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City of Cape Coral says it will be ready for hearing on Chiquita

From Breeze Staf f Repor ts news@breezenewspapers com

A hearing to determine whether the state should issue a permit allowing the city of Cape Coral to remove the Chiquita Lock could be held by the end of the year

In response to a challenge filed by the Matlacha Civic Association and other parties opposing the water detention device’s removal, the city has advised the Florida Division of Administrative Hearings that its counsel and witnesses are available for the final hearing between Nov 27 and Dec 15

The city asks that the hearing before an administrative law judge take place in Cape Coral and estimates it will not take more than seven days, according to a response letter dated May 16

T h e h e a r i n g w i l l d e t e r m i n e w h e t h e r t h e F l o r i d a Department of Environmental Protection can move forward with its announced intent to issue the permit to allow the removal of the lock based on a plan the city says will improve the quality of water that flows into the South Spreader canal

Lock after Thanksgiving

The lock is a barrier across the South Spreader Ordered by the state in 1977 as part of a Clean Water Act enforcement action, it was designed to separate the canal waters of the southern end of the city from natural waterways including the Caloosahatchee

The lock is used by Cape boaters to gain Gulf access f r o m C a m e l o t C a n a l a n d t h e S o u t h w e s t S p r e a d e r Waterway into the Intracoastal Coastal Waterway via the river.

The city, which lost a previous challenge in 2019, resubmitted its permit request, including, this round, a number of mitigation projects

The city’s proposed program put together by Brown and Caldwell includes two stormwater improvement projects; environmental monitoring for small tooth sawfish; enhancement to mangrove, upland, and subtidal habitats along the waterway, and removal of the Chiquita Boat Lock and the associated northern upland pad from the terminus of the waterway The city states these actions “will result in environmental improvements and increase the sustainability of the Waterway system and the adjacent natural areas ”

The city also contends the antiquated lock has long outlived its purpose and is no longer needed as a water quality mitigation device.

T h e M a t l a c h a C i v i c A s s o c i a t i o n , j o i n e d b y t h e Sanibel-Conservation Foundation, Calusa Waterkeeper and individuals, says the city’s efforts are driven by its desire to let boaters to navigate the Spreader Waterway without having to wait for operation of the lock. They contend no environmental purpose will be served by the removal of the lock which would cause “significant environmental damage ”

They point to the city being allowed to remove the Ceitus Boat Lift years ago and what they say is the subsequent harm

“As a result, Matlacha Pass is polluted and the mangroves along the North Spreader are dying,” President of t h e M a t l a c h a C i v i c A s s o c i a t i o n , A t t o r n e y M i c h a e l Hannon said in a previous interview “Evidence of the damage to the mangroves on the north presented at the 2019 hearing was dramatic.”

Matlacha Hookers Hurricane Ian Small Business Grants available

The Matlacha Hookers Inc is a local 501c3 Nonprofit organization established in 1998 with approximately 200 current members After Hurricane Ian, the group adopted a GoFundMe for hurricane relief and then continued to raise funds for the Greater Pine Island area The organization strives to make a positive difference in our community and has decided to use a portion of the money raised for hurricane relief and rebuilding for the locally owned and operated businesses of the Greater Pine Island area, dedicating $20,000 for this grant opportunity

Eligibility criteria:

■ Locally owned and operated businesses in the Greater Pine Island area This is for small businesses Non-profit or social clubs are not eligible

■ Open and operating at least one year prior to Hurricane Ian (9/28/2022) – must provide Sunbiz annual report for 2021 and 2022

■ Currently open

Weighted Criteria

(Total points an applicant can earn 100 points):

1) 20 points: What type of assistance, if any, did you apply for? (Eg small business loan SBA,

2) 20 points: What did your business contribute to the

Greater Pine Island area during the first 4 months of the recovery efforts?

3) 40 points: How can your business support the continued recovery efforts to Pine Island over the next 12 months?

4) 20 points: If you are chosen as a recipient, how would your business use the money?

Required information:

Location visits will be selected at random

Questions on application must be completed in their entirety If you are missing any of the required information on the application or do not include necessary supporting documents, your application will not be eligible to move to the ranking round

If you are chosen as a recipient, the Hookers will request that you submit a narrative on how the grant made a positive difference in your business The applicant agrees that this narrative may be published and shared to promote the Matlacha Hooker Hurricane Ian Grant Program and Greater Pine Island rebuilding initiatives

Once applicants are determined to be eligible, the weighted criteria will be reviewed and scored The ranking list will be completed and the top 10 highest scoring applicants will receive the grant In the event there is a tie, applicants will then be chosen via a blind drawing Each Business chosen will receive $2,000 grant Only 10 businesses will be chosen.

Grant applications can be found on the Hookers website under the Hurricane Ian Recovery Tab Completed applications and supporting documents can be mailed to the Matlacha Hookers, P O Box 111, Matlacha, FL 33993, and must be post marked by June 23, 2023

If your business is chosen as a recipient, you will be contacted by a member of the committee to be invited to our July 10 General Membership Meeting for a check presentation Those businesses not chosen will receive a letter from the committee acknowledging receipt of their application and thanking them for their submission

If you have questions about the grant process or criteria, please contact Julia Gaylor at 12thmadam julia @gmail com Please add in the subject line “MH Grant Questions ”

Greater Pine Island VFW Post 4353 to hold Memorial Day ceremony May 29

Greater Pine Island VFW Post 4353 will hold a Memorial Day ceremony Monday, May 29, at 10 a m , at the post at 8150 Stringfellow Road, St. James City. This an opportunity for the Pine Island community to once again come together and be part of a sacred day to honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice and who have served our great country

The ceremony will feature a guest speaker and a musical performance by the Pine Island Elementary Eagle singers Lunch will be served afterwards Please mark your calendars and join on us on this special day For more, contact the VFW at 239-283-2277

Island Mahjongg

After two weeks off as renovations were done at S t J a m e s C i t y C i v i c Association, we had a small g r o u p f o r m a h j o n g g o n May 18 Top scores were made by MaryAnn Harms w i t h 1 2 0 p o i n t s a n d Carolyn Crosby with 140 points.

Play will continue every T h u r s d a y f r o m 1 - 4 p m Come join the fun

The SJCCA is located at 4 t h A v e n u e a n d L e m o n Street

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