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Supervisor of Elections taking scholarship applications

The Lee County Supervisor of Elections is accepting a p p l i c a t i o n s f o r t h e 2 0 2 3 F l o r i d a S u p e r v i s o r s o f Elections (FSE) Scholarship. A statewide professional organization comprised of county supervisors of elections, the FSE is awarding four $1,200 scholarships to Florida undergraduate students

Applicants must be registered Florida voters, live in the state for at least the preceding two years, and be enrolled or accepted as a full-time student in a Florida university or college. Applicants must be a political science, public administration, business administration, or journalism/mass communication major Additionally, students must have at least a “C” average or above for the previous year, have finished two years of junior college or undergraduate work, and demonstrate a financial need

Applications must be submitted to the elections office of the county where the applicant is registered to vote Each county will select one finalist to send to the FSE Scholarship Committee for consideration The committee will select four winners from the finalists submitted.

“(I look) forward to reviewing applications and inter- viewing students, and encourages all who are eligible to apply,” Lee County Supervisor of Elections Tommy Doyle said.

A p p l i c a t i o n s a r e a v a i l a b l e a t h t t p s : / / w w w l e e vote/Community-Education-Services/FSE-Scholarship

The deadline to submit applications is March 10 Students can submit their applications via e-mail, mail or in person For contact information, visit https://lee electionsfl org/Contact-Us

For more information, visit www.lee.vote or call 239533-8683 (LEE-VOTE)

Community can rank names for new middle school

The School District of Lee County reported that six potential names suggested by the public have been selected as f i n a l i s t s b y a n A d H o c N a m i n g Committee for the new middle school in Lehigh Acres

T h e f i n a l i s t s a r e : A r t h u r M i d d l e School; Central Lehigh Middle School; Gerald Gould Middle School; Lee Ratner

M i d d l e S c h o o l ; L e m u e l T e a l M i d d l e School; and Veterans Park Middle School

A second survey for students, parents and the community to rank their favorite c h o i c e i s n o w a v a i l a b l e a t



S87 The survey will be open until March 2 at 6 p m

The new school is the original Lehigh Acres Middle School on Arthur Avenue

It will reopen in August with room for 900 sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade students The campus went through an $18 6 million renovation last year to create new classrooms and upgrade the facilities

Th e co mmittee r eco mmen d s A r th u r because of the school's address on Arthur Avenue. Central Lehigh represents the school's location in Lehigh Acres Gerald

From page 2 coming to the nest off of Bayshore Road in North Fort Myers uninvited This eagle, with a wounded talon, has been looking for food and has been frequently visiting the nest on the Pritchett Farm to grab a free meal

But the food isn’t for her, it's for M15 and the eaglets. Since the eaglets are still relatively helpless at seven-plus weeks, the intruder has helped herself to dinner until M15 flies back and chases her away

Those who watch the eagle cam have seen things get very busy and even a little violent at times in the nest over the past weeks, with more than one scary moment

On Feb 19, M15 was knocked out of the nest by the intruder moments after arriving with a fish for his now apparently motherless brood The intruder, with the fish to herself, bit E22 and warned off the other eaglet until she had her fill and flew off

This intruder seems only to be after the food, not to harm the eaglets Indeed, M15 decided to allow the intruder to eat and not risk injury to the babies M15 later went and got another fish to feed the eaglets, this time without the intruder

“This intruder seems to be becoming more fierce with her intentions of stealing food from the nest This could be a territory fight between the two, with the injuries coming from previous battles,” PritchettMcSpadden said “It’s amazing to see how this is unfolding ”

The intruders arrived shorty after Harriet went missing on Feb 2 The main one would hang out in the nest edge at first, and M15 didn’t seem to mind as long as she kept her distance from the eaglets But she soon became much braver and began coming into the nest for food.

Harriet has been missing since when she went out after intruders near the nest and

G o u l d w a s t h e f i r s t p r e s i d e n t o f t h e

L e h i g h C o r p o r a t i o n , w h i c h d e v e l o p e d

Lehigh Acres Lee Ratner owned the land that became Lehigh Acres and founded the Lehigh Corporation to develop it Lemuel Teal was a middle school teacher in Lee County for 38 years, 30 of those at Fort Myers Middle Academy Veterans Park is a finalist because the campus is next to Veterans Park Academy for the Arts and Veterans Park Recreation Center

The committee will review the survey results and recommend one to the school board for approval didn’t return

As time has progressed, it is feared that Harriet died somewhere She has not been located

There has been concern for the lives of the eaglets, who are still about a month or so away from fledging. Pritchett-McSpadden said once that happens assuming they survive the question becomes if M15 allows them to stay, or picks one or none of the intruders

In the meantime, these intruders will stick around, knowing the nest is vulnerable

“Within the first 24 hours of Harriet going missing, there were already other eagles circling the area The eagles can sense the vulnerability,” she said “How they do it, I don’t know, but it’s pretty amazing ”

Pritchett-McSpadden said the eaglets and M15 are defying the odds and believes the eaglets have a shot at making it to the point

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