The Economist- 6th Period

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September 14, 1928

Table of Contents Editorial Board Article………………………………………… 3 America’s Biggest Challenge - the Reds (Clifton Brennan-Newman)………………………………………… Is Pro-Business Pro-People? (Lucy Westemeyer) Say Yes to Normalcy (Ethan Titus)…………....………………… 7 Horoscopes……………………………………………………… Fake It Till You Make It (Peter Adams)…………………....……


Editorial Board: Have The Republican Era Presidents Been Effective? By: Lucy Westemeyer, Clifton Brennan Newmann, Ethan Titus, Peter Adams

Throughout the 1920’s the Republican presidencies of Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and Herbert Hoover have been overall effective. They have pushed hard to go back to normalcy and they have also introduced more pro-business tactics that have been effective at stimulating the national economy. However, they haven’t done anything about trying to prevent another large-scale global conflict. Because of the pros of having introduced many new things that help the American people outweigh their lack of a long-term solution to preventing global conflict; they have had fairly effective terms. Normalcy is a great example of why our Presidents have been effective and helpful to the American people. Normalcy is the state in which we were before World War I. President Harding is promoting this campaign and we should all support President Harding’s “return to normalcy” idea because it will improve our general well being as an independent nation, and our economy would be better in the long run. It will improve our lives because reducing alliances means reducing war. Our economy will be better off because everyone will be gaining steady wealth as businesses steadily grow and expand. Thanks to President Harding's great idea of normalcy and more, the United States’ Republican Era Presidents have effective in re-establishing a stable economy postwar. The Republican presidents have been effective in establishing pro-business laws and regulations. The Laissez-Faire focused economy has really helped to stimulate business and investing within the upper classes. The secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon has done a very good job at making the government more efficient and cutting all of the waste out of the budget. Even though the pro-business laws are benefitting the upper class and business owners, the lower class workers are continuing to suffer. Pro-business regulations allow for cheaper wages for the workers which makes it harder for them to live and prosper. While the business tactics of the Republican presidents have been effective, they do have some unfortunate consequences. One of the areas that Republican presidents have been ineffective is in establishing a long-term solution to prevent another global conflict. They have hidden behind fake treaties intended to look good to the public, but really do little or nothing to prevent conflict. The Kellogg-Briand Pact was a fake excuse for a real solution, which enabled all countries that signed it to claim that they were pro-peace. Germans are angry that they were treated unfairly at the end of WWI, which can easily stem into rash decisions that are detrimental to world peace. And worst of all, we did not join the League of Nation that we had created! Despite the ineffective solutions to prevent another atrocity like WWI from happening again, these Republican presidents have revived the American economy and helped millions of Americans live their very best life. Let’s hope that the 1930’s are as flourishing and successful as 3 now!

America's Biggest Challenge...The Reds By January 1920, the United States was afraid of the red scare, suspicion has spread throughout Americans and it was spreading through every corner. There were also energized claims of people talking about public schools, universities, churches, the press, Congress and even the president had been infiltrated by people called Bolsheviks. I believe the red scare is mostly about fear, power, and communism. The communists' goal was to destroy everything that is the Americans property, the Americans claimed it is a downright dirty and nasty move. There are a few communist groups, one of them is called the communist party and the other is named the communist labor party. They were created from the left wing and the more liberal and radical branch. The average American worker is curious about the Wobblies and their membership of being very low. The Americans fear them cause the wobblies are good at drawing fear to others. Americans are saying, well most likely stating that there should be just one language in the American public grade school. Another thing the Americans are stating that a common language is one of the strongest influences for building up a spirit if national solidarity. Another thing they are saying is that also the red flag is opposed to everything and which their government stands for. They're basically saying that there declaring war on the reds(the reds are representing the color red of their flag during the French revolution. During the fading of the red scare,by the time the primaries were undergoing the hysteria of the red scare had also calmed down. During the time of the elections, which was in the 1920s started falling and calming down. Another thing that happened during that time was that Americans were getting tired of hearing about the Bolsheviks. The supreme court justice Oliver Wendell Holmes jr spoke against the peace of time and the sedition law by comparing the radicals. Around the 1920Ĺ› fear was being spread fast around the world I believe. During the world war, independent agencies were formed to bolster patriotism and also in general help also with the effort of war. During the war 2 of palmers were the most powerful weapons they were used for misconduct and there were also many raids of deportations to conduct the raids were more easily, people were unaware or did not care about the civil liberties and also the Americans hailed palmer as a hero.


Is Pro-Business Pro-People? By: Lucy Westemeyer Right now we are living in a time of great prosperity. For many city dwellers like me, we are enjoying the new luxuries like electricity, running water, and thousands of new products that are flooding the market. We are able to pay for these new things with the growing salaries that our grandfathers and fathers never made in a lifetime. Some of the things that have allowed for this change are the new pro-business economic tactics our presidents are taking and also a more Laissez Faire focused economy, however, not everybody is benefiting from these new changes; labor workers are suffering and being driven down deeper into the hole of poverty. One of the most important factors that have led to our great prosperity right now is Harding's pro-business strategy. When Harding appointed the business tycoon Andrew Mellon to the position of Secretary of the Treasury, we all knew some things would change but we had no idea how much. Mellon’s tax cuts on the wealthy and businesses have stimulated more investing in businesses and businesses are growing at an unprecedented rate. Also, he has drastically reduced the federal government's budget; cutting out all of the unnecessary waste within departments and making it function much more efficiently. All of Harding’s decisions to help businesses and cut down on waste have benefitted business owners and middle and upper class people greatly. Another change from these new Republican presidents has been having a more Laissez-Faire focused economy. A Laissez-Faire mentality is that the government shouldn’t interfere with businesses and that the government should leave the market alone as much as possible. With these new values that the government held, economic growth soared and it contributed a lot to our overall greater prosperity, however, this created a very uneven distribution of wealth and while the rich and middle class were doing very well, the lowest class was suffering more than ever. While the Laissez-Focused economy was good for businesses and the people connected to them, it only made things worse for the poor. The impacts of the new regulations from the government have been both good and bad. Even though the rich and middle class people have done better than ever before and prospered greatly, the life for the lower class have seemingly stayed the same or even gotten worse. Because of these pro-business laws, wages have stayed very low which helps the business, but not the people. American labor workers went on strike for better wages and developed unions which have only increased the tensions between workers and the companies. Also, because of the very recent Supreme Court ruling in US vs. Coronado Beach Co., many types of strikes were deemed illegal which gives the workers no chance to improve anything in the conditions/salary. Even though much of the upper classes are thriving, they are improving at the cost of lower class workers. Many of the things that have made this country’s economic standing greatly prosper like the pro-business policies and Laissez-Faire focused economy have also repressed the workers that do the hard labor that gives those people their money. Even though this decade is so great for many of people like you and me, try and think about the people who aren’t thriving and lend a hand whenever possible. 5


Say Yes to Normalcy By Ethan Titus We should follow President Harding in his campaign to go back to the good old days. President Harding’s “Return to Normalcy” is a good thing for America. Normalcy is the state in which we were before World War I. We should be more like we were then because we were more peaceful, we were less involved and we were economically stable. Normalcy will overall be an improvement for our great country. First of all, what is normalcy? Normalcy is a term meaning the state of being normal. This word is not commonly used now a days. President Harding chose this word because he wanted to refer to the past. He wanted to bring back the way things were before World War I. After World War I the economy boomed and lifestyle changed dramatically. He wanted to bring back the peaceful life of the pre World War I days. Why is normalcy good for America? We should support Harding’s “normalcy” idea because it will improve America's everyday lives. Reverting back to our per World War I state of being we will be a more peaceful nation. Before the Great War our nation was one with little alliances. We were a economically stable country. For the most part we stayed out of other countries business. Then we started getting involved in the European conflict and we got sucked in to the War. Now that the war is over we should go back to the way we were. Normalcy is also good for American economy. Before the War our economy was growing steadily. That is what we need now. We were a stable nation whereas now we are growing to fast. We had new jobs and new technology in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Immigrants were flowing in and general wealth was growing while poverty was shrinking. Before World War I nearly everyone was doing good. Even the farmers who are now very poor. We should all support President Harding’s “return to normalcy” because it will improve our general well being as an independent nation, and our economy would be overall better. It will improve our lives because reducing alliances means reducing war. Our economy will be better off because everyone will be gaining steady wealth as business steadily grows and expands. Follow Harding and support normalcy.


Horoscopes Aries: Signs show you will be lucky today. Take great risks. Taurus: Today will offer you great opportunities. Be aware of them. Gemini: In the year 2016, an orange male with weird hair will rise to power. Cancer: The Cubs will win the 2015 world series. Leo: You will be rewarded greatly if you tap dance while singing the song Pony Blues in front of the town hall. Virgo: If you plan to go treasure hunting, be sure to memorize the the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow. Libra: The winning lottery ticket has been hidden in a box of wheaties. Scorpio: Today will just be a normal day. Sagittarius: Buy Wonder Bread today! Capricorn: If you share the horoscopes with your friends, you will be rewarded. Aquarius: If you do not share the horoscopes with your friends, you will be run over by a steamroller Pisces: The horoscopes will be correct. 10

Fake It Till You Make It By: Peter Adams Bombs; machine guns; screams; watching friends being shot down; blood; the burial sites of thousands; debt; disease; and the heartbreak of hearing that your loved one won’t come home. WWI was not won easily, and another war would be the same way. The US is not doing enough to prevent another World War, and we will suffer because of it. We refused to join the League of Nations after we created it, we had ineffective disarmament treaties like the Five-Power-Treaty, and because of the Dawes plan, Germany owes us more money than ever. It is almost comical that we did not join the League of Nations after we created it and had 63 other countries join it. It was meant to be a global way of ensuring peace, but we were so turned off by the fact we would have to even rarely provide military support to other countries that we decided to not join. This proves that the US is not the nation of peace they claim they are. While other countries will be helping with global health, we will be sulking in our own backyard helping no one but ourselves. We have pretended to be making effective treaties to do away with weapons, but we are really fooling ourselves and the rest of the world. Treaties like the Five-Power-Treaty, formed at the Washington Naval Conference, may seem like they make progress due to their limit on large warships, but since it didn’t limit the amount of small naval ships, Japan, Great Britain, and the US have greatly increased production of these vessels. This could lead to competition between countries on who can make the most powerful vessels that still meet this standard. It is also to be noted that because Americans are guaranteed the right to bear arms by the 2 nd amendment, that disarmament seems near impossible if citizens can easily acquire firearms. Finally, yet another of the seemingly amazing ideas has backfired on us. The Dawes Plan was the idea that the US would loan Germany money that would enable them to pay off their debt to Great Britain and France. While this had reduced their debt to these nations, it had increased their debt to us. This may lead to tensions between us until they are able to pay it off. If we do not get our money back, our economy may shrink, and history has shown that when people are unhappy, they will act accordingly, which in our case, maybe an act of war. It is also worth noting that Germany is not happy with the current situation as well, much more so than Americans. Rash decisions and harmful actions may arise and be widely accepted if we do not find a better way to help them with their debt. I truly believe that the US is not prepared for another war. We have declined to join the League of Nations, hidden behind useless treaties, and now Germany owes us more money than ever. Will our actions prevent another global conflict? Will the United States take the necessary steps to become the nation of peace that they already claim they are? Only time will tell...


Get your radio here for the original price of $75,do that and yall will get one half the price for $37.50! There will be many many many benefits if you get one! You can catch up on the most recent news, if you feeling the blues...change the station for some tunes!

ur u o y o U B ios, Y rad l ! t l i i w ret reg 12

Works Cited (Brennan-Newman) Alchin, Linda. "1920's Radio." 1920's Radio, 27 July 2014, 920s.htm. Accessed 31 Oct. 2018. Hart, Diane, and Bert Bower. History Alive!: Pursuing American Ideals. Student edition. ed., Rancho Cordova, Teachers' Curriculum Institute, 2013.


Work Cited (Titus) AOL. Accessed 31 Oct. 2018. Chapter 11; The Roaring Twenties. 19 Jan. 2017, Accessed 31 Oct. 2018. "Deferred Maintenance: 1920’s Buildings Are Prime for Restoration." Gale, GALE ASSOCIATES, oration/. Accessed 31 Oct. 2018. The Great Gatsby 1920s Band. Accessed 31 Oct. 2018. Hart, Diane, and Bert Bower. History Alive!: Pursuing American Ideals. Student edition. ed., Rancho Cordova, Teachers' Curriculum Institute, 2013. Lindop, Edmund, and Margaret J. Goldstein. America in the 1920s. Minneapolis, Twenty-First Century Books, 2010. This Fabulous Century. Alexandria, Time-Life Books, 1987. U.S.A. 1920s. Danbury, Grolier, 2005. Yancey, Diane. Life during the Roaring Twenties. San Diego, Lucent Books, 2002.


Works Cited (Westemeyer) Lindop, Edmund, and Margaret J. Goldstein. America in the 1920s. Minneapolis, Twenty-First Century Books, 2010. O'Neal, Michael. America in the 1920s. New York, Facts On File, 2006.


Works Cited (Adams)

Hart, Diane, and Bert Bower. History Alive!: Pursuing American Ideals. Student edition. ed., Rancho Cordova, Teachers' Curriculum Institute, 2013. LuĚˆsted, Marcia Amidon, and Jennifer K. Keller. The Roaring Twenties: Discover the Era of Prohibition, Flappers, and Jazz. White River Junction, Nomad Press, 2014. O'Neal, Michael. America in the 1920s. New York, Facts On File, 2006. ,U.S.A. 1920s. Vol. 2, Danbury, Grolier, 2005. 6 vols.


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