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Special Thanks
To our Performing Arts Parents Association (PAPA), we give our heartfelt appreciation for your tireless support in making theater fun and possible for our young actors, musicians, dancers and crew.
Thanks to Mike Barton for help with set construction and Tom Wisnosky for help preparing the orchestra. Although your kids have graduated from Notre Dame, you both still enthusiastically lend us a hand with your expertise. We are very grateful.
Thanks to Nancy Tamasi for help with makeup techniques on masks and prosthetics. Our crew truly enjoyed learning from you.
Also, special thanks to the many unnamed people who contributed hours of prop building, set construction, set painting, costume sewing, and the other numerous tasks performed for the love of Notre Dame theater. Your boundless energy and assistance give us the opportunity to raise the bar for our productions.
Thanks to those of you who donated props, costumes, and other items to help us keep our costs down so our goals may be high.
And finally, we thank all our parents/guardians who somehow arrange their lives around our rehearsals, costume fittings, and setbuilding/painting schedules. It is truly recognized and appreciated.
Thanks to everyone who made another great NDHS production!
While every effort was made to include all names in the program prior to going to press, we sincerely apologize for any names that were omitted.