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Assistant State Attorney named Prosecutor of the Year by MADD
Assistant State Attorney Mara Marzano, of the State Attorney’s Office 20th Judicial Circuit Homicide Unit, has b e e n n a m e d t h e P r o s e c u t o r o f t h e Y e a r , w i t h t h e Outstanding Prosecutor Recognition, the top honor, by Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Mara specializes in traffic homicide cases
In 2022, Mara was responsible for prosecuting more impaired driving cases in the 20th Judicial Circuit than any other prosecutor
“I am extremely proud of Assistant State Attorney Mara Marzano for the incredible work she does and her receipt of this well-deserved award Mothers Against Drunk Driving has witnessed Mara’s expertise and skill in handling these complex cases for many years, both in the courtroom and in her relationship with the victims of these cases,” said State Attorney Amira Fox
Mara has successfully prosecuted many traffic homicide and DUI manslaughter cases at trial Her expertise has also assisted with resolving cases pre-trial, helping families avoid the agony that sometimes comes from testimony in the courtroom
“Out of all the cases I have prosecuted, these types of cases, are often the most difficult The families of the victims too, struggle with these crimes that happen in a minute Ordinary people just doing ordinary things, perhaps just driving to work, are suddenly impacted by someone’s poor judgment, which then affects their lives so tragically MADD is so awesome at helping the victims and their families through these difficult experiences,” said Assistant State Attorney Marzano
Also nominated for this honor was Assistant State Attorney Martin Stark, of the State Attorney’s Office Homicide Unit The nominations were received for cases and work done in 2022