12 minute read
The turbulence of the past year has proved a huge test for many couples in the midst of planning their weddings. Here’s how to keep your relationship strong through the stormiest of waters
words Hannah May
All you need is love, right? Well, not exactly. Though it is the most beautiful, bindingly human of all emotions, under certain circumstances, it takes something more to see us through.
The pandemic of the past year-and-a-half has affected us all. For some, it has seen seismic life changes; for others, a small shift in routine. For couples on their wedding planning journey, it has presented one of the most testing times of their entire relationship, with many being forced to tweak, postpone, re-plan, or even cancel their day.
As well as the obvious financial costs and huge expenditures of time, there have been much greater personal expenses, as couples have had to cope with the emotional and psychological impact that these enforced, stress-inducing and disappointing decisions have incurred.
We’ve spoken to some remarkable couples who share their stories of heartache and frustration while enlisting some expert advice to discover how they successfully navigated the stormiest of waters to emerge stronger, wiser and more in love than ever before...
When things fall apart
“James and I have booked our wedding for the fourth time,” reveals Camille. “Our first and original date was last year in July, however my mum passed away very suddenly in the February. I couldn’t go through with the wedding so soon without her.”
Sadly, their original venue reacted unsympathetically to their proposed postponement and they felt compelled to cancel it entirely, suffering a substantial financial dent. Opting for a smaller celebration to allow her to simultaneously mourn the loss of her mum, Camille’s next two wedding dates were also dashed due to Covid restrictions.
“I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve redone the order of service and table plans to be socially distanced, and invited or uninvited people,” she sighs. “I’ve had no hen do and there is no stag do, even though both were planned and then cancelled. And I’ve given notice again as the first one expired.”
She candidly discusses the emotional burden of the past year: a strange melding of melancholy, loss, hope and anxiety. “I’ve had many meltdowns, partly because of having to deal with organising a wedding without my mum,” she says. “I’m still grieving the loss of her and I’m so anxious about how the day will pan out without her.”
Another bride-to-be hoping that her fourth wedding date will come to fruition is Morwenna. “We were originally due to get married on 15th October 2020 and it broke our hearts when the first date was officially off the cards,” she confesses. “It was a rollercoaster from start to finish; we would rather have been told outright in the summer that things wouldn’t be changing, With desperation mounting, Morwenna’s perspective started to alter as she lost sight of her original vision. “The delays forced us into a spring wedding date in March, and then an early summer date in May, neither of which we truly wanted (as autumn is my favourite time of the year). We considered dropping to 30 guests and continuing in May to ‘get it out of the way’ before realising what we were saying and that we wouldn’t be able to celebrate properly with family if we did that,” she says.
Because of the protracted delays, Morwenna has continually paused and reassessed her plans, so that even though she still wants to get married, there are now other factors in play. “For us, getting married isn’t urgent; we’ve been together for six years and the commitment to one another is strong already. The ceremony is purely a celebration of our love, a snapshot in time to look back on where we are surrounded by our loved ones basking in that same love and happiness,” she expounds. “The urgency is now stemming from the losses that we’ve all suffered this year. My partner’s family have lost two members during the pandemic, and we’ve had another two close relatives heartbreakingly decline the invitation on health grounds.”
It’s a tale told many times over by couples who, rather than approaching their first-year anniversary, are still waiting in the wings. “My fiancé Tom and I postponed our wedding from March to May 2021 back in November 2020 and did feel more hopeful,” admits Jemma. “But we both knew in our hearts that this [small wedding] wasn’t what we wanted, that we were compromising on what we had planned to be an incredible day. But we didn’t want to disappoint each other, or let weddings take over our life! Weddings were all I could think about for weeks and my head felt ready to implode!” she says.
“On the day the news announced our wedding in May could proceed, we weren’t jumping for joy like we should have been. We sat down again and discussed our options. It wasn’t about having a huge party or not having to wear masks – it was about being able to share our love for each other in front of our family. The past year has not been easy for Tom’s family as we lost his amazing mum back in May. He deserved a wedding day that allowed him to be with his family for a happy occasion – a reason to celebrate.”
Better together
“Organising a wedding is a huge project that requires a lot of planning. The date itself is like an anchor, so with the emotional build-up, planning, and in many cases financial implications, having to then postpone and re-plan a wedding is a lot to deal with,” says couples therapist, Dr Kalanit Ben-Ari (kalanitbenari.com).
With the ever-changing Covid situation and its constant climate of uncertainty, couples have been catapulted between extremes of emotion like hope and despair, sorrow and joy, which has a draining impact individually and on their relationship.
“It’s been testing on a personal level for us,” admits Morwenna. “As a couple, we’ve coped well but there’s definitely been a frequent stressor hanging over us. The worst bit is knowing that our moment of happiness could be ripped away at any second.”
So what is the best way to deal with the sense of overwhelm and myriad moods you may find yourself in? “The most important thing in terms of your relationship with your partner is to acknowledge the situation and allow yourself to express whatever feelings it brings up,” advises Dr Ben-Ari. “Really listen to them and validate their point of view. You don’t have to agree with them, but the act of acknowledging the situation from their perspective and telling them that they make sense, may offer them the support they need.”
As Jemma wisely counsels: “Talk to your partner – talk, talk, talk – and make sure neither of you are feeling unheard. As the prospect of having to change our plans rapidly came into view, we were both very open about what we wanted and how we should proceed,” she says. “The openness of our communication and how we easily agreed on the same plan showed how well we know each other. Going through all this with Tom has only reaffirmed how good we are together.”
Dr Ben-Ari encourages couples facing adversity to be as communicative and as flexible as possible with each other, their ideas and – most importantly – their approach. “Put your energy and awareness into the areas where you do have control: how you relate to each other, how you support each other, how you can create connection and intimacy, how you raise each other up,” she says.
“Try to change your mindset to lightness and a sense of humour, and look for the positives – you now have time to plan more little details for your special day. Maybe make a fun movie about both of you to screen at the wedding or learn an impressive first dance to perform in front of your guests. See the extra time as an opportunity to be super creative.”

Look after yourself
Don’t forget that self-care is just as important as supporting one another, and it starts with an awareness of your own voice before sounding it out. “It’s important to acknowledge your inner dialogue,” says Dr Ben-Ari. “The nervous system reacts in different ways to particular thoughts. Your inner voice might be telling you: ‘This is a disaster and I don’t know how to handle this,’ or: ‘This is not what I wanted, but I’m pleased that we have more time to plan.’ It’s easy to feel like you don’t have any control over what’s happened as a result of the pandemic, but you have the power to control your reaction and change your mindset.”
With a primary focus on finding your common ground, you’ll then need to negotiate and accept your differences. “Be mindful that your partner may have a different kind of coping mechanism than yours,” cautions Dr Ben-Ari. “Some cope by distracting themselves from the issue, distancing themselves or withdrawing completely. Reach out with tenderness, compassion and love, and express yourself and what you need to feel supported non-judgementally, safely and openly.”
She suggests telling your partner how you’re feeling using positive words. For example, instead of saying: “You don’t understand me,” say: “I feel upset and lonely today. I need to tell you how I’m feeling, and it will be helpful if you can just listen.”
As we all know, life and loss can go hand in hand, and whether it’s a minor loss like the live band you’d set your heart on or a major one like the sudden death of a beloved, each prompts us to see everything exactly as it is and to allow space for our grief and gratitude in equal measure.
“You will get married, even if it is not at the time you had originally planned or wanted, and you have the rest of your lives to enjoy being married,” says Dr Ben-Ari. Think about the things in your life that make you feel grateful. Make a list, and every day add more and more positive things to it. This year is a chapter – it is not the whole book.”
Words of wisdom: Some final advice from our wise brides...
If you’re newly engaged and don’t know what to do, start looking around at your options. Just have it in the back of your mind that things could change. Have a Plan B date pencilled in until things become more settled and plan that ‘shadow’ wedding as thoroughly as you will with the first date, just in case.
I think the bottom line with this is that you have to make the decisions together as a couple. Don’t let anyone say you should be doing this or not doing this.
If you’re struggling with postponements, take that time away from your phone, and have a good cry, a takeaway and spend time with your partner. Ultimately, that’s what it’s all about anyway. Take the time to heal away from prying eyes and then power on like the strong person you are.
Many couples are in the same situation, so find a social group who are dealing with the same struggles and who can offer support to each other.
Dr Ben-Ari
Holly Young Millinery 07968 783320 hollyyoung.co.uk
KH Bridal 07748 847055 khbridal.com Your Beautiful Day 07412 454549 yourbeautifuldayuk.co.uk
Bridal wear
Bliss Bridal Gowns 01637 851163 blissbridalgowns.com Bridal Gossip 07476 786731 bridalgossip.co.uk Christine Trewinnard Couture 01726 842700 christinetrewinnard.co.uk Coastal Bridal 07476 099959 coastalbridal.co.uk Elaine Rawlings Bridal Boutique 01872 262271 elainerawlings.co.uk St Ives Bridal Boutique 01736 799413 stivesbridalboutique.co.uk The Bridal Studio 01326 560903 bridal-studio-helston.co.uk
Catering, cakes & bars
Absolute Chocolate 01872 540650 absolutechocolatefountains.co.uk Beautiful and the Feast beautifulandthefeast.com Beetham Food 01872 501002 beethamfood.co.uk Carnac Bars 07528 775099 carnacbarco.co.uk Cornwall Chef 07842 721894 cornwallchef.com Emily Hankins 07867 591519 emilyhankins.co.uk Good Food Catering Company 01840 211118 thegoodfoodcateringco.co.uk Kernowforno 07824 325633 kernowforno.co.uk Peboryon 07807 153091 peboryon.com The Buffalo 07931 266900 thebuffalo.co.uk Woodfired Weddings 07432 641941 woodfiredweddings.co.uk
Cornwall Childcare 07592 676259 cornwallchildcare.com
Stargazey Wedding Décor Hire 07881 863338 stargazeyweddingdecorhire.co.uk Trevarno Marquees and Event Hire 01209 831333 trevarnomarquees.co.uk
Classical Strings 01736 719342 classicalstrings.co.uk Fistral Stereo 07808 588705 fistralstereo.com The Great Little Band 07812 930004 thegreatlittleband.co.uk
Celebration Pyrotechnics 01208 78790 / 07814 014233 celebrationpyro.com Sonic Fireworks 01884 849222 sonicfireworks.co.uk Down by the River Florals 07837 166924 downbytheriverflorals.co.uk Fleurtations 01208 78555 fleurtationscornwall.com The Velvet Daisy 077906 92221 thevelvetdaisy.co.uk Tide Flowers 07801 365857 tideflowers.co.uk
Hens & stags
Bosinver 01726 72128 bosinver.co.uk
Absolute Canvas 01326 375747 absolutecanvas.co.uk Sunset Tipis 01209 891483 sunsettipis.com Trevarno Marquees & Event Hire 01209 831333 trevarnomarquees.co.uk Wild Tipi 01872 519323 wildtipi.co.uk
Little Anne-Maids 01209 613366 littleanne-maids.co.uk
Mother of the bride/groom
Holly Young Millinery 07968 783320 hollyyoung.co.uk
Grant Lampard Photography 07943 035436 grantlampardphotography.com Hannah Wilde Photography 07508 596322 hannah-wilde.com Joey Lamb Photography 07470 331337 joeylambphotography.com Liberty Pearl Photography 07863 889677 libertypearlphotography.com Lucy Turnbull Photography 01822 835961 lucyturnbull.co.uk Nick Bailey Photography 07816 251838 photobailey.com Noah Werth 07880 710093 noahwerth.co.uk Olivia WR Fine Art Photography 07470 056050 oliviawhitbread-roberts.com Paul Keppel Photography 07854 172143 paulkeppel.co.uk Ross Talling Photography 07525 781128 rosstalling.co.uk Stewart Girvan Photography 01209 480699 stewartgirvan.co.uk Thomas Frost Photography 07584 906088 thomasfrostphotography.com Toby Lowe Photography 07800 805081 tobylowephotography.co.uk Verity Westcott Photography 07412 364197 veritywestcottphotography.com
Rings & jewellery
Drakes 01752 227775 drakesjewellers.co.uk Emily Nixon 01736 887599 emilynixon.com Justin Duance 01736 368395 justind.co.uk Michael Spiers 01872 272264 michaelspiers.co.uk Stephanie Stevens 07817 239895 stephaniestevensjewellery.co.uk
Atlantic Hotel 01637 872244 atlantichotelnewquay.co.uk Beacon Crag 07815 311291 beaconcrag.com Boconnion 01208 220488 boconnion.co.uk Boconnoc 01208 872507 boconnoc.com Carbis Bay Hotel & Estate 01736 795311 carbisbayhotel.co.uk Charlestown Harbour 01726 70241 charlestownharbour.com Chypraze Wedding Barn 07834 971424 thecornishweddingbarn.co.uk Cornish Tipi Weddings 01208 880781 cornishtipiweddings.co.uk The Driftwood Spars 01872 552428 driftwoodspars.com Eden Project 01726 811911 edenproject.com Fowey Hall Hotel 01726 833866 foweyhallhotel.co.uk The Green 01579 362253 thegreencornwall.co.uk Gwel an Mor 01209 842354 gwelanmor.com Heartlands 01209 722325 heartlandscornwall.com Hendra Barns 01872 510884 hendrabarns.co.uk Hotel Tresanton 01326 270055 tresanton.com Hustyns Resort Cornwall 01208 893700 hustyns.co.uk Llawnroc Hotel 01726 843461 thellawnrochotel.co.uk Lower Barns 01726 844881 lowerbarnswedding.co.uk Lusty Glaze 01637 872444 lustyglaze.co.uk Nancarrow Farm 01872 540343 nancarrowfarm.co.uk The Old Quay House Hotel 01726 833302 theoldquayhouse.com The Park Cornwall 01637 860322 theparkcornwall.com Pencarrow 01840 250118 weddingsatpencarrow.com Pengenna Manor 01208 612221 pengennamanor.co.uk Polurrian on the Lizard 01326 240421 polurrianhotel.com The Rockpool 01736 449990 therockpoolbar.co.uk The Rosevine 01872 580206 rosevine.co.uk Scorrier House 01209 820264 scorrierhouse.co.uk Stennack Farm stennackfarm.com St Nectan’s Glen 01840 779538 st-nectansglenco.uk St Ives Harbour Hotel & Spa 01736 795221 stives-harbour-hotel.co.uk Tredudwell Manor 01726 870226 tredudwellmanor.co.uk Trelowarren 01326 221224 trelowarren.com Tremenheere Sculpture Gardens 01736 448089 tremenheere.co.uk Trenderway 01503 272214 trenderwayweddings.co.uk Treseren 07808 581847 treseren.co.uk Trevenna 01579 320013 trevennaweddings.co.uk The Vean 01872 500025 thevean.co.uk
Wedding planners
Jenny Wren Weddings & Events 07885 648462 jennywrenweddingsandevents.co.uk Your Beautiful Day 07412 454549 yourbeautifuldayuk.co.uk