2 minute read
‘Nonagenarian Happy Birthday Blues’
(For My 93rd Birthday)
I’m up to my three and ninety, It’s no longer easy chill, Harder to puff up life’s mountain, Too steep to coast downhill
Still as I wake each morning
Ar t exhibit on display at Alliance
“Joan Sonnenberg: A Retrospective” will be on display now through July 29 at the Alliance for the Arts, at 10091 McGregor Blvd , Fort M y e r s I n t e r e s t e d i n g e o m e t r i c p a t t e r n s achieved through multiple reverse etching processes, she superimposes and stacks up to 10 images on top of each other, creating a complex montage of lines, shapes and patterns
S o n n e n b e r g s t r i v e s t o a l t e r a n d c o m b i n e abstraction with realism. She also portrays street people, each imbued with stories to tell Gallery admission is free, but a suggested $5 donation keeps programming affordable and a c c e s s i b l e F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t https://www artinlee org/
CROW Calendar
The Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife's Visitor Education Center, at 3883 SanibelCaptiva Road, Sanibel, will present the following:
∫ Today, July 26
Program of the Week at 11 a m
The program will cover a variety of topics related to wildlife and patient care at CROW
∫ Thursday, July 27
Program of the Week at 11 a m
The program will cover a variety of topics related to wildlife and patient care at CROW
∫ Friday, July 28
Program of the Week at 11 a m
The program will cover a variety of topics related to wildlife and patient care at CROW.
∫ Tuesday, Aug. 1
Story Time at CROW at 2 p m
Admission to the center is currently free Admittance includes the above daily presentations, and no reservations are required to attend
In addition, CROW offers a Wildlife Walk Hospital Tour on Wednesdays through Fridays after the daily presentation until 12:30 p m Limited to 12 people; participants must be age 10 or older The cost is $25 per person; advanced registration and payment is required To register, contact 239-472-3644 ext 229 or reservations@crowclinic.org.
For more information, visit http://www crowclinic org/ or call 239-472-3644
One thought runs through my mind, To play out my fourth quarter
One extra day at a time.
Got me more love than ever, Old Devil Lust gone away, More joy in being together, New memories born each day, Happy to wake each morning
Next to my love sublime, Playing out that fourth quarter
One extra day at a time
I smile when I watch the sun set And say, “Hasta mañana, baby, I’ll be here when you’re rising, No ifs, ands, buts, or maybes
In the early light of evening
I watch that full moon climb Playing out my fourth quarter
One extra day at a time ”
My whole world’s still positive, No Pandemic doom and gloom
The Iceman’s still a-coming But it won’t be someday soon
So I’ll wake each morning And watch the new day shine, Playing out my fourth quarter
One extra day at a time
Joe Pacheco Poetic License