3 minute read


PickeringPlanning and Development inPickering

Pickering is slated for significant economic and residential growth.

Some of the transformational projects currently shaping Pickering are City-initiated, and others are proposed by developers.

Did you know,

that as a municipality, we are mandated to receive and process every application that comes through our doors?

This should not be confused with endorsement. We rely on our professional staff, and the rigorous planning process they oversee, to guide the decisions made on each and every development application submitted. We also rely on you, the public, to provide input and comments. The more you participate in this process, the more we are able to build a city that reflects our collective vision. And it is through this process of collaboration and consultation that we will build a city that works for all.

The Planning Process

Planning in Ontario is governed by the provincial Planning Act, which is the Act that gives authority to Municipal Councils to deal with Planning matters.

The Planning Act also requires each regional and local area municipality to have an Official Plan to guide both land use and growth in the local municipalities. This Official Plan provides a land development vision for the City and identifies how that vision can be achieved.

The mandated planning process allows the City to consult with impacted agencies, engage with the public, and review every development application thoroughly. At the end of the process, staff make a professional recommendation to Council based on data, analysis, evaluation of key criteria, input from the public and implementation of policy.

Guiding Growth

The Province sets out how and where growth in the Greater Golden Horseshoe is to occur through the Growth Plan (A Place to Grow). Durham Region has been allocated certain growth targets that are then further distributed to the lower-tier municipalities in Durham, based on a detailed growth study and in accordance with the guiding policy framework of the Growth Plan. The most growth is directed to existing established areas, in

Aerial view of Pickering’s waterfront

particular, areas that are well-served by transit like major arterial roads and areas around GO Train Stations. In addition to these “strategic growth areas,” the Province has further designated the Pickering City Centre as an Urban Growth Centre in the Growth Plan. These areas are intended to accommodate even greater proportions of population and employment growth.

In the long term, the bulk of Pickering’s growth will take place in the Seaton community which has been planned to accommodate 60,000 to 70,000 new residents, 35,000 jobs, and will have a comprehensive open space system. Construction has been steadily progressing in the southernmost area of Seaton, which you can see when driving along Taunton Road.

Appealing Council’s Decision

At the end of the planning process, our hope is that we make a decision that reflects the collective vision and values of our city. That said, every developer has the right to appeal Council’s decision on a planning application to the Ontario Land Tribunal; the agency responsible for hearing and deciding appeals and matters related to land use planning, environmental and natural features and heritage protection, land valuation, land compensation, municipal finance, and related matters.

The City must be prepared to defend its position at this tribunal, and, as such, that is why we can’t outright reject a development application. The planning process works and it is critical that you be active and engaged in it. By doing so, you are helping us keep control over the decisions that shape our city.

Aerial view of Pickering’ City Hall

Community Engagement

All residents of Pickering are stakeholders in the development process. You play a critical role in helping us accommodate growth responsibly and making Pickering be a place we are proud to call home. From public open houses, to social media, resident mail-outs, council meetings, and more – there are lots of ways to learn about the development process and get involved. Get started at LetsTalkPickering.ca/Development where we break down what you need to know, including our latest Speaker Series where we invite Canadian industry experts to join us in the conversation around thoughtful growth.

All active development proposals for Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-law Amendments, Draft Plan of Subdivision, and Draft Plan of Condominium are listed online with public feedback opportunities.

Visit pickering.ca/DevApp for details.

Did you know,

once all planned growth is completed, over 50% of Pickering will remain green.

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