1 minute read

Power, water begin to be restored

By NATHAN MAYBERG nmayberg@breezenewspapers com

Power and water began returning to Fort Myers Beach this weekend for the first time since Hurricane Ian struck

As the three-week marker approached since the Category 4 storm unleashed devastation throughout the island, Town of Fort Myers Beach Manager Roger Hernstadt said Florida Power & Light power lines had been mostly repaired and the town’s water was also largely returning

Residents will need to have a certified electrician inspect their home, as well as a structural engineer certify the home is safe before power and water can be restored

“The town’s water utility director and staff, our mutual aid partners and contractors report they have restored the water

See POWER, page 9 f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m 1 9 , 2 0 2 2 ■ P a g e 2

Fort Myers Beach Mooring field closed

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