Transfer the book

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Transfer the book

Transfer the book, is the result of a thoroughly investigation and observation of Mexican handcrafts. Each of these objects is more than just an ornament; it has a purpose and a meaning behind. It has an essence that emanates from the people and it is important to encourage its further transmission. To transfer is to convey; to convey from one object to one person or the other way around. Each object serves to the people of their belonging society as both mirrors and codices, in which they may perceive their reflection and that of their history and past. Nowadays due to an industrialized futuristic type society, the essence and history of this objects has been left behind and attention is only given to their physical traits; which often leads to the acquisition of cheap industrialized copies, with no meaning or essence behind them. Because of this reason, this book has been made. Rather than transferring each object as a mere physical being, Transfer the book, aims to convey the meaning behind each element, step or detail in each handcraft object. With the usage of very simple illustrations in a plain color, attention is directed into the important details, which give meaning to each object; rather than having the viewers attention distracted by the colorful abundant decoration found on the original objects. For this first version of the book, three different handcrafts are presented: the pi単ata, the petatillo pottery and the tastoanes masks.



The vessel represents Satan, it attracts people with its apearance...

candies and gifts inside represent the unkown pleasured he offers as a temptation to man...

the seven spikes, re present the seven deadly sins; lust, g l u t t o n y, g r e e d , s l o t h , w r a t h , e n v y a n d p r i d e . . .

faith is represented by a blind folded person who destroys the evil spirit and gets a sweet reward.


.Petatillo P o tt e r y

Fr o m s o i l a n d d u s t a f i g u r e p l a t e e m e r g e s. . .

repetitive motifs of a geometrical style are used to decorate the outer frame...

the center is decorated with nature inspired motifs, like p l a n t s a n d a n i m a l s. . .

the backg round is covered with cross hatch lines, inspired on a “petate� a palm mat used to sleep in villages weaved with cross hatch technique.

.Masks Tastoanes ii

Each tastoan warrior is in charge of making his own mask...

the vase of the mask is painted in two colors refer ring to a n c i e n t wa r r i o i r w h o p a i n t e d t h e i r f a c e s. . .

exagerated amorphos features provide character as well as fear and anger to the mask...

animals like spiders, snakes or scor pions are added and are s i g n a l o f t h e n a t ive way o f l i f e t h r o u g h f o r e s t s a n d f i e l d s. . .

points cover the mask as decoration and make allusion to the sickness brough by the Spanish...

cow or horse hair is added to the masks to represent the tribes authentic look.

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