MIRI_Miriam Dornemann

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REPRESENTED BY BRENDA MANLEY DESIGNS Header: Saveu r SA ns R eg ul ar Lorem i p s u m d olor sit a me t Body Copy: Arial Regular Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt.


M iri D - t h e bra n d Miriam‘s brand is a delightful fusion of whimsy, sophistication, and distinctive creativity. Her clear and textured style, primarily digital yet embracing the hand made feeling of traditional art, is a testament to her artistic versatility. Specializing in creating large collections and greeting cards, Miriam captivates her audience with intricate details and a sophisticated, friendly color palette that is instantly recognizable. Her love for crafting extends beyond illustration, as she serves as an author for craft and sewing books in Germany, collaborating with the prestigious Frechverlag publisher, a member of the Penguin Random House family. Miriam‘s designs, marked by cute and occasionally humorous details, resonate with those who appreciate a touch of whimsy. Living on the edge of the German Alps, Miriam draws inspiration from the rich cultural mosaic of Europe, with easy access to Austria, Italy, Switzerland, and France influencing the tapestry of her work. With a 15-year tenure at Frechverlag, Miriam‘s contributions include best-selling sewing books and innovative collaborations, such as the Bulli camper van and Beetle craft set project with VW. Notably, she achieved a personal milestone through a collaboration with an American quilt company, resulting in a lush fabric collection.

M iri D - t h e IL LU ST RATOR Miriam Dornemann, the person behind the brand, brings a unique blend of administrative law and politics education and a passion for creativity to her career. Transitioning from her initial career path, she started an apprenticeship in an advertising company, furthering her education in marketing. Miriam worked in-house for a paper craft company, contributing to craft papers and sets. After her son‘s birth, she embraced freelance work as an illustrator and author. Beyond her creative pursuits, Miriam is an avid traveler and nature enthusiast, finding inspiration in the energy of large cities but also the serene beauty of the mountains where she resides. Her creative process involves starting with rough sketches on her iPad, refining line work for intentional wonkiness, and adding vibrant colors to bring her creations to life.

Char acter design

FA bric collection s

FA bric collection s


I n stagr a m www.instagram.com/miriddesign Audience Demographics Ages 35-54 Woman 96% Men 4% Followers 1.6 K Top Countries Germany United States United Kingdom

Gr ee tin g ca r ds

Placemen t Pr ints

P ub lishe d books

M ir i D - t h e Au t h or Miriam has been cooperating with the Frechverlag Publisher in the past 15 years. During this time she has written and illustrated over 20 books for the craft and sewing market. Several of her books have reached best seller ranks and have been translated into French and Spanish. For 2024, one Christmas craft book and two papetery products are on the way. Frechverlag Publishing with its TOPP craft books is a member of the Penguin Random Family.

F O R I N Q U I R I E S , C O N TA C T

BRENDA MANLEY DESIGNS brenda@brendamanleydesigns.com

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