanibel Island be without a bookshop? And Rebecca is the ideal of the community’s independent, smallbusiness model,” chamber President and Chief Executive Officer John Lai said “The island seemed incomplete without the MacIntosh tradition and Rebecca and her ready willingness to participate in events and celebrations to support the community ”
John Grey Painting's history dates back to 1967 in Southwest Florida In 1972, the company began working on Sanibel and eventually shifted its focus to serving the island community
“Our family-owned enterprise has grown into a full-serv-
SANCAP CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ABOVE: MacIntosh Books + Paper celebrates a n e w p o s t - h u r r i c a n e l o c a t i o n o n S a n i b e l o n March 12 with a SanCap Chamber of Commerce ribbon-cutting. RIGHT: John Grey Painting celebrates a new post-hurricane location on Sanibel with a SanCap Chamber of Commerce ribboncutting on March 14
ice contracting company, specializing in renovations, decorating and painting for both residential and commercial properties,” founder and co-owner John Grey said
His sons, Derrick and Nate, joined the business as employees and have since become partners.
“The cornerstone of John Grey Painting's success lies in its commitment to customer satisfaction and delivering topnotch quality experiences,” Grey said “By helping customers clearly articulate their needs and desires, the company ensures that every project is executed to perfection ”
Ian wreaked havoc on the company's former location, a block from the new office After the storm, the team worked out of Nate Grey’s home in Fort Myers and eventually relocated to Pine Ridge Road, where they own an office and warehouse
Roughly three weeks post-storm, John Grey’s Painting began sending crews to the island daily, thanks to the generosity of a friend who lent a boat Since then, crews have completed work on approximately 900 homes and businesses It continues to deploy four to five crews into the field daily, continuing its efforts toward full recovery
“Clients have been incredibly understanding of the challenges we've faced,” Grey said “They've
shown patience and flexibility as we work hard to serve them efficiently, while prioritizing quality It's heartening to know that clients value the quality of our work and are willing to wait to receive the best results possible ”
The new offices offer a brighter environment and more accessibility without stairs to navigate
“Having one of our own well-established contract services return to the islands boosts confidence levels and optimism for the community,” Lai said. “Just one more positive sign as we strive to push the needle on the recovery timeline ”
MacIntosh Books + Paper is at 1620 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel
John Grey Painting is at 695 Tarpon Bay Road, Sanibel
From page 8
Leadership Academy and was recognized as NABOR’s Educator of the Year She received NABOR’s Citizen of the Year Award in 2018.
McCloskey serves the National Association of Realtors (NAR) as a committee member She is also active with the Florida Association of Realtors, where she serves on several committees Corey McCloskey
Known as the unofficial end-of-season celebration for the islands, the SanibelCaptiva Conservation Foundation's 10th annual Beer in the Bushes will return on March 30 from 6 to 10 p m at the SCCF's newly restored headquarters on Sanibel
“It feels really good to be sharing our new HQ with the Beer in the Bushes reve l e r s , ” S C C F E v e n t s M a n a g e r J e f f Siwicke reported “Coming together after all we have been through it feels like exactly the celebration we can all use right about now ”
Wimmer Communities will again serve as the presenting sponsor for the event
Headlining the outdoor festivities will be Railroad Earth with its bluegrass soul and rock 'n' roll spirit For over two decades, the band has captivated audiences with gleefully unpredictable live shows and elevated studio output The SCCF noted that it regularly sells out hall o w e d v e n u e s l i k e t h e R e d R o c k s Amphitheater and Sony Hall and it returns annually to longstanding music festivals
“Railroad Earth will take the stage as our biggest production ever, with lighting and a level of live performance unpredictability that will make our 10th annual a very memorable celebration,” he said “ T h a n k s t o o u r g o o d f r i e n d s a n d returning band sponsor, The Marcums, we are taking the music and production up to a level we have not seen before,” Siwicke added “This will be a show not to be missed ”
The event will feature its namesake craft beer from regional breweries and a d i v e r s e s e l e c t i o n o f f o o d t r u c k s
Attendees will be able to enjoy a variety of food and beverage options, including beer and wine tastings, soft drinks and water, snacks, and dinner offerings R e p r e s e n t i n g c o a s t a l c o m m u n i t i e s from Tampa to Naples, the nine breweries include the Bone Hook Brewing Co , H o p s i z e d B r e w i n g C o . , F o r t M y e r s B r e w i n g C o , M i l l e n i a l B r e w i n g Company, Palm City Brewing Co , Point Ybel Brewing Co , Swamp Cat Brew Co and Tampa Bay Brewing Co , plus the island's own The Great White Grill offering special selections
Sponsored by The Sanibel Captiva Trust Company, Food Truck Alley will be lined with an assortment of dishes from Price Panzarotti's, Sweet Cheesus, Tia's Kitchen, Wicked Streatery and Yo Samara's
Charlotte “Charlie” Chaney, 6, of Tallahassee, found a Scotch bonnet on March 15 on the beach in front of the Captiva Island Yacht Club on Captiva Her family reported that she was diving in 3-4 feet of water looking for shells when she found the gem all on her own! To report a shell find, contact 239-4721587 or trepecki@breezenewspapers com
Additional event sponsors include:
∫ B r e w m a s t e r s : A F r i e n d o f O u r I s l a n d s , B a i l e y ' s , C a p t i v a C r u i s e s , Barbara and Tom Dunham, Deborah La Gorce, Jill and Dan McCormack, Kay and John Morse, Becky Mulka, Roberta and P h i l i p P u s c h e l , S a n i b e l C a p t i v a Community Bank, Kelly Smith-Powers and Sam Powers, and The Island Store
∫ Keg sponsors: AIP Outfitters, Cathy and Jim Cryder, Doc Ford's Rum Bar & Grille, Sherry and Doug Gentry, Judy and R a y M c C o r m a c k , a n d T h e H e a l t h
“We have plenty of space for roaming about our Food Truck Alley and craft breweries, dancing, and for quality time with friends new and old,” he said
T i c k e t s a r e $ 1 2 5 p e r p e r s o n a n d include beer samples, wine, soft drinks, water and light snacks Each ticket also i n c l u d e s $ 1 5 i n “ T r u x B u x ” t h a t a r e redeemable for dinner choices from the food trucks
For this year's “Back to the Bushes” t h e m e , t h e s u g g e s t e d a t t i r e i s c a m o cool/safari chic
T h e f u n d s r a i s e d w i l l s u p p o r t t h e SCCF's mission to protect and care for Southwest Florida’s coastal ecosystems
The SCCF family of nonprofits includes t h e S a n i b e l S e a S c h o o l a n d C o a s t a l Watch
∫ G r o w l e r s p o n s o r s : A n o n y m o u s , Susan and Cliff Beittel, Nancy and Bob Brooks, Tory and Bill Burch, Dorothy and Seth Hemming, Huxter's Market, Deli and Liquors, Louise and Tim Huyck, Mark McQuade General Contractor, Stephanie Rahe, Nancy and Chip Roach, Sanibel Carts, Superior Title, The Burton Family, Timbers Restaurant & Fish Market, and Mary and Ted Wiedeman
∫ P i n t s p o n s o r s : R o b i n a n d C h r i s t o p h e r C h r i s t i a n , A l l i s o n a n d C h a u n c e y G o s s , G a i l a n d J i m Greenwood, Hangar 41 Winery Brew Shop, Island Inn, Elissa and Nik Khakee, Barbara and Robin Lee, Lisa Ann and Bob Miller, Judy and Bob Otterbein, Outlier Brands, Rapid Response Team, J o y c e a n d D o n R i c e , S a n i b e l A i r & Electric, Laura and Shawn Shaffer, Sandy Shepard In Loving Memory of Ann S m i t h , P a m e l a S p a n n , K r i s a n d P e t e Squibb, and Linda and Tom Uhler
For more information and tickets, visit https://sccf org/events-programs/
The SCCF's headquarters is at 3333 Sanibel-Captiva Road, Sanibel
The Sanibel Community Association and the Shellcrafters presented the 87th Annual Sanibel Shell Festival on March 7-9 at The Community House on Sanibel Attendees had the chance to vote on their favorite exhibits for the People's Choice Awards TCH officials announced the winners as follows:
∫ Class 1 - Flower Arrangements Made of Shells
1st - Barb Walling of Sanibel
2nd - Barb Walling of Sanibel
3rd - Mary Hennemann of Fort Myers
∫ Class 2 - Animals
1st - Barb Walling of Sanibel
2nd - Gina Panzer of Fort Myers
∫ Class 8Mirror/Pictures/Shadowboxes
1st - Linda Harrell of Fort Myers
2nd - Linda Harrell of Fort Myers
3rd - Denise Moore of Fort Myers
∫ Class 9 - Wreath
1st - Deb Determan of Sanibel
2nd - Linda Ledel of Cape Coral
3rd - Barb Walling of Sanibel
∫ Class 13 - Tabletop Display
1st - Marvin and Mary Hennemann of Fort Myers
2nd (tie) - Denise Moore of Fort Myers
2nd (tie) - Leslie Anding of Sanibel
3rd - Cheri Bailey of Fort Myers
∫ Class 14 - Miscellaneous
1st - Sandra Hotaling of Fort Myers
2nd - Marvin and Mary Hennemann of Fort Myers
TCH also reported that this year's festival broke record attendance on all three days
Officials extended their appreciation to all of the volunteers and vendors who participated, including a special thank you to The Sanibel School students and Bailey-Matthew National Shell Museum & Aquarium staff who manned the infamous “Shell Shed,” which educated attendees about live mollusks
TCH also thanked everyone who contributed, donated, sponsored and attended the festival
Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church will present its Community Drumming Circle today, March 27, in the Parish Hall, at 2304 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel The family circle for those with children ages 12 and under is from 4 to 4:30 p m The adult circle for adults and youths is from 4:30 to 5:30 p m Held on the fourth Wednesday of each month, it is an inclusive musical experience that welcomes all skill levels, and no previous experience is necessary Participants are invited to bring their own drum or rhythm instruments, and drums will be available for use The event is free and open to the public
W a l t e r ' s v i b u r n u m ( V i b u r n u m o b o v a t u m )
“Whorled Class” is a lovely small shrub that grows quite well in our area. The plant has a mounding compact form with dense, dark green foliage and clusters of small white f l o w e r s t h a t b l o o m i n spring, covering much of the plant
This viburnum has a moderate growth pattern and will reach a height of 4-5 feet and about that in width, making it a great choice for a hedge, f o u n d a t i o n p l a n t i n g o r planted around the base of a larger tree as an accent Its compact rounded shape also makes it a good choice for formal or informal garden areas or as a mass planting This variety loves full sun to even partial sun Its leaves are petite and glossy, and when it blooms is really is quite showy in a subtle classy way
The plant is easy to care for and can tolerate many planting conditions Water it regularly when first planted and once established it will tolerate some drought, as well as wet conditions and sandy soil. Prune lightly to maintain the shape and fertilize with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer blend
The small shrub with its little leaves and showy clusters of white blooms is a good addition to any garden and blends well with traditional formal landscapes, as well as more modern landscapes Its versatility and easy care make it a winner
In The Garden is a joint effort by all at the local g a r d e n c e n t e r , a t 3 8 8 9 S a n i b e l - C a p t i v a R o a d , Sanibel For more information, contact 239-3955859 or visit www.facebook.com/rswalshinthegarden.
w l o g o f o r t h e 5 0 t h a n n i v e r s a r y o f t h e c i t y ' s i n c o r p o r a t i o n o n N o v 5 , 1 9 7 4 , ” c h a m b e r P r e s i d e n t a n d C h i e f E x e c u t i v e O f f i c e r J o h n L a i s a i d “ A n d n o w t h e y ’ r e h e r e ” T h e c h a m b e r i s h a n d l i n g t h e m e r c h a n d i s e s a l e s a n d s h i p p i n g “ W e h a v e c r e a t e d a n e a s y w a y t o o r d e r l o g o s h i r t s , m u g s , b a s e b a l l c a p s a n d t u m b l e r s r i g h t n o w , ” h e s a i d “ A n d e x p e c t e v e n m o r e m e r c h a n d i s e i t e m s t o c o m e ” S h o p p e r s c a n o r d e r l o n g - s l e e v e d p e r f o r m a n c e s h i r t s i n w h i t e , l i g h t b l u e a n d m e l o n ; a n d s h o r t - s l e e v e d Ts h i r t s i n w h i t e a n d i v o r y B o t h c o m e i n a l l a d u l t , u n is e x s i z e s . B a s e b a l l c a p s a r e a v a i l a b l e i n b l u e a n d c r e a m O t h e r a n n i v e r s a r y s o u v e n i r s i n c l u d e a b l a c k , 2 6 - o u n c e Y e t i b o t t l e ; a b l a c k , 3 0 - o u n c e t u m b l e r ; a p i n k , 4 0 - o u n c e t r a v e l t u m b l e r ; a n d c a m p f i r e m u g s i n t e a l o r b
The city of Sanibel's 50th anniversary logo merchandise showcases the Sanibel Lighthouse
In partnership with the United W a y ' s G i f t s - i n - K i n d P r o g r a m , F I S H of Sanibel-Captiva continu e s t o
Hurricane Ian Point of Distribution (POD) program The next event will take place on March 29 from 9 to 11 a m at the Walk-In Center, at 2430 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel The pro-
gram is available to Sanibel and Captiva residents and workers; recipients must show proof of residency or employment Bring a vehicle large enough for the items and some extra hands to lift them. For more information, contact Disaster Administrative Director Manuela Martinez at 239472-4775 or manuela@fishofsancap org
One of the most beautiful islands of the Mediterranean, Capri calls out to visitors from all over the world I love visiting fashionable Capri at any time of the year and while there I always make sure that I order this delicious salad. Made with ripe tomatoes and fresh mozzarella cheese drizzled with extra virgin olive oil, it is a treat for all your senses Serves eight (Chef tip: When in season, buy homegrown heirloom tomatoes For the best flavor, never refrigerate them )
4 large vine-ripened tomatoes
1 pound fresh mozzarella cheese
1 cup arugula
Loretta Paganini
The Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife's Visitor Education Center, at 3883 Sanibel-Captiva Road, Sanibel, will present the following:
∫ Today, March 2 7
Program of the Week at 11 a m
The presentation will be about CROW
∫ Thursday, March 2 8
Program of the Week at 11 a m
The presentation will be about “A Day in the Life at CROW ”
∫ Friday, March 2 9
Program of the Week at 11 a m
The presentation will be about “If You Care, Leave it There.”
∫ Monday, April 1
Program of the Week at 11 a m
T h e p r e s e n t a t i o n w i l l b e a b o u t
“Patients at CROW ”
∫ Tuesday, April 2
Program of the Week at 11 a m
The presentation will be about CROW
Speaker Series at 4 p m
Sanibel author Charles Sobczak will present “Wildlife Post Ian” in-person and via Zoom Did you know that Hurricane
During this week, we will conclude the sacred s e a s o n o f L e n t i n t h e Christian spiritual tradition with what is referred to as the “Easter Tridium,” the c o m m e m o r a t i o n o f Maundy (Holy) Thursday, G o o d F r i d a y a n d E a s t e r S u n d a y T h e T r i d i u m marks the final stages and events of the most sacred time of the Christian year Holy Week
What a strange, sad and dissonant time it was then to be watching one of the magnificent monuments to C h r i s t i a n i t y t h e Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris burn during Holy Week five years ago
Idalia dropped small flocks of flamingoes from Sanibel north to Port Washington, W i s c o n s i n ? H o w d o e s t h e l u m b e r i n g gopher tortoise survive an 8-foot storm surge? Cost is $10 To register, visit http://www crowclinic org/
∫ Wednesday, April 3
Program of the Week at 11 a m
The presentation will be about “A Day in the Life at CROW ”
Admission is $12 for ages 13 and older, $7 for ages 4-12 and free for ages 3 and under
In addition, CROW offers a Wildlife Walk Hospital Tour on Mondays through F r i d a y s a f t e r t h e d a i l y p r e s e n t a t i o n Limited to 12 people; participants must be age 10 or older The cost is $25 per person; advanced registration and payment is required To register, contact 239-4723644 ext 229 or reservations@crowclinic org
F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t
http://www crowclinic org/ or call 239472-3644
On April 19, 2019, I watched the fire do its work from the comfort of my living room; heard the anguish of those witnessing it in person; rotated among several channels every few minutes for different perspectives And pondered two Christian spiritual considerations most associated with that time of year
The more obvious one, which I heard many commentators on those rotating channels offer their audiences as well, w a s r e s u r r e c t i o n A s t h e s u f f e r i n g , destruction and death of Maundy (Holy) Thursday and Good Friday gave way to new life on Easter Sunday, so to the suffering, death and destruction of that day
Herb pesto:
2 cloves garlic
1 cup fresh parsley, thoroughly washed and dried
1/2 cup fresh basil leaves
1/2 cup fresh chives, chopped
1/4 cup pine nuts, lightly toasted
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/4 cup parmesan cheese
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
Place pine nuts, garlic and herbs in a food processor With the motor running, add the oil in a slow stream, scraping down the sides of the bowl occasionally Remove from food processor and stir in cheese Season with salt and pepper to taste
Carefully cut the tomatoes and mozzarella into 1/4-inch thick slices, keep separate and set aside. When ready to serve, arrange the tomatoes, mozzarella and basil on top of one another to create a napoleon Drizzle the salad with herb pesto
∫ Bat Yam Temple of the Islands
2050 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel (Sanibel Congregational United Church of Christ), https://www batyam org/, https://www facebook com/batyamsanibel/
Rabbi Sunny Schnitzer
Sabbath service on Friday at 7 p m and via Zoom For Zoom links, email batyamsanibel@gmail com
∫ Captiva Chapel by the Sea
11580 Chapin Lane, Captiva, 239-472-1646, https://www captivachapel com/, www facebook com/Captiva-Chapel-By-The-Sea
Rev Dr Doug Dortch
Bible Study on Wednesday at 11 a m in the chapel yard Maundy Thursday Service on March 28 at 4 p m Good Friday Service on March 29 at noon Easter Sunday Service on March 31 at 11 a m Services will be videotaped and posted on the chapel's website and Facebook page Services from the past season can also be found online
∫ Chavurat Shalom of Southwest Florida
www chavuratshalomofsouthwestflorida org
Torah Talk on the first Saturday of each month at 10 a m via Zoom Len Minsky
Current Events on the second, third and fourth Saturday of each month at 10 a m via Zoom. Informal “schmooze” on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom. Lecture and Discussion Series on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p m via Zoom For Zoom links, email ChavuratShalom@gmail com
∫ Sanibel Community Church
1740 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel, 239-472-2684, https://sanibelchurch com/, https://www facebook com/sanibelchurch/
Pastor Jeramie Rinne
would give way to a rebuilt Notre Dame Like Jesus, N o t r e D a m e w o u l d r i s e again
T h e l e s s o b v i o u s Christian spiritual consideration I pondered one I d o n ’ t r e c a l l h e a r i n g o r reading that day or in the days after was the same f o u r w o r d p h r a s e t h a t a messenger(s) of God says to those who first reached t h e e m p t y t o m b i n Matthew, Mark and Luke’s accounts of that first Easter morning:
“He is not here ”
The grandeur of Notre Dame, the devotion of those who labored to build it and its significance to western culture are undeniable The sadness over the damage it suffered merited compassion But still
“He is not here.”
What the Easter story proclaims, if anything, is that God, God's love and the power of God's ways and call for humanity embodied by Jesus is boundless It is not limited to any structure, city, nation or ethnicity, or to any political, sexual or gender orientation It is not limited by suffering, destruction and death It resides wherever and in whomever chooses to also embody and offer those same ways of compassion, forgiveness, kindness, justice, mercy and love to others and the world
SCCF Kids Easter Egg Hunt on March 30 from 11 a m to 1 p m ; registration required by visiting https://www sanibelchurch com/ and click on the “Events” tab Easter Sunday Service on March 31 at 6:30 in the courtyard (bring a chair) and at 8:30 and 10:30 a m in the Sanctuary Services will be recorded and posted on the SCC's YouTube channel on Monday
∫ Sanibel Congregational United Church of Christ 2050 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel, 239-472-0497, https://www sanibelucc org/, https://www facebook com/sanibelucc/
Senior Minister Rev Dr Mark Boyea
Maundy Thursday on March 28 at 7:30 p m in the Sanctuary Good Friday on March 29 at noon in the Sanctuary Easter Worship on March 31 at 10 a m
∫ Saint Isabel Catholic Church
3559 Sanibel-Captiva Road, Sanibel, 239-472-2763, https://www saintisabel org/, https://www facebook com/stisabelcatholicchurch/
Father Edward Martin
Friday Mass at 9 a m Easter Vigil Mass on March 30 at 7 p m Easter Sunday Mass on March 31 at 7, 8:30 and 10:30 a m
∫ Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church
2304 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel, 239-472-2173, https://www saintmichaels-sanibel org/, https://www facebook com/saintmichaelssanibel/
Rev William “Bill” Van Oss
Maundy Thursday on March 28 at 6 p m , with a meal at 5 p m Good Friday on March 29 at noon Holy Saturday Easter Vigil on March 30 at 5 p m Easter Sunday on March 31 at 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30 a m , with an Egg Hunt at 10:45 a m
Whether it’s in a Cathedral or on a street corner. In Paris or here.
The Rev Dr Mark Boyea is senior minister at the Sanibel Congregational United Church of Christ
The Santiva Islanders will present the following:
Mahnaz Bassir will host Cardio & Strength today, March 27, from 10 to 11 a m in the Parish Hall at Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, at 2304 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Bring water and a towel; no mat is required Light weights may be brought Cost is $5 per class and $60 per month for members or $10 per class and $120 per month for non-members
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club will be held on March 28 from 8 to 9 a m at Jerry's Cafe, at 1700 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Attendees will order and pay individually For more information, contact Dan Hopta at 978-2394612
Social Bridge
Social Bridge will be held on March 28 from noon to 2:30 p m in the library at Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, at 2304 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Cost is $5. For more information, contact Bryant Korn at bryantekorn@gmail com
Social Mahjong
Social Mahjong will be held on March 28 from noon to 2:30 p m in the music room at Saint Michael and All Angels
Episcopal Church, at 2304 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Cost is $5 For more information, contact Beth Funderburg at bfundy4648@gmail com
Coffee & Conversation will be held on March 29 from 9:30 to 11:30 a m in the library at Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, at 2304 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Volunteers will be available to answer questions, register new members, sign up for activities and more
Mahnaz Bassir will host Cardio & Strength on March 29 from 10 to 11 a m in the Parish Hall at Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, at 2304 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Bring water and a towel; no mat is required Light weights may be brought. Cost is $5 per class and $60 per month for members or $10 per class and $120 per month for non-members
Coffee & Conversation will be held on April 1 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the library at Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, at 2304 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Volunteers will be available to answer questions, register new members, sign up for activities and more
The Sanibel Congregational United Church of Christ will present “The Living Last Supper,” a depiction of Leonardo da Vinci's fresco come to life, on March 28 at 7:30 p m at 2050 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel The performance will feature each of the disciples present at the last supper giving a monologue about their life and travels, interspersed with choral singing The Rev Dr Mark Boyea will make a special appearance playing the traitor, Judas. The event is free and open to the community For more information, contact the church at 239-4720497 or 203-517-5427
Mahnaz Bassir will host Cardio & Strength on April 1 from 10 to 11 a m in the Parish Hall at Saint Michael and All A n g e l s E p
Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Bring water and a towel; no mat is required Light weights may be brought Cost is $5 per class and $60 per month for members or $10 per class and $120 per month for non-members
Happy Hour at MudBugs will be held on April 1 from 4 to 6 p m at MudBugs Cajun Kitchen, at 1473 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Enjoy happy hour drink and appetizer specials. Attendees will order and pay individually
Mahnaz Bassir will host Cardio & Strength on April 3 from 10 to 11 a m in the Parish Hall at Saint Michael and All A n g e l s E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h , a t 2 3 0 4
Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Bring water and a towel; no mat is required Light weights may be brought Cost is $5 per class and $60 per month for members or $10 per class and $120 per month for non-members
The Santiva Islanders serve all adult islanders and visitors, regardless of age The cost is $25 for an annual membership The Island Seniors raise funding to help defray the cost of the program activities
For more information, visit https://sant i v a i s l a n d e r s o r g / o r c o n t a c t s a n t i v a i slanders@gmail com
Painting with Friends
Periwinkle Way, Sanibel, will present the following:
Painting with Friends will be held today, March 27, from 12:30 to 3:30 p m Bring you own supplies Cost is a $10 donation at the door For more information, contact Jane Hudson at janehudsonpainter@yahoo com
The Shellcrafters will meet on April 1 from 10 a m to 1 p m in the lobby A shell crafting class will take place at 10 a m ; it is free and supplies range from $5-10 Items will be available for sale All sales benefit the operations of TCH
Painting with Friends will be held on April 3 from 12:30 to 3:30 p m Bring you own supplies Cost is a $10 donation at the door For more information, contact Jane Hudson at janehudsonpainter@yahoo com
Shell Critter Kits are available for p u r c h a s e i n a v a r i e t y o f d i f f e r e n t options Cost is $5 per kit with all of the supplies included, except for glue Order them in-person at TCH or call 239-4722155
T C H o f f i c e h o u r s a r e M o n d a y through Friday from 9 a m to 1 p m F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t w w w . s a n i b e l c o m m u n i t y h o u s e . n e t o r contact 239-472-2155 or office@sanibelcommunityhouse net
Here on the soil where once I fought, The quest for youth is fiercely sought, Against the foes of sun and wind Fresh hope is pinned on hip just pinned, On scoops made possible by scope of knee Or wrists supported with mercury; A magnet velcroed to a thigh Provides the force to jump up high And elbows bubble-wrapped in gas Unleash to whip out one more pass Discs fused forever for a while Won’t let the chiro’s claims beguile And pacemakers set to set the pace Power us toward prosthetic grace: Returning all on dust and clay To beat oblivion one more day
From page 27
The Story of Your Retrieving and W r i t i n g a b o u t Y o u r M e m o r i e s w i t h Barbara Freeman will be held on March 28-29 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Cost is $76 for donors and $95 for nondonors
From Life with Juli Bobman will be held on April 1, 8, 15 and 22 from 9:30 a m to noon Cost is $128 for donors and $160 for non-donors
Structural Drawing Drapery with Juli Bobman will be held on April 1 from 1 to 3:30 p m Cost is $36 for donors and $45 for non-donors
Film Series
“Between Two Worlds” (2021) will be shown on April 1 at 7 p m Tickets are $12
Open Studio will be held on April 2 from 10 a m to 2 p m Cost is $8 for donors and $10 for non-donors per hour
Glass Fusing with Petra Kaiser will be held on April 3, 10, 17 and 24 from 9:30 a m to 12:30 p m Cost is $135 for donors and $168 for non-donors
Registration is required for workshops by calling 239-395-0900
For more information or tickets, visit www bigarts org
The Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation hosted Cause for the Campus on March 2 at the Bailey Homestead Preserve on Sanibel With the contributions of 150 supporters, it raised $450,000 for the Sanibel Sea School campus. Attendees were treated to a cocktail hour, tented dinner and live music Through sponsorships and an auction, funds were secured for repairs and enhancements like a new roof on the front building, wraparound decking on the Kennedy Building, an outdoor learning amphitheater, a revitalized play yard area and an upgraded storage facility Additionally, scholarship funding was secured Thanks to the support of the Jenni & Kyle Foundation, the short film
“Restoring Ocean Love” was shown that illuminated the Sanibel Sea School's dedication to ocean conservation and education
S a n i b e lC a p t i v a I s l a n d e r c a p t i v a s a n i b e l . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 2 7 , 2 0
S a n i b e lC a p t i v a I s l a n d e r c a p t i v a s a n i b e l . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 2 7