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PRESERVING PARADISE Games, tours to be part of refuge’s Conservation Carnival

The J N “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge will celebrate its 34th annual “Ding” Darling Day jointly with Earth Day on April 22 at Lakes Park in Fort Myers

The refuge and “Ding” Darling Wildlife Society-Friends of the Refuge have planned a full day of Conservation Carnival and nature activities from 10 a m to 2 p m

Sanibel recognizes annual Gopher Tortoise Day

In 2016, the Gopher Tortoise Council adopted April 10 as Gopher Tortoise Day in Florida to increase awareness and appreciation for the protected species, the city of Sanibel recently reported

It is considered a keystone species a species on which other animals within an ecosystem largely depend on and is an important indicator of ecosystem health Gopher tortoise burrows are home to more than 360 other species of wildlife, some of which w o u l d n o t e x i s t w i t h o u t g o p h e r t o r t o i s e s

Unfortunately, due to obstacles such as habitat loss, disease and poaching, gopher tortoise populations have declined an estimated 60-80% percent in the last century Because of this, the gopher tortoise is listed as threatened species and is protected by the state of Florida

On Sept 28, the island's gopher tortoises, their burrows and their habitats were significantly impacted by Hurricane Ian, the full extent of which remains unknown Prior to the storm, Sanibel sustained a sizeable population of gopher tortoises, which inhabited conservation lands, residential neighborhoods and commercial properties. In areas where their habitat was damaged or destroyed by saltwater intrusion and hurricane debris, they may seek new areas to establish new burrows and home ranges

In accordance with the Florida Fish and Wildlife C o n s e r v a t i o n C o m m i s s i o n ’ s G o p h e r T o r t o i s e Management Plan guidelines, the city requires that all development permit applications include the following: identification and location of wildlife habitats of gopher tortoises; a plan to preserve gopher tortoise habitat in perpetuity or to mitigate for unavoidable impacts; and verification that gopher tortoises have been protected on the site or have been removed from the proposed area of construction by a state-authori z e d g o p h e r t o r t o i s e a g e n t a c c o r d i n g t o a p l a n approved by the city and state

Due to the upland habitat requirements of the gopher tortoise and potential conflicts with human development activities, gopher tortoises and their habitats on Sanibel have been afforded additional protections Therefore, the city recognizes that maintaining healthy populations of gopher tortoises is essential to sustaining Sanibel's ecology and sanctuary characteristics On April 12, the Sanibel City Council issued a p r o c l a m a t i o n d e s i g n a t i n g A p r i l 1 0 a s G o p h e r

Tortoise Day on Sanibel

The recovery of gopher tortoise populations and their habitats will require a continued commitment by the citizens of Sanibel To show appreciation and help ensure the long-term recovery of them, create a “tor-

More than 20 local conservation non-profits will participate to engage attendees with information and carnival games Gamers can earn a free mini ice cream cone, plus other gifts and prizes The refuge will host a dunk tank, where attendees can try their luck at sinking surprise “celebrity dunkees.” All of the activities are free, but Lakes Park charges a $1 per hour or $5 per day parking fee

“The games will all have an educational component, plus the day brings a number of tours and nature art activities,” Supervisory Refuge Ranger Toni Westland, who chairs the event's committee, said “We will have our Wildlife on Wheels (WoW) mobile nature experience open all day for touring, plus there will be Earth Day crafts and lots of opportunities to enjoy the outdoors, such as a slow-birding walk, archery, and rock climbing ”

Artist-in-Residence Jacqui Roch will paint plein-air throughout the day and lead a Sketch & Stroll journaling activity Attendees can shop for nature-themed items at the Refuge Nature Store table, where all purchases will support conservation The Dawg Pound food truck will have items for purchase

Subject to change, the schedule of free activities will include:

∫ 10 a m : Check in and receive information at the Welcome Table in Main Pavilion

∫ 10 a m to 2 p m: Nature-themed carnival games, WoW mobile nature experience, live music, food truck, face painting, rock climbing, dunk tank, Hover-Ball Archery, live painting by Roch, Wildlife Olympics, and Shell Art Plus, play games to win a coupon for a free mini ice cream cone

∫ 10:30 a m : Ranger-led Slow Birding; maximum of


During the J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge's 34th annual “Ding” Darling Day on April 22 at Lakes Park in Fort Myers, attendees can learn archery skills with Hover-Ball Archery.

20 participants Coined by Bridget Butler, “slow birding” is a fresh, slowed-down approach to traditional birding that welcomes deeper observation, listening, and connection to the birds and their environment

∫ 11 a m : Ranger-led Kids Nature Walk; maximum of 20 participants

∫ 11:30 a m : Ranger-led Slow Birding; maximum of 20 participants

∫ 12:30 p m : Sketch & Stroll Nature journaling with Roch; maximum of 20 participants.

The U S Fish & Wildlife Service and DDWS cosponsor “Ding” Darling Day with support from the local community and businesses For information on sponsors h i p o p p o r t u n i t i e s , c o n t a c t A p r i l B o e h n e n a t aprilb@dingdarlingsociety org

The refuge's Visitor & Education Center on Sanibel will be closed on April 22, but Wildlife Drive, Tarpon Bay Explorers, and the Bailey Tract will be open

For more information, visit dingdarlingday com

Coastal Watch to host Earth Day cleanup, breakfast

By TIFFANY REPECKI trepecki@breezenewspapers com

Openings are available for volunteers to register for several beach cleanups across Sanibel

Part of the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation family, Coastal Watch will host an Earth Day Beach Cleanup and Breakfast on April 22 from 9 to 11 a m Those interested can sign up for a section of beach, then remove debris to help ensure a healthy marine environment for wildlife and humans

“In addition to cleaning our environment, we're looking forward to celebrating our volunteers this Earth Day,” Coastal Watch Director Kealy McNeal said “Our oceans and beaches are in need of continual stewardship, and we couldn't rise to that challenge without help from the community ”

The event will be preceded by a light breakfast, provided by Bank of the Islands, from 7:30 to 8:30 a m at the Bailey Homestead Preserve on Sanibel Volunteers will also grab their cleanup gear

All gear can be returned to the


Ear th Day reception

Congress Jewelers and the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation will hold a special Coastal Watch-themed event on Earth Day, April 22, from 3 to 5 p m at the jewelry store at the Bell Tower in Fort Myers A custom mangrove pendant crafted in honor of Coastal Watch's mangrove restoration work will be on display Orders can be placed for pendants in sterling, yellow gold, and yellow gold with diamonds New Coastal Watch T-shirts will also be for sale The reception will include wine, champagne and hors d'oeuvres RSVPs are requested by April 20 at

Congress Jewelers is at 13499 S Cleveland Ave , Suite 165

Coastal Watch takes par t in annual cleanup

On April 1, Coastal Watch partnered with Keep Lee County Beautiful for the Great American Cleanup Director Kealy McNeal and 15 volunteers helped remove many trash bags of debris from Tarpon Bay Beach on S

Watch creates and implements conservation initiatives that promote and improve the future of marine resources and coastal heritage COASTAL

Earth Day cleanup

Bailey Homestead Preserve by noon

As of April 14, 39 of the 71 total spots were taken

The following sections of beach still had openings available:

∫ Gulfside City Park: Six spots open

Parking is free with a Sanibel A or B parking sticker or $5 per hour without one

∫ Gulfside City Park Tarpon Bay Road: Two spots open

Volunteers will walk west toward Tarpon Bay Road Parking is free with a Sanibel A or B parking sticker or $5 per hour without one

From page 12

∫ Rabbit Road Beach Access #6:

One spot open No parking is currently available

Volunteers must reside in or near the East/West Rocks communities and walk to the beach

∫ Beach Access #6 Tropical Winds: One spot open No parking is currently available

Volunteers must reside in or near the East/West Rocks or Gulf Pines communities and walk to the beach

∫ Tropical Winds to Bowman's Beach: Two spots open

Gopher Tortoise Day

toise friendly landscape” that includes a diversity of native grasses and wildflowers Also, residents are encouraged to keep a watchful eye for gopher tortoises while traveling by vehicle, cycle or on

From page 12 foot If you see a gopher tortoise crossing a road, pick it up and place it on the roadside in the direction it was heading, but only if it is safe for you to do so

For more information, view the city's

Volunteers will walk east toward the Tropical Winds Inn Parking is free with a Sanibel A or B parking sticker or Lee County parking permit or $5 per hour without one.

∫ Bowman's Beach Park: Seven spots open Parking is free with a Sanibel A or B parking sticker or Lee County parking permit or $5 per hour without one

∫ Clam Bayou/Silver Key Blind Pass: Four spots open

Volunteers will walk east toward Bowman's Beach Parking is free with a g o p h e r t o r t o i s e b r o c h u r e a t https://www mysanibel com/content/dow nload/24984/file/Gopher%20Tortoise% 20Brochure%202018 pdf; visit the city’s informational webpage on gopher tortois-

Sanibel A or B parking sticker or $5 per hour without one

∫ Blind Pass: Five spots open Parking is free with a Sanibel A or B parking sticker or $5 per hour without one.

For more information or to register, visit tinyurl com/earthdaysccf

Volunteers will need to make an account before signing up

For registration issues, contact kmcneal@sccf org

The Bailey Homestead Preserve at 1300 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel es at https://www mysanibel com/departments/natural-resources/wildlife-informat i o n / g o p h e r - t o r t o i s e s 2 ; o r c o n t a c t t h e N a t u r a l R e s o u r c e s D e p a r t m e n t a t joel caouette@mysanibel com

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