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From page 1 would suggest they submit their application.”

The board will vote on the appointment at its meeting on May 25

The appointee will fill the reminder of Ruben's term, which is for two years until 2024

T o d o w n l o a d t h e a p p l i c a t i o n , v i s i t https://sanlib org/board-position-open/

Candidates should email their applica-

City council

and maintain temporary housing on Habitat’s property until families can safely return home The site will include a separate road to access housing units for 58 families, enclosed by a privacy fence tion, along with resume, biography narrat i v e o r s t a t e m e n t o f i n t e r e s t , t o n o t i c e s @ s a n l i b o r g o r m a i l t h e m t o : Sanibel Public Library District Board of C o m m i s s i o n e r s , A T T N : M a r g a r e t Mohundro, 770 Dunlop Road, Sanibel, FL 33957

Located in Harlem Heights, Heritage Heights is northwest of HealthPark Medical Center and offers residents a quick work commute to Fort Myers Beach, Sanibel and Captiva, Cape Coral and Fort Myers The location also provides convenient access to public transportation, hospitals and medical centers, while increasing economic opportunities for residents.

For more information, contact Sanibel P u b l i c L i b r a r y E x e c u t i v e D i r e c t o r Margaret Mohundro at mmohundro@san-

From page 11 to engage with local experts to evaluate suitable alternatives and initiating a pilot program to demonstrate and test alternat i v e s T h e p r o g r a m w o u l d a l l o w a n d encourage interested residents to implement alternative plantings, with any alternative plan requiring approval through a rights-of-way permit reviewed by Natural Resources and Public Works, and would identify city-managed areas for design a n d i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f d e m o n s t r a t i o n projects

∫ Through proclamation, the council declared May 6 as Sergeant Anthony Neri Memorial Day on Sanibel the fourth anniversary He was hired as a police aide at the Sanibel Police Department in 2012, promoted to police officer in 2015 and was promoted posthumously to sergeant in 2019 Neri passed away during a training exercise while on duty on May 6, 2019

As of May, FEMA reported more than 1,150 households have received assistance through multiple temporary housing options, with more than half residing in Lee Of those needing FEMA housing, 66% are homeowners who suffered the loss or significant damage to their homes and the remaining 34% are renters. As a faith-based housing ministry, Habitat’s hope is to work alongside those homeowners through hurricane recovery home repairs and renters by offering a path to affordable homeownership

The board is an independent governing body with responsibility for library fiscal oversight and budget and policy approval, as detailed in House Bill 1381 and by Florida Statute It is composed of seven members who are elected on a non-partisan basis for a four-year term

“Neri was a beloved husband, father and public servant, having served 30 years as a revenue officer for the United States Treasury followed by nearly seven years of service as a police officer with the Sanibel Police Department at the time of his passing,” Mayor Richard Johnson shared “Neri dedicated his life to protecting those he served and maintaining peace within the Sanibel community ”

“Neri is being remembered today for needed operates the

Law; all discussion and deliberation must take place at a publicly advertised

For more information about the board, visit https://spldboard specialdistrict org /governance his bravery, selfless dedication, and loyalty to his family, friends, fellow officers and the Sanibel community,” he continued “We recognize Sgt Neri for his ultimate sacrifice and express our sincerest appreciation for the exceptional service he provided to the police department and Sanibel community ”

∫ Through proclamation, the council declared May 21-27 as National Public Works Week

“I look through my community and I don't see any part of my community that's gonna come back in a year or two,” Ruane added “It's a long-term recovery and we need to be there with you But this is your recovery ”

Following the opening presentations, Mazany and Shannon utilized Slido a Q&A and polling platform to gather input from the nearly 100 people in attendance Using their cell phones, attendees answered some survey questions and participated in word clouds to share their storm experience:

How do you feel the response from the government federal/state/local has been?

∫ Helpful, 60%

∫ Critical, 26%

∫ Uncertain, 8%

∫ Not helpful, 6%

Are you aware of counseling services for finding housing or jobs? If so, do you know who offers these services?

∫ I don't need these types of services, 87%

∫ I'm current receiving these types of services, 10%

∫ I need these types of services and I know where to find them, 3%


From page 4

Failed: SCCF also supported SB 734 S a l t w a t e r I n t r u s i o n V u l n e r a b i l i t y Assessments, which would have authorized the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to provide grants and cost-share funding to coastal counties to examine the vulnerability of their water supply to encroaching seawater. The prop o s e d l e g i s l a t i o n w o u l d a l s o h a v e

∫ I need these types of services and I don't know where to find them, 0%

Asked how they were impacted by the hurricane, the top answers from islanders were “stress,” “lost,” “homeless” and “displaced ” Asked how government agencies can improve response and recovery, the top suggestions were “improve insurance regulation,” “more timely response from SBA,” “streamline process” and “declaration of national disaster ”

At the start of the town hall, each attendee received a set of stickers After the live polling, they were given the chance to use the stickers on posters set up in the hallway The posters represented each of the eight branches of the task force Planning & Capacity, Economic Recovery, Education & Workforce, Health & Human Services, Infrastructure, Housing, Natural Resources, and Cultural Resources and outlined priorities for each branch regarding recovery that task force members have been discussing

Mazany and Shannon instructed attendees to use the stickers to vote for the priority that best matched their top priority as it related to that branch People could also share written responses on Post-Its required study updates to be available on the DEP website This bill did pass the full Senate but was not taken up in the House in time for a vote

Growth management

Passed: SCCF strongly opposed SB 5 4 0 L o c a l G o v e r n m e n t Comprehensive Plans, which allows for


A live Q&A and polling platform is used at the Lee County Recovery Task Force's town hall meeting on May 1 at BIG ARTS on Sanibel to obtain realtime feedback from those in attendance

“What is the unique need of Sanibel?”

Shannon asked “What are your needs?

What are your ideas?”

All efforts will go into developing the ResilientLee Recovery and Resiliency Plan

The following are additional ways for the community to stay engaged:

∫ Take the online survey at https://www resilientlee com/ prevailing and intervening parties' attorney fees to be awarded in citizen challenges to local growth management plans

This bill presents a devastating erosion of citizens’ rights to participate in their local government process This bill promotes sprawl and is a direct threat to the health of our water quality. SCCF is calling for a veto to this very bad bill To join SCCF in its call, visit https://p2a co/l9zEuzi

Local gover nment preemption

Passed: SCCF opposed SB 170 Local Ordinances, which allows local governments to be sued by local businesses that may be impacted by enacted ordinances This bill essentially removes the ability for local governments to work with their citizens on the unique issues that are most concerning to their communities This bill contains vague and arbitrary language that could result in conflicts around conservation efforts such as regulating sea turtle lighting This bill was adamantly opposed by the large majority of the public that testified in committee and SCCF will ask for a veto of this bill

Passed: Without appropriate notice or o p p o r t u n i t y f o r p u b l i c i n p u t , b u d g e t implementing language, Line item 146 in SB 2500 was added late in the process to

∫ Follow on social media on Facebook @ResilientLeeFL, Twitter @ResilientLee and Instagram @ResilientLee FL

∫ Subscribe at https://www resilientlee com/

For more about the Lee County Recovery Task Force , visit https://www resilientlee com/ the budget that will ban new or amended ordinances limiting the use of fertilizer Although Sanibel has strong fertilizer rules in place, this language will prevent other jurisdictions from enacting the same protections and would contribute to overfertilization, resulting in negative impacts to our water quality. SCCF will also pursue a veto of this last-minute measure to undermine all of the science and work that has been done to improve the water quality of our state

While the gavel has fallen and the 2023 session is over, we have entered the final push in legislative overtime Please continue to make your voices heard by joining us as we send out Action Alerts asking Gov Ron DeSantis to veto the worst of these bills as they are presented to him for his signature before the start of the next fiscal year, which begins on July 1

Thank you for your help to stave off some of the most egregious bills this session, your voice continues to make a difference in protecting the future of Florida

Founded in 1967, the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation's mission is to protect and care for Southwest Florida’s coastal ecosystems For more information, visit www sccf org

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