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Young angler catches big snook

To the editor:

My grandson, Hunter Dooley, who is 6 years old, landed his first 37-inch snook, fishing with his mom and dad, Shane and Sherry Dooley, on Spring Break

He's still talking about it lol!

Rhonda Dooley Bokeelia

that is more important than keeping its citizens safe? Yet our cities have become gradually worse over time

Recently there was an article saying that the notorious gang MS13 is expanding to Mexico of all places to compete against the cartels Can you imagine that we have made crime so successful that they can expand to Mexico? MS13 proves that America doesn’t go to war against crime.

America is big enough and has enough tools to stop almost anything and certainly gangs like MS13 is a small operation compared to ISIS and the like The fact that America doesn’t go to war against crime is purely political

Minnesota has digressed as much as any state Politically Minnesota took two steps They tried to defund the police and they installed liberal attorneys that were soft on crime letting criminals arrested loose in a few hours and then not prosecute. Can you imagine how insulting and unsatisfying it would be to have someone throw away your work of catching a criminal by letting him loose without even a hearing? The police responded by retiring early and quitting to get a job with some other town Minneapolis is now short 22% of their budgeted number of police An attractive pension awaits but many will not suffer for years to qualify for a pension

The result of all this is a step change in crime. People in the cities, stay away from

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