Fort Myers Beach Observer/The Beach Bulletin

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Greenwell, Mulicka win their Republican

Lee County Republicans kept Lee County Board of County Commissioners Chairman Mike Greenwell as the party’s nominee for the District 5 seat primary while also choosing David Mulicka for the District 3 seat to be vacated in the fall by Commissioner Ray Sandelli


Republican Amanda Cochran in one of the tighter county races of the night Greenwell defeated Cochran 55% to 45% Cochran ran a campaign against overdevelopment and specifically objected to a development proposal for property Greenwell owns in the rural North Olga neighborhood The property had been rezoned by the Lee County Board of County Commissioners while Greenwell was on the board to allow for 400,000

square feet of commercial space and 122 multifamily units Greenwell contended that he needed to develop the property after losing part of his land to state road expansion projects to accommodate increased traffic

from Babcock Ranch.

Greenwell will now face Democrat Kizzie Fowler in

Lehigh Acres, Buckingham, Olga and eastern unincorporated Fort Myers Voting is open to all of the county’s electorate

“I am very grateful to the voters of Lee County for their continued trust and support,” Greenwell said “I am proud that we ran a clean campaign based on the issues, not personal attacks Our message of protecting Lee County jobs, preserving our environment, enhancing public safety, and solutions to our traffic problems resonated with voters throughout the county. With the primary election behind us, I look forward to a unified Republican Party as we face off against our Democratic opponent in November ”


r o f a h o m e o n P a l e r m o C i r c l e , a n d J a c k F a l e r , w e r e f o u n d d e a d i n s i d e t h e P a l e r m o C i r c l e r e s i d e n c e S a t u r d a y n i g h t f o l l o w i n g a c a l l t o a u t h o r i t i e s f r o m a n e i g h b o r T h e n e i g h b o r h a d n ’ t s e e n D e w i t t s i n c e a d a y e a r l i e r a n d r e p o r

a d b y F o r t M y e r s B e a c h f i r e f i g h t e r s D e w i t t w a s l o c a t e d i n t h e t h i r d - f l o o r s h o w e r , w h i l e F a l e r w a s f o u n d d e a d i n a f i r s t - f l o o r b e d A n i n v e s t i g a t i o n b y t h e l o c a l g a s c o m p a n y d e t e r m i n e d t

David Mulicka
Mike Greenwell

Teens’ first jobs must be safe jobs


Fax: (239) 574-5693

Web: fortmyersbeachtalk com

Web Poll

Previous Web Poll Results

Are you planning to vote early or with a mail-in ballot?

∫ Yes, I have voted early or will vote early in the primary or on Election Day, 40%

∫ No, I plan to vote on Election Day or Primary Day, 60%

∫ Unsure, 0%

Current Web Poll

Do you support Seagate's plans for two 17-story condo towers that will require a deviation from the town code limit of four stories?

∫ Yes, I support it

∫ No, I do mot support it

∫ Unsure

Share your opinion at fortmyersbeachtalk com

Whether you are a parent, a teacher or a member of the community, we all want to ensure that the children neighborhoods are safe, h and have access to the edu tion they deserve The chi


b lished in 1938 by the Fair

L a b o r S t a n d a r d s A c t were designed to ensure just that that children have safe, healthy jobs that do not stand in the

opportunities At the U Department of Labor’s W and Hour Division, we a cated to making these protections a reality for the young people in our community

Here in Florida, a recent U S Department of Labor investigation found five skating rinks employed children under age 16 to work longer hours than legally allowed

Florida investigation remind us that illegal child labor is not a thing of the past In

Clean water roulette

To the editor:

In my opinion our government is spinning the wheel and hoping for the best when it comes to providing clean water to the people of Florida Recently there have been articles about high fecal, (poop), bacteria counts in many of our waters This is nothing new It has been going on for many years Some months are better than others, but the longterm trend is the same, poopy waters! So far, the children and adults that fish, swim and play in these compromised waters, with a few exceptions, are not showing up in our medical facilities I do wonder though how many infected wounds, sore throats, runny noses and upset stomachs are the result of the contaminated water In my opinion it’s just a matter of time before people get severely sick from the lack of proper stewardship of our local waters

The most common answer from most city officials is it’s too expensive to clean up the water. Yet they continue to undercharge d

Local governments are kicking the can down the road then complain that the cost has gone up so much that they cannot afford to provide clean, safe water for the residents What good will parks be if the water that flows through them are contaminated and unsafe to use If the same standards that apply to swim-

recent years, the Wage and Hour Division has seen a troubling rise in child labor violations across the country In fiscal year found nearly 5,800 chile m p l o y e d i l l e g a l

more than $8 million in penalties for those violations, an increase of 83% from the previous year Our nation, our state a

must do better than that To combat the problem, department is actively ged in a nationwide child nforcement and outreach initiative Our top priority is protecting the most vulnerable workers in our country and our state kids We are providing education and training to parents, youth, school officials and employers so that everyone understands the rules and how they can help protect Florida’s youngest workers

B u t t h i s i s n ’ t j u s t t h

Department of Labor Everyone involved in a young worker’s life can play a role in

Letters to the Editor

ming areas were applied to all our recreational waters the governments would have close most access It’s just not right! Dan Carney Cape Coral

Freedom and the future

To the editor:

I am stressed about freedom! I believe in the future of my government I want Roe codified, voting rights, my Social Security, to have clean energy ,ban assault weapons and my rights as a woman

November ballot Legally the Florida government interferes with my health care and the health care of my granddaughter and great granddaughters A 6-week abortion ban is our Florida law, before women realize they are pregnant Put the woman’s decision for healthcare to the woman, the doctors, the health care providers Save IVF, too JD Vance, Republican vice presidential candidate proposes a Federal Abortion Ban

Vote Yes on amendment 4

As a curious voter I am reviewing Project 2

pages The course work includes knowledge about backgrounds, government expertise, policy governance and, at times, personal training sessions and the advancement of a

keeping children out of harm’s way By staying informed and raising awareness of federal child labor rules against dangerous jobs and excessive hours, we can ensure that teenagers’ first jobs are good, safe jobs Positive, age-appropriate work experiences can allow young people to develop skills and learn what it means to be part of the labor force These are the kinds of good jobs that can get young workers on the path to good careers

To be clear: age-appropriate and safe workplace experiences offer teens valuable learning opportunities and a chance to earn money Those benefits, however, must never come at the expense of a young person’s education or well-being We call on parents, educators and others concerned about our communities and the future of Florida’s youngest workers to work together to keep teen workers safe We will not allow our economy to be built on the backs of children Florida is better than that

Nicolas Ratmiroff is district director for the U S Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division in Tampa

conservative loyalty program The program is online and with the completion of all the modules the student is certified and added to the employment list for the next conservative administration.

In Project 2025 the plan will eliminate 1 m i

Department of Education, the Department of Homeland Security, the Justice Department, dismantle climate rules and offices, change veterans healthcare, cut Social Security, Medicaid and eliminate housing allowances for the Department of Defense

There is a written playbook for the first 180 days of conservative governance New employees already certified will be placed in jobs as loyalists to the conservative administration

So on Day 1 federal agencies can be eliminated or changed

I believe in the future and freedom; I want you to vote for Kamala Harris

Kathleen Callard RNBS North Fort Myers

Vote intelligently

To the editor:

The media and progressives clearly do not understand selecting the President of the United States is NOT about race, gender, religion, or culture It is about selecting the

See LETTERS, page 18

mentary at


London Bay requests delay for LPA hearing

London Bay Development Group has requested an “indefinite continuance” for their scheduled hearing with the Town of Fort Myers Beach Local Planning Agency for their application to redevelop the former Outrigger Beach Resort into a hotel with high-rise condo towers

London Bay had been on the agenda for last Friday’s LPA meeting for a public hearing regarding four ordinances to allow the developers to make a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to allow for a mixed use of hotel and residential units by rezoning


London Bay Development Group President and CEO Mark Wilson issued a statement on the firm’s decision to delay the hearing for their project at 6200 Estero Boulevard

“This decision allows the team adequate time to address comments in the staff report. London Bay Development Group will coordinate with staff and LPA to confirm the meeting schedule once the review is complete,” Wilson said

Among the approvals the developers need from the LPA and Town of Fort Myers Beach Council is a waiver of the town’s four-story height limit for new developments. Plans submitted to the town call for towers between 10 stories and 17 stories high with a maximum height of 200 feet

The project has already run into opposition from neighbors concerned about potential impacts to nearby residential canals. The plans submitted to the town indicate that the developers seek to provide and encourage the use of water taxis Residents who live along the side streets and canals expressed concerns that their canals would be overrun by commercial boat traffic to service the hotel

Fort Myers Beach Vice Mayor Jim Atterholt said he supported water ferries in town as a way to alleviate traffic “I strongly support a private water ferry system as a critical part of our rebuild as we work to address traffic congestion issues and search for ways to get folks from the south end of the island to the north end of the island particularly during season,” he said

London Bay Development Group purchased the former Outrigger property and Charley’s Boat House and Grill across the street last year for $38 million

The plans for the redevelopment of the Outrigger call for 100 hotel rooms and 50 hotel/condo rooms in one of the high-rises and 46 multi-family condo units in the other high-rise building along with restaurants, a public linear park, beach bar and a rooftop bar

T h e t o t a l p r o p o s e d f l o o

510,000 square feet, according to planning documents submitted by RVI Planning.

The Outrigger Resort was approximately 35 feet high at its tallest building

The developers are seeking an increase in density and intensity over what the town code allows

The site will provide 300 vehicle parking spaces and up to 72 spaces for bicycles, golf carts, and echarge stations for scooters. Recreational amenities include a pool, spa and outdoor area, a lobby, office s p a c e , p r i v a t e b e a c h c l u b a n d e v e n

rooms Additionally, there is dedicated commercial public space that includes a public restaurant, hotel lobby bar, hotel grab-n-go, rooftop bar and a beach access and linear park There will be a new public beach access and linear park will contain enhanced landscaping, benches/seating, public restrooms, and other hardscape site features

Sanibel Captiva Community Bank purchases Fort Myers Beach property


Sanibel Captiva Community Bank has purchased Gulf-side parcels at 2670 and 2680 Estero Boulevard on Fort Myers Beach for the development of its newest branch

The branch could become the first bank to open on Fort Myers Beach since Hurricane Ian in 2022

Local architect Joyce Owens will design the building that will sit on 0 34 acres of commercial-zoned property on Estero Boulevard The new branch will feature a fully staffed, state-of-the-art banking facility and will include onsite lenders, drive-thru services, ATMs and conference space

The bank has already begun planning with the Town of Fort Myers Beach in anticipation of beginning the project as quickly as possible Construction of the new branch is expected to begin in early 2025 with an anticipated opening in 2026

“Our board has always had an interest in supporting Fort Myers Beach. The timing and opportunity aligned perfectly for us to expand to Fort Myers Beach,” said Kyle DeCicco, president and CEO of Sanibel Captiva Community Bank “Opening this new office is more than just an expansion for us it is a powerful symbol of resilience and renewal By establishing our physical presence here, we are bringing vital banking services closer to the people of Fort Myers Beach, and also reaffirming our commitment to supporting the rebuilding and future prosperity of this vibrant community ”

A Fort Myers Beach location was unanimously approved by the bank’s board of directors in recognition of the need for banking services on the island. The bank has had long-term relationships with numerous individuals and businesses on the island throughout its 21-year history

“The Fort Myers Beach Chamber is incredibly excited to welcome Sanibel Captiva Community Bank to Fort Myers Beach,” Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce President Jacki Liszak said. “Through the years, Sanibel Captiva Community Bank has been a financial lifeline to

countless island residents and businesses The fact that they are investing in the future of Fort Myers Beach by establishing a full-service presence here shows how committed they are to helping us rebuild our island community ”

Sanibel Captiva Community Bank was represented by LQ Commercial Real Estate Services for the purchase

“It has been a pleasure representing Sanibel Captiva Community Bank in the acquisition of their newest planned branch location on Fort Myers Beach,” said Michael Price, land division manager at LQ Commercial Real Estate Services “We are excited to see this project come to fruition for the bank and Fort Myers Beach The team at SanCap Bank provides an unmatched level of service to its clients and invests its time and energy into making the Southwest Florida community a better place for us all to live ”

Founded in 2003, Sanibel Captiva Community Bank has seven locations open throughout Lee County On Sanibel, the Periwinkle Branch, at 1019 Periwinkle Way, sustained considerable storm damage and is projected to

McGregor Branch, at 15975 McGregor Blvd , the staff is operating out of a temporary mobile banking unit due to

Construction on the new building is underway and is expected to be completed in 2025.

The bank is nationally ranked in the top 2% best-performing community banks by S&P Global Market Intelligence out of more than 4,400 banks with assets under $1 billion The bank employs more than 120 employees, and more than 60% are current shareholders Since 2003, the bank has contributed more than $4 5 million to more than 400 local, charitable causes The bank's employees volunteer close to 1,000 hours annually

Sanibel Captiva Community Bank’s team members provide customized individual and business banking services and specialize in residential and commercial lending


Jim Farley, president of Estero Bayside Condominium Association and veteran newsman, dies at 75

Jim Farley, who helped lead the Estero Bayside Condominium Association through sweeping repairs to quickly reopen their Fort Myers Beach community after Hurricane Ian, has died at the age of 75 The cause was complications from surgery for an aneurysm

Before retiring to Fort Myers Beach in 2014, Farley was a decorated newsman He served as Vice President of News and Programming at WTOP AM and FM, the Washington, D C area's premier news radio stations, for nearly two decades Under his leadership, WTOP transformed into one of the most listened-to news stations and the highest revenue radio station in the country, winning numerous awards for its outstanding news coverage, including the prestigious Edward R Murrow Awards His commitment to excellence, integrity, and the highest standards of journalism left an indelible mark on both the station and the industry

Jim's career in broadcasting began in 1966 as a copy boy at WINS in New York, the nation’s first all-news radio station He went on to serve in senior news executive roles at NBC News and ABC News before moving to Washington to join WTOP Jim was a mentor to countless journalists and played a pivotal role in shaping the careers of many in the industry

After Hurricane Ian brought its wrath to Estero Bayside Condominium Association, sweeping in dozens of totaled cars, damag-


As president of the Estero Bayside Condominium Association, Jim Farley helped lead the condominium community to one of the quickest reopenings after Hurricane Ian.

ing the fire suppression system and turning the community's pool into what called a "black lagoon," Farley sprung into action

With the aid of fellow board members, Farley led a quick response to the hurricane damage while staying on the island and calling contractors around the clock to help make repairs which allowed the community to reopen quickly to homeowners

“If you wanted three quotes, you had to call 15 people,” Farley said in an interview with the Fort Myers Beach Observer as part of a one-year anniversary lookback at the hurricane They replaced their fire suppression system and ordered a generator “It was temporary insanity,” he said

Between the renovated new pool, clubhouse and condo towers, Farley and the board were able to help restore Estero Bayside Condominium Association into nearly a backup for Hollywood’s Paramount Studios with the support of homeowners

Town accepting applications for advisory committees


The Town of Fort Myers Beach is encouraging community members interested in serving as volunteers to advise and support the work of town government to apply to seats on its advisory committees There will be several open seats available on the following Boards/Committees:

∫ Anchorage Advisory Committee (AAC)

∫ Audit Committee

∫ Bay Oaks Recreational Campus Advisory Board (BORCAB)

∫ Cultural & Environmental Learning Center Advisory Board (CELCAB)

∫ Local Planning Agency (LPA)

∫ Marine and Environmental Resources Task Force (MERTF)

∫ Public Safety Committee (PSC)

To apply, visit www fortmyersbeachfl gov

The application deadline is Sept. 19.

Social Security Q & A

(Editor's note: The information below is provided by the Social Security Administration)


Before applying for retirement benefits, what should I do?


It is important that your earnings record is correct because we base your benefit amount

on the earnings you have reported to us If you find an error, you will need to contact us to correct your information Read our publication, How to Correct Your Social Security Earnings Record, at www socialsecurity gov/publications, to learn how You can also get estimated benefit calculations based on different retirement ages and choose the best retirement age for you Don't have a personal my Social

See SOCIAL SECURITY Q & A, page 11

London Bay From page 6

Bay made the right

who agreed to new assessments to pay for it Farley is survived by his wife, Johanna Farley, his sons J T and Patrick, daughtersin-law Shelley and Jaime and grandchildren

decision to withdraw their application from the LPA agenda as they continue to address staff’s comments,” Fort Myers Beach Mayor Dan Allers said

Evan, Lena, Nora and Claire Private memorial services will be held at later dates for family members and friends to celebrate Jim’s remarkable life and career

The Grandview at Bay Beach, a condo tower off Bay Beach Lane near Santini Plaza on Fort Myers Beach “I believe London

Beach Living

Replenishing the beach


n t


Corporation is busy at work on Fort Myers Beach placing approximately 950,000 cubic yards of sand from the Gulf of Mexico to nourish approximately 6 5 miles of shoreline Heavy construction equipment was recently spotted near the Pink Shell Beach Resort as the beach renourishment project began this month

The dredge pipeline extends from the offshore burrow area in the Gulf of Mexico about a half-mile south of Bowditch Point Regional Park, approximately is 1.5 miles offshore from Matanzas Pass, between Fort Myers Beach and Sanibel

Construction areas on the beach will be closed to the public The Town is working with Lee County Parks & Recreation and Resorts to minimize interruptions from the project Boaters and beachgoers are requested to avoid the areas of construction and use extreme caution when in the area Sand access ramps will be constructed over the pipeline to maintain public access to the beach throughout the project

In the first phase, Ahtna will construct the beach north to South from 100 to 500 Estero Blvd. Then the dredge pipe will be redirected South continuing to construct the engineered beach from north to south Environmental precautions are being implemented to monitor shorebirds and sea turtle nesting by FWC-approved monitors as well a s t o m o n i t o r t u r b i d i t y o

Construction is expected take 6 months



The Town of Fort Myers Beach Council voted in May to accept a bid of $21 7 million from Ahtna Marine and Construction Company for the beach renourishment work

Lee County will fund up to $9.2 million of the project with tourist development tax dollars

According to the town’s consultant on the project,

FEMA will fund up to 90% of the northern section of the project which is up to 56,000 cubic yards of sand (or about 6% of the total sand) The town will be responsible for the remainder not covered by the state and FEMA

The project is expected to last six months. For more information, go to the Town’s website at www fmbgov com/beach

Chamber to hold mini golf tourney

The Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce is closing out the summer with its “Jolly Roger Mini Masters” miniature golf tournament at Smugglers Cove Adventure Golf on Aug 30

The event will take place from 3 to 7 p m at the Fort Myers Beach minia-

ture golf course off San Carlos Boulevard

The cost to enter is $200 per team

Check-in will begin at 3 p m at the Bayside Grille, at 17853 San Carlos Blvd , on Fort Myers Beach

Majestic Transportation will transport teams to Smugglers Cove Adventure Golf free of charge

The pirate-themed event will

include awards for lowest score, highest score and “finest pirate garb” according to the event description provided by the Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce

For more information, visit https://www fortmyersbeach org/even ts/jolly-roger-mini-masters/

Mound House Events Schedule

R e g u l a r p ro g r a m m i n g

T h e M o u n d H o u s e i s c u r r e n t l y

o f f e r i n g r e g u l a r k a y a k t o u r s

W e d n e s d a y s t h r o u g h S a t u r d a y s ,

f r o m 9 t o 1 1 a m T h e t o u r s a r e

$ 2 0 f o r M o u n d H o u s e m e m b e r s a n d $ 5 0 f o r n o n - m e m b e r s

E x p l o r e t h e w i n d i n g m a n g r o v e

c r e e k s a n d g o p l a c e s o n l y a k a y a k

c a n g o o n t h i s g u i d e d e c o t o u r o f


a t e s t h e M o u n d H o u s e a s a m


u m c o m p l e x a n d c u l t u r a l a n d e n v i r o nm e n t a l l e a r n i n g e x p e r i e n c e t h a t o f f e r s e n t e r t a i n m e n t a n d e d u c a -

t i o n a l p r o g r a m s , i n c l u d i n g f o r c h i l -

d r e n T h e r e i s a l s o p u b l i c l a n d f o r

p i c n i c s a n d d o c k s f o r f i s h i n g a l o n g t h e b a y O v e r f l o w p a r k i n g i s a v a i l -

a b l e a t 2 1 6 C o n n e c t i c u t S t F o r

m o r e d e t a i l s , r e s e r v a t i o n s , a n d a

m o n t h l y p r o g r a m s s c h e d u l e , c a l l 2 3 9 - 7 6 5 - 0 8 6 5

E s t e r o B a y T h i s b e g i n n e r - f r i e n d l y t o u r a l l o w s y o u t o e x p e r i e n c e a n d l e a r n m o r e a b o u t t h e n a t u r a l b e a u t y o f a m a n g r o v e e s t u a r y a n d t h e h i st o r y o f t h e a r e a M o u n d H o u s e

k a y a k t o u r s a r e c o n d u c t e d i n a c c o r -

d a n c e w i t h F l o r i d a S o c i e t y f o r

E t h i c a l E c o t o u r i s m g u i d e l i n e s A l l p a d d l i n g a n d k a y a k s a f e t y e q u i p -

m e n t a r e p r o v i d e d T h e t o u r s a r e r e s t r i c t e d t o a g e s 1 2 a n d u p , w e a t h e r p e r m i t t i n g A

m a x i m u m o f 1 2 p a d d l e r s p e r t o u r a r e a l l o w e d S h o e s a r e r e q u i r e d

T o u r s c a n b e b o o k e d a t

w w w M o u n d H o u s e o r g

S h e l l M o u n d To u r s

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onto Fort Myers Beach near the Pink Shell Beach Resort and

What’s new for Lovers Key

Lovers Key State Park and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection have announced a new programming schedule for September

There will be weekly programs on wildlife and park history beginning Friday, Sept 6, at the Fort Myers Beach park located at 8700 Estero Boulevard

Reservations are required To register, visit the F r i e n d s o f L o v e r s K e y ’ s E v e n t b r i t e p a g e a t https://bit ly/FOLKS-Events

The park offers many recreational opportunities for visitors with disabilities For accommodations assistance, please contact the park office at 239-707-6328

The schedule of programs beginning in September includes:

∫ Friday, Sept 6 at 10 a m

Beach and Estuary Walk

Join a park ranger for a leisurely hike along the beach and estuary shorelines of Lovers Key Discover the natural beauty of both ecosystems as you encounter the seashells, crustaceans, birds, and other creatures that reside amongst these waterways

The cost to partake is free to the public

∫ Saturday, Sept 7, at 10 a m

Beach Cleanup

Join a park ranger for a beach cleanup at South Beach Enjoy a lovely hour on the beach as you do your part to keep our state park (and planet!) clean Participants will record the types of trash they collect, and the findings will help inform park messaging Gloves, buckets, pickers, pencils, and data sheets will be provided The cost to partake is free

∫ Thursday, Sept 12, at 8:15 a m

Lovers Key Garden Club Workday

Join a park ranger to help maintain Lovers Key’s native pollinator garden Weeding, pruning, and planting are all on the table at a garden club workday, and we welcome both beginner and expert gardeners to participate Closed-toe shoes are required, and work gloves, hand clippers, water bottles, sunscreen, bug spray, kneeling pads, and hats are highly recommended Park entry fees are waived for participants

∫ Friday, Sept 13 at 10 a m

Seashell Walk

Join a park ranger for a relaxing hike along the Lovers Key shoreline. Learn the names of the seashells that wash ashore at the park, fun facts about the creatures who craft them, and the shelling regulations that help protect these iconic Florida treasures

Valerie’s House awards scholarships


Valerie's House has awarded $60,000 in college scholarships for graduating high school seniors who have come through and found support in the Valerie’s House grief support program

It’s the third year that Valerie’s House has offered the scholarships which this year are $1,500 per student The scholarships are renewable for up to three additional years for a total of $6,000 per student, depending upon individual achievement The scholarships are made possible due, in part, to a grant from Shadow Wood Charitable Foundation

Valerie's House provides a safe, comfortable place for children to share, grieve and heal together following the death of a close family member

Ten local students were chosen were chosen for the college scholarships based on an essay they each wrote about their personal grief story and how their loss shaped them as the person they are and the person they want to become

The scholarship recipients are:

∫ Gabriel Dang of Naples, who graduated from Golden Gate High School and plans to attend Prestige Worldwide Sports Academy;

∫ Abigail Dotzler of North Port, who graduated from Liberty University Online Academy and plans to attend the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater;

∫ Talia Hall of Lehigh Acres, who graduated from Lehigh Senior High School and plans to attend Valencia College;

∫ Jessica McKee of Fort Myers, who graduated from Fort Myers High School and plans to attend Santa Fe College;

∫ Madison McKinnon of Cape Coral, who graduated from North Fort Myers High School and is attending Penn State University;

∫ Melanie Para of Lehigh Acres, who graduated from Lehigh Senior High School and plans to attend Florida Gulf Coast University;

∫ Anthony Pham of Fort Myers, who graduated from Fort Myers High School and plans to attend Florida State University;

∫ Sean Sorrick of Naples, who graduated from Marco Academy and plans to attend University of North Florida;

∫ Siena Sulmasy of Naples, who graduated from The Village School and plans to attend Florida Southern College; and

∫ Hayden Toms of Fort Myers, who graduated from Cypress LakeHigh School and plans to attend Florida Gulf Coast University

“We believe it is important to empower our youth to strive for big things and to know that loss doesn’t have to limit their dreams,” said Valerie’s House Founder and

CEO Angela Melvin Churchill “We are very grateful to our donors who have made this scholarship program possible ”

The scholarship funds may be used for classes, materials, or anything they need during the school year

“The students, whose families are all a part of the Valerie’s House grief support program, are asked to check in with Valerie’s House each college semester and tell us something that they worked through that was challenging during the semester, and something great that they believe they might have accomplished, “ Melvin Churchill said

To donate and help the Valerie’s House Scholarship Fund, visit www valerieshouse org/donate

Valerie’s House opened its first location in Fort Myers in January 2016 and has served more than 5,000 children and their families from Lee, Collier, Charlotte, and Hendry counties.

Valerie’s House has three Southwest Florida locations: 3551 Valerie’s House Way in Fort Myers, 819 Myrtle Terrace in Naples and 233 East McKenzie Street in Punta Gorda Valerie’s House also expanded into Northwest Florida in 2021 with a home in downtown Pensacola Valerie's House is a United Way partner agency and is fully supported by community dona-

SCCF: La Niña coming later than anticipated

T h e N a t i o n a l O c e a n i c a n d A t m o s p h e r i c

A s s o c i a t i o n ’ s C l i m a t e P r e d i c t i o n C e n t e r r e c e n t l y

a n n o u n c e d a s h i f t i n t h e p r e d i c t e d o n s e t o f t h e L a

N i ñ a w e a t h e r p a t t e r n t h i s y e a r , p u s h i n g i t s a n t i c i p a t -

e d a r r i v a l l a t e r t h a n p r e v i o u s l y e x p e c t e d

T h e S a n i b e l - C a p t i v a C o n s e r v a t i o n F o u n d a t i o n

r e p o r t e d t h a t w h i l e e a r l i e r f o r e c a s t i n g c a l l e d f o r a n

o n s e t d u r i n g t h e s u m m e r m o n t h s , m o r e r e c e n t p r e -

d i c t i o n s d e l a y t h e l i k e l i h o o d o f i t s a r r i v a l u n t i l e a r l y

f a l l

L a N i ñ a e x i s t s a s o n e o f t h r e e p o s s i b l e E N S O ( E l N i n o - S o u t h e r n O s c i l l a t i o n ) s t a t e s , w h i c h a r e r e c u rr i n g c l

From page 7

Security account? You can create one today at www ssa gov/myaccount When you're ready to apply for Social Security retirement benefits, you can complete your application online in just 15 minutes at www socialsecurity gov/benefits/retirement

We will contact you if we need more information You can check the status of your application with your personal my Social Security account You can apply for your Social Security retirement benefits, and spousal benefits online, if you meet all of the following requirements:

∫ You must be at least 62 years old for the entire month to be eligible for benefits

∫ You are not currently receiving benefits on your own Social Security record

∫ You have not yet applied for retirement benefits

Social Security Q & A

∫ You want your benefits to start no later than four months from now (We are unable to process your application if you apply for benefits more than four months in advance )


What is the earliest age to file for retirement benefits?

Answer: At age 62


What are the eligibility requirements to get Social Security Disability Benefits?


To qualify for Social Security disability benefits, you must have worked long

o u p l e d w i t h t h e s t o r m - s t r e n g t h e n i n g n a t u r e o f L a N i ñ a A d d i t i o n a l i m p a c t s o f L a N i ñ a i n c l u d e a d r y , w a r m e r - t h a n - a v e r a g e w i n t e r i n t h e s o u t h e r n U S a n d a w e t , c o l d e r - t h a n - a v e r a g e w i n t e r u p n o r t h “ T h e c o n t i n u e d c o l l e c t

enough in jobs covered by Social Security (usually 10 years) Then, you must have a medical condition that meets Social Security's definition of disability

In general, we pay monthly benefits to people who are unable to work for a year or more, or who have a condition expected to end in death The disability must be so severe the worker cannot work, considering age, education and experience

If you think you may be eligible to receive disability benefits and would like to apply , you can apply online.

Applying online for disability benefits offers several advantages:

∫ You can start your disability claim immediately There is no need to wait for an appointment;

∫ You can apply from the convenience of your home, or on any computer; and

∫ You can avoid trips to a Social Security office, saving you time and money


What is a disability update report and can I complete it online?


The Disability Update Report is part of our Continuing Disability Review (CDR) process, which is required by law We periodically review your case to determine if you continue to meet the eligibility rules to receive disability benefits We mail the Disability Update Report, or Form SSA455, to disabled beneficiaries to obtain updated information about their medical conditions and recent treatments You also have the option to complete the form online

Finding the sweet spot! August ‘Murphy Award’ Winner

The Marine & Environmental Resources Task Force (MERTF, pronounced murph) is an advisory board for the Town Council of Fort Myers Beach The board meets at 10 a m on the second Wednesday of the month at Town Hall MERTF awards “Murphy” awards to people who are seen demonstrating good environmental stewardship

Choosing our “Murphy award” is sometimes a challenge due to the great amount of amazing people we have living and working on our Island However, this selection was a no brainer. For

t h e p a s t 2 - 1 / 2 y e a r s

M a r t i C e f a r a t t i h a s been working tirelessly to set a standard for our island that many aspire to He has been working on getting a multimillion dollar resort to b e c o m e “ S e a T u r t

e Friendly ” On the surface this does not seem like that big of a task however that could not be further from the truth Since Sept 14, 2021, Marti has been working towards this goal at the Pink Shell Beach resort and Marina The expenditure for this project alone was well over $200,000 Just on the surface this included all beach facing lighting to be “turtle friendly” but M a r t i c o n v e r t e d a l l t h e o u t d o o r l i g h t i n g T h e windows facing the beach were required to be tinted, Pink Shell did 5% darker tint than required by the Sea Turtle Conservancy All the light fixtures needed retooling to accommodate the new bulbs The new standards that Pink Shell and Marti have implemented are not just upheld during turtle season they are year around When asked why he went above and beyond doing this Marti said “because it’s the right thing to do We have to work with the environment and think about the fingerprint we are leaving ” Hurricane Ian brought a huge hurdle to the program but it was also an opportunity to re-build better, and because much of the work to become Turtle Compliant started before Ian most of the lighting and fixtures were already ordered and waiting to be installed, luckily in a warehouse off island Working with Frontier Lighting, The Sea Turtle Conservancy, Pink Shell and Turtle Time, Marti was able to make a drastic impact on

M u l i c k a , o w n e r o f H O N C Destruction, won his race comfortably w h i l e r u n n

p m e n t platform over Matt Thornton Mulicka received 64% of the vote Thornton ran a campaign against what he contended was o

t h e county

Mulicka is the husband of District 78 State Rep Jenna Persons-Mulicka

District 3 includes Fort Myers Beach, Bonita Springs, Estero and the IonaMcGregor section of unincorporated Lee County

“Being entrusted with the opportunity t o r e p r e s e n t t h i s c o m m u n i t y , w h i c h means so much to me and my family, is truly the honor of a lifetime,” Mulicka said. “I am extremely grateful for all the supporters who made this possible, especially my wife Jenna Persons-Mulicka for her unwavering support and commitment to this campaign and me ”

In golf, everyone searches for the sweet spot That spot on your club where ball contact is almost imperceptible but the resulting shot produces exceptional results. It is a delicate balance of position, swing speed, strength, and followthrough Pros are constantly adjusting

That same type of challenge, finding the sweet spot, has been ongoing on Fort Myers Beach for several decades

Property owners on the south end have w o r k e d t o s u p p o r t F W C ( F e d e r a l Wildlife Commission) in protecting the annual shorebird nesting, while trying to maintain their beachfront This year, appears to be a balanced “sweet spot” accomplishment


Shoreline Spotlight

Breanna Frankel, Critical Wildlife Area Specialist for FWC, has announced that our bird population continues to thrive and the success is due in part to the support of the beachfront owners

According to her counts, we have over 100 Black Skimmer nests and nearly 200 Black Skimmer chicks running around Carlos Pointe Beach Least Terns added 250 chicks, and over 20 Wilson’s Plovers and Snowy Plover fledglings To date, it has been a very successful season

Breanna also singled out Chris and Ginger Weber, owners of Mid-Island Sorts on Fort Myers Beach, referring to them as “Local Beach Heroes”

In her monthly newsletter, she stated, “I’d like to start recognizing some individuals that have gone above and beyond for wildlife conservation and education on Fort Myers Beach”

She continued, ”You may know this dynamic duo from their business on the Beach (Mid-Island Water

our island both for the turtles to have a safer nesting and hatching season and to improve their survival rates Just as important Marti and the Pink Shell have now set the standard for excellence on the island for not only sea turtle conservation but wildlife awareness and compassion If one of the biggest Resorts on the island can set the bar this high for our local wildlife what is to stop us from creating a strong balanced ecosystem for residents, tourists and our wild friends. As of Spring 2024 the Pink Shell is now fully compliant and certified as a Sea Turtle Friendly Certified hotel as determined by the Coastal Connections, Inc

Mulicka said his top priority will be public safety

“Tackling our traffic issues, growing our economy, cutting red tape to protect our local businesses, and keeping taxes low are going to be my focal points once I take office,” Mulicka said.

“As County Commissioner, my door will always be open to receive input on how we can work together to ensure Lee County remains the best place to work, live, and raise a family I want to thank C

excellent job and example he set on the County Commission He is a man of integrity with the heart of a true public servant,” Mulicka said

In the District 3 race for Lee County School Board, Bill Ribble won by less than 1 percent of the vote over Kaitlyn Schoeffel District 3 includes Fort Myers Beach and has been represented by Chris Patricca Patricca did not seek re-election

Sports) but what you probably didn’t k

Snowy Plover nests this season! They have gone above and beyond to learn about posting, monitoring and protecting our beach nesting birds while catering to beach goers Thanks to their quick response, we have several Snowy Plover chicks running around between Wyndham Gardens/OutRigger ”

Chris Weber acknowledged he and G i n g e r d i s c o v e r e

w h

e maintaining the beach area over a several week period

They reported each location and it was subsequently roped off to protect the birds. A successful hatch and the fledgling chicks were the result in each case Chris has also been working to become a licensed bird monitor and discovering the five nests was one of the final steps in his registration process

Per the FWC agreements with the property owners, Mid-Island Sports or other designated companies, will resume grooming the nesting areas and return the beach area to pre-nesting conditions once clearance is given by FWC Just in time for the visitors returning to our island

So, in the end, it was the balance between all players that resulted in the ball hitting the “sweet spot” on the club Chicks were hatched Beaches will be returned to prior conditions Cooperation from all resulted in a very successful “birdie” this year Pun intended

Dave Nusbaum, MERTF Committee member

“This program is a true commitment to conservation; holding each hotel and their team accountable as leaders”, said Coastal Connections’ Executive Director, Kendra Bergman “These hotels invest a lot of money, time, focus, and energy on making sure they stand out among Florida hotels; challenging their neighbors to step up for the environment They deserve an insane amount of recognition ”

Thank you Marti and the Pink Shell Resort, you certainly deserve this award! Congratulations

regardless of political party, were able to take part in a universal primary to keep

y P r o p e r t y A p p r a i s e r M a t t

Caldwell and Lee County Supervisor of Elections Tommy Doyle in office Both won in landslides

Caldwell turned back the campaign of Steve Cunningham, while Doyle defeated Michael “Mick” Peters in a universal primary open to all Lee County voters

Election returns saw Caldwell receiving 70% of the vote and Doyle receiving 80% of the vote in their respective races

P e t e r s d i d w i n a r a c e t o b e L e e

C o u n t y ’


Republican committeeman with 59% of the vote over Andre Sund Peters is also on the executive board of the Lee County

Republican Committee

Republican Committeewoman representing Lee County Jenner received 34% to 31% for Giovanelli Krissy Houlihan

Amico had 15%

Incumbent Melisa Giovanelli won her race to keep her District 2 seat on the Lee County School Board, with 57% of the vote against Carol Frantz In the at-large District 7 Lee County School Board race, Vanessa Chaviano won 47% of the vote for a plurarity to win the seat over Sheridan Chester and Joshua Molandes The seat is currently occupied by Cathleen O'Daniel Morgan, who did not seek re-election.

More than 109,000 ballots were cast in Lee County for a turnout rate of 23% of registered voters

Marti Cefaratti

First week of school rolls out smoothly, district reports

As with the start of every school year, the chal lenges almost solely fall upon transportation and the drop-off and pick-up lines at schools.

“The first couple of weeks parents need to be patient and let them iron it out,” School District of Lee County Regional Associate Superintenden Chuck Vilardi said on Aug 15 of getting families understand the process

Parents should give the schools at least two weeks for those lines to become better, and buses to roll smoother With that said, he said, if there are any major issues with transportation, the parents should contact their school’s principal, so they can get the issue corrected right away

“Buses are rolling out much quicker each and every day

My principals are reaching out to me,” Vilardi said, adding that they are trying to manage the process and if certain schools are having problems, they are taking care of the problems “I hope everyone enjoyed the first week of school

I look forward to a smoother next week ” He took on the new position of regional associte superintendent a K-12 model this year, which oversees 22 schools in Cape Coral and Pine Island Cheryl Neely is the regional associate superintendent who oversees the schools that include The Sanibel School on Sanibel

“The responsibilities are to be supervising ose principals, helping those schools and comcating with those schools,” Vilardi said “The hope is to communicate better and build better trust and take action quicker ”

The idea is to have a better streamline of communication, as well as helping principals understand the current trends in education, coaching them and becoming a model for newer principals

“The goal for this year increase student achievement, increase trust, accountability and communication,” he said

Another goal is closing the achievement gap that COVID caused Vilardi said the pandemic years really affected those

who are in fourth and fifth grade now as they missed some of the foundational years in education The district is looking at the skills missed and what interventions can be put into place to meet those needs

He said they are looking at every piece of curriculum, so they can increase learning and engagement The district is looking at clientele in each region and gathering information to determine what the curriculum is going to look like

As of Aug. 15, Vilardi was able to visit 18 of the 22 schools he oversees 19,256 students He planned on visiting the remaining four schools on Aug 16

Every week, he will be in the schools at least two to three times a week He said the real key is that the schools are closer together and if a problem arises, he is only right up the road

“I saw a lot of kids really happy and teachers happy to be back,” Vilardi said, adding that it was neat to see the engagement in classrooms “There were smiling parents dropping off the kids, too ”

County reports on schedules for upcoming holiday

Most Lee County administrative operations will be closed on Sept 2 in observance of Labor Day

The county’s holiday schedule adjustments are as follows:

∫ Domestic Animal Services

Lee County Domestic Animal Services, at 5600 Banner Drive, Fort Myers, will be closed on Sept. 2. It will resume regular business hours on Sept 3

∫ LeeTran

LeeTran will not run bus, trolley, ULTRA on-demand or paratransit service on Sept 2 Services will resume on Sept 3. Route schedules and maps are available at www.rideleetran com

∫ Parks & Recreation

Lee County Parks & Recreation offices and recreation centers will be closed on Sept 2 and will reopen on Sept 3 Parks, beaches, pools and preserves will remain open on

Sept 2 For a list of open locations, hours and amenities, visit www leeparks org

The county asks park patrons to remember that no alcohol is permitted in county parks

It also reminds residents and visitors that the Causeway Islands Park on the Sanibel Causeway remains closed to watercraft, pedestrian and bicycle traffic due to the Florida Department of Transportation's active construction zone

People launching boats, kayaks or other watercraft at county facilities in the greater Pine Island area should be aware that construction is also underway on the Little Pine Island Bridge. The FDOT states that work on the bridge, which is on the west side of Matlacha, will continue through the holiday weekend, so motorists and boaters are asked to use caution in the area

∫ Solid Waste Garbage, recycling and yard waste collections in unin-

corporated Lee County, city of Bonita Springs, village of Estero and town of Fort Myers Beach will take place one day after the regularly scheduled collection day following the holiday If the regular collection day is Sept 2, the truck will pick up material on Sept 3 Regularly scheduled pickups on Sept 3 will occur on Sept 4, and so on through Sept 7 Regular collection schedules will resume on Sept. 9.

Lee County Solid Waste facilities and offices will be closed on Sept 2 It includes operations at the: Household Chemical Waste Collection Facility, at 6441 Topaz Court, Fort Myers; Resource Recovery Facility on Buckingham Road; and Lee/Hendry Regional Solid Waste Disposal Facility

Residents are urged to recycle plastic, metal and glass containers from their holiday activities

Anchorage Advisory Committee hears mooring field increase proposal



u d w i g t o l d t h e t o w n ’ s A n c h o r a g e A d v i s o r y

Committee Monday that the town is considering a rate increase for the town’s mooring field users

“We are looking into a possible rate increase for the mooring field,” Ludwig said “It’s not official We are just looking at the numbers ”

Lugwig said the town is on the “cheaper end” for mooring fields though he didn’t specify which ones he was comparing the town to

“We just want to be fair,” he said

Board member Jim Hockett said the town’s rates were in line with others in the region “We are pretty close to what other people are charging on the west coast,” Hockett said

Ludwig said mooring field prices have stayed the same for years The current rate is $26 for a night The monthly rate is $453

The committee asked Ludwig if the town is on the

From page 1

lights such as those from television sets should be turned off That is the time at which the Town of Fort Myers Beach turtle lighting ordinance goes into effect, prohibiting unshielded, outdoor lights until 7 p m from May 1 through Oct. 31. The ordinance requires windows to be blinded to avoid light from inside being visible to nesting and hatching sea turtles so they aren’t disorientated

The beachfront resort, which opened last December, held a site visit with the FWC in April The visit was to determine if the lighting on site met the FWC recommended and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and South Florida Water Management District permitted special conditions

Tom Torgerson, chairman of TPI Hospitality and who helped develop Margaritaville on Fort Myers Beach, said the resort recently had to cover up four television sets at the License to Chill Bar to comply with the FWC report. Torgerson said he is trying to work with the FWC on compromises

“It’s a lot of work but my fingers are crossed that we will be in agreement with the few compromises that we submitted and alternate approaches,” Torgerson said “The TV situation though makes no sense to us and apparently others ”

The FWC report makes mention of several other television set issues and calls for turning off all lights for the television sets and digital menu board no later than 9 p m (when the town’s turtle lighting ordinance goes into effect) or to close the shutters at 9 p.m. so lights will not be visible from the marine turtle nesting beach

A dozen LED TVs mounted to the ceiling inside the ground level beachfront Lah De Dah restaurant were not on the approved plans The FWC corrective action report calls for turning off all the televisions by 10 p m , submitting revised lighting plans that indicate when the televisions will be turned off

The report refers to eight LED televisions installed above the bartender task area inside the bar on the second level terrace of the landward hotel that it says were not on the approved plans The FWC ordered four of the televisions to be removed.

Another two LED televisions installed in the seating area near the Coconut Telegraph Coffee Shop on the second level terrace of the hotel were also not in the FWC’s approved plans, according to the report A revised exterior lighting plan is requested

In addition, four LED TVs/digital menu boards installed in the Coconut Telegraph Coffee Shop facing the beach on the second level terrace of the hotel were not on the approved plans The FWC ordered that all the lights are turned off after 9 p m or that the shutters are closed at 9 p m so those lights won’t be visible from the beach.

The FWC also requested revised exterior lighting plans for review and approval indicating the time the lights will be turned off or shutters will be closed

wrong side of its budget, thus necessitating the changes to the rates

Fort Myers Beach Vice Mayor Jim Atterholt said the town’s mooring field is supposed to be “revenue neutral” and not a generator of income for the town

Committeemembers suggested the town consider a tiered pricing for the front end and back end or for during the season (and not in the offseason).

Ludwig said the town has been considering a new pricing arrangement based on the size of the boats

“Everybody wants that front field,” he said “Nothing is set in stone right now,” Ludwig said

The town council approved a $200,000 expansion of the mooring field, which is located in and around Matanzas Pass, in 2021 for 19 more mooring balls for a total of 89

On Monday, the committee also discussed potentially having a third party run the mooring field Atterholt said Moss Marina has previously expressed an interest in taking over operations. “I don’t think anything has happened on it since the hurricane,” Atterholt said


Although several of Margaritaville’s bars are open past the 9 p m cutoff for when the town’s ordinance calls for outdoor lights to be turned off, blinds are closed to avoid any light from reaching the beach, Torgerson believes the hours for the bars are good for year-round

According to Margaritaville Beach Resort’s website, the License to Chill Bar is open until 11 p m The Lah De Dah Beach Bar & Grill is open until 11 p m The 5 o’Clock Somewhere Bar & Grill is open until one hour past sunset

In the FWC report, many of the resort’s lights are found to be visible from the marine turtle nesting beach Among other corrections, the FWC wants the resort to install drop-down beachside shields on wall-mounted light fixtures to avoid visibility from the beach for nesting sea turtles

“We have made significant changes already to lighting and the next wave of changes will be determined after F W C r e s p o n d s t o o u r p r o p o s a l t o s a t i s f y t h e m , ” Torgerson said

Among the FWC’s other proposed corrective actions are for new revised plans for exterior pool lights The report calls for the tinting of the garage style doors of the ground-level beachside Lah De Dah restaurant to be adjusted to 30-34% and for a modification of the CCCL permit

Mason jar lighting on the columns and mounting fixtures of the Lah De Dah restaurant which faces directly across from the Gulf of Mexico were found to not be opaque in accordance with plans to shield the lights inside

LED lights in all fixtures are to be replaced with a red LED, including above the elevator in the beachside pool bar and in the pool deck restroom structure

Even lighting for liquor bottles in the resort’s bars were found to be visible from the beach and have been ordered to be removed

Concernings FWC’s findings regarding nestings on the beach, Torgerson said “I am told no one knows of ever that a turtle chose to nest in our downtown beach area ”

Turtle Time founder Eve Haverfield cited two recent examples

Hockett suggested the town consider using Bowditch Point Regional Park and partnering with Lee County

Atterholt said that is another possibility that has been discussed “There are great opportunities for synergy there as well,” Atterholt said

“Now that we have a harbormaster in place I think those conversations with the county can take place,” Atterholt said.

Hockett said Salty Sam’s Marina was another option as there is not as much of a parking situation there

Anchorage Advisory Committee Chair Sam Lurie said Salty Sam’s Marina was once the town’s mooring field host and suggested it be looked at again

The committee intends to revisit the topic at a future date

At the end of the meeting, board member Douglas Eckmann announced he was resigning so he could devote more time to the Local Planning Agency (LPA) Eckmann said the LPA’s agendas have grown large, requiring more of his time and attention.

“This season, we documented two nests immediately to the south of the Margaritaville pool area, in front of where Margaritaville stores their tractors and beach furniture,” Haverfield said “Because of the renourishment project, those nests were relocated The construction of the berm last year provided suitable nesting habitat where in previous years only a narrow area of beach was available and that flooded frequently making it unsuitable for sea turtles seeking nesting sites ”

Haverfield said there were 11 loggerhead sea turtle nests found north of the Fort Myers Beach Pier this year Loggerhead sea turtle nesting activity is protected by the Endangered Species Act as well as state conservation laws

In a statement issued by Torgerson regarding the FWC lighting report through an emailed text message, he said “Margaritaville is doing its best to negotiate with (the) Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and FWC but feels we are being singled out and being ordered to negatively adjust our facilities and operations in ways that aren’t and have never been imposed upon anyone else in Southwest Florida ”

The FWC did not comment following a request for a response from the Fort Myers Beach Observer

“We feel the demands exceed a healthy balance of mutual respect between human and turtle habitat on Fort Myers Beach,” Torgerson said “We are staunch supporters of marine and wildlife habitat but at some point the asks or demands exceed what is logical to protect the turtles.”

Lou Walker Cape Coral

Staf f Repor t

The Lee County Sheriff’s Office and the U S Coast Guard are inviting the public to attend a Sept. 11 remembrance ceremony at the U.S. Coast Guard Station on Fort Myers Beach

The event will take place from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at 719 San Carlos Drive on Fort Myers Beach

The Sept 11 attacks killed nearly 3,000 people in the United States in 2001 when al-Qaida terrorists from

The ceremony will pay tribute to the innocent lives lost during the 9/11 attacks It will be a day to mourn the victims and first responders lost and express support for their families It is a day to honor those who participated in rescue, recovery, and identification of the victims

Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates hijacked four commercial airplanes in the U S and crashed them

The worse damage was from two planes that crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, causing the deaths of more than 2,700 people

Edison and Ford Winter Estates will host the annual “Airing of the Quilts” Quilt Show, Saturday, Oct 5, from 10 a m to 2 p m Dozens of quilts from the Southwest Florida Quilters Guild will be on display, suspended from clotheslines between the palms in front of the historic homes Quilters Guild participants will also have quilts available for sale

Certified quilt appraiser, Lars Cain, will be on site and conducting appraisals from 10 a m to 2 p m His vast experience includes the Library of Congress and the Smithsonian Institution He has been sharing his expertise for many years and has spoken to more than 1,500 quilt groups throughout the Midwest, New England area and south to Florida Since 1977, he has appraised more than 20,000 quilts Visitors may bring antique quilts for assessment Verbal appraisals will be offered for $25 and the fee for a written appraisal will be $35 per quilt.

Quilts have a long history with the Edison and Ford families Henry Ford and his wife, Clara, collected quilts and other historical objects that were created and used by people from all across the United States The quilts were often made from modest scraps of material, demonstrating the resourcefulness of American women

The quilt show is included with admission Tickets may be purchased online at EdisonFord org or at the ticket counter Admission is free for Edison Ford members

Edison and Ford Winter Estates is at 2350 McGregor Blvd , Fort Myers

Lee County Law Enforcement is excited to host its first-ever, spooky-themed Running Scared 5K, a vibrant color run, at Mercola Market of Cape Coral, at 125 SW 3rd Place, on Saturday, Oct 5, from 5 to 9:30 p m

B e n e f i t t i n g t h e S p e c i a l O l y m p i c s Unified Sports, this timed run kicks off at 6:30 p m with food trucks and various law enforcement displays and familyfriendly activities to follow Registration for the run is $35 per adult and $25 for kids, 10 and younger and will include a Dri-Fit shirt if registered by Sept 27

To register, please visit, click ‘Events’ at the top of the

Better Together is partnering with Cape Christian Church to host a community job fair from 10 a m to 1 p m on Tuesday, Sept 24 in Cape Coral

Registration is now open for hiring employers and job seekers to participate in the September event The church-based job fair connects job seekers with local employers who are ready to hire, while a l s o p r o v i d i n g

stronger connections and more hires Free one-on-one job coaching sessions are available to job seekers to review resumes and interviewing skills, and additional services will be available onsite

The community job fair is part of Better Together’s “Better Jobs” program,

page, and ‘Sign Up’ under the ‘Lee

n n i n g Scared 5K ’ Once registered, participants may pick up their run shirt from Sept. 30 to Oct 2

Interested in running for a 10K time?

Sign up for both upcoming fall 5K races at Mercola Market – the Lee County Law Enforcement Running Scared 5K and the Annual Gobble Wobble 5K – and your tracked time will be combined as a 10K Interested runners must register for both races to receive their final time

The Special Olympics is dedicated to promoting social inclusion through shared sports training and competition experi-

which has helped 45,000 applicants conn

across 24 states At job fairs hosted by Better Together, two-thirds of attendees get a job interview, and 1 in 4 receive a job offer on the spot Some 70% find work within six weeks

The Sept 24 job fair will take place at Cape Christian Church, 2110 Chiquita Blvd S , Cape Coral Job seekers and e m p l o y e

In the interest of historic preservation, inspections and cyclical preventat i v e m a i n t e n a n c e

monthly at Edison and Ford Winter Estates To adequately protect the historic property, immediate measures are taken to correct any issues that are found during inspections Excessive moisture from rain and past storms has been conducive to the growth of termite populations. Termites have been discovered in some of the buildings Professional

ences Unified Sports joins people with and without intellectual disabilities on the same team It was inspired by a simple

inspectors have recommended tenting the structures as the best long-term solution to eliminate the termites

The Estates will be closed to the public Sept 17, 18, and 19 while the structures are tented After the procedure, the site is expected to be operational and open to the public on Sept, 20 If this schedule should change, updated information will be posted on the website at T

r k E n r i c h m e n t

Foundation and Lee County Parks & Recreation invite businesses, non-profits, groups and organizations to sponsor a “Scarecrow in the Park ” Entries will be exhibited Oct 11 through Oct 31 in the Children’s Garden at Lakes Park, 7330 Gladiolus Drive, Fort Myers, and will be a part of the Lakes Park Fall Festival

The theme of the 2024 competition is “The Great Outdoors ” Design your single

standing scarecrow to depict the great outdoors for display to the 50,000 visitors that enjoy this family-friendly festival

Examples of scarecrows for this year’s theme include an animal, jogger, camper, tree, lumberjack or fisherman The possibilities are endless Your business, family or organization’s name will be on display showing your support of Lakes Park and the community of Lee County. Youth and school groups are needed

BetterTogetherUS org/CapeChristian or by texting “JOBS” to 844-987-3949

Churches interested in hosting a Better T

BetterTogetherUS org for more information About Better Together

Better Together is a nonprofit organization that helps parents going through a hard time keep their kids out of foster care, find work and address the root causes of their struggle so that they can reunite as a family with the tools and support system to thrive A privately funded and professionally supported organization, Better Together is made up of volunteers who

for those businesses that sponsor but do not wish to design and build their own scarecrow Youth groups receive $50 for supplies Scarecrows will be on display in the Children’s Garden with awards presented to the VIP and People’s Choice winners

Foundation has organized this event for the last 14 years as part of the Lakes Park Fall Festival Activities include a pump-

principle: training together and playing together is a quick path to friendship and understanding

believe helping people help themselves is the best way to restore dignity and bring families together Through the Better Families program, families are offered a preventive alternative to foster care while they get the help they need To date, the program has kept 98% of children served out of foster care The Better Jobs program was created to address the 76% of families that come to Better Together because of economic hardship tied to unemployment. In addition to community job fairs, the program offers job seekers coaching, guidance, support and encouragement through local church partners

kin patch, hayrides, inflatables, and concessions presented by Wheel Fun Rental, as well as the Halloween Express train ride presented by the Southwest Florida Train Museum The deadline for registration is Sept 2

Visitors admire quilts during the annual "Airing of the Quilts" Quilt Show at Edison and Ford Winter Estates.

Shy Wolf Sanctuary announces 4th Annual Shy Wolf Scramble Charity Golf Event

Shy Wolf Sanctuary Education & Experience Center is excited to announce the 4th Annual Shy Wolf Scramble, a charity golf event to benefit the sanctuary’s mission of rescuing and educating about captive-bred exotic and un-releasable wild animals The event will take place on Saturday, Sept 28, at the Heritage Bay Golf and Country Club in Naples

The Shy Wolf Scramble will feature a four-person, best shot format, where golfers can enjoy a fun and competitive day on the course Participants will also have the opportunity to take part in various challenges and contests, including a hole-in-one contest sponsored by Porsche Naples, tee advancement hole, a putting contest, longest drive, and closest to the pin Adding to the excitement, Shy Wolf Sanctuary’s animal ambassadors will be onsite to greet golfers and share in the experience

Registration for this event starts at $175 for individuals and $650 for a foursome The registration fee includes a round of golf, lunch, and drink tickets In addition to participating in the event, individuals and businesses are invited to explore sponsorship opportunities

All proceeds from the Shy Wolf Scramble will directly support Shy Wolf Sanctuary’s efforts in providing rescue, sanctuary, and education for captive-bred exotic and un-releasable wild animals The sanctuary’s work has touched many lives, offering a second chance to animals that have been abandoned, neglected, and abused, and sharing their stories through community outreach and educational programs

“We are thrilled to host our 4th Annual Shy Wolf Scramble and look forward to another successful event that brings our community together for a great cause,” said Debbie LoVerde, Interim Executive Director at Shy Wolf Sanctuary “This event not only supports our mission but also provides a unique and enjoyable experience for all participants.”

To register for the Shy Wolf Scramble or to learn more about sponsorship opportunities, please visit https://givebutter com/SWSscramble24 or email events@shywolfsanctuary org

About Shy Wolf Sanctuary:

Shy Wolf Sanctuary Education & Experience Center is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the rescue, sanctuary, and education of captive-bred exotic and unreleasable wild animals The sanctuary provides a safe haven for animals that have faced abandonment, neglect, and abuse, and works to educate the public about the importance of protecting these remarkable creatures

Refuge, DDWS to present Wellness in Nature

Sponsored by the J N “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge and “Ding” Darling Wildlife SocietyFriends of the Refuge, the fourth annual Wellness in Nature will be held on Jan 23-26 at the refuge

The purpose of the event is to draw in and connect with new-to-“Ding” visitors about the value of conservation The refuge reported that it facilitates experiences that foster a deeper, more meaningful connection to nature and centers around the ways nature and humans help each other heal

Keynote speaker Aimee Copeland will share her story about starting a foundation following a disabling accident She will focus on the importance of accessible outdoor spaces and inclusive recreation in two lectures on Jan 23 at The Roost

Other planned activities include morning yoga, a birding photograph workshop, a community refuge cleanup, mindfulness walks, and Saturday Wellness Fest at The Roost

For updates or more information, visit https://dingdarlingsociety org/nature-wellness

CROW’s Taste of the Islands to return to in-person competition

The Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife will host its 43rd Taste of the Islands on Nov 9

Reimagined in 2020 due to COVID and canceled in 2022 due to Hurricane Ian, the event will return to an inperson competition this year from 11 a m to 4 p m at City Hall, at 800 Dunlop Road, Sanibel

“Taste is back!,” CROW Executive Director Alison Charney Hussey said. “We are so thrilled to bring the much beloved open-air event back to the islands ”

The event will feature live music and showcase Sanibel and Captiva's vibrant and diverse restaurant community, helping to reunite and celebrate the resilience of businesses Returning this year, attendees will get a 'taste' of CROW and meet its Animal Ambassadors, as well as take home the Taste T-shirt

“Sanibel is celebrating its 50th anniversary in November as well, and we thought it appropriate to bring Taste for all to enjoy at City Hall,” she said “We know how much everyone loves the farmers market, so we think the new venue will give a fresh look and feel to Taste.”

In the week leading up to the event, participating restaurants will celebrate at their locations From Nov 18, the public can 'taste' each restaurant's featured item and get a chance to cast their vote early

“By continuing to support our restaurant partners with the restaurant week leading up to the traditional event, we hope to make this year's Taste a must do for everyone,” Hussey said

Edison National Bank/Bank of the Islands is returning as the title sponsor

“CROW has adapted Taste of the Islands over the past few years, not only to raise funds for their mission, but also to support the islands' many restaurants,” bank Chief Executive Officer Geoff Roepstorff said. “The one-day event gives the community a chance to come together to celebrate the fantastic food and drink the restaurants have to offer while supporting CROW's good work of saving our wildlife ”

The event proceeds will ensure CROW's continued success providing the highest quality care and treatment of injured, sick and orphaned wildlife through state-of-theart veterinary care The funds will also support public education and outreach efforts

Admission is $10 for ages 11 and older, $5 for ages 10-4, and free for ages 3 and under

Attendees will also purchase CROW Bucks to receive their “tastes” from the restaurants

Tickets are available at tasteoftheislands org or can also be purchased at the gate

For more information about the event, sponsorships or to become a participating restaurant, contact CROW Development Director Grace Murphy at 239-322-5073 or development@crowclinic org

CROW is at 3883 Sanibel-Captiva Road, Sanibel



Ser vices at St. Peter Lutheran Church

St Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church in America at 3751 Estero Boulevard, Fort Myers Beach

Outdoor Services under the tent

Every Sunday 9 a m

All are welcome, we are pet friendly 239-463-4251

www stpeterfmb com

YouTube - St Peter Lutheran Church Fort Myers Beach FL

In cooperation with former Chapel by the Sea and Beach United Methodist Church

‘Clear The Shelters’ pet adoption and donation campaign runs through Sept. 10

“Clear The Shelters,” NBCUniversal Local’s nationwide pet adoption and donation initiative – which has helped more than one million pets find new homes and raised millions of dollars for participating animal shelters and rescues since its 2015 inception – is returning for its milestone 10th annual campaign Aug 10 to Sept 10

Gulf Coast Humane Society, 2010 Arcadia St , Fort Myers, is once again participating in the annual “Clear The Shelters” adoption and donation campaign

GCHS will be running a month-long half-off on all adoption fees – including adult cats/dogs, puppies and kittens from Aug 10-Sept 10 Also during this time span, there will be a matching donations fundraising campaign for GCHS run through “Clear The Shelters ” Keep updated on the different ways to donate on the GCHS social media, which includes Facebook and Instagram

G C H S a d o p t a b l e s h e l t e r p e t s c a n b e f o u n d

www gulfcoasthumanesociety org

For more information on “Clear The Shelters”, including participating animal shelters and rescues, along with details on local events, visit ClearTheShelters com and the Spanish-language site DesocuparlosAlbergues com

Follow “Clear The Shelters” on social media:

∫ X: @ClearTheShelter

∫ Instagram: cleartheshelters

∫ TikTok: @cleartheshelters

∫ H a s h t a g s : # C l e a r T h e S h

& #DesocuparLosAlbergues

The Dunes Golf & Tennis Club to hold golf scramble Sept. 2

The Dunes Golf & Tennis Club will host a Labor Day Golf Scramble on Sept 2 at 8:30 a m at 949 Sand Castle Road, Sanibel The four-player scramble will feature a shotgun start, along with gross and net prizes Cost is $65 for members and $80 for non-members and includes golf, lunch and prizes For more information or to sign up, contact golfproshop@theinnsofsanibel com or 239472-3355

Calusa Waterkeeper announces open enrollment for Fall Ranger Training Academy

r a n g e r s a n d s t e w a r d s o f l o c a l w a t e r w a y s . T h e a c a d e m y o f f e r s a c o m p r e h e n s i v e

e d u c a t i o n a l p r o g r a m a i m e d a t f o s t e r i n g e n v i r o n m e n t a l s t e w a r d s h i p a n d a d v o c a c y f o r c l e a n w a t e r

T h e R a n g e r T r a i n i n g A c a d e m y c o n s i s t s o f t h r e e c o u r s e s d e s i g n e d t o e m p o w e r p a r t i c i p a n t s w i t h t h e k n o w l e d g e a n d s k i l l s n e e d e d t o p r o t e c t a r e a w a t e r s M o d u l e 1 p r o v i d e s a n i n t r o d u c t o r y o v e r v i e w a n d i s

Fort Myers Brewing Co’s Summerween

Fort Myers Brewing Company is bringing a unique twist to seasonal festivities with its Summerween celebration on Saturday, Aug 31 This innovative event merges the warmth of summer with the chills of Halloween, offering an exciting and family-friendly experience for the community.

Summerween promises a delightful mix of activities and entertainment:

Costume Extravaganza: Guests are encouraged to don their most creative costumes, capturing the spirit of Halloween in the summer heat

Jack-o'-Lantern Fruits: Attendees are invited to bring their own carved fruit Jack-O’-Lanterns to the brewery for a chance to win our Fruit Jack-O’-Lantern Contest! Carve your favorite fruit whether it’s a watermelon, pineapple, or something else and compete for a chance to win!, adding a refreshing twist to traditional pumpkin carving.

Spyk’d Seltzers and Craft Beers: Fort Myers Brewing Co will serve its special Spyk’d seltzers and a selection of craft beers, perfect for cooling off while embracing the spooky theme

Food Trucks Galore: Local food trucks, including Island Vibez Grill, Spelltacular Sweets, and Wicked Streatery, will be on-site, offering a variety of delectable treats

Live Music: The event will feature a live performance by the Hamilton Boys Duo at 6 PM, providing a lively backdrop to the festivities

Fort Myers Brewing Co has established itself as a cornerstone of the local community since its founding in 2013. The brewery has grown significantly over the years and is now one of the largest in the state, producing 15,000 barrels of beer annually in its 22,000-square-foot facility

Summerween at Fort Myers Brewing Co is more than just an event; it's a testament to the brewery's innovative spirit and commitment to creating memorable experiences for the community. This event exemplifies how local businesses can creatively engage with their communities, combining tradition with fresh, new ideas

About Fort Myers Brewing Company

Fort Myers Brewing Company was the first microbrewery in Lee County, founded in 2013 With over a decade of being founded Fort Myers Brewing Co grew to be one of the largest breweries in the state- a 22,000square-foot operation with a four-vessel, 30-barrel system churning out 15,000 barrels of beer annually for the taproom and distribution to local restaurants and retailers For more information visit


c t w a t e r a n d a i r q u a l i t y t e s t i n g a s c e r t i f i e d c i t i z e n s c i e n t i s t s T h e y w i l l a l s o s e r v e a s a m b a s s a d o r s o f C a l u s a W a t e r k e e p e r , a d v o c a t i n g f o r t h e c l e a n w a t e r m o v e m e n t i n o u r c o mm u n i t y . E n r o l l m e n t i n t h e F a l l R a n g e r T r a i n i n g A c a d e m y i s a $ 1 2 5 d o n a t i o n t h a t h e l p s t o c o v e r t h e c o s t o f t h e e d u c a t i o n a l p r o g r a m P a r t i c i p a n t s w i l l r e c e i v e a n

A n n u a l C a l u s a W a t e r k e e p e r m e m b e r s h i p , a R a n g e r b a s e b

a v a i l a b l e f o r o n l i n e v i e w i n g i n A u g u s t T h e s u b s eq u e n t t r a i n i n g m o d u l e s f e a t u r e i n - p e r s o n e d u c a t i o n a n d c o u r s e w o r k s c h e d u l e d o n t h e f i r s t S a t u r d a y o f e a c h m o n t h : S e p t 7 , O c t 5 a n d N o v 2 P a r t i c i p a n t s w h o c o m p l e t e t h e

Rock Star Séance tickets on sale now

Celebrate Halloween by joining us for a special concert led by Andrew Lipke, where he and “spirit host” vocalists will channel legendary rock stars like Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley, and more! Dress as your favorite dearly departed rock star and enjoy a multimedia experience that promises to be a musical séance like no other Oct 24 at 7:30 p m at Barbara B Mann Performing Arts Hall, 13350 FSW Pkwy, Fort Myers

For more information visit https://www bbmannpah com/

Al-Anon, Al-Ateen meetings

Are you concerned with a friend or family member's drinking? Let us help

Call our 24-hour helpline at 941-564-5098 or visit www SouthFloridaAl-Anon org Meetings are held every day in Lee County

Al-Ateen meetings are also offered for ages 10-18


Island pets seeking forever homes

A Home Give A Home Pet Rescue

Last call for a 17-year-old

This is a very sad story for Addie This poor baby was owner surrendered as the owner couldn’t afford to take her to the vet He got Addie a month ago from Facebook as the original owner was rehoming her. When she was dropped off, she was thin and had some issues with the skin Now she is in a shelter and not doing well at all We are hoping she can live her life with a gentle person She is scheduled to be euthanized this week No issues with other dogs Call or text Isabelle at 239-281-0739

duties at the rescue as there is always lots to do Please call 239851-3485 if you can spare a few hours a week

Moeis an 8-year-old male all black and was adopted from us when he and his sibling Curly were only 5-month-old kittens Recently there was a fire in the home in Cape Coral that killed the owner and adopter of Curly and Moe and

also Curly was found deceased Moe somehow got out of the burning home and was found a few days later in the neighborhood and was not burned but very traumatized He is a sweet boy and needs to be the only pet in the home or at

least the only cat for now while he heals from this very tragic event If you can give Moe a home, please call 239-851-3485 He needs to have time to heal and is getting better each day and loves to be pet a n d s h o w n

Thats what he needs to heal from what he has been through and it is evident he is most likely missing his sibling If you can open your home and heart to him, please let us know

Charle Brown

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