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Marine lab collecting water samples from island canals


In partnership with the city of Sanibel, the SanibelC a p t i v a C o n s e r v a t i o n F o u n d a t i o n ' s M a r i n e

Laboratory collects water samples from island canals

The analysis of the water collected will offer an understanding of the health of Sanibel's waterways, which can provide early detection of large environmental issues This year is a canal-testing year, while even-numbered years focus on lakes

“The data we collect for this project is unique There is no other water quality data existing for canals around Sanibel,” research associate Mark Thompson said “We send this data to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and they then evaluate the waterbodies to see if they meet state water quality criteria Many of these sites do not This brings the problems to light ”

Sanibel's canals are man-made The slow and low flows of canals can be the start of algae blooms, fish kills and low oxygen levels There are many differences between canals, located from the east to the west end of the island, with some lined with seawalls, others with mangroves, and some near reclaimed water Along with development density near the canals, these factors influence the conditions of the waterways.

Samples are collected once during the dry season, from February to May, and again during the wet season, from July to September The wet season testing corresponds with the seasonal fertilizer ban and sampling is performed within two days of significant rainfall The samples will be analyzed for different forms of nitrogen and phosphorus, common nutrients that contribute to nutrient pollution

In addition to the nutrient sampling done by the certified lab, the SCCF analyzes each sample for dissolved oxygen, turbidity, CDOM, chlorophyll a, pH, salinity and temperature. Dissolved oxygen is necessary for the survival of marine creatures like fish and crabs Turbidity or how clear the water is, CDOM or the amount of organic matter in the water, and the rest

See WATER SAMPLES, page 13

Pulte Homes gives time and donation to SCCF

The Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation recently thanked volunteers from Pulte Homes who helped it start rebuilding the boardwalk at its Pick Preserve, which was destroyed during Hurricane Ian. The team drilled post holes with an auger and laid bolting stringers and decking material The SCCF reported that their assistance nearly completed the boardwalk In addition to physical labor, Pulte Homes included a donation to the SCCF, which will be used to aid ongoing storm restoration efforts SANIBEL-CAPTIVA CONSERVATION FOUNDATION

SCCF advocates for ‘Green Heart of Everglades’ project

at the South Florida Water Management District's Governing Board meeting

The acquisition of over 11,000 acres will connect Everglades National Park, Big Cypress National Preserve and the Fakahatchee Strand State Preserve The SCCF reported that along with the land itself, the $29 milliondollar price tag comes with the mineral rights to the area, preventing mining interests from damaging the sensitive areas

“The best way to protect the land is to buy it,” DePaolis said “Purchasing land to protect for conservation is a key component of Everglades restoration, and this purchase will promote the connectivity necessary to preserve these unique environments and the wildlife that rely on them ” and stressed the importance of getting the possible before the start of the rainy

CROW educates local students on wildlife

Last week, staff and volunteers from the Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife on Sanibel visited with second-graders at the Cape Elementary School in Cape Coral The students learned how they can protect wildlife and how the CROW team works together to treat and rehabilitate patients For more information about the education and outreach programs offered by CROW, as well as its summer camp programs, contact Education and

Water samples

of the parameters can indicate issues in water quality early, including conditions ideal for an algae bloom

Sanibel Communities for Clean Water publishes the results of water quality studies on its website, including how the health of lakes and canals compare to others It also offers suggestions on how to improve the health of local waterway

From page 12

These include planting shoreline buffers, runoff control and water-friendly lands c a p i n g F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t https://sanibelcleanwater org/

I s a b e l l a M c D o n n e l l i s a r e s e a r c h a s s i s t a n t f o r t h e S a n i b e l - C a p t i v a C o n s e r v a t i o n F o u n d a t i o n F o r m o r e information, visit www sccf org

Outreach Director Rachel Taylor at rtaylor@crowclinic org or 239-472-3644, Ext 228; programming can be provided in-person or virtually via Zoom

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