Business Advertising In A Social Media World DOWNLOAD HERE
If youve never thought about Advertising in the same breath as social media - maybe its time to start! Why You Do - Or Dont - Need Business Advertising in a Social Media World! They tell you that social networking is the latest, greatest thing when it comes to building your business online and in many ways, theyre right. Youre pretty sure your list has increased from all your Twitter tweets and Facebook efforts. But how much actual income has all this social networking generated? (Especially if youre one of the countless-as-the-sea marketers saying: Hey, I just dont have the time) And as for placing ads on social networks well you really hadnt thought much about it. Wont all that article marketing [you never have time to do] and [irregular] blogging do the trick? Isnt that what social media is for? Social networking is interactive, so it gets you connected with your readers and it wins you friends but what about the dollars? So what is social media good for, anyway? (A lone voice pipes up placing advertisements you discover you have a hard time even remembering any on the social networks you haunt) Theres a secret in that thought, that you may be completely missing! The truth is, you were so busy on those social networks (when you had the time) being engaged with who you were talking to or the titillating stuff you were reading or the game you were playing social media and advertising has been the last thing on your mind Have You Been Ignoring Advertising Especially when it comes to Social Media? If your answer is uh yes or what advertising?, well, the discouraging truth is youre not alone. In fact, you can squeeze right in among the herd of other busy and distracted internet marketers. Its the minority who are actively advertising who usually see the biggest result! But what if you could get a handle on advertising, once and for all, without ever having done any? And that includes getting a handle on traditional online advertising and setting up a long-term advertising plan as well as learning about the advantages and disadvantages of advertising on social media? Its the 2 Marketing Tactics you Ignore That Keep You Forever Waiting For Success I cant remember which master marketer said that, but Ive certainly found this to be true. Just think of figure skaters its usually one jump, or one tiny element of finesse they lack, that keeps them off the podium for years, dreaming of that gold medal. It might surprise you to know that a lot of world class figure skaters are just like many internet marketers: * Dedicated * Passionate * Willing
to go the distance * Secretly filled with despair - Despair, because that medals always out of reach. Then they get a new coach or come up with new approach to an old problem (often seeing something theyd always taken for granted with new eyes). They fix that single, frustrating element and before you know it, theyre waving their first medal at the TV cameras! Its the Stuff You Dont Think About or That You Easily Dismiss That Can Keep You Just Steps from Success: Im talking about those few fine details that need perfecting. And when it comes to business advertising online and social media, that means keeping up to date on: * The 7 most common types of online advertising - and why these models may not be the best ones for your particular business * The 21st century social disaster largely responsible for the increase in online interactivity * 2 critical factors that put online advertisings reputation into a sour spot - and contributed to the sinking of Googles ultimate authority * Why social media works, the gap it successfully fills - and how understanding that can help you better target your advertising * The single biggest mistake most small advertisers make, when it comes to social media advertising * The 3-step grounding you have to have, before you can achieve any sort of advertising success * The single most important thing you must never do, if you want someone to react favorably to your ad on a social site * The shocking online statistic reported by people who work and play online * The online face to face simulation social media can provide - and what it does to your web credibility * 2 dangers to beware of, when advertising on social media sites * 5 social media advertising advantages and the one time you should go for them all You see, its not enough for me to show you, piecemeal, a small part of the puzzle. What you need to know is the unique way all online advertising fits together, to make the most of your social media sites. Hey, it could be that youd do better not to place ads on it at all. And then again, you might have the perfect business to go viral or achieve spectacular success if only you know how to advertise it effectively on the right social media site. Grasp This and Youll Stay On Top of Effective Advertising Forever Its not enough to focus strictly on social media advertising, however along with the detailed information you need, its good to know exactly how it all fits within your marketing plan. To return to our figure skating example, there were two famous coaches. Both produced world class contenders but Coach # 1 insisted on rigid control, teaching his skaters the exact moves his way and demanding absolute, unthinking obedience. As a result, his students could only jump the jumps he taught them, exactly the way they were shown; and they were often criticized for lacking the subtle nuances and adaptability of gold medal performance. Coach # 2 taught his students all about momentum, gravity, motion mechanics and the dynamics of movement. He
helped them understand the principles of motion mechanics principles they could adapt and apply to any figure skating move, program or situation. In other words, they got the whole picture. And guess whose students were consistently not occasionally in the medals? Thats right. Coach # 2. Its just the same with your marketing plan and advertising even when youre tackling a subject as specific as advertising on social media. Without a proper grounding, youll feel like youre fumbling, half in the dark. Youll feel like you need more instruction. And before you know it, youll be buying the next likely eBook, in the never-ending quest for the right information. I dont want you to have to do that! Thats why Ive written this XX-page Special Report, Business Advertising in a Social Media World. Its by no means 10 years of Olympic coaching but it will give you not only concrete information about the Top 10 specific social media platforms set against a backdrop of solid, basic advertising information it will also give you: * A Social Media Advertising Map - 18 platforms divided into 3 basic types of ad service and what theyre best suited for * 18 Social Media Platform Profiles - A short but expanded thumbnail review of each * 3 useful, basic worksheets, to help you plan your social media advertising campaign while keeping basic advertising necessities in mind It will also fill you in on: * The 12 steps of any successful advertising campaign - and extras you need to know about social media * 2 simple elements in social media site advertising that can really help you super-brand your business * The difference between Advertising and Promotion - and the extra advantage social media advertising brings * 2 dangers to avoid, when advertising on social media sites * 5 social media advertising advantages - and the one time you should go for them all When youve finished this special report, you wont be an expert but you will have a simple but solid grounding on social media advertising; its benefits and advantages too. Youll have 3 handy worksheets to help you organize your thoughts and resources and start making a solid advertising plan right down to whether or not including social media advertising is right for your business! But make no mistake we will talk about the advantages (and disadvantages of advertising on social media Well cover the unique set of pros and cons, including: * The top 10 social networking sites - and why a particular one may not be right for your advertising campaign * The fatal but logical mistake marketers often make, when deciding to advertise on a social network * The 2-step advertising basic you have to know, before focusing on social media * Social media explained and why these 2 key elements provide such a lure
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