Neil Armstrong

Page 1

Neil Armstrong

By :N a

It is a non-fiction report!!!




Content Page 4 and 5 - Neil Armstrong pictures. Page 6 and 7 - surprising fact and inserting fact about Neil. Page 8and 9-some more picture. Page 10 and11-when did Neil Armstrong died. Page 12 and13-some image. Page14 and 15-the end.

Neil Armstrong picture

!" " a picture of Neil Arm#rong in $ moon!

!" " a picture of Neil

Arm#rong bu%ed

Surp%sing fact and inter#i Arm#rong

Neil Arm#rong mar%ed two tim'

Neil Arm#r at $ sea.

On $ Moon )ere was a Neil Arm#rong footp%nt!

ing fact ab&t Neil

rong was bu%ed

Neil Arm#rong have 2 sons and 1daughter but h" daughter dead!

Some mo

!" " a picture of Neil

Arm#rong and h" f%end!

!" " h" signature!

ore picture

When *d Neil Arm

m#rong *ed!

!" " a picture of Neil

Arm#rong in

world war 1. He *ed on Augu# 25 2012!

Some ima+s!

!ank y& very much!!!

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