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WHERE TO GO WHAT TO DO WHO TO SEE A nnual c atch- and-rel ease contest t o be hel d at M oss M arina
By NATHAN MAYBERG nmayberg@breezenewspapers com
Everybody’s favorite free fishing contest is moving back to Fort Myers Beach this Fourth of July weekend After 30 years of Fourth of July fishing contests at Bonita Bill’s on San Carlos Island, the event is moving to Moss Marina T h e c a t c h - a n d - r e l e a s e c o n t e s t will be held Saturday, July 1 at the Fort Myers Beach marina due to the loss of the docks of Bonita Bill’s
“The docks are gone,” organizer Joan Semmer said She thanked M o s s M a r i n a f o r b e i n g “ k i n d enough to host it for us” this year.
Registration starts at 8:30 a m at Moss Marina, which is located at 450 Harbour Court The fishing begins at 9 and runs through Hot dogs will be served for lunch at noon There will also be watermelon supplied by Mom’s Restaurant and cookies and potato chips donated by Bonita Bill’s Waterfront Café and Tiki Bar
“I’m just so awed at the generosity and kindness of the community,” Ms Semmer said
Those participating need to bring their own poles and bait
There are trophies for the most catches and largest catches, among other categories
See FISHING, page 17
If You Go:
What: Fourth of July fishing contest
When: Saturday, July 1 at 8:30 a.m. to noon
Where: Moss Marina, 450 Harbour Court, Fort Myers Beach
Cost: Free, must bring own fishing pole and bait