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Town extends deadline for beach renourishment easements
The Town of Fort Myers Beach announced that the deadline for property owners to sign easements on their land for beach renourishment has been extended to Aug 18
The town has been working with the United States Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) on replacing the sand which was washed away by Hurricane Ian
In an attempt to address questions and concerns about the easements, the town posted the following series of frequently asked questions and answers regarding the subject on its website:
Question: Does the placement of p u b l i c l y f u n d e d s a n d o n p r i v a t e property give the public the right to u s e o r a c c e s s p r i v a t e b e a c h f r o n t property?
Question: Why is public money being spent to place sand on properties that are owned by beachfront property owners who might be perceived by many as wealthy?
Answer – Public money is being spent on beach renourishment to protect the entire island If the beach goes away (as sadly some of it has due to Hurricane Ian), public infrastructure and private property on the island that is not beachfront will likely suffer damages in future weather events read more
Question: Are beachfront property owners required to sign an easement and agree to beach renourishment?