6 minute read
6530 Women of Faith, Service and Leadership (10, 11, 12)
2.5 Credits 40 Minutes, 1 Semester This course will explore the lives of women who answered God’s call to lead, to serve and to inspire from biblical times to the present. The significant contributions of women who have made a difference will inspire students to make a difference, too. Emphasis will be placed on how students can actively create a more just and compassionate world. This course is open to both boys and girls.
7100 Art 1
5 Credits 80 minutes, 1 Semester A 5 credit, 80-minute art survey course that is geared toward students of all skill levels. Students create both 2 and 3 Dimensional projects, explore practices in drawing, painting, sculpture and design, while being given a high degree of choice over selfexpression with enough structure to help beginners grow creative confidence. The course also explores artists and art styles from the Renaissance to Modern Day. This course is a prerequisite for Art 2, Art 3 and AP Art.
7105 Art 2 (10, 11, 12)
5 Credits 80 minutes, 1 Semester A 5 credit, 80-minute art course that is geared toward students who wish to expand more on their drawing, painting and design skills learned in Art 1. The course focuses on media exploration and project creation with a high degree of creative expression. Materials overviewed include pencil, marker, colored pencil, charcoal, pastel, watercolor, gouache, acrylic paint and oil paint. Art 1 is a prerequisite. Students skipping the prerequisite for Art 2 should request a portfolio review from Mrs. Brydges to determine eligibility.
7115 Honors Art 3 (11, 12)
5 Credits 80 Minutes, 1 Semester A 5 credit, 80-minute art course that is geared toward serious art students, as well as those looking to build an art portfolio. This course allows students the ability to explore themes and ideas of their choosing while further exploring media and techniques learned in Art 1 and 2. Art 3 also prepares students to take AP Art. Art 1 and Art 2 are prerequisites. Students skipping the prerequisites for Art 3 should request a portfolio review from Mrs. Brydges to determine eligibility.
7130 AP Art (11, 12)
5 Credits 80 Minutes, 1 Semesters A 5 credit, 80-minute art course that is geared toward serious art students looking to explore projects and ideas in drawing, painting, photography, printmaking, animation, graphic design, architecture, interior design, fashion design, film or other 2D art forms. Students who wish to take this course will have the opportunity to build an extensive art portfolio and take the AP exam for a chance at college credit. Art 1 and one additional 2D art course (either Art 2, Art 3 or Graphic Design) are prerequisites. Students skipping the prerequisites for AP Art should request a portfolio review from Mrs. Brydges to determine eligibility.
7200 Illustration and Character Design
2.5 Credits 40 Minutes, 1 Semester A 2.5 credit, 40-minute art course geared toward all skill level students who enjoy cartoons, animation and comics that wish to explore basics in art making and character development. Students will investigate ideas around character design, world building and story illustration while learning techniques in pencil, colored pencil, marker and watercolor. A high degree of creative thinking and problem-solving is emphasized throughout the course. No prerequisite. *This course does not count as a prerequisite toward Art 2, Art 3 or AP Art.
7210 Multicultural Art Studies
2.5 Credits 40 Minutes, 1 Semester Multicultural Art Studies focuses on the richness and diversity of art across cultures and time through connecting art history with art practice. Lessons will begin with the introduction of a culture, an investigation of that culture’s creative practices and a discussion of the cultural impact and importance of those practices. Students will
be required to actively compare the perspective of each of the cultures studied with that of the Catholic perspective. Each lesson will end with a hands-on studio experience where students create work inspired by that culture. Students interested in the fields of History, Cultural Studies, Anthropology, Visual Arts, Art History and Education would benefit from this course.
7300 Fundamentals of 3-D, Emphasis in Ceramics
2.5 Credits 40 Minutes, 1 Semester Students will have the opportunity to explore the world of art through the study of three- dimensional art including ceramics. The course will include an introduction to theory, history and art with projects emphasizing 3-D construction and ceramics. This course is ideal for students who are interested in learning about the visual arts and investigating careers such as fine arts, art education, architecture, engineering, and fiber design. Limited openings available for grades 10, 11 and 12.
7310 Ceramics (10, 11, 12)
5 Credits 80 Minutes, 1 Semester Ceramics is a 3-D art form using clay. The contents of this course include: basic hand building techniques (pinch, oil, drape, slab and press), color slips, glazing and decorating techniques.
7320 Advanced Ceramics (11, 12)
5 Credits 80 Minutes, 1 Semester This course is a continuation of Ceramics. The techniques learned in Ceramics will be applied to make large functional pieces and sculptural forms. The course will involve basic techniques for wheel throwing ceramic pieces, advanced glazing and decorating techniques, glaze preparation, stacking and firing kilns and preparing for art shows. Prerequisite: 85 average in Ceramics.
7340 3-Dimensional Design (10, 11, 12)
5 Credits 80 Minutes, 1 Semester This basic course involves exploring the fundamentals and principles of 3-D forms using space, balance, unity and structure. Formation and structure of positive and negative space is investigated. Use of tools and media are introduced. Clay and sculpture will be introduced. Prerequisite: Art 1 or Fundamentals of 3-D, Emphasis in Ceramics and Sculpture.
7400 Introduction to Graphic Design (10, 11, 12)
5 Credits 80 Minutes, 1 Semester A 5 credit, 80-minute computer-based, digital design course that is geared toward students of all skill levels. The course is an introduction to using tools in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator while also developing design skills. Topics explored include digital photo editing and manipulation, color and design, typography and logo design. No prerequisite.
7410 Film Production (11, 12)
5 Credits 80 Minutes, 1 Semester The Film Production course is a hands-on approach to filmmaking and the business of film. Students in this course will experience all five stages of Film Production: Development, Preproduction, Production, Post-production, and Distribution. Each student will operate as a member of a production team in several different capacities. Some of the production roles each student will play include: Producer, Cinematographer, Writer, and Editor. Students will build a production portfolio of filmmaking exercises, a short film, a documentary, and a music video. The business of filmmaking includes lessons in scheduling, financing, budgeting, marketing, merchandising and legal issues. It is not necessary for students to have any experience, but students must be willing to collaborate and work in teams. (Communications Concentration, Applied Science Concentration)
7420 Advanced Film Production (11, 12)
5 Credits 80 Minutes, 1 Semester Students who have completed Film Production may elect to take the course again at a more advanced level. In Advanced Film Production, students are given the time and guidance to develop the skill set they began to form in the initial course. More advanced producing, directing, lighting and editing techniques are