3 minute read
Recap of hurricane preparedness series for islanders
(Editor’s note: Over the past several w e e k s t h e M a t l a c h a / P i n e I s l a n d F i r e Control District Community Emergency Response Team has been providing a series of articles on disaster preparedness for islanders )
Below are some of the key points from the series
n Prepare your Emergency Supply Kit
A comprehensive list, in both English and Spanish, can be found in the Lee County All Hazards Guide available at www leeg o v . c o m / p u b l i c s a f e t y / e m e r g e n c y m a nagement/plan/ahg Include insurance and vital records in your kit, and/or store them electronically Remember to check your kit often and rotate the non-perishable food in your kit n Prepare and practice your Family Emergency Plan Be sure all family members know who to call or where to gather if you become separated Choose your emergency point of contact to be someone outside of the disaster area in case communications are restricted within the affected area Let family and friends in other locations know your evacuation plans n If you are considering using a Special Medical Needs Shelter, you must register ahead of time Registration can be done online at www leeEOC com or b y c a l l i n g L e e C o u n t y E m e r g e n c y Management at 239-533-0622 If you registered in a previous year, keep in mind you must update your information every year n Pre-program your NOAA or other emergency radio to WGCU-90 1 FM, the Southwest Florida affiliate of the Florida Public Radio Emergency Network, and to NOAA Channel 4 (162 475 MHz) for Fort Myers n The free Lee County “LeePrepares” app, available through both the Apple and Android stores, provides information on preparing for and recovering from all types of disasters; features include information on active evacuations and EOC activation level, shelter information, ability to sign-up for the AlertLee notification system for telephone, text, and/or email alerts n M/PIFCD has an app through which you are able to receive local department updates during emergency activations along with updates from the National Weather Service Search "MPIFCD" in the app store to find it!
AHEAD OF THE STORM: n Pine Island and Matlacha are in evacuation Zone A n If Emergency Management issues an Evacuation Order for your zone, you are strongly encouraged to leave the area for your safety Emergency services may not be available to assist you until long after the event has passed n If you are sheltering in place, expect the power to be out, and the likelihood that you may be under a boil water notice, if not without water entirely. n If you evacuate, ensure your home is safe before you leave n Should evacuation orders be raised, LeeTran will provide free transportation to a shelter from six locations on Pine Island and Matlacha:
Fire Station #3, 14861 Stringfellow Road
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Catholic Church, 12175 Stringfellow Road -- Pine Island Shopping Center, 9864 Stringfellow Road
Flamingo Bay, Stringfellow Road and Curlew Road
Street and Eighth Avenue
Matlacha Community Park Boat Ramp, 4577 Pine Island Road n Service animals are allowed in all shelters n If you plan to use a Special Needs shelter, make arrangements for a caregiver or friend to accompany you This is a requirement of Lee County n Pet-friendly shelters will be available for every storm No registration is required Remember to bring your pet’s Go-Kit n Check with Station #1 for sand and sandbags
AFTER THE STORM: n Stay tuned to local media for reentry information n Have a valid form of identification in case it is needed for re-entry n Safety First! Call utilities to report hazards such as broken gas or water mains, downed power lines, or overturned gas tanks n Tarps may be available from the county at Station 1 Call for availability
Have Questions about this article? You can contact the M/PIFCD, Station #1, at 239-283-0030, Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Station #1 is at 5700 Pine Island Road, just west of S t r i n g f e l l o w R o a d a t T h e C e n t e r , Bokeelia