Get Organized & Increase Your Home’s Value It almost sounds too good to be true, the thought that there‟s a way to take your home‟s organization to the next level while simultaneously making it more valuable. The former is important because let‟s face it, clutter has become a fact of life for most people, and combating it can sometimes feel like a full time occupation. That‟s bad of course, because you‟ve already got a full time job, and you certainly don‟t need another! The latter is great because if you‟re planning to sell your home at some point and get another, then the more things you can do to enhance your current home‟s value, the better off you‟ll be when the time comes to put it on the market. In both cases, you should consider a custom-built closet!
They Make ‘em Better Than They Used To The simple truth is that most closets are boring, and really, not all that functional. Most builders don‟t spend any time thinking about closets, and why should they? Everybody knows what a “regular” closet looks like, and that‟s all most people expect. In this case though, custom closets flip the script, turning the old saying, “they don‟t make „em like they used to” on its head. Actually, today‟s custom closets are heads and shoulders better than the plain, old, boring closet because they‟re designed with human use in mind. Specifically, with your uses, preferences and desires in mind.
So for instance, if you have several dozen (or hundred) pairs of shoes and need to get them organized so you can find that favorite pair of pumps, you can have a custom-designed closet geared to that purpose. Likewise, if your home doesn‟t have a pantry, but you‟ve always wanted one, that‟s easy to do, and not only that, but a pantry is one of those things that everybody loves Jewelry Armoire Furniture because it‟s so convenient, so here again, when the time comes to sell your place, having one is as good as money in the bank.
Thinking outside the Box When you think of custom closets, don‟t limit your thinking to just closets though. The same companies that can build the closet specially designed to help you organize and store your shoes, or hats, or whatever you have a passion for can also help you design a beautiful and functional home office space, or a custom washroom. A word of warning though: Once you‟ve got your first custom closet and seen firsthand what a difference it can make, you‟re probably going to find it something of an addiction and want another. Who can blame you really? They‟re stylish, attractive, and specifically designed around how you plan to use them and what you need them to do for you. Closets need never be boring again, and after you‟ve seen a few examples, you‟ll never look at closet space the same way again.
If you‟ve already got the custom closet bug, or if you‟re intrigued and want to know more, then don‟t hesitate to get in touch with us. When it comes to custom closets in Long Island, nobody has more experience than we do. We‟ll be happy to assess your space and work with you to design the perfect solution for you, perfectly customized to your needs, tastes, and desires. You don‟t know what you‟ve been missing, but we invite you to find out!