Johannes Maria Staud
Once anything might have happened
für Sopran und Horn solo, Ensemble und Elektronik for Soprano and Horn Solo, Ensemble and Electronics
Partitur Score
MM 2390019 06/2024
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Johannes Maria Staud
Once anything might have happened
für Sopran und Horn solo, Ensemble und Elektronik nach Texten von William Carlos Williams for Soprano and Horn Solo, Ensemble and Electronics after Poems by William Carlos Williams
Partitur Score
Printed in Germany
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Auftragswerk des Ensemble Intercontemporain und des IRCAM Centre Pompidou. Die Elektronik wurde im IRCAM produziert. IRCAM Computermusik-Designer: Dionysios Papanikolaou.
Ura U fführ U ng
17. Juni 2022, Philharmonie de Paris
Festival Manifeste
Sophia Burgos – Sopran
Jean-Christophe Vervoitte – Horn
Ensemble Intercontemporain
Matthias Pintscher – Dirigent
Dionysios Papanikolaou – Konzeption und Produktion der elektronischen Musik am IRCAM
Luca Bagnoli – Sound Engineer am IRCAM
Flöte in C (auch: Piccolo und Altflöte in G)
Oboe (auch: Englischhorn in F) – auch: Triangel (hoch) mit Hartholzstäbchen *3
Klarinette in B
Bassklarinette in B
Fagott (auch: Kontrafagott)
Trompete in C *2
Posaune *2
Tuba *2
Schlagzeug 1: Vibraphon, 3 Chinese Opera Gongs (sehr hoch, hoch, mittelhoch), Ride-Becken (mitteltief), Tam-Tam (mittel), Donnerblech (mittel), Tamburin (mittel), 2 Djembes auf Ständer (mittelhoch, mitteltief), O-Daiko (tief), Lotosflöte (mittel)
Schlagzeug 2: Marimbaphon, 3 Chinesische Becken (hoch, mittel, tief), 2 Tam-Tams (hoch, tief), Donnerblech (tief), Tamburin (hoch), 2 Timbales (mittelhoch, mitteltief), O-Daiko (sehr tief), Cabaza (mittelhoch), Sandblock (tief), Lotosflöte (hoch)
Celesta (Umfang: c-c''''') – auch: 2 Crash-Becken (hoch und mittel), 2 Maracas (mitteltief) *3
Klavier – auch: Lotosflöte (sehr hoch), Donnerblech (hoch) *3
Sopran solo Horn solo
Violine 1 – auch: Maraca (tief) *3
Violine 2 – auch: Maraca (mittel) *3
Viola – auch: Maraca (hoch) *3
Violoncello 1
Violoncello 2
Kontrabass (Fünfsaiter, V. Saite auf C' gestimmt)
Elektronik – 4-Kanal-Zuspielungen sowie Live-Elektronik *4
*1 Verwendeter Dämpfer: Straight (con sordino)
*2 Verwendete Dämpfer: Straight, Cup *3 Vor Verwendung der Schlagzeug-Instrumente Konsultation bei einer Schlagzeugerin/einem Schlagzeuger einholen *4 Siehe Anmerkungen zur Elektronik
Co-commissioned by Ensemble Intercontemporain and IRCAM Centre Pompidou. Electronics produced at IRCAM.
IRCAM computer music designer: Dionysios Papanikolaou
June 17th 2022, Philharmonie de Paris
Festival Manifeste
Sophia Burgos – Soprano
Jean-Christophe Vervoitte – Horn
Ensemble Intercontemporain
Matthias Pintscher – Conductor
Dionysios Papanikolaou – Conception and production of the electronic part / Réalisateur Informatique Musicale IRCAM
Luca Bagnoli – Sound Engineering IRCAM
Flute in C (also: Piccolo and Alto Flute in G)
Oboe (also: English Horn in F) – also: Triangle (high) with hardwood sticks *3
Clarinet in Bb
Bass Clarinet in Bb
Bassoon (also: Contrabassoon)
Trumpet in C *2
Trombone *2
Tuba *2
Percussion 1: Vibraphone, 3 Chinese Opera Gongs (very high, high, medium high), Ride Cymbal (medium low), Tam-tam (medium), Thunder Sheet (medium), Tambourin (medium), 2 Djembes on stands (medium high, medium low), O-Daiko (low), Lotos flute (medium)
Percussion 2: Marimbaphone, 3 Chinese Cymbals (high, medium, low), 2 Tamtams (high, low), Thunder Sheet (low), Tambourin (high), 2 Timbales (medium high, medium low), O-Daiko (very low), Cabaza (medium high), Sand Block (low), Lotos flute (high)
Celesta (range: c-c’’’’’) – also: 2 Crash Cymbals (high and medium), 2 Maracas (medium low) *3
Piano – also: Lotos flute (very high), Thunder Sheet (high) *3
Soprano solo Horn solo
Violin 1 – also: Maraca (low) *3
Violin 2 – also: Maraca (medium) *3
Viola – also: Maraca (high) *3
Violoncello 1
Violoncello 2
Double Bass (5-string, 5th string tuned to C’)
Electronics – 4-channel fixed media as well as live electronics *4
*1 used mute: straight (con sordino)
*2 used mutes: straight, cup
*3 it is highly recommended to consult a percussionist before using the percussion instruments
*4 see also Electronic Equipment List
Dauer ca. 22'30"
Duration ca. 22‘30“
I What about all this writing?
What about all this writing?
O „Kiki“
O Miss Margaret Jarvis
The backhandspring
I: clean clean
clean: yes . . New-York
Wrigley‘s, appendicitis, John Marin: skyscraper soup – –
Either that or a bullet!
(aus: William Carlos Williams, Spring and All, IX, 1923)
II Once anything Might have happened
Once anything might have happened
You lay relaxed on my knees –the starry night spread out warm and blind above the hospital –
It is unclean which is not straight to the mark –
(aus: William Carlos Williams, Spring and All, IX, 1923)
III Solstice
The river is full
The time is ripe Give murderous thoughts rest
No leaves on the trees
A mild sun darkens the frosty earth
Quietness reigns
No birds, no wind
The shortest day of the year is favorable
(aus: William Carlos Williams, An Early Martyr and Other Poems, 1935)
IV In my life the furniture eats me
In my life the furniture eats me
the chairs, the floor the walls which heard your sobs drank up my emotion –they which alone know everything and snitched on us in the morning –What to want?
(aus: William Carlos Williams, Spring and All, IX, 1923)
V Drunk we go forward surely
Drunk we go forward surely Not I
beds, beds, beds elevators, fruit, night-tables breasts to see, white and blue –to hold in the hand, to nozzle
It is not onion soup
Your sobs soaked through the walls breaking the hospital to pieces
Everything – windows, chairs obscenely drunk, spinning –white, blue, orange – hot with our passion
wild tears, desperate rejoinders my legs, turning slowly end over end in the air!
But what would you have?
(aus: William Carlos Williams, Spring and All, IX, 1923)
VI The Locust Tree in flower Among of green stiff old bright broken branch come white sweet May again
(aus: William Carlos Williams, An Early Martyr and Other Poems, 1935)
VII all I said was All I said was: there, you see, it is broken
stockings, shoes, hairpins your bed, I wrapped myself round you – –I watched.
You sobbed, you beat your pillow you tore your hair you dug your nails into your sides
I was your nightgown I watched!
(aus: William Carlos Williams, Spring and All, IX, 1923)
VIII Clean is he alone
Clean is he alone after whom stream the broken pieces of the city – –flying apart at his approaches but I merely caress you curiously fifteen years ago and you still go about the city, they say patching up sick school children
(aus: William Carlos Williams, Spring and All, IX, 1923)
Copyright: The Collected Poems of William Carlos Williams, Volume I & II. New Directions Publishing Corporation, 80 Eighth Avenue, New York 10011