Show and Tells Presentation By Brenda Suggestions: 1. Maybe for the upper grades the students can put in a magic box the item
that they´re going to present to the rest of the class. And the other students have to guess based in the clues that the presenter give to the rest of the class. The teacher gives the rule that we can only give the answer when the presenter is finished and then we can take the item from the box. For example: ! Good morning! My name is Luis The animal that I’m going to present Eats carrots, lives in the farm and jumps all the time.
2. For example if we are going to do a show and tell presentation of the
color red we can ask to the parents to send a craft with that color and we can put it in a corner of the class so the students can see the activities that all do at home. And also the presenter boy/girl can send the steps for parents of the other students to try to do at home.
3. For the upper grades that learn the letters. We can ask to them to bring
from home something that begins with that letter and put it in a bag. In another day we can say to the kids that choose some object and describe with basic vocabulary the thing in front of the other students.