AT 6:00 PM
How do we say thank you to the best teachers around?! You truly are the best team and we could not be more fortunate! Mohogany, Denise, Wendy, Tammy, Paige, Shannon, Sara, Christina, Carole, Brooklynn, Raff, Cora and Lauren. So much love, commitment and passion goes into every class, every piece of choreography and into every student. You are an incredible group of teachers and friends and we could not have done it without each and every one of you!
Thank you to our amazing supply teachers/Alumni who stepped in during our competitive season and kept things running so seamlessly. Cora, Lauren and Maggie you are so appreciated!
Sierra, Sophie, Olivia, Grace
Thank you to our wonderful dancers and dance families for helping make this year happen! Dancers, you have all been so hard working, friendly, kind, full of energy and so fun to teach this season. Seeing our youngest dancers learning to skip, do a single pirouette, master their time steps all the way to our senior dancers continuing to build on an amazing foundation is always so rewarding and never gets old. It is a true pleasure to work with you and witness your growth not only in dance but also in life. Applause to each and every one of you! A special thank you to our wonderful and supportive dance parents!
We are thrilled to have both our recreational and competitive teams here to grace the stage for you!
An extra special thank you to the Ultimate in Prop Dads! Rob, we are so sad to say this was your last season with us, you are and will always be so appreciated by all of us teachers at DLDA! Your commitment to our competitive team, loading and unloading the prop truck, making sure every prop was where it needed to be and always stepping up at competition and helping any other studio that needed it, you have been more than amazing! We are definitely going to miss you. Donna, thank you for loaning us your husband these past 8 years and for always being Rob’s driving back up and chauffeur. We thank you both and miss you already!
Thank you to Rosella, always stepping up with last minute alterations, whipping together a needed costume and creating such beautiful pieces for our dancers to proudly wear, we are grateful for all that you do!
Competition season is such an exciting time for us! Our creative teachers have once again made us proud, astonishing us with their remarkable creations. With the help of our talented competitive teams, they brought their visions to life. Competition is always a valuable learning experience, and we are thrilled to share our numerous overall achievements, special awards, scholarships, Highest of the Session, and Choreographers' awards. Some of our highlights include:
• Steampunk Can Can - Most Entertaining Routine of the entire competition!
• Overall Choreography of the competition, Division Finalist - Highest Intermediate mark of the competition
• Voice - Int Dance off Winners!
• 1st Overall Studio - Competitive Division
• 3rd Overall Pre Competitive Studio of the competition!
• Sierra - Superstar Award Top Competitive Sr Soloist
• Jocelyn - Superstar Award Top Competitive Int Soloist
• Emilianna - Superstar Award Top Competitive Mini Soloist
• Our Scholarship Recipients: Taijah, Brynnlee, Melia, Emmersyn, Isabella R, Jocelyn, Audrey, Olivia, Sophie, Sierra, Julietta
Be sure to see the breakdown in the program for each routine for more incredible accomplishments! Congratulations to all of the dancers and teachers alike! We take great pride in the level of professionalism our girls show each and every time they enter the stage and the amount of passion, technique, emotion and enjoyment they project.
From our youngest to our more experienced dancers, you all amaze us and should be incredibly proud of yourselves. Our students put in tremendous effort for their dance exams, and their dedication has paid off. Congratulations on successfully completing your exams!
• If you were at a Raptors Game this season you would have seen two of our very own dancing on the court! Congratulations Emmersyn for being a part of the Lil’ Ballers Raptors Dance Pac for your second season! You always shine bright on the court!
• Our veteran North Side Crew member Mohogany who has now been promoted to Dance Captain of the North Side Crew! Hooray! Mohogany was also the choreographer for the 6ix Trix tumbling team for the Raptors and will be again next season.
• Sophie will have an exciting year ahead of her after being accepted into the CLI conservatory in September for 10 months of intensive training in Southampton Massachusetts with some of Americas finest choreographers! Wow! Congratulations Sophie!
• Isabella has quite the summer ahead of her! She has been accepted into the Joffery Ballet, Jazz and Contemporary summer intensive in New York City! A wonderful opportunity to work with some of the industry’s leading artists and choreographers. Way to go Isabella!
• Jocelyn, Julietta and Emmersyn were all chosen to participate in the BATD North America Trixie Hardy Jr Modern/Jazz Scholarship. Congratulations to Jocelyn for being chosen as the winner and having the opportunity to travel to Scotland to represent the BATD North America! Amazing work ladies!
• Rebecca will have an exciting summer as she heads off to Prague in July to compete with World Performers Canada representing the red and white at the Dance World Cup. We know you will be rocking the stage and having a great time!
• Congratulations to Sara who has started a full-time career with Disney as Dance Supervisor! Don’t worry, you will still be seeing Sara at the studio teaching a few times a week.
• We had a wonderful time performing for “EVOLVE Fashion Show” in Toronto in April! Our dancers really wowed the audience!
• Congratulations, Lauren, on securing your third contract with Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines aboard the Wonder of the Seas in Miami!
• Did you catch some of our Competitive Team performing for our community at the Pickering City Centre this past May 25th? If not, be sure to catch us back on the Esplanade in Pickering on July 1st for Pickering’s Canada Day celebrations! We are excited to be back performing at these celebrations!
We are thrilled for you to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! The creativity of our teachers will shine through as our talented dancers bring their choreography to life. Our goal is to amaze and entertain you! The stunning and imaginative costumes, which begin as ideas in our minds, are brought to life with the help of our dedicated teachers Sara, you've outdone yourself this year and Rosella from Dance with Me.
From all of the teachers, we would once again like to thank each and every dancer and parent for a wonderful year. We have enjoyed working with your children and hope you have an amazing and relaxing summer. As time passes by so quickly, enjoy these special moments!
1. Steampunk Can Can Wendy/Suzie
Most Entertaining Routine of the Competition!!! (Out of 931 #’s)
Director’s Choice Award - “Entertainment” “Wow, but how” Special Award
Highest of the session, Overall Choreography of the Competition
1st Overall Competitive Intermediate Extended Line
3rd Overall Comp 2 Jr Extended Line Special Award x 2
All Starbeat Platinum, Xtreme Platinum Diamond, Stardom 1st x 3, 3rd
CDF Scholarship
2. Rebecca - “Where’s my money”
All Starbeat Platinum, Stardom, Platinum, Diamond, 1st x 2, 2nd x 2
3. Bouncin’ Ballerinas - Monday Wendy
Our beautiful, petite ballerinas! You can’t help but love them!
4. Ballet/Acro Combo 12:30 class - “Girls just wanna have fun” Mohogany
5. Cali/Hannah - “Friendship”
2nd Overall Mini/Jr Part Time MT, “Perfectly Paired” Special Award “Best Friend Special Award” Platinum, Diamond, High Gold, 1st x 4
6. Phoenix - “Smile” Carole Platinum, Diamond, 1st, 2nd, 3rd x 2
7. Obsession Paige
1st Overall Sr Pre Comp Group, 2nd Overall Sr Pre Comp Group Special Award, All Starbeat Platinum, Stardom 1st x 4
8. Zara - “Shake a tail feather” Brooklyn
2nd Overall Novice Mini Solo, Special Award - “Personality” x 2
Director’s choice award, Most Entertaining Platinum, Diamond, High Gold - 1st x 3, 2nd
9. Mckenzie/Alice/Emily - “Boogie Fever”
2nd Overall Mini Novice Duet/Trio, 3rd Overall Novice Mini Duet/Trio x 2 Platinum, Diamond, High Gold 1st x 2, 2nd x 2
10. Jennifer is gonna have a birthday Wendy
1st Overall Pre Comp Intermediate Extended Line
2nd Overall Comp 1 Jr Large Group/Line
4th Overall Mini/Jr Competitive Musical Theatre
5th Overall Overall Comp 1 Encore Award
Professional Props Special Award, Platinum, Diamond - 1st x 4
11. Adelyn - “Wanna be you"
5th Overall 15 year old Solo, Special Award (picture perfect)
All Starbeat Platinum, Diamond, 1st, 3rd x 3
12. Come on get happy (Gotta Dance Wed)
Be ready to smile with these dancers!
13. Hannah - “Milk Maid”
1st Overall Novice Jr Demi Character Solo
Platinum, Diamond, High Gold, Gold, 1st x 4
14. Mini Acro - “Better when I’m dancing”
You will be flipping with these minis!
15. Sr Acro - “Old Friends”
16. Elle/Mia - Straighten up and fly right
1st Overall Jr Part time Duet/Trio x 2
2nd Overall Pre Comp Intermediate Duet/Trio x 2
Choreography of the session,Platinum, 1st x 3, 2nd
17. Intermediate Jazz - “Me and my girls”
18. A long Walk
3rd Overall Comp 2 Inter Small Group
All Starbeat Platinum, Platinum, Diamond - 1st x 3, 2nd
19. Sierra - “White Swan”
Top Ballet score of competition, 1st Overall Ballet/Pointe of competition
Overall Comp 2 Sr Solo Title Winner, Overall Comp 2 Sr Soloist
Top Pointe Overall, Director’s Choice Award, Special Award
All Starbeat Platinum, Stardom, Ultimate Rage, Platinum, 1st x 3, 3rd
20. Pre-Acro Wednesday - “We are Family” Brooklynn
Our energetic acrobats!
21. Act Bad Raff
3rd Overall Comp 1 Jr Large Group x 2
4th Overall Inter Part Time Large Group
Special Award - “Energy”, Platinum - Diamond, 1st x 4
22. Dancin’ Divas - “We’re all in this together”
Teamwork makes the dream work!
23. Jr Jazz - “Best Friends Forever” Sara/Lauren Friends for life!
24. Fallin Shannon
3rd Overall Intermediate Competitive Small Group, 4th Overall Intermediate Small Group
Choreography Award, All Starbeat Platinum, Stardom, Diamond, 1st x 3, 2nd
25. Velocity Tap - “Brave”
26. Sophie/Olivia
1st Overall Comp 2 Sr Duet/Trio, “Lobster” Special Award
All Starbeat Platinum, Platinum, Diamond - 1st x 2, 2nd x 2
27. Grace - “Not about angels”
Overall Comp 1 Sr Title Winner, Overall Comp 1 Acro
3rd Overall Sr Pre Comp Solo Mindful Dancer’s Scholarship Platinum, Diamond, 1st x 4
28. Intermediate Contemporary“Count on me” Brooklynn
29. Desperado Paige
5th Overall Intermediate Small Group Platinum, Diamond, 1st x 2, 2nd x 2
30. Fix You
2nd Overall Acro Group 12 and under Platinum, Diamond, 1st x 4
31. Good Golly
3rd Overall Novice Munchkin Group
3rd Overall Mini Novice Group/Line x 2
Diamond, High Gold, 1st x 4
32. Revolting Children
4th Overall Mini Part time Musical Theatre Group Platinum, Diamond, High Gold, 1st x 3 2nd
33. Near to you
1st Overall Sr Pre Comp Group
2nd Overall Comp 1 Inter Small Group x 2
3rd Overall Sr Part Time Group
Judges Choice Special Award x 2, Beautiful Connections Special Award
All Starbeat Platinum, Platinum, Diamond, 1st x 3
34. Find Me
1st Overall Acro group 13 and over
Highest of the session, “Museum” Special Award
2nd Overall Intermediate Competitive Acro Group
3rd Overall Comp 2 Inter Large Group/Line
All Starbeat Platinum, Stardom, Platinum, Diamond, 1st x 3, 2nd
1. Voice Sara
2nd Place Overall Dance off Winners
3rd Overall Intermediate Extended Line x 2
Choreography Award, Judges’ Choice Lyrical of Competition “Tied - Connection” Special Award, “Passion” Special Award, “Costume Can Dance" Award
Ultimate Rage, Xtreme Platinum, All Starbeat Platinum, Stardom 1st x 3, 2nd
2. Bugle Boy Carole
1st Overall Comp 1 Mini Group
2nd Overall Mini Pre Comp Group x 2
Squeaky Clean Special Award, Platinum, Diamond, 1st x 4
3. Julia - “Feeling Gorgeous” Mohogany
1st Overall 12 year old solo
All Starbeat Platinum, Platinum, Diamond, 1st x 2, 3rd
4. Izzie/Kallie/Phoenix
2nd Overall Jr Comp 1 Duet/Trio Platinum, Diamond, 1st x 2, 2nd x 2
5. 5,6,7,8 Mohogany
2nd Overall Novice Mini Line
5th Overall Mini Novice Group Diamond, High Gold, 1st x 4
6. Elle - “Orange Coloured Sky”
4th Overall Jr Novice Soloist
5th Overall Jr Novice Solo Platinum Diamond, High Gold, 1st x 2, 2nd, 3rd
7. Wild and Free Sara Jr Dance off Finalist Platinum, Diamond, 1st x 3, 2nd
8. Gonna be a good day Wendy Platinum, Diamond, 1st x 3, 2nd
9. Mini hip hop Monday - “Jump” Shannon
10. Mia - “Wepa Paige
Overall Comp 1 Junior Title Winner
1st Overall Comp 1 Jr Solo
2nd Overall Pre Comp Intermediate Solo
4th Overall Jr Part time Soloist
Special Award - Fantastic Elevation, Platinum, Diamond, 1st x 2, 2nd x 2
11. Int Hip Hop Raff
12. Sophie - Tap Maria/Carole
SOL Dance Collective Dance Scholarship, Vibe Scholarship
Thankful Tap Special Award
All Starbeat Platinum, Stardom, Platinum, Diamond, 1st x 2, 2nd, 3rd
13. Musical theatre - “School Days” Wendy
14. Pointe - “Golden hour” Suzie
15. Pre Primary Ballet - “Here comes the sun”
A ray of sunshine!
16. Look up child
3rd Overall Comp 1 Jr Small Group
Choreography Award, Platinum, Diamond, 1st x 4
17. Money Shannon
Judges’ Choice Jazz of entire competition
“Take up space” Special Award 3rd Overall Sr Small Group
“Style” Special Award
All Starbeat Platinum, Platinum, Diamond, 1st x 4
18. Intermediate Tap - “Don’t worry, be happy”
19. Alexia/Anastasia/Maddy - “Say something”
1st Overall Novice Sr Duet/Trio
Platinum, Diamond, 3rd Overall Novice Duet/Trio, 1st x 4
20. Grade 3 Ballet - “You’re still the one”
21. Jr Tap - “Put on a happy face” Carole
22. Bronwyn - “Rumour has it” Carole
Starlite Special Award, Platinum, Diamond, 3rd x 2
23. Grade 1 Ballet - “Lavender’s Blue”
24. Julietta - “Let me out”
4th Overall 13/14 Competitive Solo Connection Special Award, CDF Scholarship
All Starbeat Platinum, Stardom, Diamond, 1st x 3, 3rd
25. Maddy/Maddie/Alysia - “Come to me”
5th Overall Intermediate Part Time duet/trio Platinum, Diamond, 1st x 4
26. Empire Sara
1st Overall Sr Competitive Group, 1st Overall Comp 2 Inter Small Group
2nd Overall Senior Competitive Small Group
Choreography of the session x 2, Choreography Award
All Starbeat Platinum, Stardom, Xtreme Platinum, Ultimate Rage, 1st x 4
27. Kallie - “Good to go” Brooklynn
Starlite Award, Platinum, Diamond, Gold, 1st x 2, 2nd x 2
28. Cierra - “Mama knows best”
8th Overall 13/14 Competitive Solo
All Starbeat Platinum, Diamond, 2nd, 3rd
29. Conga Sara
Platinum, Diamond, High Gold, 1st, 2nd x 3
30. Lighthouse Sara
4th Overall Sr Pre Comp Line
5th Overall Intermediate Part Time Large Group
Director’s Choice Award - “Mesmerized”, “Jellyfish” Special Award
Platinum, Diamond, 1st x 4
31. Danza Kuduro
1st Overall Jr Group
3rd Overall Intermediate Competitive Group
Special Award - “Didn’t skip a beat”, Style Special Award, Choreography Award
All Starbeat Platinum, Stardom, Platinum, Diamond, 1st x 3, 2nd
32. Recover Mohogany
1st Overall Intermediate Large Group
3rd Overall Comp 2 Inter Large Group
Judge’s Choice Award, Concept Special Award, CDF Scholarship
All Starbeat, Stardom, Platinum, Platinum, Diamond, 1st x 4
33. Boogie Shoes Suzie
1st Overall Mini Pre Comp Group
3rd Overall Mini Part time group
5th Overall Mini Pre Comp Group
Platinum, Diamond, High Gold, 1st x 4
34. Hey Pachuko
3rd Overall Comp 2 Jr Large Group
3rd Overall Inter Competitive Line
Platinum, Diamond, 1st x 3, 2nd
35. Buttons Dom/Paige
1st Overall Comp 2 Inter Large Group/Line 2nd Overall Competitive Sr Line
5th Overall Intermediate Large Group, “No Crumbs” Special Award
“Wow” Special Award, “Levels of Energy” Special Award
All Starbeat Platinum, Ultimate Rage, Xtreme Platinum, Stardom, 1st x 3, 2nd
Fabulous Summer Camps: July 8-12 and August 6-9 Summer Recreational Classes: July 9-August 27
For info on fall registration, our “Summer Dance Intensive” (August 19th22nd), Competitive Acro Intensive (August 6th-8th) and our variety of summer classes, please visit our website or email:
Be sure to register early for fall classes as they are filling up fast.
Online or through email
Payments can be made to:
Or drop by the studio during summer hours to register in person.
July 9th - August 27th
Open Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:00 - 7:30pm
August 19th - 22nd
Open 9:30am - 3:30 pm
The best way to always reach us is through email.