Rebranding Minarik Guitars
Passion for fine music, exceptional quality in construction and materials, beauty and incredible playability.
music. Rebranding Minarik Guitars
1.0 research
2.0 creative development
1.1 research paper-absract 1.2 company overview 1.3 brand strategy and summary 1.4 target demographic 1.5 Swot analysis 1.6 creative brief 1.7 creative brief conclusion
2.1 Swot moodboard 2.2 moodboard development 2.3 Logo development 2.4 graphic toolbox iterations 2.5 print development 2.6 print development continued 2.7 web development 2.8 wireframes 2.9 Web comps 1 & 2 2.9.0 motion graphic 2.9.1 story board development 2.9.2 frames
3.o style guide 3.1 voice & tone 3.2 design standards-primary logo 3.3 logo components and clear space 3.4 secondary logo-avatar 3.5 color palette 3.6 primary and secondary fonts 3.7 correct usage 3.8 logo applicationss 3.9 print guidelines
4.0 design solutions 4.1 print ads 4.2 swag-promotional items 4.3 posters 4.4 website 4.5 mobile devices
5.0 references
Minarik Guitars play with inspiration!
Rebranding Minarik Guitars
elcome to the world of Minarik Guitars. This project book was designed to tell a story about a brand. Part of the story is how the brand presents itself to the public in order to get attention for a their product, service, or cultural offering. What could be more iconic and culturally significant than the electric guitar? Electric guitars have come to have a special reverance among musicians, collectors and buiders of these fine instruments. Enter Marc Minarik, the company founder and designer of the brand. Minarik Guitars is a company founded on the belief that a guitar can be just as much a functional sound resonator as it is a a work of art. The company exists to take the electric guitar to another level of appreciation. The main theme of this project book is to present a showcase of the artistry of this brand. This presentation is about highlighting some of the best work produced by this company over the last ten years. The brand’s product is distinctive in it’s level of ornamentation and theory behind guitar sound design. Minarik Guitars is as just as much about music and craftsmanship as it is about getting noticed on stage. The purpose behind this year long project was to make a more cohesive image for the brand, and so the guitars themselves have played and integral part in the whole rebranding effort. Presenting the company’s guitar designs, along with a more evolved Logomark, and better typography, web design, copy and advertising imagery, were all the considerations that went into these projects. The idea behind the composition of these spreads was to let the guitars speak for themselves within a modern format.
renan Searain has a veried, a wellrounded back ground. In addition some hard-earned life experience, he has a Bachelor’s in Sculpture and Drawing from Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design. This project book is the culmination to a year long Odessey of intense study for the next step in Brenan’s life and career. This is Brenan’s thesis project for his Master’s of Media Design from Full Sail University. After much exploration of a diversity of life paths and careers, there is nothing like starting over. Brenan has been a teacher, parttime opera singer, sculptor, actor writer, and retail salesman. Art as always been his true passion. Brenan is a guitar player, and his high regard for the Minarik Guitars brand was what swayed his choice for his thesis project. It’s been an adventure, now the real work begins.
Learning was also another goal of this endeavor, in order to be a more informed artist and organizer of information. Enjoy the journey, this book is just as much about entertainment as it is about education, or advertising.
Rebranding Minarik Guitars
Research 1.0
Rebranding Minarik Guitars
What Minarik guitar do you Play?
Rebranding Minarik Guitars
inarik Guitars is a brand that was established eight years ago in 2002 in Glendale, California, and is a relatively young company beginning its journey in the competitive world of electric guitar manufacturers. Minarik Guitars is already carving out a name for itself in the music world through its innovative guitar shapes, as a builder of fine boutique guitars. As such, Minarik Guitars references classic guitar designs such as the Gibson Les Paul, without the cookie cutter approach, as well as introducing truly breakthrough designs that redefine what a guitar can be, such as the Goddess and Nighcrawler.
inarik Guitars has attracted such talent as Alexa Vetere, Dick Dale, Dave Navarro, Raphael Moriera, Claudio Sanchez, and even Gene Simmons of Kiss fame, to name a few of its more prominent users. The goal of the rebranding campaign for Minarik Guitars is to position the brand in the guitar market as the leader in excellence for quality, craftsmanship, design, and beautiful tone. The question for serious guitar players and collectors as a result of this campaign should be, “What Minarik Guitar do you play?�
The company collaborates with artist Arlene Goulart, who designs the intricate fret board inlays and custom carved pick guards found on some high-end models. This contributes value to the total artistry of the company. Though the brand has seen some setbacks in its mass-produced instrument sales due to the severe economic recession in recent years, the company is doing very well in the high-end niche guitar market.
Rebranding Minarik Guitars
hat sets Minarik apart?
hat are the brand’s tenets? Passion, quality, beauty, playability, and performance are the main tenets that give the brand coherence, add value, and differentiate Minarik Guitars from the competition.
hat is Minarik Guitars about?
Minarik Guitars sells itself on being different, by making a quality product, emphasizing the finest materials, esthetic quality and sound engineering. They are a boutique guitar company. The Unique Selling Proposition of this brand is its patented Tone Chamber Engineering, promising outstanding sound from all its instruments. Its signature model is the Inferno, which as the name implies, looks like flames. The brand’s main asset is intricately made guitars that are works of art. The aspects of good craftsmanship and innovative design are the most effective parts of the company’s image.
First, we need to have an idea of where Minarik Guitars stands in the bustling guitar market in order to chart a course for the brand. Here’s a brief overview of the U.S. musical instrument manufacturing industry, according to First Research: The US musical instrument manufacturing industry includes about 500 companies with combined annual revenue of about $2 billion. Major companies include Fender, Gibson Guitar, and Steinway. The industry is highly concentrated: the 50 largest companies generate more than 80 percent of revenue. Demand is largely driven by consumer income and education demographics. The profitability of individual companies depends on cost efficiencies. Many large companies benefit by offering a wide range of products. Small companies can compete effectively by specializing in high-end or niche instruments. Hoover’s Inc. (2010). Based on this information, Minarik Guitars definitely fits into the category of small companies making high-end, niche instruments. Minarik Guitars also has products in the more affordable mass produced market. Minarik has two main lines, The Studio Xtreme, which is its mass-produced models, and Super Custom, which are the made to order versions. On the majority of its mass-produced instruments, the electronics, such as its Tone Perfect Resonata vpickups, are made in house.
1.2 Rebranding Minarik Guitars
ncreasing awareness of the Unique Selling Proposition of Minarik Guitars is a key component in positioning the brand. It’s patented Tone-Tail Engineering, which enhances the tonal range of the brand’s guitars, along with a new marketing and advertising campaign to include a logo and a revamped website, are the main focus of this rebranding initiative. These are elements that will be necessary to reposition Minarik Guitars in the minds of guitar players. The brand specializes in high-end niche boutique guitars. According to Capsule: “Another strategy is to emphasize unique qualities that make a brand desirable, regardless of price.” (Capsule, 2007, p 17).
herefore, the purpose is to develop a visual identity campaign to increase brand awareness and elevate the brand’s image, thus increasing sales, regardless of the price on the brand’s high end models. Minarik Guitars founder, Marc Minarik, describes the brand as an “indie underdog” company. Independance has a considerable appeal among the target audience. The key to this rebranding strategy is to play on that fact,making Minarik Guitars’ overall marketing strategy more focused and cohesive to keep up with their main competitors.
he goal of this re-imaging campaign is to make Minarik Guitars more desirable to guitar players of all demographic segments. The target message is this not just another guitar company, or just another guitar. Minarik Guitars is a special family, and you’re not buying just a guitar, but a work of art and a labor of love. Increasing sales and brand recognition, will be crucial to the company’s future success. The vision is not only for Minarik Guitars to survive in a challenging market, but to thrive, and create a lasting legacy.
References: All Business, A D&B Company. (2010).Top 10 Tips for an Effective Advertising Campaign. Retrieved 11/10/2010 from Capsule. (2007). Logos 01: An Essential Primer for Today’s Competitive Market. Rockport Publishers, Inc, Beverly, Massachusetts. Bonney, Rich. (2010) Importance of A Business Website, paragraph 2. Retrieved 11/10/2010 from Felton, George. (2006). Advertising Concept and Copy. W.W. Norton Company, Second Edition, New York, London. Fernandes Guitars. (2010). Retrieved from, by Monotype Imaging. (2010). The Story of Verdana Retrieved 11/10/2010 from AboutFonts/Verdana.htm
Hoover’s Inc. (2010). Excerpt from the Musical Industry Manufacture Profile. Retrieved from http://www.firstresearch. com/Industry-Research/Musical-Instrument- Manufacture.html Minarik Guitars. (2010). Retrieved from 1&guitarcolorId=18
Rebranding Minarik Guitars
ho is the target audience?
The primary audience is musicians, artists, and guitar aficionados. The brand has appeal across gender, age, and genre distinctions. It’s for more discerning musicians who want something that looks and sounds different from the run of the mill electric guitar, yet retains details of traditional craftsmanship. Minarik Artists come in all shapes, sizes and musical tastes.
1.4 Rebranding Minarik Guitars
Strengths Innovative designs/unconventional looks. Traditional craftsmanship. Patented Tone Chamber Engineering. Marc Minarik-Designer/luthier. Rock n’Roll Cultural-appeal to many music genres. Southern California based Internet vendors such as: Ebay, 2Kool4School, Instrument Alley, etc. Commitment to making a high quality product.
Opportunities Import markets. Custom made markets. Broad ethnic and age demographics. Many channels for sales on the internet. Celebrity product endorsements. Internet Sales & Exposure More room for Growth in the Music Industry Economic recovery. Changing trade laws and regulations governing imports, labor, materials that allow for lower costs.
Not as well known as its competition.
Intense Competition from older competitors
Lack of differentiation in the marketplace.
such as Fender, Gibson, PRS, etc.
Over saturated market, too many brands.
Intense competition from other custom shops
Very niche market oriented.
and import brands with cheaper prices and
Start-up, relatively new company.
high quality manufacturing.
Prohibitive manufacturing costs.
Economic recession.
Could be bought out by a larger company. Non-traditional ldesigns may put off some consumers. Limited Advertising budget.
1.5 Rebranding Minarik Guitars
Creative Brief
inarik Guitars is an independent company specializing in designing and building electric six string guitars, bass guitars, and acoustic guitars. They make custom instruments in this market as well as a few mass produced models based on their custom shop designs. The chief task at hand is to rebrand the Minarik image, tying together all the disparate aspects of its online presence into a more cohesive marketing campaign. This is to open up new avenues for sales, and improve the company’s over all competiveness with the more established guitar brands.
“It’s like playing a Salvador dali painting, it’s so beautiful.” Dick Dale, Living Guitar Legend.
Minarik Guitars, needs an improved logo form taglines, and more promotional materials, such as posters and print ads. It needs more play on the social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter. The company Web site needs a serious overhaul to make it more attractive and contemporary, with an index to tie it into social media, blogs, and the various articles, comments, and retail outlets, such as Guitar Center, and Musician’s Friend.” The primary audience is musicians, artists, and guitar aficionados. The brand has appeal across gender, age, and genre distinctions. It’s for more discerning musicians who want something that looks and sounds different from the run of the mill electric guitar, yet retains details of traditional craftsmanship. It’s for artists, boys and girls, who wish to make a visual and sonic statement.
1.6 Rebranding Minarik Guitars
assion for fine music, exceptional quality in construction and materials, beauty and incredible playability are qualities that characterize Minarik Guitars as a brand. A revamped logo, web site and more focused ad campaign will translate into more web traffic, and word of mouth in blogs and chat rooms. Improved perception of brand personality and value will lead to higher sales volume through more awareness of the Minarik Guitar brand to musicians. Success can be measured through the numbers, web site hits, online sales, and order requests. Minarik Guitars is already carving out a name for itself in the music world, and though it has seen some setbacks in its mass produced instrument sales, the company is doing very well in the custom made guitar market. M. E. Minarik, has always had a clear vision for his company, and big part of the brandi’s allure according to Minarik, is the collector’s value of his one-of-a-kind, and limited edition guitars models. Minarik Guitars are truly great instruments, and the company seems poised to soar to new heights of brand recognition and success. The M on the headstock stands for Minarik, and that also means quality and originality.
1.7 Rebranding Minarik Guitars
a guitar like no other.
mojo. Rebranding Minarik Guitars
Rebranding Minarik Guitars
swot moodboard
Social networking United States
• 55.6 million adults – or just less than 1/3rd of the population – in the US now visit social networks at least monthly, according to a new report from Forrester Research. That’s up from just 15 % of adults in 2007, and around 18 % last year. Social networking is now more popular than instant messaging among adults, which 54.3 million people report using. [Source: Forrester Research via Mashable, July 2009]
Rebranding Minarik Guitars
2.2 Rebranding Minarik Guitars
a Rebranding Minarik Guitars
b Rebranding Minarik Guitars
c Rebranding Minarik Guitars
d Rebranding Minarik Guitars
e Rebranding Minarik Guitars
logo development
2.3 Rebranding Minarik Guitars
2.4 Rebranding Minarik Guitars
Current Logo
Project Synopsis Minarik Guitars is an independent company based in Glendale, California, specializing in electric guitars. This is a re-branding initiative to increase awareness among guitar players and collectors, improving brand awareness through a redesigned logotype, tagline, website, and internet marketing strategy. This campaign will benefit consumers in the target audience by making them aware of the benefits of Minarik Guitars' unique selling proposition, such as Tone Tail Engineering, and Custom Tone Chambering, which results in better esthetics and sonic power. The goal of this re-imaging campaign is to make Minarik Guitars more desirable to guitar players, increasing sales, brand value, and brand recognition.
New Logo Concepts
Designer’s Notes
The graphic toolkit for Minarik Guitars is a visual summary of the all iterations that preceded this representation of the campaign concept. It is the cumination of feedback and revision rendered thus far to visualize the brand essence of Minarik Guitars. Who is Minarik Guitars, and what does this brand stand for? The goal of this campaign is to is to define Minarik, sharpen it’s focus, make it’s online presence more compelling, therefore differentiating the brand from it’s competitors. Minarik Guitars‘ creativity redefines what makes a guitar, blendblend ing traditional with avant garde. Minarik Guitars is a Rock N’ Roll brand, and more. Quality, scientific design and passion for beautiful instruments make Minarik special. It’s all about the music.
Pantone 160 M Pantone Pantone Pantone Orange 705 C Reflex Blue C 021 C
Pantone 385 M
Pantone 373 M
Pantone 386 M
Pantone 2592 C
Pantone 1805 C
Pantone 633 C
a Rebranding Minarik Guitars
2.5 Rebranding Minarik Guitars
2.6 Rebranding Minarik Guitars
2.7 Rebranding Minarik Guitars
2.8 Rebranding Minarik Guitars
2.9 Rebranding Minarik Guitars
a Rebranding Minarik Guitars
b Rebranding Minarik Guitars
2.9.0 Rebranding Minarik Guitars
story boards
2.9.1 Rebranding Minarik Guitars
2.9.2 Rebranding Minarik Guitars
:30 Secs 29.97 FBS.
Resolution-1920 X 1080 HD, 960 X 540, 640 X 360
Formats MPEG4, MOV, HD, and MP3 Audio.
Make tags consise and descriptive.
Rebranding Minarik Guitars
experience hear
magic. Rebranding Minarik Guitars
style guide 3.0
Rebranding Minarik Guitars
style guide
oice and tone are central tenets of a great instrument, where Identity and differentiation are key to a young guitar brand in a crowded market. Reputation is as simple as how you sound, and Minarik Guitars aims to build a great guitar that looks and sounds fantastic. A company like Minarik Guitars is dedicated to making the best instrument on the market, and is commited to the craftsmanship and artistry of guitar building. Key words to use in copy describing Minarik Guitars are:
“You play the guitar, not work the guitar.� Les Paul
voice & tone
Quality Playability v Performance Passion Ornamental Detail Craftsmanship Artistry Inspiration The headline and taglines also used to establish the Voice and Tone of the brand are: Music-The primary means of artistic expression, and the purpose of the brand. Mojo-Represents the powerful presence a performer achieves with a Minarik on stage. Magic-The quality of the user experience when playing or performing with a Minarik Guitar. Finally, the Tagline, Play with Inspiration, embodies the call to action and the spirit of the brand.
Rebranding Minarik Guitars
design standards
he Minarik Guitars logo is an intriguing letterform. It is a kinetic figure, bursting with youthful energy and vitality befitting a youngcompany in the electric guitar market. It’s like a man posing to play guitar. The “M” logo was clearly intended by the original designer to be an iconic brandmark which simply adorns the headstocks of many well-crafted Minarik guitars. Since the logo form has a typographic quality, and the company’s product are ornamental, boutique electric guitars, there’s a lot of room for ornamental variation, within well defined parameters of brand consistency and good taste. The redesign of the lettermark logo for this client was intended to be evolutionary change, not revolutionary change of the basic profile of the brand standard. The purpose was to make the “M” stronger and better defined with fuller stems and apexes. Fuller, curvier, yet sharper edged in places. These are the key terms that reflect the nature of the brand’s target audience and musical appeal. For the purpose of this brand identity study, it’s interesting to note that Minarik Guitars has already undergone a rebrand while the research and development of these deliverables were in the creative process. Here’s the difference briefly illustrated between the current logo and the rebrand design for this project below.
Logo styles
inarik Guitars has two primary logo banners which can be varied to give the marketer options for how the brand can be presented. Here is a an overview of how the letter mark logo should be presented with the headline and tagline.
music. mojo. magic.
Minarik Guitars play with inspiration!
The vertical and horizontal banners can be used depending on how much space is available on the page. In most cases, the vertical presentation is preferred over the horizontal. In general, the letter mark with the brand name should be presented on a contrasting color background from the color palette, both color treatment clear space and variations will be discussed later on. A two color scheme is standard and can be reversed for variation on the lettermark logo themes. These are some examples of acceptable backgrouns for the letter mark.
Minarik Guitars play with inspiration! If color usage is not an option, these are examples of greyscale rendering for both formats demonstrating how they are reversible.
music. mojo. magic.
Minarik Guitars play with inspiration!
Minarik Guitars play with inspiration!
3.2 Rebranding Minarik Guitars
f the “M” lettermark is going to be used independantly, clear space is equivalent to one half the cap of the “M” bisected horizontally on the top and bottom and vertically on the sides. This is to ensure that the lettermark logo remains distinct from other graphic elements that may detract from the logo, if the lettermark is used without a background or text.
he solo lettemark presentation of the brandmark with the brand name can be rendered with a 90 degree Bevel and Emboss effect as a well as a two-color combination in most print media, such as catalogue and cover art presentations. This ornamentaldesign presentation is intented to convey the elegant and refined essence of the brand. Colors should be either Pantone Process Black C for the fill portion of the lettermark. The stroke for the outline can be any color from the offical palette with 3-5 pt leading.
m m m
he name can be presented in horizontal and stacked formats within the clear space of the letterform logo as pictured in both banner and nonbannered presentations. The brand name conforms to the width of the “M” which is 68pts.
Minarik Guitars m
m m
Minarik Guitars
Minimum size is 20mm.
Maximum size is no larger than 25% of the page for letterhead, business cards, print and web applications.
1 half unit of clear space = 34pts. Clear space in the bannerless logo between the “M” and the brand identifier in the stacked form is equal to the height of a 20pt M in Bebas Neue. In horizontal format, the clear space is defined a 1pt from the apex, 60pts from the top stem and 40pts from the lower cap.
Rebranding Minarik Guitars
arts of the logo and clear space
lear space surrounding the background box for both the vertical and stacked presentations of the logo can be further defined by using 30pt “M” in Bebas Neue font as demonstrated to mark the necessary buffer zone around the official brand mark.
play with inspiration!
Minarik Guitars
Minarik Guitars
play with inspiration!
Company name
The brand identifier in the horizontal format calls for 10pts spacing between all text elements.
hen the lettermark is used in conjunction with text, either stacked or horizontal, it must be used with a contrasting background. The ground color serves to define clear space for the total brandmark, letterform, headline, tagline, and company identifier. 5pts of clear space must be maintained between the “M”, identifier and tagline. The headline drops 10pts from the lower apex of the “M”. With clear space of 10pts between headline words.
mojo. magic.
mojo. magic.
Minarik Guitars play with inspiration!
m Minimum Logo Sizing: No less than 1” lengthwise for the horizontal banner logo.
No less than .5” for the stacked banner logo..
Rebranding Minarik Guitars
inarik Guitars has a secondary logoform based on the anthropomorphic quality of the lettermark design. This is the Avatar version of the logo which features a cartoon version of the “M” features a graphic representation of one the brand’s signature products, the Lotus.
These are examples of acceptable variations of the Guitar “M” without the background banner. This can be used in conjuction with the brand name in horizontal or stacked format. In this case the brand name is wider than the “M”
This version of the logo is meant to tie the logo form in playfully with purpose of the company, and to provide more options for how the brand can be presented in the Minarik Color palette to follow. The same clear space guidelines can be used on this logo, either alone or with a background banner.
minarik Guitars
minarik Guitars
Minarik Guitars
The background presentation of the logo is made to present only the company name and not the headline and tagline elements in conjunction.The Avatar “M” represents the brand as a distinct musical entity and is intended to entertain and delight as a design element.
Minarik Guitars 3.4 Rebranding Minarik Guitars
he color palette presented here is made to be representative of the most common electric guitar colors, and to reflect the palette of Minarik Guitars in this primary and secondary scheme. These colors can be used to many variations of the “M”.
pantone 7401 m R-255 G-242 B-212 c-0 m-4 y-18 k-0 pantone 1815 c
c-0 m-90 y-100 k-61
R-138 G-31 B-3
pantone ds process black c R-0 G-0 B-0 c-0 m-0 y-0 k-100 pantone reflex blue c R-0 G-84 B-164 c-100 m-90 y-10 k-0
pantone ds 317-1c c-70 m-80 y-100 k-15 r-98 g-70 b-48
pantone 2622 c c-57 m-98 y-0 k-46 r-84 g-7 b-9v1
pantone ds 254-1c c-100 m-0 y-50 k-0 r-0 g-169 b-157
pantone ds 6-1c c-0 m-20 y-100 k-10 r-232 g-185 b-9c
Secondary colors and textures are derived from the actualfinished guitar models pictured here. These can be used as alternative colors for the brandmark, backgrounds, and for color applcations on the Guitar “M”.
pantone ds 361-m c-69 m-0 y-100 k-0 r-84 g-185 b-72
3.5 Rebranding Minarik Guitars
f color is not practical or possible, the greyscale values must be used in all print and advertising collateral.
Pantone black 6 c
C-100, M-35, Y-0, K-100
Pantone PantoneCool Coolgray gray11 11cc
C-0, M-2, Y-0, K-68
Pantone Cool gray 9 c
C-0, M-1, Y-0, K-51
Pantone Cool gray 7 c
C-0, M-0, Y-0, K-37
Pantone Cool gray 5 c
C-0, M-0, Y-0, K-29
Pantone Cool gray 3 c
C-0, M-0, Y-0, K-17
he greyscale presented here is the approved range for banner backgrounds, brandmark variations, and other graphic uses.
b Rebranding Minarik Guitars
Bebas Neue- Headline Font abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Bebas Neue is the primary headline and tagline font. Mininum size should be no smaller than 24 pt, maximum size should be no larger than 80pts for posters and most applications. This font is for the main headline, tagline and company name. Headline size is not to exceed margins. Minimum headline size is 24pt. Headline length is a three word minimum.
Helvetica Neue-Secondary Font for Print Applications. Regular-abcdefg ABCDEFG Condensed Black- abcdefg ABCDEFG Light Italic-Abcdefg
News Gothic MT-Font-Print Applications
Helvetica Neue Condensed black can be used as a subsitute for Bebas Neue for headlines, taglines, subheads and call outs, if Bebas Neue is not available for use. The regular and light italic forms of this typeface can be used as and alternative for ads, brochures, business cards and copy when necessary.
Regular-abcdefg ABCDEFG
Recommended size if used for headlines and taglines is 24pt to 80pt. 12pt is standard for all copy, with flexibilty of 10pt to 18pt sizes.
Italic-abcdefg ABCDEFG
Guidelines Drop caps are acceptable, with a range of 30-80pts.
Bold-abcdefg ABCDEFG
News Gothic MT is the primary font for all copy. 12pt is the recommended size for all print uses. Maximum size is 18pt, with a minimum of 10pt is space is limited.
Verdana- Text Font-Web Applications Regular abcdefg ABCDEFG Verdana is the recommeded font for all web copy, for it’s legibility accross platforms. 12 pt is the ideal size for all web uses where applicable, however, in some cases where space is limited, 8pt size can be used, up to a max of 18ptx.
Some text slanting is acceptable for captions, headers and footers, with a right slant of 19-25 degrees. However, the company name, headline and and tagline must not be slanted, drop shadowed or blurred. Inner Glow and Bevel and Emboss, and Gradient effects can be used on head lines, taglines, and callouts for dramatic atmosphere.
Minarik Guitars
Minarik Guitars
Minarik Guitars
music. Mojo. Magic.
3.6 Rebranding Minarik Guitars
Minarik Guitars
Minarik Guitars
play with inspiration!
Minarik Guitars
Minarik Guitars
play with inspiration!
music. mojo. magic.
Minarik Guitars
Minarik Guitars play with inspiration!
Minarik Guitars Minarik Guitars
Minarik Guitars
minarik Guitars
minarik Guitars
Minarik Guitars
minarik Guitars
3.7 Rebranding Minarik Guitars
One of the primary uses for the logo will be used in terms of secondary advertising, ie t-shirts. These are various acceptable ways the approved Minarik color scheme can be used with the plain letttermark for t-shirts and other applications.
This section is intended to illustrate some of the numerous ways the Minarik Guitars lettermark can be rendered with the official color palette to reflect an array of graphic styles and colors that can be found in the Minarik product line of guitars. The goal of these variations is to creatively express the playfulness of the brand. Black or color stroke should be no more than 3-5pt. These forms can be used on t-shirts, baseball caps, pens and poster collateral.
3.8 Rebranding Minarik Guitars
Print & Type Specifications: Images:
Print Advertisement:
CMYK color mode 8 bit
The stacked logo banner is the standard format used with some exceptions. The Minarik Logo must be within the lower third of the page and be legible and well integrated in the overall compostion.
300 dpi resolution Format: JPEG | TIFF | RAW Body Copy: Height: 12pt. Leading: 14pt. Tracking: 0p0. Magazine: 51x 66 picas | 9pt bleed. Print Advertisements 51x66 picas| 9pt bleed. Variations: Headlines Sub Heads Callouts Minimum Logo Sizing: No less than 1� lengthwise for the horizontal banner logo. No less than 1/2� for the stacked banner logo..
For most print applications, particularly ads, Helvetica Neue Condensed Black is the preferred font for copy, headlines, sub heads and call outs. A note about grids: The layouts for Minarik Guitars employs a Golden Section grid of 568pt by 792pt 12 column grids with gutters of 6pts for all print materials and magazine spreads. Guidelines: Drop caps are acceptable for use with body copy in all print media, with a range of 30-80pts. Some text slanting is acceptable for captions, headers and footers, with a right slant of 19-25 degrees. However, the company name, headline and and tagline must not be slanted, drop shadowed or blurred. Other effects such as Inner Glow, with Bevel and Emboss, and some times Gradients can be used on headlines, taglines, and callouts for dramatic effect.
3.9 Rebranding Minarik Guitars
Play with inspiration! Rebranding Minarik Guitars
design solutions
Rebranding Minarik Guitars
Inarik Guitars presents a few examples of a new line of appropriate merchandizing uses the ornamaental version of the lettermark, on such items as t-shirts, guitar picks and coffe mugs.
4.0 Rebranding Minarik Guitars
18 x 24 poster art format: these examples are designed to be playful, sexy, eye candy to help promote the brand’s appeal among the 15-35 year old audience.
4.1 Rebranding Minarik Guitars
For all print media: Print resolution is 300 px/inch Screen resolution is 150 dpi 72 px/inch.
4.2 Rebranding Minarik Guitars
4.3 Rebranding Minarik Guitars
Minarik Guitars
Logo Placement for the portal screen to the Minarik Guitars website.
4.4 Rebranding Minarik Guitars
hank you to Full Sail, all the professors, and peers who helped to make this possible. The Minarik Guitar brand has a bright and promising future. The project book will be the road map to forming a creative yet cohesive image for Minarik Guiars. Use the style guide as a refence for how to present the brand mark, and use the variations as inspiration for making the brand Identity choices consistent while allowing for creative freedom in the presentations. Much appreciation to all the viewers who took time to tour this gallery of fine boutique guitars.
4.5 Rebranding Minarik Guitars
references 5.0
Rebranding Minarik Guitars
These images are already property of the client, or related clients, and are solely used for comp purposes during the proposal process.
11) Minarik promotional art used in slide presentation and SWOT analysis, copywrite, DoobieDawg found at:
1) Screen shots of fretboard inlay and detail work on Minarik Guitars, copyright holder, Arlene Goulart, originals found at:
2) Various Minarik Artist endorsees, and outside promo art that were used in print ads, copywrite Minarik Guitars: 3) Minarik Artist Danny B. Harvey images used in web comps, copywrite, Danny B. Harvey found at:{%22ImageId%22%3A849 1272}
12) Minarik Halo image used on web comp design, copywrite Minarik Guitars, found at: c105_108/p983/Minarik-Halo-Super-Custom-Series-Magical-Creatures-Inlay-withFREE-Case/product_info.html 13) Additional Minarik Guitar images, used on print and project book applications, copywrite Minarik Guitars, found at{%22ImageId%22%3A177 41207} ass+pic&cd=20&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a&
4) Minarik Artist, images used for web comps and print promotion, copywrite Cookie Cutter Girl found at:
14) Images of Minarik Artist Danielle Egnew used for print ads, copywrite Danielle Egnew found at:
5)Marc Minarik, Minarik Guitars promo ad, copywrite Minarik Guitars, found at:
15) Image of the late Flash Bathory used in web comp, copywrite American Musical Supply, found at:
6) Screen shots of additional fretboard inlay and detail work on Minarik Guitars, copywrite, Shark Inlay originals found at:
16) Additional Minarik Guitars images, copywrite Minarik Guitars found at:
7)Image of Dick Dale endorsement of Minarik Guitars from cached page of the original Minarik Guitars website, copywrite Minarik Guitars found at: 8) Image of Minarik Artist, Shredmistress, used for print ads and web comps, copywrite: 10) Images of Namm trade shows featuring Minarik products, copywrite, Amy Schugar found at:
Rebranding Minarik Guitars
These images are solely to be used for Comp purposes during the proposal process. If the client accepts the proposal, then the client must purchase the license for: 17) Gibson Les Paul photos for moodboards, copywrite Shutterstock found at: source=search_form&searchterm=les+paul&x=0&y=0 18) More Gibson stock images for moodboards, copywrite, Fotosearch, found at: 19) Guitar building workshop images used in moodboards, copywrite, Ultimate Guitar Building, found at: 20) Aerial view of downtown LA used as a background in the motion graphic piece, copywrite Fotosearch, found at: Stock Images of Aerial View Of Downtown Los Angeles u15902536 - Search Stock Photography, Poster Photos, Pictures, and Photo Clip Art - u15902536.jpg 21) Images of F-22 Raptor fighter jets used for the motion graphic piece, copywrite, found at: 22) Image of Amiria Devine, Goth Goddesses used for Minarik Goddess poster found at: 23)Apple Ipad, Iphone, and Imac images used on the Design Solutions spreads were found at: iphone?mco=MTAyNTQzMjI, 24). T-shirt photo for Minarik swag page found at: 25) Blue coffee mug photo used for the Minarik swag page found at:
Rebranding Minarik Guitars