Ferdinand Magellan
.Intro page 5,4 .biography page 6,7 .why did he go page 8,9 .how did he Change the w .where did I get my info fro .the end page 14,15
world page 10,11
om 12,13
My biography is about Ferdinand Magellan.Ferdina nd Magellan was the first one around the world!
Biography Early life Magellan was born in 1480 Portugal Sabrosa.when Magellan was young Magellan studied map making and west east south and north.Magellan dream was to follow Christopher Columbus's footsteps . He also served the Spanish king .before he was a explorer he was a soldier . Explorer life He wanted to find a faster route from Spain to the spice island,because in spice islands there are lots of spices that Europe and they can also sell it for lots of money.so he organized an expedition with the Spain king.so he made the Spain king to have enough materials for his voyage. But he got off course and he didn't find and he sailed for a while and got less food.he experienced his first battle in 1509 he used an axe for battling. Death On 16 march 1529 Magellan reached the Philippines. The 2 Philippine tribes were attacking each other but Magellan got involved in the fight. But he died. Most of the people died but 16 of 208 came back.
This is Magel lan's ship.
Ferdina nd Magell an
His rou te.
Why did he go He went because he wanted to find a shorter way from Spain to the spice islands.
Spice islands
How did it cha
People thought the but thanks to Mage Know that the wor
ange the world
e world was flat ellan people rld is round.
Where I go
http://www.biography.com/people/ferdinand http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferdinand_Mag http://www.google.co.kr/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=f %20magellan&source=web&cd=22& http://www.google.co.kr/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=f +magellan&source=web&cd=16&ved=0CD
ot my info from
ferdinand DEQFjAFOAo&
The end