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Property fraud prevention program launches
The Lee County Clerk announced a new requirement for filing a property deed Effective Aug 1, a government-issued photo identification is required for filing deeds in-person or by mail in the county
The requirement is a result of HB 1419, a property fraud prevention program initiated by Lee County Clerk Kevin Karnes and state lawmakers to make it harder to file fraudulent deeds in Lee County
The county was chosen to be the state's pilot location for the new program.
It requires all persons listed on a deed to provide a g o v e r n m e n t - i s s u e d p h o t o I D b e f o r e t h e d e e d i s processed The program will be rolled out in phases E-
Recorded deeds, typically submitted by property professionals and title agencies, are not impacted at this time Identification requirements for e-recorded deeds will be implemented after technical updates are applied to the office's systems
The most up-to-date requirements will be posted at www leeclerk org/deeds
P r o p e r t y o w n e r s a r e a l s o e n c o u r a g e d t o s i g n u p f o r t h e L e e C l e r k ' s f r e e P r o p e r t y F r a u d A l e r t s e r v i c e , w h i c h n o t i f i e s p r o p e r t y o w n e r s w h e n a d e e d , m o r t g a g e o r o t h e r d o c u m e n t w i t h t h e i r n a m e h a s b e e n r e c o r d e d T o l e a r n m o r e a n d r e g i s t e r , v i s i t w w w l e e c l e r k o r g / f r a u d a l e r t
F.I.S.H. to hold distribution event
F I S H of Sanibel-Captiva continues to distribute furnishing and rebuilding products through its Hurricane Ian Point of Distribution (POD) program. The next event will take place on Aug 11 from 9 to 11 a m at the Walk-In Center, at 2430-B Periwinkle Way, Sanibel The program is available to Sanibel and Captiva residents and workers on a first come, first served basis, while supplies last Items may include, but are not limited to, mattresses, bed frames, chairs, tables, accent furniture and more For more
LCEC announces Power Cost Adjustment
LCEC reported that a Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) decrease of about 3% (average bill of 1,000 kWh) was implemented for its customers on Aug 1 It was the second PCA adjustment in three months
PCA charges are determined to adjust for or anticipate costs for purchased power. The decrease is the result of cost recovery forecasts and budget projections related to purchased power costs passed on from the LCEC power supplier In June, LCEC reduced the PCA by 9 4%, bringing the total decrease this year to 12 4% per 1,000 kWh
LCEC reported that power cost adjustments fluctuate and increase or decrease as the cost to generate power rises and falls Since 2014, there have been seven PCA decreases There are no margins (profit) earned on the power cost portion of the customer bill It is solely a pass-
Let the native planting begin
The Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation reported that its Native Landscapes & Garden Center recently received a large shipment of plants and is fully stocked for all one's native plant shopping needs Take a look at the selection and get advice from SCCF's staff on Tuesdays through Thursdays f r o m 1 0 a m t o 3 p m a t 1 3 0 0
Periwinkle Way, Sanibel
Power cost adjustments happen regularly throughout the energy industry Power suppliers make adjustments based on variable fuel costs related to power production and the costs, or savings, are passed on to customers
Residential customer bill per 1 ,0 0 0 kWh:
∫ Base Rate: $99 20
∫ PCA Rate: $36 80
∫ Total: $136