YFL FamilyMint Program Guide The YFL FamilyMint program is a volunteer opportunity to introduce financial principles to today’s youth. There will not be any compensation awarded to the agent. This is NOT a venue to advertise your FES business or the United Credit service. The YFL does not accept “leads” for the FamilyMint program. If you know of a school that may be interested in bringing the program into their classrooms, it will be your responsibility as a FES Agent Volunteer to introduce and answer any questions regarding implementation. You must be an Executive Sales Director or above to implement the program. If you are not an ESD or above, but have contacted a school that is interested in the FamilyMint program and would like to volunteer your time, you can contact an ESD in the business and work alongside them to submit the Workbook Order Form and begin the program.
What is the YFL FamilyMint Program? The YFL FamilyMint Program is an 8 week course that introduces fundamental financial principles to classrooms across the United States. The YFL covers the FamilyMint Workbook cost for each participating student in the classroom. After the course has been completed, the students are awarded a certificate of completion and the YFL will pay for a “graduation pizza party.” The YFL will also make a monetary donation to the school based on the amount of students that have completed the program. The YFL FamilyMint Program also has an online portal that can be used in conjunction with the Workbooks, or independently, to aid in the learning process. Access to the online program is available for all FES Protection Plan Members to utilize with their friends and family (Login > FamilyMint tab).
What are my responsibilities as an FES Agent Volunteer? Read all material regarding the program, including this Program Guide and all documents in the FES Protection Plan under the FamilyMint section. As a FES Agent Volunteer, it is your responsibility to make the contact with the school, explain the program and answer any questions. If you receive any questions you do not have the answer to, you can email info@yflfoundation.org for assistance. You will also help the school decide upon a program start date and provide us with the FamilyMint Workbook Order Form. We recommended that you assist or present the initial program launch to the classroom. You should check on the progress of the program throughout the process and arrange the graduation ceremony: award certificates to the students (located on the back of their FamilyMint Workbooks), assist with the pizza order and offer any other additional help requested by the school. You will then be required to provide the YFL will a list of the students that have completed the program and you are asked to take pictures and obtain feedback from students, teachers and/or school administrators to document the event. The success of the program execution is based on your willingness to volunteer your time and efforts to the foundation.
How do I make the contact through a school or organization? Many FES Agent Volunteers have connected the program with existing contacts they have through a school system or organization. If you wish to reach out to your own child’s school or a local school in your area, any contact that can help begin the program implementation is appropriate, be it a teacher, principle or organization leader.
What do I use to introduce the program? The Program Instructors Guide is available to you in the FES Protection Plan under the FamilyMint tab. This guide outlines exactly how the program should be delivered. Other documents in this section include a letter to teachers & parents with FAQs, an FES Agent Volunteer Checklist, the YFL Workbook Order Form as well as direct links to Sample YFL Booklet pages, informational videos, and the YFL FamilyMint website & online program. You can also provide the Official YFL website: www.YFLFoundation.org.
At what point do I contact YFL? The YFL will not need to be involved in the initial connection to the school. Once the program has been introduced and the school/organization is ready to move forward and utilize the program in their classroom, the FES Agent Volunteer or Classroom Instructor can fill out the YFL FamilyMint Workbook Order Form. When that form is received by our offices, the YFL will reach out to the contact on the form to ensure the proper shipment amount and location, start date and answer any final questions.
What does the YFL pay for and cover? The YFL will cover the FamilyMint Workbook cost for every student going through the program, as well as pay for a pizza party at the ending graduation ceremony. The YFL will also make a monetary donation to the school based on the amount of students that complete the program. The FamilyMint Online Program can also be used alongside the workbooks as an additional learning tool and is available free to the students utilizing the program. These accounts can be created through the website listed in their YFL booklet. Any additional promotional materials desired to be used by the FES Agent Volunteer- shirts for the program leaders, banners, etc. are to be covered by the FES Agent Volunteer, as to ensure all YFL funds are used strictly for the actual program and can benefit as many students as possible.
How much time do I need to allow between the workbook order and the program start date? For multiple classroom orders, please allow 4 weeks from the time the booklet order form is submitted to the program start date. For single classrooms or smaller groups, 2 weeks is an appropriate amount of time to fulfill and ship out the order.
How many students per classroom are required to implement the program and to receive a donation? There is not a limit to the amount of students that are required for the program implementation, but the donation will be based on the amount of students that complete it. The donation amount will be discussed once the YFL has received the FamilyMint Workbook Order form and the YFL has reached out to the program contact. Donations are based off of $500 for every 35 students that complete the program. Therefore, if 15 students go through the program, the donation will be $215. If the 45 students go through the program, the donation will be $645, etc. Larger donations may be available under special circumstances.
Is the program only for school classrooms? The program can be utilized for youth groups, church groups, afterschool programs, etc, as long as there is enough time to run the course in its entirety and an appropriate program leader can lead its instruction.
What age group/grade level is the FamilyMint Program directed towards? The FamilyMint program is aimed at grades 5-9. We have also received excellent feedback from classrooms whose students are slightly older but are overcoming learning challenges or have not reached a standard 9th grade education level.
How long is the FamilyMint course? The FamilyMint course is typically run for 8 weeks, but is flexible based on the classrooms implementation. Many times the FES Agent Volunteer, upon agreement with the school/teacher, will host the first class and graduation ceremony, while the teacher decides how to fit the program into their course. The material can be done together as a class or assigned as homework to the students, but the Workbook must be completed in its entirety in order to receive the donation.
Is the program available in other languages? Currently, the YFL FamilyMint program is only available in English.
Any other questions or inquiries should be submitted to info@yflfoundation.org