By NATHAN MAYBERG nmayberg@breezenewspapers com
A public hearing will be held before a Lee County hearing examiner Thursday on a proposed 240-room hotel to be added as an allowable use at the Bay Harbour Marina Village off Main Street on San Carlos Island
The hearing will be held at 9 a m in the Lee County Public Works building
Monroe St in Fort Myers
The hotel would be located at the for-
mer Southern Comfort Storage near the San Carlos Boulevard intersection right before the Matanzas Pass Bridge on Fort Myers Beach
The developers had previously been approved by the Lee County Board of County Commissioners for a 100-foot high multi-family apartment tower as well as townhouses as part of a comprehensive plan amendment to change the zoning in the area and allow the mixed-use planned development.
A state administrative law judge had
overturned the county’s approval of the Commercial Planned Development rezoning for the development over whether it
requirements for being in a coastal high hazard area Gov Ron DeSantis and the
voted to overturn the judge’s decision, which allowed the development to proceed
According to a Lee County planning staff analysis of the new proposal, in order to mitigate the impact of flood, storm and
S h a k e d s a i d t h e r e w i l l b e a v a r i
r e s t h a t S h a k e d s a i d h a v e s i g n e d r e n e w a l l e a s e s a r e
i l l b e r e a d y t o o p e n i n t h e f a l l . “ I f t h i n g s g o w e l l , p e o p l e w i l l o p e n u p b y O c t o b e r , ” S h a k e d s a i d
He recently completed the installation of new turtle-friendly lighting in the parking lot and has been finalizing leases with a number of new and old tenants
“ I a m h o p i n g t h a t w e w i l l h a v e t h e
m a j o r i t y o f t h e l e a s e s b y t h e e n d o f t h e m o n t h , ” S h a k e d s a i d “ T h e r e w i l l b e a
l o t o f n e w t e n a n t s ”
A n n e t t e ' s B o o k N o o k , T h e I s l a n d e r , L e a n i ' s C a s u a l a n d S w i m w e a r , N e s b i t R e a l t y a n d S o u t h B e a c h G r i l l e A n i t a C e r e c e d a , w h o o p e r a t e d T h e I s l a n d e r a t S a n t i n i P l a z a f o r y e a r s , s a i d s h e i s c o m m i t t e d t o r e o p e n i n g t h e r e “ I a m a b s o l u t e l y r e t u r n i n g t o
S a n t i n i T h e r e w a s n e v e r a p l a n n o t
t o , ” C e r e c e d a s a i d . “ I t ’ s b e e n d i f f i c u l t f o r e v e r y o n e , b u t t h e p a t h i s p r e t t y
c l e a r a h e a d o f m e n o w I h o p e t o b e o p e n t h i s f a l l a n d w e l c o m e e v e r y o n e i n ”
S a n t i n i P l a z a s u r v i v e d H u r r i c a n e
I a n i n t a c t t h o u g h i t n e e d e d a c o m p l e t e -
l y n e w r o o f a n d a l l n e w f i r e w a l l s A l l n e w w i n d o w s , s e p a r a t i o n w a l l s , d r yw a l l a n d e l e c t r i c a l o u t l e t s w e r e i n s t a l l e d T h e p a r k i n g l o t h a s a l s o b e e n
r e s u r f a c e d s i n c e M a n y o f t h e s t o r e s
h a v e u n d e r g o n e r e m o d e l i n g a n d n e w
f l o o r i n g “ I t h i n k o f i t a s o p e n i n g a n e w b u s i -
n e s s , ” C e r e c e d a s a i d “ T h e r e w a s
n o t h i n g l e f t o f t h e o l d t o r e o p e n S o i t
w i l l h a v e a n e w l o o k , n e w m e r c h a n -
d i s e , n e w p e o p l e A n d h o p e f u l l y a
hurricanes in a coastal high hazard area, the applicant is required to either provide onsite shelter or pay a fee to Lee County at the discretion of Department of Public Safety.
Joanne Semmer, a neighbor of the project, who led the litigation against the development, remains highly concerned about the traffic safety impacts to Main Street a narrow road with a mix of homes and businesses The intersection at San Carlos Boulevard has been the scene
By NATHAN MAYBERG nmayberg@breezenewspapers com
There will be fireworks on Fort Myers
this Fourth of July, and a parade, too
The Town of Fort Myers Beach staff is in the midst of planning the festivities. The parade is slated to begin at 10 a m along Estero Boulevard next Thursday The fireworks show will begin at 9 p m , Town communications director Nicole Berzin said.
For those looking to take part in the parade with a float, vehicle or other entry the fee is $40 for a business and $20 for a nonprofit
The Matanzas Pass Bridge will close starting at 9 p m to oncoming traffic Opening is subject to the direction of the Lee County Sheriff and traffic detail Big Carlos Pass Bridge on the south end of Estero Island will remain open throughout the fireworks show
By NATHAN MAYBERG nmayberg@breezenewspapers com
Florida Department of Environmental Protection Coastal Construction Control Line Environmental Administrator Celora Jackson will be in the Fort Myers Beach town hall chambers conducting public outreach and education about CCCL permitting requirements Wednesday, June 25
Jackson will be available from 9 a.m. until 3 p m to meet with individuals about any CCCL permitting questions
Jackson spent Monday and Tuesday meeting with residents, business owners,
contractors and local engineers and planners to assist with explaining CCCL permitting issues
The CCCL permits generally cover construction on the beach side of Estero Boulevard, which is more restrictive due to the sensitive environmental and erosion issues along the beach CCCL permits are meant to protect the beach and its resources from improperly sited and designed structures that can destabilize or destroy the beach and dune system The permits are meant to protect dune systems and prevent erosion
I have a 40-year history on the beach as a resident (now part-time), business owner, a developer and a person with s
beach community Hurricane Ian dramatically changed both my life and the lives of our team members that our busin e
proud of I am a big supporter of the strong spirit and efforts of many as the community moves through the recovery
Here are some thoughts:
1 I do worry the town leaders are confusing the need to encourage rebuilding versus the requests of developers for m
height More intensity means more impacts The process is supposed to be based on real public benefits not just a developer ask
2 I do worry about rising water with climate change and more storms that could happen each hurricane season.
3 I don’t worry about the economics for new commercial development and I don’t care what a speculator invested in a project They are just betting on the Southwest
Tackling For t Myers Beach issues
To the editor:
Should Fort Myers Beach request that Lee County and the state legislature add tolls to Big Carlos Pass Bridge and the Matanzas Pass Bridge?
∫ Yes, 8%
∫ No, 89%
∫ Unsure/no opinion, 3%
Current Web Poll
Do you support Lee County rebuilding the Fort Myers Beach Pier at double the length at $11 million more than rebuilding to the same size and at an extra year of construction?
∫ Yes, a bigger pier will be better and I don't mind the additional cost and extra time
∫ No, the old size of the pier was satisfactory and it is more important to have the pier back up quicker while saving tax dollars
∫ Unsure/no opinion
your opinion at fortmyersbeachtalk com
As we get ready to enter the second year post Ian we need to take a deep breath and exhale Developers have set their sights on this sliver of an island and are circling like vultures on dead prey Every week I get from three to four calls asking me if I want to sell my house The few citizens who remain on Fort Myers Beach need to start paying attention to all this development and whether we just want a town of transient guests
Our council seems to have sold out to the developers and big-money interests I was thinking of tossing my hat in the ring until I read the financial disclosure forms Even though I do not have any financial interests in Fort Myers Beach except my home I am not going to disclose all my investments and business interests The day before the filing deadline a federal judge issued an injunction against this law At that point there was no way I could get the paperwork filed by noon so that leaves me with this newspaper as my only voice to address the current crisis on the island
1 Flooding on our streets due to channel-
Florida growth curve If a new building costs more to meet new standards, that means it’s stronger and better in the next storm If it is expensive, the market will adjust (or not) and if land use is limited due to the codes the value of the land may be impaired but some land use will remain Less can be better Just ask Sanibel
4 I wonder how workers a n d n o r m a l r e s i d e n t s ( n o t vacation rentals or seasonal persons) will find housing to help make the beach a diverse and interesting place
5 I worry about insurance rates and how these will be impacted on a continued basis moving forward
6 I wonder if the hurdles of costs, storms, traffic, insurance and flooding will take the attractiveness of the island paradise away from everyone but the rich or the businesses that can rely on day visitors
7. I wonder if the rebuild should be only nominally more, and more density is based on an incentive for workforce housing It seems a one-road barrier island in a hurricane zone w ith ris ing w ater might be better
ing all rainfall to the canals without adequate backflow preventers Over and over again the town officials have promised us that they w
Seminole area with no relief
2 The town has ignored the traffic probl e m s t h
n e w l i g h t h a s c a u s e d a t Margaritaville If there was a continuous right turn lane at the light much of the congestion could be eliminated
3 A boardwalk for deep-pocketed land owners was prioritized over the protection of the Little Estero Island Critical Wildlife Area
4 Instead of developing a plan with the county to use off-island parking at the bus terminal and dedicating an express lane for those buses to Times Square, we make them sit in the same lanes as everyone else How convenient it would be for service workers to park and ride to their workplace.
5 The town charges $5 an hour for parking when lots charge $20 per day No brainer if you are staying more than four hours Who is more likely to spend money the group staying two hours or the ones staying six hours?
with less intensity where possible
8 I worry about the town council being s
Development (CPD) approvals and favoring more just because a landowner is asking Where is the public benefit?
9 I do not worry about demand for island development Fort Myers Beach is the pre-
Southwest Florida market
10 I do wonder where employees and guests will park if all CPD and zoning applications for commercial properties have large parking waivers
11. I do worry about flooding everywhere on the island I wonder if the ground floors in almost all cases should be reserved only for support and parking
The community supports high quality rebuild efforts and I hope the council balances the rebuild with a managed scale and the diversity it will take to make this successful for residents, visitors and business owners
Doug Speirn-Smith is a partner in the Harbour House on Fort Myers Beach and previously was a co-owner of the Matanzas Inn, Matanzas on the Bay and the PierSide Grill and Famous Blowfish Bar on Fort Myers Beach
6 We need to discuss with county and state tolls on bridges on and off island There is no reason we cannot have a toll sharing agreement with them
7 Bay Oaks has been a drain on the town finances since the beginning Either we need to turn it over to a private contractor who can promote it as a destination day venue or shut it down. We take pride in owning it as a town but let us look at its utilization by the public Pretty dismal
8 After Ian we could not access the island except by boat, this caused untold thousands of dollars in damages as mold became prevalent and keepsakes were lost forever
9 The town and fire department seem to be spending large amounts of money on properties that would better be on the public tax rolls instead of tax exempt Why do prime waterfront and Estero Boulevard properties need to be in public hands instead of private? Town hall could be off the main throughfare and function just as well
10 We want a school on the island yet deny the building of low-cost housing for workers Does anyone really think that the See LETTERS, page 20
Sandy Bottoms, which is owned by Mike Miller (owner of The Whale), is the new site of food trucks and a tent off Estero Boulevard Miller previously hosted food trucks at The Whale site before construction on a new restaurant began there On Monday, the Cubana Cafe was at the Sandy Bottoms property
Doc Ford’s Rum Bar & Grille on
F o r t M y e r s B e a c h i s c e l e b r a t i n g National Mojito Day in July by giving away $100 restaurant gift cards, swag and free signature mojito glass-
e s T h
Friday, July 5, and continues through National Mojito Day on Thursday, J u l y 1 1 a t t h e r e s t a u r a n t o f f Fishermans Wharf
T h e w e e k l o n g c e l e b r a t i o n
includes a chance to win each restaurant’s grand prize a $100 gift card, shirt and mojito jars by guessing the number of miniature clay key lime slices filling a gallon mojito glass Customers visiting Doc Ford’s four locations can simply scan
the restaurant’s unique QR code and enter their estimation Winners will be notified via social media July 12
Restaurant guests also receive a free keepsake mojito jar on National Mojito Day, July 11, with the purchase of a mouth-watering mojito from the restaurants’ creative drink menu
from sweet and tropical to tart limeforward traditional cocktails with muddled mint and gold rum Mojitos pair well with our appetizers and dinner entrees ”
“Mojitos are a taste of summer, which we want to celebrate with a fun contest for our customers,” said J o e H
In addition to the island original, the restaurants feature flavored tropical mojitos made with Don Q pineapple, coconut or orange and locally s
h H M
Restaurant Group, which owns and operates Doc Ford’s Rum Bar & G r i l l e a n d D i x i e F i s h C o m p a n y
“Our restaurants offer a flavor for every mood and every tastebud
g o rums Doc Ford’s also offers the Deep Eddy lime vodka-infused mule mojito with a splash of ginger beer, plus the cool cucumber with a choice of Pearl cucumber vodka or 1800 cucumber jalapeño tequila There’s also the summertime favorite raspberry lemonade mojito
By NATHAN MAYBERG nmayberg@breezenewspapers com
Turtle Time has recorded 74 loggherhead sea turtle nests on Fort Myers Beach as of Tuesday, surpassing last year’s mark of 71 nests for the year for the threatened sea turtles
There have been 150 non-nesting emergences, which means the number of times sea turtles landed on Fort Myers Beach shores but didn’t nest
Though this year’s sea turtle nesting figures have already eclipsed the totals for all of last year on the island, Turtle Time will compares this year’s numbers to 2022, when there were 109 nests Loggherheads typically nest every two years
Turtle Time founder Eve Haverfield said the island is currently on the same pace as 2022 for the number of nests The nesting is expected to peak by July
Haverfield said the heavy rains of the past two weeks
Limited Edition, a soul cover group, will be bringing their heartfelt vibes to Fort Myers Beach Sunday for the latest edition of the Bayside Park Concert Series
The show will take place from 4 p m to 7 p m at the Bayside Veterans Park off Old San Carlos Boulevard
The concert Series is presented by the Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce Water Foundation and the Town of Fort Myers Beach Title Sponsors are N e r v o u s N e
R e s t a
n t a n d Wahoo Willie’s The Series Sponsor is Alex King Group, and the stage sponsor this Sunday will be Nautical Tiki Cruises
The series will renew next Sunday, July 7, with the female-fronted band, Electric Lipstick Check the Bayside Park Concert Series website at: Bayside Concert Series for additional performances as the series will continue into 2024 with more bands announced each week
Concerts will begin each Sunday at 4 p m and run until 7 p m Lawn chairs and well-behaved pets on a 6-foot or less leash are encouraged, however there will be no outside food or beverage permitted Events are weather permitting and are free to the public.
For more information, contact the Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce at 239 454 7500 or visit Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce
could greatly affect the hatchling numbers In past years, many sea turtle nests have washed out from heavy rains particularly those that aren’t elevated and located closer to shore where they are not as deep and protected from the elements Sea turtle eggs hatch after about two months. “We don’t really know what effect the heavy rainfall has had on our nests," Haverfield said "We may be in for a disappointing hatch rate "
The Fort Myers Beach Fire Control District's Lenell Road station staff gives some neighboring trees a shower
Tur tle nesting runs through October.
As part of turtle nesting season on Fort Myers Beach, all residents and visitors must turn off all outdoor, unshielded lights and close shades from 9 p m to 7 a m Indoor lights should be kept as far away from windows to avoid interfering with nesting turtles and hatchlings Outdoor lights can disorient sea turtles and lead to their deaths.
The restroom trailers at Lee County’s Lynn Hall
Memorial Beach Park on Fort Myers Beach will close temporarily for maintenance from July 8 through July 23, the county announced
The county will be closing the facilities for maintenance and repairs New diamond plate floors will be installed for durability. The county will provide additional port-a-potties until the repairs are completed
The beach park and parking lot will remain open
You never know who will drop by Fort Myers for a game with the Mussels, the Class A Minor League Baseball affiliate of the Minnesota Twins. Brooks Lee, the top prospect of the Minnesota Twins, recently joined the Mussels as part of his rehab from a back injury. Over five games, Lee hit .333 with a .429 on-base percentage. He has since returned to Triple-A with the St. Paul Saints, where he is hitting .350 with four homers in 14 games He is carrying a 400 on-base percentage and 617 slugging percentage for a 1 017 OPS (on-base plus slugging percentage) as of Monday Lee was the first-round selection for the Twins in the 2022 MLB Draft, when he was eighth overall
T h e C l i n i c f o r t h e R e h a b i
Wildlife (CROW) announced the return of its five-week story and snack time event that promises to educate and engage children about native wildlife in Southwest Florida CROW Story Time aims to foster a love for literature and animals while also sharing CROW’s mission of saving wildlife
T h i s i n
v e e v
i s h o s t e d a
CROW’s Visitor and Education Center every Friday at noon starting July 5 A CROW staff member narrates a conservation story to educate and entertain guests on a variety of topics Each week features a different story s h o w c a s i n g
crowclinic.org for a full list of events.
In addition to captivating storytelling sessions, special animal ambassador guests will be in attendance for the kids and adults to meet Thes e animal ambas s adors aid in engaging and teaching all audience members about the topics highlighted in the featured stories
“Children are the future caregivers of our wildlife so it’s important to foster their love of animals and learning at an early age,” said Alison Charney Hussey, CROW’s Executive Director. “We loved hosting story time at CROW last year and are so happy to have them back They always have questions lift our hearts and love of learning as well ” CROW Story Time is a free program focusing on conservation education and comm u n i t y e n g a g e m e n t T h i s p r o g r a m i s designed for children and accompanying adults Adults are asked to enjoy story time with their child for a fun and interactive experience
Established in 1968, the Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW) is a teaching hospital saving the sick, injured and orphaned native and migratory wildlife of Southwest Florida and beyond Through state-of-the-art veterinary care, public education programs and an engaging visitor center, CROW works to improve the health of the e n v i r o n m e n t , h u m a n s a n d o u r a n i m a l s through wildlife medicine For more inform a t i o n , o
g o t o www crowclinic org
On June 19, Coastal Watch and Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation
Marine Lab staff joined the Gulf Harbour community in Fort Myers to restore the shoreline of Eagle Perch Island
Coastal Watch reported that the small island serves as a crucial barrier, protecting the community's marina and clubhouse Spearheaded by the Gulf Harbour management team, the event welcomed over 40 residents to come together to plant 250 red mangroves
“Today on Eagle Perch Island in Gulf
Harbour, we’re planting baby mangroves that were pretty much washed away during Hurricane Ian,” volunteer Ralph Vinci said “The job is actually tougher than I thought it was going to be, given that there are a lot of rocks you have to move. But other than that, you plant the mangroves and hopefully in a few years they’ll grow to be bigger ones and protect the island from erosion ”
Coastal Watch reported that the planting was not only a step toward safeguarding the Caloosahatchee River estuary, it
was also a symbol of community resilience and environmental stewardship
“The whole Fort Myers area was devastated by Ian and we’re just glad to be a part of helping Gulf Harbour get back to normal, restore the beauty of our community, and be a part of this great event,” volunteer Joe Borak said
Another volunteer summed up the experience as a “morning science lesson and workout,” highlighting the educational and physical aspects of the mangrove planting efforts
Lee County reported on June 11 that the burn ban in effect since the prior week was allowed to expire because
rainfall reduced the risk of wildfires and wet weather was expected to continue all week
Most Lee County administrative operations will be closed Thursday, July 4, in observance of Independence Day
For the Town of Fort Myers Beach, that means garbage pickup will take place one day after the regularly scheduled collection day following the Fourth of July holiday. This means that if your regular collection day is Wednesday, July 3, your pickup will be as normally scheduled Thursday’s regularly scheduled pickups will be on Friday Friday’s regularly scheduled pickups will occur on Saturday, and so on for the rest of the week through Saturday, July 6 Regular collection schedules resume on Monday, July 8
Lee County Solid Waste facilities and offices are closed on Thursday, July 4, in observance of the holiday.
The department urges all residents to recycle plastic, metal and glass containers from Independence Day activities
LeeTran will not run bus, trolley, ULTRA on-demand, or paratransit service on the holiday, Thursday, July 4 Service resumes Friday, July 5 Route schedules and maps are at www rideleetran com
Lee County Utilities
The offices of Lee County Utilities, the call center and drive-thru window will be closed on Thursday, July 4, in observance of Independence Day A drop-box is on-site at the front door and another accessible via the drive-thru for payments by check
All library locations will be closed on Thursday, July 4
Animal Services, 5600 Banner Drive, Fort Myers, will be closed for the holiday on Thursday, July 4, but will resume regular business hours on Friday, July 5
Parks & Recreation
Parks, beaches, pools and preserves remain open on Independence Day. Offices and recreation centers are closed Thursday, July 4, and will reopen Friday, July 5 Check www leeparks org for the list of open locations, hours and amenities The county asks park patrons to remember no alcohol is permitted in county parks Lee County reminds residents and visitors that the Causeway Islands Park on the Sanibel Causeway remains closed to watercraft, pedestrian and bicycle traffic due to the active construction zone
The Lee County Department of Transportation reminds motorists the Cape Coral Bridge will be closed for the Red, White & Boom celebration from 3 a m Thursday, July 4, through 3 a m Friday, July 5. Cape Coral Parkway from Del Prado Boulevard to the bridge also will be closed at that time
Motorists are encouraged to use the Veteran’s Memorial Bridge or Business 41 bridges Traffic congestion may be heavier than usual due to the closure of the U S 41 bridge for the Florida DOT project
Lee DOT will place message boards for motorists in advance of the closure; they will remain in place through the holiday and the closing Motorists should plan for an alternate route.
F o r t M y e r s B e a c h B u l l e t i n f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , J u n e 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 n P a g e 1 4
w a r m a n d i n v i t i n g s p a c e t h a t p e o p l e
w i l l l i k e t o c o m e t o ”
C e r e c e d a , w h o h a s p r e v i o u s l y s e r v e d
a s m a y o r o f t h e t o w n a n d c h a i r s t h e t o w n ’ s L o c a l P l a n n i n g A g e n c y , s a i d t h e p r o c e s s o f p l a n n i n g t o r e o p e n “ c a n b e
v e r y n e r v e - w r a c k i n g , b e c a u s e y o u ’ r e
b u y i n g t h o u s a n d s a n d t h o u s a n d s o f d o l -
l a r s w o r t h o f m e r c h a n d i s e A n d i f y o u ’ v e b e e n t o S a n t i n i l a t e l y o r t h e
s o u t h e n d o f t h e i s l a n d i n g e n e r a l , y o u
k n o w , t h e r e ’ s n o t m u c h h a p p e n i n g I a m
h o p e f u l t h a t a s t h e p l a z a b e g i n s t o o p e n
a l l o f t h a t w i l l c h a n g e A n d I ’ m p r o u d
t o b e a p a r t o f i t ” S h a k e d h a d t o l i t i g a t e w i t h h i s i n s u ra n c e c a r r i e r o v e r t h e r e i m b u r s e m e n t f o r t h e d a m a g e t o t h e p l a z a f r o m H u r r i c a n e
I a n . T h e G o l d e n B e a c h b u s i n e s s m a n p u r c h a s e d S a n t i n i P l a z a f o r $ 1 8 6 m i ll i o n n i n e m o n t h s b e f o r e H u r r i c a n e I a n l a n d e d i n 2 0 2 2 H e h a s h a d t o g o a l m o s t t w o y e a r s w i t h o u t a n y i n c o m e f r o m t h e p r o p e r t y w h i l e c o n t i n u i n g t o
p a y o f f a m o r t g a g e , t a x e s a n d i n s u r a n c e
c o s t s “ w i t h n o m o n e y c o m i n g i n , ” h e
s a i d N o t a l l t h e t e n a n t s w i l l b e r e t u r n i n g
S h a k e d h a s a l r e a d y c o n f i r m e d t h a t
S u b w a y w i l l n o t b e b a c k N e i t h e r w i l l
E s t e r o I s l a n d M e d i c a l C a r e , E d w a r d
J o n e s , C o m f o r t b y D e s i g n .
A n u m b e r o f o t h e r f o r m e r s t o r e o w ne r s h a v e n o t y e t r e n e w e d t h e i r l e a s e s S h a k e d i s h o p e f u l t h a t t h e f a r m e r ’ s m a r k e t w h i c h u s e d t o b e o n s i t e c a n a l s o r e t u r n l a t e r t h i s y e a r T h e p l a z a , w h i c h b o r d e r s L o g g e r h e a d F i s h - T a l e M a r i n a , h a s b e e n h o m e t o a h a n d f u l o f p o p u l a r s m a l l r e s t a u r a n t s T h e s h o p p i n g m a l l w a s b u i l t b y i t s n a m e s a k e L e o n a r d S a n t i n i i n t h e e a r l y 1 9 7 0 s . T h e m a l l w a s a c q u i r e d b y a n i n v e s t m e n t g r o
The joyous sounds of hundreds of our students tossing their caps in celebration filled the air as the Class of 2024 graduated this May These graduates are now embarking on diverse paths: entering the workforce, joining the military, pursuing technical education, or attending traditional colleges They leave us with cherished memories of friendships, family moments, a n d a c
STEM, and various clubs With their hardearned technical certifications and mastery of social, cultural, civic, and political skills, they are well-prepared to become confident, productive, and happy members of society Congratulations, graduates!
Now that we have closed out another school year, we reflect on its challenges and accomplishments High expectations have been met, and valuable lessons have been learned. As we move forward, we remain committed to our strategic plan,
of many accidents over the years There are plans to install a traffic light though with the speed of vehicles down Matanzas Pass Bridge, the intersection remains a vulnerable spot for motorists turning onto San Carlos Boulevard
“ H o w m u c h i s s o m e b o d y ’ s l i f e worth?” Semmer said She wants the public to attend the hearing and speak out about the safety issues “We need as many people as possible to be there,” she said
Despite Semmer’s argumetns concerning traffic and safety impacts, Lee County planning staff gave a ringing endorsement of the project in their analysis though they
EnVision 2030, which focuses on preparing all students for life after graduation, enhancing a safe learning and workplace culture, recruiting and retaining highly effective staff, strengthening student, fam-
This plan ensures each student achieves their highest personal potential, and we are dedicated to meeting these goals
The work of our strategic plan continues throughout the summer For our teachers and administrators, the first week of summer break was dedicated to professional development, with teachers and administrators enhancing their skills and preparing for the upcoming year For some students, it brings more structured pur-
enrichment courses, attending STEAM camps, and participating in internships to build personal and professional skills Many of our staff members are at work support-
acknowledge a heavy increase in traffic of an estimated 3,294 daily two-way trips
“The area was developed in the 1950s and 1960s and is ripe for redevelopment Due to its proximity to water, the area is better suited for tourism related businesses This project may be the catalyst the area needs for redevelopment,” planning staff wrote in its analysis of the impacts The project has previously received nine deviations from county zoning code
In addition to her safety concerns, Semmer is concerned about increased noise, with music proposed up to 10 p m at restaurants on site. She alleged the
ing these summer sessions; from bus drivers continuing to deliver our students to and from school, to maintenance workers keeping our schools clean and ready for the new school year Our leadership team will use this precious time to plan and ensure that budgets, policies, and staffing are aligned for a successful start to the 202425 school year
Whether our students and staff are out for only part of or all of summer break, it is important to make time to detach from the classroom routine and enjoy the different rhythms of the season This time of year offers a chance for relaxation and vacation, which is incredibly important to refresh and recharge for the coming school year
To all district employees, thank you for your unwavering dedication to providing high-quality educational experiences and safe learning environments for every Lee County student Enjoy your summer, and we look forward to seeing you all again in August!
Cathleen O'Daniel Morgan represents District 7 School Board of Lee County.
demolition of the storage building and other structures on the site, which also include the cutting down of a large and old tree on site, led to the canal being polluted
Under the new proposal, the developers would gain zoning approval to build the 240-room hotel if they want or also have the option to construct 55 units of housing in a mixed-used building They would also make 20 of the townhomes for the development into multi-family units They also have approvals for 30,000 square feet of commercial retail/office space and 20,000 square feet of civic
space The marina village has also been approved for 286 dry slips and 29 wet slips. The land switched hands in 2022 when Bay Harbour Marina Village LLC and Marco Brummund acquired the property for $18 million Brummund also runs C o r o n a P r o p e r t y H o l d i n g s L L C w i t h Kristina Brummund and are based out of Cape Coral Mr Brummund is listed under the applications for the new proposal Jack Mayher, who helped develop the original project, retained a percentage of the ownership
By NATHAN MAYBERG nmayberg@breezenewspapers com
The Lee County Board of County Commissioners will hold a workshop July 30 to discuss this month’s vote by the Lee Health Board of Directors to privatize from a community special district
The commissioners must act to dissolve the governmental special district, a vote which would then allow
Lee Health to transition to a private nonprofit.
The June 13 vote of 9-1 by Lee Health’s Board of Directors triggered a 120-day period in which Lee Health and the BoCC may negotiate, draft and approve a proposed conversion agreement that comports with the public health district’s amended enabling act, Lee County Government spokesperson Tim Engstrom said “It is important to note that any proposed agreement
and all supporting documents must be published for at least 45 days prior to ratification ” Engstrom said
The county commissioners will meet July 30 in a special workshop after their regular 9:30 a m meeting in their Fort Myers chambers to consider the matter, Engstrom said
By NATHAN MAYBERG nmayberg@breezenewspapers com
The Lee County Board of County Commissioners vote last week to approve plans for rebuilding the Fort Myers Beach Pier at nearly twice the size which will mean a higher cost and longer construction time was greeted positively by Town of Fort Myers Beach councilmembers The commissioners chose the longest and largest option of three designs which will add 415 feet of length to the pier while adding four feet of width The option was the costliestat $17 1 million
county estimates and the total extra time will be about one year longer than rebuilding the pier to the same size The total timeframe for the project is expected to take four to six
The design and permitting will also take three to eight months longer according to
The project would have cost $5 55 million to keep the pier the same size as the one destroyed by Hurricaen Ian and would have
been fully covered by FEMA Under the proposal chosen by county commissioners, $11 6 million of the cost will be paid for through Lee County Tourist Development Tax dollars
The design and planning for constructing the pier back to the size of the original foot-
See PIER, page 19
From page 18
print of 585 3 feet long and 8 feet wide, would have taken about 18 months before an estimated construction time of two to three years
Town councilmembers and the citizens group Let’s Go FMB! were among those who pushed for a larger pier to replace the old pier that was destroyed by Hurricane Ian in 2022
Let’s Go FMB! had met with County Manager Dave Harner to push for the larger pier and Fort Myers Beach Councilmember
Karen Woodson had attended a meeting of the county commissioners to advocate for a larger pier
Woodson said she was “beyond excited and thankful for the Lee County Commissioners’ vote to support a longer and wider Fort Myers Beach Pier. This is another step forward in the rebuild progress of our beautiful island and the first step for Times Square ”
Woodson credited “Allen Shanosky, his wife Cindy, and the entire Let’s Go FMB
Pier Committee for their hard work and dedication to this project It started with them ”
Fort Myers Beach Mayor Dan Allers said he spoke with some of the county commissioners ahead of their vote about supporting the wider and longer pier “I believe they made the right choice for Fort Myers Beach and Lee County,” Allers said Allers called the vote “A positive step in the right direction, not just for the residents, businesses, and visitors of Fort Myers Beach, but for all the residents, businesses,
and visitors of Lee County Although it will take some time, having the iconic pier back where it belongs will be well worth the wait ”
Fort Myers Beach Vice Mayor Jim Atterholt said “This new pier is a significant investment in Fort Myers Beach by Lee County for which I am grateful I commend the folks on Fort Myers Beach who did the research and advocacy to help make this possible ”
owners of those multi million dollar mansions are going to send their children to school here? First of all the owners are generally retired, secondly they don't live here full-time
11 Our canals need to be cleaned up and dredged after Ian if this requires a surcharge of $100 to $200 a year to homes that are situated on a canal so be it but it needs to done
Harry Lefferts Fort Myers Beach
To the editor:
Precedent: Establish a usage, tradition or standard to be followed in the future
Approval by the Town of Fort Myers Beach Council of Myerside Resort just confirmed a 5 6 multiple for all the developments on Fort Myers Beach large or small and reduced parking capacity
The Local Planning Agency (LPA) and town council (except the Mayor) missed the meaning of exception This project had seven exceptions to allowed use, none were proved to be necessary financially or o
accommodate the resort guests what a
patrons, retail shoppers? Lack of parking was justified because of public transport, Uber, and adjacent shared parking with no agreements confirmed Walking, Ubers and taxis are not realistic Guests and families paying $350 per night want to have a
rental car for an additional $50 per day to g
Santini Plaza and Fort Myers without waiting in the heat and loading up their beach gear in an Uber (Uber and taxis can’t even get through traffic to pick them u
All the people in favor of Myerside would have been in favor of a plan using current “rights” to build, with 30 units, restaurant, bar, retail and appropriate prescribed parking There is no hardship to warrant these exceptions The owners knew what was permitted when they purc
Myerside’s attorneys presented a weak case, but got lucky with an uninformed council Those opposed to the abusive project understand, THIS IS PRECEDENT Council just amended the Land Use Code by default Why would the entire LPA and all but one councilmember approve this something stinks here The winners Lee County tax rolls and Myerside owners The losers all r e s i d e n t s
Myerside during public comment wasn’t that a clue!? Mayor Allers spelled it out in detail, but no one listened This bell cannot be “unrung ”
London Bay would be popping the Champagne corks, but they are too busy planning for an additional 150 units! They just won the $100 million lottery at the expense of resident and visitor traffic and lack of parking London Bay will
spend millions in legal fees to obtain this We are about to meet the best lawyers from New York City and Miami London Bay answers to investors and stockholders, not Fort Myers Beach residents and voters The same goes for Seagate, Hyatt, Moss Marina, etc
They will match or exceed Myerside Now every “exception” will come before council and will have to be approved or litigated
Our attorney should have explained the repercussions to council, no warning of setting precedent was even mentioned
We had a chance to control the rebuild on Fort Myers Beach, but the council ruined it with one vote for a 49-unit resort
pathetic We got the 2 things we didn’t want density above the Land Use Plan and parking below the Land Use Plan
Town Attorneys should immediately advise council on repealing this “corrupt gift” to Myerside
This is now the largest error by Town Council The previous largest error was using pavers in the median (a maintenance and drainage nightmare), in lieu of under-
Boulevard No matter how many beautiful new homes and resorts are constructed on the beach side, we will still drive down Estero looking at the ugly power lines overshadowing the 400 new “designer” streetlights currently being installed
The town is planning another Fourt of July fireworks show next week How quickly we forget the 2003 Lover’s Key
fireworks accident killing five people in an accidental explosion Why not have a drone or laser light show instead of fireworks? Where are all the protests against the pollution of the Gulf and beach with fireworks trash and toxins, not to mention the disruption to wildlife (turtle nesting, birds, sea life) and human hearing damage? And freaking out every dog on the island Banning plastic straws, but having fireworks defies all common sense
The property adjacent to the current Lee County Main Street parking lot off San Carlos Boulevard (formerly mobile homes) could be purchased for a larger parking garage Designated and segregated lanes from Pinchers right lane is parking garage and tram, left lane to express Over the bridge, no left turns out of Main Street (no light needed). All left
Buttonwood light Not a fix all, but it would relieve some traffic One car looking for parking stops all traffic Maybe the extra taxes from these new, out-of-code, projects can subsidize parking garages on San Carlos Island (which is outside the town limits) and at Lynn Hall
Lots of talented members on council please remember who elected you and enforce the Land Use Code Exceptions are meant to be rare and necessary. Sam Lurie Fort Myers Beach
A nnu al F ou rth o f Ju ly event to b e held at Mo ss Mar in a th is weekend
The Ostego Bay Foundation Marine Science Center will be hosting its free annual children’s fishing tournament on Saturday, June 29, at Moss Marine 450 Harbor Court Fort Myers Beach This catch-andrelease tournament is for children ages 3 through 15
Registration begins at 8:30 a m and fishing begins at 9 a m sharp until noon There are three rules one pole per child, one hook per pole and have fun
Trophies are provided for most fish, longest fish and
heaviest fish There will be a free hot dog lunch, cold drinks and prizes for all Moss Marine is providing free parking for participating families
The event is sponsored by the Ostego Bay Foundation M
Restaurant, Trophy Case, Fort Myers Beach Tarpon Hunters Club, Fort Myers Beach Community Foundation and other community partners for all children and families
The annual contest is was held around the Fourth of
July holiday at Bonita Bill’s Waterfront Cafe before Hurricane Ian but was switched to Moss Marina last year
Volunteers and donations are welcome For more information call Joanne Semmer at 239-470-4993 or jj37a@yahoo com
The Ostego Bay Marine Science Center Fourth of July children’s fishing tournament, held for many years at Bonita Bill's Waterfront Cafe, has switched to Moss Marina on Fort Myers Beach. FILE PHOTO
The Alliance for the Arts and Lee County Visitors and Convention Bureau announced the inaugural “Shorts of the Fort” Film Festival on Sept 20 at the alliance, at 10091 McGregor Blvd., Fort Myers.
C e l e b r a t i
scapes and vibrant communities of the county, it invites filmmakers to explore and capture the beauty of the islands, beaches and neighborhoods through their lenses
The festival is welcoming submissions ranging from 30-second clips to five-minute narratives that vividly portray the essence of life in Southwest Florida It provides a platform for seasoned directors and emerging storytellers
to display their creativity and share their vision with an engaged audience
The awards and prizes are as follows: Best of the Fest, $1,000; Top Film in each category, including Island Odyssey, Beach Bliss and Neighborhood Narratives, $500; and Audience Favorite, $500
∫ Subject matter: Films must focus on the islands, beaches and neighborhoods of Lee and be shot entirely within the county
∫ Eligibility: Filmmakers of all ages are welcome; however, submitters must be at least 18 years old.
B y T I F FA N Y R E P E C K I
t r e p e c k i @ b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s c o m
A family-and-friends viewing is planned for a new film about the island community of Sanibel
T h e S a n C a p C h a m b e r w i l l
h o s t a f r e e , p r i v a t e s c r e e n i n g event of “SANIBEL” on June 28 from 3 to 6 p m at BIG ARTS on Sanibel Following the viewing, there will be a Q&A session with attendees
P r o d u c e d b y S w i p e m a r k e
E n t e r t a i n m e n t a n d d i r e c t e d b y
Jamie Winterstern, co-founder an c h i e f e x e c u t i v e o f f i c e r o
Swipemarket, the feature documen tary began as an exploration of th people and businesses central to s shelling in Southwest Florida Ju one month after production starte Hurricane Ian one of the larg hurricanes in U S history all but wiped Sanibel off of the map
“We're really excited to host an ent like this that is very unique for e chamber It's also something that lows us to reflect on the good work at we've done as a community post Ian),” chamber President and Chief Executive Officer John Lai a i d , a d d i n g t h a t t h e f i l m a l s o erves as a reminder to remain viglant in the months ahead for hurricane season R e g i s t r
w i l l t a k e p l a c e from 3 to 3:30 p m , with the viewing from 3:30 to 4:30 p m
, explaining that chamber members are featured in it “And not just members, but people who are engrained in our community as both business owners and residents ”
“It goes into the history of shells, how long the island has been known for shelling,” Lai added
Then the storm hit and the documentary shifts to the compelling way that the island pulled together
“I think that really defines us as a community as we rebuild after Ian,” he said “Originally about shells, it has really turned into so much more ”
From 4:30 to 5:30 p m , Winterstern will moderate the Q&A with attendees. Cast and crew will be on hand, along with a representative from The Weather Channel and featured island business owners
“Less of a formal panel What we're going to do is call people up to the stage,” Lai said
“We can't be ignorant to the fact that we're facing t h e b e g i n n i n g o f a n o t h e r h u r r i c a n e s e a s o
added “It's to remind ourselves of the resilience, but to also have a discussion around what can happen and why we need to be vigilant Have a conversation about why the community needs to prepare ”
While the event is free, RSVPS are required before June 27 at noon.
The islands are encouraged to reserve a seat
“This is another opportunity to get the community together for a Friday evening,” Lai said “Where they can look at a piece of art that has been created around something that was quite devastating ” F
To view the trailer for the documentary, visit https://vimeo com/953789312
For questions, visit https://sanibel-captiva.org/ or contact the chamber at 239-472-1080
BIG ARTS is at 900 Dunlop Road, Sanibel
∫ Production window: Films must have been produced after January of 2023
∫ Film rights: By submitting, filmmakers agree to transfer all rights to the Lee County VCB, allowing unrestricted use of the footage
The technical requirements include:
∫ Formats accepted: mp4, mov or other standard video formats
∫ Resolution: Minimum of 1920x1080 (1080p)
∫ Special requirement for 3 0 -second films: Must be shot vertically (9x16) for use on social media platforms like IG and TikTok
The deadlines and submission fees are: $15 by July 31; $25 by Aug 26; and free for students
T o s u
https://filmfreeway com/ShortsoftheFort
For more information, visit artinlee org or contact the alliance at 239-939-2787.
“Brews for the Birds” is on tap at the Wonder Gardens in Bonita Springs on Thursday, July 25 from 6 to 8 p m
“The care of more than 300 birds and reptiles is our priority at Wonder Gardens, and we are grateful for the support of the community,” said Neil Anderson, executive director “Our Brews for the Birds event is a fun and engaging way to showcase the gardens while raising funds for the continued oversight and protection of a wide variety of birds who reside in our ponds, aviaries and pavilions throughout our historical 3 5-acre park ”
The adults-only event includes food trucks, beer from local and national breweries, nonalcoholic drinks, music and the opportunity to experience the Wonder Gardens at night Tickets are available online and are $50 for Wonder Gardens members and $55 for nonmembers and include 8 tasting tickets, with additional tasting tickets for sale at the event.
Food trucks include Eazy Cheezy and Between the Bunz Music will be supplied by local DJ Rickie Sharp Participating breweries and beverage sponsors to date include 3 Daughters Brewing, Big Top Brewing, Funky Buddha, Islamorada Brewery LaBelle Brewing Co , Riptide Brewing Company, Tampa Bay Brewing Co and R A D Cidery & Winery
To purchase tickets, visit wondergardens org/brewsfor-the-birds-july2024/
“Transcendental” will be on display now through June 29 in the Main Gallery at the Alliance for the Arts, at 10091 McGregor Blvd , Fort Myers It features the works of DAAS CO-OP, Union Artist Studios and Arts
Lee County Master Gardener volunteers will host a “Florida Friendly Landscaping for Barrier Islands” class on June 27 from 1:30 to 3:30 p m at the Sanibel Public Library, at 770 Dunlop Road, Sanibel
Presented by Mariana Pardo, Stephen Wener and Rose Larkin, the class is geared toward residents and business owners on a barrier island and will promote the nine basic principles of Florida-Friendly Landscaping. The information will focus on how vegetation can protect islands from storms and which plants can endure such events It will also include how human actions can sustain the ecosystems of islands.
Afterward, an optional walk will be available at the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation's Native Landscapes & Garden Center at the Bailey Homestead Preserve, at 1300 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel
The program is free and open to all ages and levels of experience.
Registration is required
For more information or to register, visit https://www eventbrite com/e/florida-friendly-landscaping-for-barrier-islands-tickets911483851737?aff=ebdssbdestsearch or contact the library at 239-472-2483
& Eats owner David Acevedo. In addition, “Just Kidding” will be on display in the Theatre Gallery It features artwork that honors the late David Hatchett
The galleries are open to public on Tuesday through
The Dunes Golf & Tennis Club will host a 4th of July Scramble on July 4 at 949 Sand Castle Road, Sanibel; shotgun start at 8:30 a m Open to four-player teams; GHIN handicaps required Golf fee and entry is $20 per player, plus $53 for members and $75 for non-members; optional cash skins game for $20 Lunch of burgers, brats, hot dogs, coleslaw, pasta salad and chips is included in the cost For more information or to sign up, contact golfproshop@theinnsofsanibel com or 239-472-
Ser vices at St. Peter Lutheran Church
St Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church in America at 3751 Estero Boulevard, Fort Myers Beach
Outdoor Services under the tent
Every Sunday 9 a m
All are welcome, we are pet friendly 239-463-4251 stpeterfmb@gmail com
www stpeterfmb com
YouTube - St Peter Lutheran Church Fort Myers Beach FL
In cooperation with former Chapel by the Sea and Beach United Methodist Church
Sea tur tle nesting season runs through Oct. 31
Sea turtle nesting season is underway and runs through Oct 31 And like our visitors, who return year after year to enjoy our beautiful beaches, the loggerheads return to the same beach time after time to deposit their eggs For more information about sea turtle nesting season and how you can help, contact the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation (SCCF) sccf org/what-wedo/protect-wildlife/sea-turtle-program or Turtle Time, Inc at turtletime org
Tips to protect our wildlife
Shield your lighting so that it is not visible from the beach Sea turtles go toward the light instead of heading for the water
When enjoying our beaches, take a bag and remove any litter that you may find on your walk Balloons, plastic bags, foam and other non-degradable pollutants can cause the deaths of sea turtles if mistaken for food Enjoy your fun at the beach but be sure to fill any holes when you leave
Observe a nesting sea turtle from a distance Don’t shine lights on or around her or she may abandon her effort to nest Forgo taking photos or using smartphones and stay far away where she cannot see you as she crawls back to the water
Better Together and Christ Community Church will partner to host a community job fair on June 27 from 11 a m to 2 p m at the church, at 4050 Colonial Blvd , Fort Myers
It will not only connect job seekers with local employers who are ready to hire, but also provide resources to facilitate stronger connections and more hires Free oneon-one job coaching sessions are available to review resumes and interviewing skills, and additional services will be available onsite
The community job fair is part of Better Together’s “Better Jobs” program
J o b s e e k e r s c a n r e g i s t e r a t BetterTogetherUS org/CCC-FortMyers or by texting “JOBS” to 844-987-3949
Pet owners can get their pet microchipped or check that their pet's existing microchip is up to date at a Microchip Clinic on June 29 from 9 a m to noon at Lee County Domestic Animal Services, at 5600 Banner Drive, Fort Myers
Fourth of July festivities cause one of the highest intake days at shelters. Checking for a chip is one of the first things a shelter or rescue does when a pet is brought in Studies show that microchipping greatly increases the chances an owner will be identified; about 74% of found
dogs and 63 5% of cats turned in to shelters were reunited with their owners
During the clinic, pets can be microchipped for $10
No appointment is necessary
Owners must bring dogs on non-retractable leashes and cats in hard-sided carriers
For more information, visit www leelostpets com or call 239-533-7387 (LEE-PETS)
Annual writing contest deadline extension!
The Annual Gulf Coast Writers Association (GCWA) Writing Contest has been extended by one month from May 31 to June 30, 2024, at 11:59 p m EST Over the last month, GCWA has been transitioning its website from one platform to another While leaders expected kinks during this timeframe, one unexpected hiccup was in submitting entries for the contest Therefore, the GCWA Executive Team decided to keep the contest open for an additional month to ensure all writers who wished to enter their best work had the chance to do so
Submissions are being accepted in three categories: F
www gulfwriters org and click on Writing Contest The first-place winner in each category will receive $200; the second place, $75; and the third, $50 Deadline is June 30, 2024 at 11:59 p m EST
Through June, adoption fees for adult cats 7 months and older are half off at the Gulf Coast Humane Society, at 2010 Arcadia St , Fort Myers Included is a kitten adoption bonus, where families can adopt two kittens ages 7 months and younger for one adoption fee
Adopters who have other pets are asked to bring an updated rabies certificate prior to visiting
Also this month, the GCHS Spay and Neuter Clinic is offering a Hurricane Prep Special All cats who have a spay/neuter surgery will receive a free microchip TrapNeuter-Release cats are excluded
“Many pets are lost before or after a hurricane during stressful and hectic times,” Executive Director Darcy Andrade said “Microchipped pets have much higher odds of being reunited with their families than pets who are not microchipped. That is why our Spay-Neuter Clinic is offering free microchipping for families’ cats who will have a spay-neuter surgery ”
Adoption center hours are Tuesday through Friday from noon to 6 p m and Saturday and Sunday from noon to 5 p m To view all of the GCHS' adoptable pets, visit www gulfcoasthumanesociety org
To schedule a spay-neuter, visit https://gulfcoasthumanesociety org/spay-neuter-clinic/
Are you concerned with a friend or family member's drinking? Let us help
Call our 24-hour helpline at 941-564-5098 or visit www SouthFloridaAl-Anon org Meetings are held every day in Lee County
Al-Ateen meetings are also offered for ages 10-18
Tickets are now on sale for NUTCRACKER! Magical Christmas Ballet, as the Christmas classic visits Barbara B Mann Performing Arts Hall on Nov 17 to captivate audiences this holiday season Embarking on its 32nd annual North American tour, the production showcases a fusion of talent from esteemed ballet capitals worldwide, and will feature new choreography this year
For more information or to purchase tickets, visit www nutcracker com Special pricing is available for groups Call 800-320-1733 or email groups@nutcracker com
The Moody Blues’ John Lodge ‘Per for ms Days of Future Passed’ at Seminole Casino Hotel Aug. 2
a s t e r o r a t w w w m o r e i n p a ra d i s e . c o m . P a r k i n g i s f r e e . T h e c o n c e r t w a s o r i
c l a ss i c s f e a t u r i n g f a n f a v o r i t e s s u c h a s “ I s n ’ t L i f e
S t r a n g e , ” “ L e
e r ( i n a R o c k a n d R o l l B a n d ) , ” “ R i d e m y S
, ” a n d m
c h m o r e T h e s e c o n d s e t w i l l s e e L o d g e a n d h i s b a n d p e r f o r m i n g t h e i c o n i c a l b u m “ D a y s o f F u t u r e P a s s e d ” i n i t s e n t i r e t y a n d i n f u l l s y m p h o n i c s o u n d “ D a y s o f F u t u r e P a s s e d ” w a s r e l e a s e d 5 6 y e a r s a g o a n d w a s a r g u a b l y t h e s t a r t o f p r o g r e s s i v e r o c k T h e s e s o n g s b e g a n t h e l o n g s t a n d i n g c r o s s - o v e r b e t w e e n r o c k a n d c l a s s i c a l m u s i c T h e r e a r e e x c i t i n g c h a n g e s f r o m t h e o r i g i n a l s h o w , w i t h n e w c l a s s i c s o n g s a n d d e e p c u t s , e n h a n c e d v i d e o a n d d a z z l i n g l i g h t i n g , a l l c o m i n g t o g e t h e r t o m a k e a v e r y s p e c i a l e v e n i n g o f g r e a t m u s i c a n d M o o d i e s m e m o r i e s T h e s h o w t a k e s a j o u r n e y b a c k i n t i m e w i t h L o d g e a n d h i s 1 0 , 0 0 0 L i g h t
Y e a r s B a n d a s t h e y c r e a t e a u d i o a l c h e m y f o r t h e a u d ie n c e ’ s l i s t e n i n g a n d v i s u a l p l e a s u r e S e m i n o l e C a s i n o H o t e l I m m o k a l e e i s a t 5 0 6 S o u t h
1 s t S t . , I m m o k a l e e .
Hunter Hayes to take the stage at Seminole Casino Hotel Aug. 3
S e m i n o l e C a s i n o H o t e l I m m o k a l e e h o s t s G R A M -
M Y a w a r d - n o m i n e e H u n t e r H a y e s l i v e i n c o n c e r t
S a t u r d a y , A u g 3 w i t h d o o r s o p e n i n g a t 7 p m a n d t h e s h o w b e g i n n i n g a t 8 p m T i c k e t s s t a r t a t $ 5 9 a n d a r e
a v a i l a b l e f r o m T i c k e t m a s t e r o r a t w w w m o r e i n p a ra d i s e c o m A t t e n d e e s m u s t b e 2 1 P a r k i n g i s f r e e
A m u l t i - i n s t r u m e n t a l i s t a n d p l a t i n u m - s e l l i n g a r t i s t ,
H a y e s i s a n e m b o d i m e n t o f t h e t y p e o f m u s i c i a n w h o e m b r a c e s c h a n g e a n d s t r i v e s t o r e w r i t e t h e r u l e s . A f t e r d e b u t i n g o n t h e s c e n e w i t h a p l a t i n u m - c e r t i f i e d a l b u m ,
H a y e s h a s c h a r t e d h i s o w n p a t h , m o v i n g f r o m h i s c o u n t r y r o o t s i n t o t h e g e n r e - b e n d i n g w o r l d t h a t h e w a s
d e s t i n e d f o r O n h i s a l b u m , “ R e d S k y , ” t h e s i n g e rs o n g w r i t e r i s e x e c u t i n g a t t h e h i g h e s t l e v e l o f h i s m u s i c a l c a r e e r : c r a f t i n g m e m o r a b l e m e l o d i e s a n d i n s t a n t l y c a t c h y h o o k s a l b e i t w i t h a t o p - n o t c h m u s ic i a n ’ s d i s c e r n i n g e a r H i s m u s i c i s b o t h a r e f l e c t i o n o f h i s i n f l u e n c e s , a n d a p r o d u c t o f h i s p r o d i g i o u s m u l t ii n s t r u m e n t a l t a l e n t s , r e f l e c t e d b y t h e f a c t t h a t h e p l a y s e v e r y i n s t r u m e n t o n h i s r e c o r d s T h e L o u i s i a n a n a t i v e h a s g a r n e r e d o v e r t w o b i l l i o n o n - d e m a n d g l o b a l s t r e a m s s i n c e t h e r e l e a s e o f h i s d e b u t a l b u m , a l o n g w i t h s i x g o l d a n d p l a t i n u m - c e r t if i e d s i n g l e s I n a d d i t i o n t o h i s l e g e n d a r y h e a d l i n i n g s h o w s , H a y e s h a s t o u r e d w i t h s u p e r s t a r s l i k e T a y l o
By ISABELLE WELLS Co-founder of
T h e F r e e d o m M o n t h
Sales Tax Holiday will take place in July and will make items such as fishing sup-
p l i e s , o u t d o o r r e c r e a t i o n equipment, admissions to state parks and museums sales tax free
S a l e s t a x w i l l b e removed from the following items:
Boating and water activity supplies:
∫ Goggles and snorkels ($25 or less)
∫ Pool toys ($35 or less)
∫ Coolers, life jackets and paddles ($75 or less)
∫ Inflatable water tubes and floats and wakeboards ($150 or less)
∫ P a d d l e b o a r d s a n d surfboards ($300 or less)
∫ Canoes and kayaks ($500 or less)
Fishing supplies:
∫ Bait and tackle ($5 or less for individual items and $ 1 0 o r l e s s f o r m u l t i p l e items sold together)
∫ Tackle boxes ($30 or less)
∫ Reels and rods ($75 or less)
Camping supplies:
∫ Flashlights ($30 or less)
∫ Sleeping bags and camping chairs ($50 or less)
∫ Tents ($200 or less)
Outdoor supplies:
∫ Sunscreen ($15 or less)
∫ Water bottles ($30 or less)
∫ Bicycle helmets ($50 or less)
∫ Outdoor grills ($250 or less)
∫ Bicycles ($500 or less)
∫ Museums, including annual passes
∫ State parks, including annual passes
∫ Season tickets for ballets, plays, music events and musical theater performances
Admissions scheduled between July 1 and Dec 3 1 :
∫ Live music events
∫ Live sporting events
∫ Movies to be shown in a movie theater
∫ Ballets
∫ Plays
∫ Fairs
∫ Festivals
Commission reported that the 2024 Gulf red snapper recreational season opened on June 1 and will continue through July 31
Those fishing from private recreational vessels or charter vessels are able to participate
If you plan to fish for red snapper in state or federal waters from a private recreational vessel, even if you are exempt from fishing license requirements, you must sign up as a State Reef Fish Angler (annual renewal required) at GoOutdoorsFlorida com
Find more on recreational snapper regulations at MyFWC com/Marine
The recreational harvest of snook in the Panhandle, Big Bend, Tampa Bay, Sarasota Bay, Charlotte Harbor and Southwest management regions closed on May 1 It includes all state and inland waters, as well as adjacent federal waters within each management region
The recreational harvest of snook will reopen on Sept 1 in the Panhandle, Big Bend, Tampa Bay and Sarasota Bay regions and it will reopen on Oct 1 in the Charlotte Harbor and Southwest regions
Charlotte Harbor
∫ Open season: March 1 through April 30 and Oct 1 through Nov 30
∫ Closed season: Dec 1 through February and May 1 through Sept 30
∫ Bag limit: One fish per person per day
∫ Slot limit: 28-33 inches total length
∫ Boundaries: The northern coastal boundary is at 27°04 727’ north latitude, near the Venice Municipal Airport, and the region extends south to 26°15 227’
Charlotte Harbor map for the recreational harvest of snook
north latitude, near Vanderbilt Beach Road in Collier County Includes all inland waters of the area colored
Caloosahatchee, Myakka and Peace rivers and their tributaries Does not include Lake Okeechobee
The FWC reported that the regions and regulations are part of its holistic management approach for Florida's most popular inshore fisheries Through this approach, seven metrics are used to evaluate the fishery by region, adding a holistic perspective to management decisions and allowing the FWC to be more responsive to regional concerns
For more information on recreational snook regulations, visit MyFWC com/Snook
NewInstallation IncludesPermit 2YearWarranty RainBirdContractor
Licensed&Insured FAMILYOWNEDSINCE 1981
LEE#LSO200031 CAPE#06938 Sanibel#S11-000923