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Chamber announces ‘Savor the Shore’ campaign
T h e F o r t M y e r s B e a c h C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e announced a new marketing initiative to draw visitors to Fort Myers Beach with the aid of the Lee County Visitor & Convention Bureau.
The chamber announced that the Lee County Visitor & Convention Bureau is now running local ads under a new initiative, “Savor the Shore ”
The aim is to inspire residents to enjoy a "daycation" and stay informed In response to the recent challenges faced by local businesses, Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce President Jacki Liszak announced Liszak said "revitalizing the local economy and supporting our struggling businesses is at the heart of the
Goss reappointed to SFWMD
'Savor the Shore' initiative We're committed to bringing vitality back to our beloved community "
As part of the initiative, locals and visitors will be introduced to a myriad of culinary experiences, special events, and promotional offers, encouraging them to relish in the unique offerings of the area, Liszak said
"The heart of Fort Myers Beach has always been its people and its local businesses,” Liszak said “This campaign is a testament to our resilience, community spirit, and determination to bounce back stronger than ever ”
For more information on "Savor the Shore" and to learn how you can be a part of this campaign, visit https://www visitfortmyers com/savor-the-shore
Business Briefs
Gov Ron DeSantis recently announced the reappointment of Chauncey Goss, John Steinle and Scott Wagner to the South Florida Water Management District
Goss is a managing partner of Goss Practical Solutions
He was previously a deputy staff director for the U S House of Representatives Committee on Budget and a program examiner for the Executive Office of the President
Goss currently serves on the United Way of Lee, Hendry, and Glades Board of Directors
He earned his bachelor's degree in area studies from Rollins College and his master's degree in public policy from Georgetown University.
The appointments are subject to confirmation by the Florida Senate
Vigilant Guardian Home Watch & Ser vices ear ns accreditation
Vigilant Guardian Home Watch & Services has earned accreditation from the National Home Watch Association
The NHWA was formed in 2009 in order to establish and maintain the highest industry standards for H o m e W a t c h a n d a b s e n t e e h o m e o w n e r s e r v i c e s throughout the United States and Canada (www nationalhomewatchassociation org) Home Watch is a visual inspection of a home or property, looking for obvious issues, which means that it is a service that “keeps an eye on things” at your vacation or primary home while you are not in residence. All principals of NHWA
A c c r e d i t e d M e m b e r c o m p a n i e s a r e b a c k g r o u n dchecked, insured, and bonded
Owners Tommy and Loretta Cameron are a former dual military couple who served in the U S Navy
Loretta has a master’s in business administration, and Tommy has a bachelor’s in cybersecurity.
Vigilant Guardian Home Watch & Services serves Cape Coral, Fort Myers, Sanibel/Capita Island and Pine Island Contact the company at 651-263-4574 or at vigilantguardian-swfl@proton me Learn more from t h e c o m p a n y w e b s i t e a t h t t p s : / / v i g i l a n t g u a r d i a n swfl com/
Wright named FSW Foundation board chair
Sanibel Captiva Community Bank announced that Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating officer John Wright has been named board chair for the Florida SouthWestern State College Foundation
He joined the board in 2021 and has served on the finance committee
Wright joined the bank in 2020 after relocating to Southwest Florida from Maryland
He also serves on the Lee County Horizon Council as a member at large
Wright graduated from the University of Maryland with a Bachelor of Science in accounting and he became a certified public accountant in 1990
Shell Point residents host school supply drive
The Shell Point Retirement Community reported that residents recently raised $20,000 at the 18th Annual School Supply Fund Drive to benefit employees' children and grandchildren who are entering K-5 grades Led by Manus O'Donnell and Jeanne Carguilo, the fundraising committee consulted local elementary schools' supply lists to identify needed items More than 50 volunteers worked assembly-line style over two days to fill and distribute a record-breaking 950 bags with the school supplies