Intolerance - 2nd Period

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Immigration in the 1920s

Joyce K, Babu Aryal, Sebontu Lema, Tony Halvorsen

Table of Contents: Page 2 & 3: What happened to America in the 1920s Page 4 & 5: Evolution of the Ku Klux Klan Page 6 & 7: The City and the New Settlers Page 8: African Americans Page 9-11: Creative Product Page 12: Editorial Page 13: Citations


What happened to America in the 1920s By: Sebontu As an American citizen what comes first to our mind when we talk or think about immigrants is who comes to our country. How we ever think they are important for our countries and accept them with a good hospitality, how we ever consider them as one part of an american citizen after they stay a lot and make a lot of good things for the country. Immigrants come all over the world to the US to find better life and by escaping poverty, war and different kind of problems . Most of them were from Asia, Southern and Eastern Europe, Mexico, and Africa. Most of the immigrants were skillful and important to the United Stats More than one million catholic immigrants came from Italy, Ireland, and elsewhere lived in Chicago. They brought Catholicism to America and also the Anglo american (those of british descent) and the well known anarchists Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman. They were deported from Russia, lived in Chicago. The other Asian immigrants were from Japan, India (were the former farmers from the punjab region), China, Philippines, and Korea but the majorities are the Japanese. They were settled in California. California is home for a lot of Asian and Mexician immigrants.


Most of the immigrants were skilled and important. For example: Mexican american lay irrigation pipes in Ventura County, California in 1920. Many Hispanic Americans had served in the U.S armed forces during WW I. Other immigrants comes with some skills which helps America in Art. For example Diego Rivera (mexican immigrant) founded the mexican art school. So we all have to know that immigrants are helpful for our countries and America is America because of the immigrants who came since the country was found. We all have to be fair and accept other immigrants who are coming to our country, because we have to know we all are immigrants, or our old families were immigrants to this country, we have to grow and help our country. Let’s make America as big and good as possible.


By: Babu Aryal


The Klan was first made in the 1860s, but they fell because the upreme Court declared them Unconstitutional. The KKK was reborn on 920s after the movie “The Birth of a nation� by DW Griffith. This movie howed what the KKK did and made it more popular so, more people ined it. The movie portrayed African Americans as lazy and dangerous hich also contributed to more white men joining the Klan. The Klan had million members at its peak during 1925 but fell down to about 30,000 embers during the end of the 1920s. The KKK also had other groups uch as the WKKK (Women of the Ku Klux Klan), the Ku Klux Kiddies, nd much more. The KKK rose to power because of the fear of new immigrants. The mmigrants were scared of them because they attacked at night. The Klan timidate their victims by burning crosses and being really violent which everely injures them, or even kills them. They killed their victims usually y hanging, kidnapping, and whipping them. They mainly targeted frican Americans but they would also target immigrants such as Jews, atholics, and even people from the LGBTQ. Since the KKK was mainly the South, many immigrants moved to the north to be safe from them nd to get jobs. Since immigrants started going north the Klan also started igrated to the north. The Nativists goals were not good for America because they were cist. The KKK were very racist and were violent to anyone that was not pure American. The KKK was the worst group in my opinion because ey were the most racist and the most evil compared to anyone else at is time. One way we could stop the KKK is by banning it. We could tell e government to make it illegal for immigrants to be eated this way.


The City And The New Settlers By: Joyce

Industrial development had created a demand for manufactured goods and jobs were created in the industrial cities of the north. As a result, black people from the south started to migrate north and west to look for work. Most of them moved to cities such as New York, Chicago and Detroit. The relationship between black and white people deteriorated as people moved into the cities of the north. Black areas developed within these cities which were called ghettos, such as Harlem in New York. This was one of the factors that sparked the increase in the membership of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). The Immigration Act Of 1924, or Johnson- Reed Act, including the National Origins Act, and Asian Exclusion Act, was a United States Fede Kral law that set quotas on the number of immigrants from certain countries while providing funding and an enforcement mechanism to carry out the longstanding ban on other non-white immigrants. The law was primarily aimed at further decreasing immigration of specific groups of Europeans, including Italians, Greeks, Poles, Slavs, and Eastern European jews. The law affirmed the longstanding ban on the immigration of other non-white persons, with the exception of black African immigrants (who had long been exempt from the ban). Virtually all Asians were forbidden from immigrating to America under the Act. 6

The patterns of migration and settlement common to the New Immigrants were in some ways mirrored by those of American Blacks. Employment opportunities created by World war 1 spurred the "Great Migration," the mass movement of African Americans out of the rural South and into the urban North. In the cities of the North, Blacks built their own ethnic communities, not unlike those of their immigrant counterparts. New York's Harlem became the center of African-American cultural life in the United States, with a literary, artistic, musical, and political scene so vibrant it became known as the Harlem Renaissance. At first streams of migration continued patterns set before the Civil War but, by the turn of the twentieth century, new groups such as Italians, Poles, and Eastern European Jews made up larger percentages of arrivals while Irish and German immigration dissipated. This massive movement of people to the United States was influenced by a number of causes. Many moved to the cities and found jobs there.


Over 1 million African Americans moved to the US because in the South they were being racist to them and they didn't like that so they moved. They also took white peopes jobs like beaing a nurse, pushcart operators,hack drivers, and other jobs but how didi they take them from the white’s they said they would work for less pay and the job owners were like oh ok you can have the job and fired the white people so that’s why the white people don’t like black people.


Creative Product Babu Aryal


Sebontu Lema


By: Joyce African American family, moving to the North to find better jobs and a better living.

Editorial Immigration in the 1920s really contributed to the growth of the U.S. Immigrants were coming from all over the world to the U.S for many different reasons. At first streams of migration continued patterns set before the Civil War but, by the turn of the twentieth century, new groups such as Italians, Poles, and Eastern European Jews made up larger percentages of arrivals while Irish and German immigration dissipated. This massive movement of people to the United States was influenced by a number of causes. Many moved to the cities and found jobs there. The KKK played a big part in immigration too. They killed many immigrants, especially African Americans. The Nativists goals were not good for America because they were racist. The KKK were very racist and were violent to anyone that was not a pure American. The KKK was the worst group in my opinion because they were the most racist and the most evil compared to anyone else at this time. The KKK should not exist and should be banned. One way we could ban it is by making it illegal. We could tell the government to make it illegal for immigrants to be treated this way. So we all have to know that immigrants are helpful for our country and America is America because of the immigrants who came here since the country was found. We all have to be fair and accept other immigrants who are coming to our country, because we have to know we all are immigrants, or our old families were immigrants to this country, we have to grow and help our country. Let’s make America as big and as good as possible. 12

Works Cited Domina, Lynn. The Harlem Renaissance. Santa Barbara, Greenwood, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, 2015. Hanson, Erica. The 1920s. San Diego, Lucent Books, 1999. Hart, Diane, and Bert Bower. History Alive!: Pursuing American Ideals. Student edition. ed., Rancho Cordova, Teachers' Curriculum Institute, 2013. KKK Marching through Pennsylvania Avenue. NPR, 93e797187d6f90e841559477f64f4a-s800-c85.jpg. Ku Klux Klan Cross burning. The Journal, Lindop, Edmund, and Margaret J. Goldstein. America in the 1920s. Minneapolis, Twenty-First Century Books, 2010. (Babu Aryal) Domina, Lynn. The Harlem Renaissance. Santa Barbara, ( Joyce ) Lindop, Edmund, and Margaret J. Goldstein. America in the 1920s. Minneapolis, Twenty-First Century Books, 2010. ( Joyce ) American in the 1920’s (range blue )16-18, America in the 1920’s (white) 70-79 , USA 1920’s vol4 mexician americans (silver) 21, USA 1920’s vol3 (silver) 53-57, USA 1920’s vol1 Asian (silver) 32 (SEBONTU) The roaring 20’s


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