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I nt hePhi l i ppi nest her ei st hepr ev el anceandl ov eoffies t as .I ti st he

t i mewher ef oodi sabundantandcol or f ulbander i t ashangabov eev er y s t r eet .Ev er y onei nt ownpr epa r esf ori t ,l abor i ous l yengagi ngi nt he maki ngofcos t umesand float s ,and s pendi ngl onghour spr act i ci ng dancer out i nes .

A fies t ai san annualev enthel dt o honororcel ebr at e aper s on,a s y mbol ,oranev ent .I ti saSpani s hwor dadopt edbyt heFi l i pi nosand t r ans l at edt o" pi s t a"i nt agal og .Fi es t asdat ef ar t herbackf r om Spani s h col oni z at i on,andt hemi s s i onar i esuponr eal i z i ngt hi sus edfies t asas t oolt oconv er tt hepeopl ei nt oChr i s t i ani t y .Now,fies t ast hatgl or i f y God,Mar y ,and t hes ai nt sar eappar entand cont i nuet ot hr i v ei na count r yt hati spr edomi nant l yCat hol i c. ei sapl et hor aoffies t asi nt hecount r y .Popul a ronesi ncl udet he Ther Si nul og Fes t i v alofCebu,Di nagy ang Fes t i v alofI l oi l o,Panagbenga Fes t i v alofBagui o,andAt i at i hanFes t i v alofAkl an.Manyoft hefies t as ar er el i gi ousi nnat ur e,whi l eot her sa r es y mbol i candcul t ur al .Fi es t as gat heramul t i t ude ofpeopl e and t he at t r act i ons ,act i v i t i es ,dance, f ood,anddecor at i onsar es ur et os at i s f yeachone. es t asa r epar toft heFi l i pi no cul t ur e.I ti sapar toft hei ri dent i t y , Fi i ns epar abl et ot hem.Thi st r adi t i ons ur pas s edt het es toft i me,andi twi l l pr os peronf ors ol ongasi ti sv al uedandr emember ed.


Kat r i naCr i s t aAr t i aga

Al i wanFi es t ai sanannualt hr eedayev entwher econt i ngent sf r om apl et hor aofpr ov i nces gat heri nt hecapi t alMani l at os howcas et hei rt al entandcul t ur e.I ti scal l edt heMot herofAl l Fi es t asands t ar t edi n2003t opr omot et our i s mi nt hepr ov i ncesandt oenamorv i ewer s aboutt her i chdi v er s ecul t ur esi nt hecount r yandt her el ev anceofbot ht r adi t i onaland cont empor ar ydancet oFi l i pi nos ,f r om t heear l yday sunt i lt hepr es entage. Thebeaut ypageant ,floatpar ade,andv i br ants t r eetdancear et hehi ghl i ght soft heAl i wan Fi es t a.I ts howst heFi l i pi nobeaut yandcr eat i v i t y ,wi t hmus esands al i enti ndi v i dual sflas hi ng abeami ngs mi l east heymov eal ongwi t hfloat sador nedwi t haccout r ement sandi nt r i cat e des i gn.Thej ov i alandv i v aci ousdancer sent er t ai nt hev i ewer smos twi t ht hei rs t r eetdance, el abor at ecos t ume,andener gyt hatr ev er ber at eal lt hr oughoutt hepar ader out e:Qui r i no Gr ands t and,Rox asBoul ev ar d,andt heAl i wTheat eri nPas ayCi t y . The1 7par t i ci pant ss pr i ngf r om al lov ert hecount r y ,i ncl udi ngPanagbengaFes t i v alofBagui o Ci t y ,Benguet ;Candl e Fes t i v alofCandel ar i a,Quez on;Si nul og Fes t i v alofCebu;and Pamul i nawenFes t i v alofLaoag ,I l ocosNor t e.Ther ear et hepr omi nentf es t i v al sandt hei r under dogcount er par t s ,al lofwhi chai mi ngf ort het i t l eandboas t i ngt hei ri ngenui t yand ar t i s t r yt hr oughar tanddance. The Al i wan Fi es t a 201 5' sgr and wi nnerf ort he s t r eetdance,r ecei v i ng a cas h pr i z e of P1 , 000, 000,i sCat bal oganCi t y ' sManar agatFes t i v al ,hel di nhonoroft heci t y ' spat r ons ai nt , St .Bar t hol omew;f ort hefloati sSt o.Ni ñoFl uv i alPr oces s i onPi nabacdao,Samar ;andf ort he Rey nangAl i wan i sSt ephani eJ oyAbel l ani daf r om t he Mi ds ay ap Hal ad Fes t i v alofNor t h Cot abat o.

TheSambuokanFes t i v alper f or mer sofMat iCi t y ,Dav ao,das hesacol or f ulcos t umewi t ha headdr es st hathasbr oom s t r andsi ni t sendandal a r gewov ent r aydes i gnedwi t hal ar geoweri nf r ont .

Thecont i ngent sf r om t heKal i v unganFes t i v alofNor t hCot abat ol i nesupi ncol umnsandmov esi nuni s onast hey engagei nt hes t r eetdanceal ongRox asBoul ev ar di nMani l a.

Dancer sf r om t heBat oAr tFes t i v alofLuna,I s abel a,pos ewi t hgl eami ngs mi l esdur i ngt hei rs t r eetdanceper f or mance.

Thel adi esf r om t heSagay anFes t i v alofDat uPi ang ,Mi ndanao,us ef ansaspr opsast heydanceal ongRox asBoul ev a r di nMani l a.

Aki dchas eshi snewl yf oundf r i endi nagameof“ BangSak”af t ereat i ngatt hehous et heyv i s i t edf ort hefies t a.

BRENT Br entSt ev enBueno

Fes t i v alofBar a ngaySa nFer na ndoNor t e,Nuev aEci j a( SecondWeekendofMay ) Ev er yy eardur i ngt hes econdweekendofMay ,t hehumbl ebar angayofSanFer nandoNor t e cel ebr at est hei rannualcel ebr at i on.Thi scel ebr at i onent ai l scol or f ulpar adest hatcompos e ofbi gguy swi t ht r umpet sandt r ombones ,s cant i l ycl admaj or et t eswav i ngt hei rbat onsi nt he ai r ,gi r l sf r om di f f er entpar t soft hebar angayi ncol or f uldr es s esv y i ngf ort het i t l eofMs .San Fer nandoNor t eandl ocalar t i s t shi r edbyl ocalgov er nmentt oat t r actpeopl et ot hes t r eet s . Thepeopl edi dn’ tmi ndt hes cor chi ngheatoft hes un,t hehumi dai r ,andt hebus t l i ngt r af fic t hatwascaus edbyt hes ai dpar ade.I ns t ead,t heyal l wor es mi l eswhi l eant i ci pat i ngt hei ri dol s andbet sf ort hecompet i t i on. Ofcour s e,af es t i v ali snotcompl et ewi t houtheapsandheapsoff ood.Somef ami l yf av or i t es l i kePor kMenudo,Kar ekar e,Bi r i ngheandot hers av or ydi s heswer eal l l ai doutonl ongt abl es out s i det hehous ef orev er y onewhov i s i tcoul deathear t i l ywhi l s tenj oy i ngt hecompanyof f r i ends ,r el at i v esandl ov edones . Al s o,t heCar abaor ace,i sas t apl eev entdur i ngt hef es t i v al .Thi si sdoneear l ymor ni ngi nt he r i cepaddi esbecaus ei twoul dt akeal otoft i met ofini s ht her acesbyt het i met hatt heni ght ev entwoul ds t ar t .F ar mer sandf r i endsands omet our i s t sgoandex per i encet her acef or t hems el v es .Whi l es ome,j us twat cht heani mal sr acef r om t hes i del i nes .Howev er ,duet ot he badweat her ,t heor gani z er sdeci dednott opus ht hr oughwi t hi tt hi sy ear .Dur i ngt heni ght , aj ambor eei sal s ohel dt os howcas ev ar i ousl ocalt al ent sandgi v eawaycas hpr i z es . Thi sev entt r ul ys how t hes pi r i tofcamar ader i eandcl os enes samongFi l i pi nosev enbei ng bor nofdi f f er entbl ood.Ev ent houghs omehous ehol dshav et obor r owmoneyj us tt oaf f or d f oodt os er v et ot hei rgues t s ,whatmat t er si st hatt heyal lcomet oget hert ocel ebr at eone caus eandmakemer r ywi t ht hepeopl et heyar ewi t h.

Al i t t l eboycar r y i ngabanneroft hef ami l ywhos pons or edmos toft heex pens esoft hef es t i v ali sf ol l owedby bubbl ymaj or et t esi ncol or f uldr es s es

Ami ds tt het hr ongoft hecr owd,amot herandhert woki dspos ef ort hecamer awhi l et heywai tf ort he par adet os t ar t .

MangAur el i o,t heones por t i ngt hebr as s,ef f or t l es s l ypl ay shi si ns t r umentt ot het uneofRol l i ngi nTheDeep byAdel eashi sbandwal kswi t ht hepar ade.

MangT ony ,pl ay i ngf orhi sbandf ort went yy ear snow,bl owshi si ns t r umentwi t hgus t of ort hecr owdt oenj oy t hei rs y mphonyt ot het uneofRoarbyKat yPer r y

Thei rnecksdr i ppi ngwi t hs weat ,abandofcos t umeds t r eetdr ummer sbr av et henoont i meheatt oent er t ai nt our i s t s t r oddi ngt hr oughLucban' snar r ows t r eet s .


J onRobi nBus t amant e

Har v es tf es t i v al sar eadi meadoz en,any wher ei nt hewor l d. Regar dl es sofcul t ur e,t hes ef es t i v al sal way sboi ldownt ot wobas i cs t eps :fir s t ,gat heras manyoft hepr oductasy oucan;s econd,f or m uni quer i t ual sandbegener al l yhappyabout i t .Whet heri t ' st oappeas eagodofhar v es t ,orj us tpl ai nmer r i mentundert hehar v es tmoon, har v es tf es t i v al snev erf ai lt oembodyt het r i umphofci v i l i z at i ont hati sagr i cul t ur e. Lucban' s Pahi y as Fes t i v al ,ar guabl y one oft he mos tpopul ar har v es tf es t i v al si nt he Phi l i ppi nes ,i snoex cept i on.Or i gi nal l yapaganr i t ual ,t heSpani ar dsconv er t edt her i t ualt oa Chr i s t i anonei nt he1 7t hcent ur ybys uppl ant i ngt henat i v eani t oswi t ht heSpani s hf r i endl y SanI s i dr oLabr adorcel ebr at edt ot hi sday . Asay ear l ys howcas eoft hei rbount i f ulhar v es t ,Lucbani nsador nt hei rhous eswi t hcr ops , f r ui t s ,v eget abl esandt hei coni c' ki pi ng'( r i cemadedecor at i ons )i nhonoroft hepat r on s ai nt .I nt ur n,t hepar i s h pr i es t sgi v ebl es s i ngst ot hes ehomesi nt hehopesofanot her pr oduct i v ey ear . T oday ,t hef es t i v alhasgr ownl es sasas howofr el i gi ousf ai t h,andmor easat our i s tmagnet . Pahi y as ’r el i gi ousr i t ual sar ehel dear l yi nt hemor ni ng ,waybef or et hebul koft our i s t sar r i v e atLucban.Thet ownpar i s hi ss eenl es sasas acr edgr ound,andmor easar es t i ngs potf or s weat yt our i s t s .T owns f ol ks eem l es skeenondecor at i nghous esf orbl es s i ngs ,mot i v at ed i ns t eadbyas ubs t ant i alcas hpr i z ef ort hebes tdecor at edhous e.Si dewal kt ar paul i nsbear i ng SanI s i dr o’ sl i kenes sar es pons or ed byt el ecom net wor ksand l i quorbr ands .Mor es o,t he numberofs ocal l ed“ epal ”banner sofl ocal pol i t i ci ansr i v al t hos eoft hepat r ons ai nthi ms el f . I nt hi sups et t i ngt r end,Pahi y asi sonl yoneofmanyPhi l i ppi nef es t i v i t i est odayi ncr eas i ngl y mar r edbycommer ci alandpol i t i cali nt er es t s . Ev ent houghf es t i v al t our i s m gener at ess ubs t ant i al i ncomef orLucban’ sl ocal gov er nment ,we mus tr emai nv i gi l antt oens ur et hos ef undsar ef unnel edt owar dsi nf r as t r uct ur eandbas i c s oci als er v i cesf ort hepeopl e

Foroneday ,Lucbani nhomesunder godr as t i cf acel i f t st oďŹ tt hei rdecor at i ons .Thi spar t i cul arhous ei sent i r el y obs cur edbyawal lofl eav es ,bamboo,coconuthus ks ,t omat oesandofcour s e,ki pi ngr i cewaf er s .

Thes eaofl av i s hdecor at i onsatt hePahi y aspr oces s i onalr out eov er whel mss omeoft hemor edet ai l ed handi wor k,s uchast hes et woami ngoess t andi ngnex tt oaf r ui tpi l eandakoipond.

Wi t hs weetcor ni nhand,agr oupofJapanes ephot ogr apher swas t enot i mev i s i t i ngLucban' sv ar i ous decor at edhous esf orphot ooppor t uni t i es .Theuni quenes sofPahi y as 'col or f uldecor at i onsat t r act s phot ogr aphyhobby i s t sandpr of es s i onal sev enout s i det hecount r y .

T wohi gant es ,onebear i ngt hel i kenes sofSuper man,s har eani nt i mat emomentwhi l eper f or mi ngt hr oughLucban' s cr owdeds t r eet s .Madeofpapi er mâchÊ,t hes ehi gant esdoubl easwal ki ngbi l l boar dsf orl ocalbus i nes s ess pons or i ng t hef es t i v al .

Awar m mes s agei nanar chi nLucban,Quez onPr ov i ncewel comesandgoodby est het our i s t sf ort hei rv i s i tf r om Pahi y asFes t i v al .

V E E J A Y Veej ayV.Cal ut an Pahi y asFes t i v al( May1 5, 201 5) ThePhi l i ppi neswascol oni z edbyt heSpa ni s hs omet i mei n1 5t hcent ur ya ndt her es ti s hi s t or yast hecount r ya ndi t speopl ebecamewhata ndwhot heyar enow.Des pi t eoft he t hr ee-col oni z err ul e,t hePhi l i ppi nes ’mai ni nfluencewast heSpa ni s hwhi chcol oni z edt he count r yf ormor et ha n300y ear s .Fi es t ai soneoft heSpa ni s hi nfluences ,maki ngt hel i v es oft hepeopl ehappy ,l i v el ya ndbei ngaone-daybi l l i onai r eoncei nev er yy ear . Oneoft hemos tcel ebr at edfies t asi nt hePhi l i ppi nesi st hePahi y asFes t i v ali nLucba n, pr ov i nceofQuez onwhi chi sacel ebr at i onoft hegi f tofl i f e,nat ur ea ndpat r ons ai nt ,Sa n I s i dr oLabr ador ,f orbount i f ula ndout pour i nghar v es t .Peopl eofLucba ndecor at et hei r hous eswi t hr i cea ndot herpr oduct soft het owna ndmaket hem col or f ul .Peopl ear es o muchi nt ot r adi t i ont hatdecor at i ngt hei rhous esf ort hePahi y asbecameamuch-a wai t ed ev ent ,wi t hgoodhar v es tornot ,wi t hmoneyornot . Fi es t ai saSpa ni s ht er mf orpar t yorf es t i v i t yt hatwasev enadopt edi nt heFi l i pi nol a nguage cal l edpi s t a.I ti sbas i cal l yapr oductofSpa ni s hChr i s t i a ni z at i oni nt hePhi l i ppi nes ,fir s t l y des cr i bedi nJos eRi z al ’ sNol iMeTa nger ewhi chdepi ct edt hatf r i ar si nfluenceda nd mi s educat edt heFi l i pi nosi nhav i nga nex t r av aga ntfies t abecaus eapat r ons ai nthel ped t hem f ort hegoodhar v es tt her ebymaki ngt hepeopl et obr i ngoutfina ncesi na nyway . Howev er ,accor di ngt oHor nedo( asci t edi nAl ba,2009)i nhi sbook,Cul t ur ea nd Communi t yi nt hePhi l i ppi neFi es t aa ndOt herCel ebr at i ons ,fies t aex i s t sbecaus ei ti s“a s y mbolofFi l i pi nos ens eofcommuni t y”wher eFi l i pi nospr act i cet hebay a ni ha n.Fi es t aal s o makess ens eoft he“Fi l i pi noi dent i t y”whi ch“Fi l i pi nosdefinet hei rnat i onalchar act er ” ( I bi d. ) .I ti sal s oaFi l i pi nowayofpr es er v i ngcul t ur eagai ns tmoder ni t y .

Oneoft hecol or f ulandbount i f ulhous esi nLucbandur i ngt hePahi y asFes t i v al

Gi r l soft hemar chi ngbandenj oyt hei rpr epar edchor eogr aphydes pi t et hes ummerheatdur i ngt he Pahi y asFes t i v alpar ade.

Amanned,gi antpapermachecal l ed,Hi gant es ,t eas est hecr owdwi t hhi sf al l i ngt act i cst omakef unof t hepar adei nPahi y asFes t i v al .

Al i f es i z edpuppetmadeoutofr ecy cl edmat er i al si noneoft hedes i gnedhous esi nLucban,Quez onPr ov i ncedur i ng t hePahi y asFes t i v albr i ngsmes s aget ot heby pas s i ngt our i s t s .

Peopl ewai t i ngout s i det or eci ev es omepl ant sandower swhi char ebl es s ed gi f tf r om t heSenor .

TONET Ant onet t eCar i no

TheFeas toft heSenorDi v i noT es or o( Cal as i ao,Pa ngas i na n) May3,201 5 Dev ot eesf r om di f f er entt ownsofPangas i nanj oi nt hepeopl eofCal as i aot ocel ebr at ea9day Nov enawhi chs t ar t sonApr i l24andwi l lendwi t ha3daycel ebr at i onoft het ownďŹ es t aon May24.Thes t r eeti sdes i gnedwi t hbander i t asandal s ot hel ocalgov er nmentpr epar ed s omeact i v i t i esf ort hepeopl et oenj oyt heďŹ es t a. Thedev ot eesoft heSenorDi v i noT es or ogat heral ongt hes hr i net owi t nes st hepr oces s i on. Chi l dr en,pr egnantwomen,adul t s ,andev enol dpeopl epat i ent l ywai t edf ort heSenort o comeoutf r om Sai nt sPet erandPaulChur ch. Peopl ewer ev er yex ci t ed,s t ar t edt os mi l eandt ear edupwi t hj oyast hemar chi ngbandpl ay s mus i cwhi chwasas i gnf ort heSenort ocomeout .Li ket heFeas toft heBl ackNaz ar ene, dev ot eesal s ot hr owt hei rhandker chi eforanycl ot hwhi chwi l l bewi pedf r om t hebodyoft he Senor .Dev ot eeskeptonpr ay i ngast heSenori sputbackont hes hr i ne. Des pi t et heex t r emeheat ,peopl es t i l ls howedhowt heyl ov e,pr ai s eandt hankSenorDi v i no T es or o.

SenorDi v i noT es or ocomes outofSai nt sPet erandPaul Chur chaf t ert hemas s

Amans har edhi spl ant s andower st oot her dev ot eeswhi chhegot af t ert hepr oces s i on.

SenorDi v i no T es or ocar r i edt o br i ngbackt ot he s hr i ne.

Anol dwomant ear edwi t hj oyaf t er r ecei v i ngt heower ss hegotf r om t he pr oces s i on.

Mi x edr eact i onsf r om t hecr owdasManny“ Pacman”Pacqui aoandFl oy dMay weat her ,J r .fighti toutont he Pl az aMi r andabi gs cr een.

SHARA Sha r aLei nMayCay et ano

May PacLi v eVi ewi ng( May3) Ast hebi gges tbox i ngfighti nr ecenthi s t or ypl ay soutont hebi gs cr een,Fi l i pi noss t opand l ookup-l i t er al l y-t ot hemant hathasbeenr emadei nt ot hecount r y ' sbeaconofhope ands y mbolofdet er mi nat i on.Manny" Pacman"Pacqui ao' scl i mbt os ucces si snowet ched i nt hecons ci ous nes sofev er yFi l i pi no-bei tman,woman,r i ch,poor ,y oung ,ol d,and ev er y t hi ngel s ei nbet ween.Li f es t ops ;t heens ui ngt r af fici sf or gi v abl e,t heheati sbear abl e, andt her es toft hecount r y ' spr obl emsar ef or got t en,i fj us tf oraf ewfleet i nghour s .Al lof t hi ss ot hatwemays har et hegl or ywi t hPacman. I t ' sanat i onwi decel ebr at i on-afies t aofs or t s-wher epeopl ecomet oget hert ocheeron t hepr i deoft hePhi l i ppi nes .St r anger sorf r i ends ,i tdoes n' tmat t er .Al lt hatmat t er si st hey ar et oget her ,undert hebi gs cr een,undert hebl az i ngs un,enr apt ur edbyt heex changeof bl owsandpunchesbet weenPacquai oandMay weat her .Thes t r eet sofQui apoar efil l edt o t hebr i m wi t hpeopl ewhohav ebi gdr eams ,andpeopl ewhodr eam ofbei ngi nt heMGM Gr andi ns t eadoft hes t r eet .Butwat chi ngwi l lhav et os uf fice.Wat chi ngi sdi s t r act i on enoughf r om t hes t r es s esofdai l yl i f e. I nt heend,Pacqui ao' sl os sdoes n' tev enmat t er .Thepeopl edi s per s easf as tast heycame, andt hes t r eet sar ecl earagai n.TheFi l i pi nosmus tr et ur nt ot hedai l ygr i nd.Wor k .Wor k . Wor k .Andmay beachi ev et hedr eam s omeday . Thi smayhav ebeent hefightoft hecent ur y ,buti nt hes t r eet s ,t hefightnev erends .

Li f egoeson,ands odoes bus i nes sf ort hi sv endoratt he Pl az aMi r anda.Fors ome,comi ng t oPl az aMi r andai sawayt owi nd downandwat cht heďŹ ght .For ot her s ,i t ’ sj us tanot hergoodday f orbus i nes s .

Thi spai rcamepr epar edt o beatt heheat .Des pi t e t emper at ur esr i s i ngupt o 34degr eescel s i us ,peopl e s t i l lr emai nedi nf r ontof t hes cr eent owat cht hei r i dol .

I nt hemi ddl eoft hecr owd,chi l dr endi s cus st hefightasent hus i as t i cal l yast headul t sdo.

One,t wo,t hr ee… t hes eki dsar ewai t i ngf oraknockout ,ands oi st her es toft hecount r y .

Mt .Banahawi sv i s i bl ef r om t hemai ns t r eet ,whi chi sdecor at edwi t hcol or f ulumbr el l as .


Pat r i ci aI s abelGl or i a

Li l i wT s i nel asFes t i v al-Apr i l29 Thet ownofLi l i wi nLagunawasabuz zwi t hex ci t ementandmot i oni ncel ebr at i onofi t s annualt s i nel asf es t i v al . Li l i w’ smai ns t r eetwasl i nedwi t hs t or ef r ont sdeckedwi t hcol or f uls l i pper sofev er ycol or ands t y l e.Theumbr el l ass t r i ngedabov et hemai nr oadbr oughts hadef r om t heApr i ls un,and t het ownhal ldi s pl ay edgi gant i cr epl i casofs l i pper sands andal sdes i gnedbyLi l i w’ sown manuf act ur er s .Li l i wpr i desi t s el fi nus i ngl ocalmat er i al sf ort hepr oduct i onoft hei rs t ur dy ands t y l i s hf oot wear ,r i v al i ngonl yMar i ki na' ss hoebus i nes s . Theweekl ongcel ebr at i ons t ar t edwi t hamas satt heSai ntJ ohnt heBapt i s tPar i s hchur ch. Ci t yof fici al sandLi l i weñosflockedt ot her edbr i ckchur chi nt hanks gi v i ngf oranot hery ear ofpr oduct i v i t y . Apr ogr am att het own' scov er edcour tf ol l owed.Theci t ycounci ll eadbyMay orEr i cs on Subi l i tanddi s t r i ctr epr es ent at i v eSolAr agonesex pr es s edpr i deathowmuchLi l i whas flour i s hedf r om t hes i mpl et ownf oundedbyt hel egendar yGatTay awt ot hePhi l i ppi nes ' s T s i nel asCapi t al . Thepr ogr am wasf ol l owedbyt hemuchawai t edmot or cade.Thet ownmay orandt hi sy ear ’ s candi dat esf orMut y angLi l i wl eadt hemot or cade,whi chr ov edt hr oughnear bybar angay s . Wi t ht hef es t i v albei ngoni t s1 4t hy ear ,Li l i ws t i l lhasal ongwayt ogobef or emeas ur i ngup t ot hePhi l i ppi nes ' smor ef amousfies t as .Howev erdes pi t ebei ngas mal lt own,Li l i whas s howny earaf t ery eart hatr es our cef ul nes sandcr eat i v i t ycanpayof f .

Amar chi ngbandr es t sont heJ ohnt heBapt i s tPar i s hChur chs t epswhi l ewai t i ngf ort heopeni ng mot or cadet obegi n.

Chi l dr enpos eononeofs ev er algi ants l i pper smanuf act ur er sands t or esputupf orcompet i t i on.

Thet ownhal ls howcas est hear t i s t r yandr es our cef ul nes sofLi l i ws hoemaker s .

T wochi l dr enl aughandpl ayatas t or ef r ont . Manys t or esal ongt hemai ns t r eetar e decor at edf ort hef es t i v al .

Par t i ci pant soft heFi es t ai nUbandoper f or mt hei rv er s i onoft hef amedf er t i l i t ydance,al ongt hes t r eet si nf r ontoft he UbandoChur ch.

T AMARA Tama r aMi chalNat i v i dad

UbandoFer t i l i t yRi t es :May1 8,201 5 Thes t r eet swer enar r ow,t hechur chcour t y ar dpacked,andnav i gat i ngt hr ought hequai nt muni ci pal i t yofUbandowasapr oces s i onofpi l gr i ms–nott r anqui l wi t hpr ay erbuts i ngi ngand danci ngi ndev ot i on. I twast hes econddayoft het own’ sy ear l yf es t i v i t i es ,andmanyhav ecomeas ki ngt heday ’ s pat r ones s ,Sant aCl ar angAs s i s i ,f orherus ualboon off er t i l i t y ,l i f e par t ner s ,and good weat her .Undert hes ummerheatt heydanced i nal ongmar ch f r om t heChur ch ofSan Pas cualdeBay l onal lt hr oughoutt hes er pent i nes t r eet sandbackagai n,t het r i adef figi esof t hemuni ci pal i t yher al dedar oundunderacanopyofv i v i dl ycol or edcl ot hss wi ngi ngf r om pos t t opos t . Whatmanydon’ tknow i st hatmor et hanar el i gi ousoccas i ont oi nv i t egoodf or t unet ot he pi l gr i msv ener at i ng t he t own’ st hr ee pat r on s ai nt s ,t he dance r i t ualpr edat ed col oni al occupat i on,andi twasonl yaf t ert heSpani s hconv er t edi t ’ spagani s t i cel ement sdi dt he dances er v eaCat hol i cpur pos e.T odayi ti spopul arnat i onwi def orhopef ul l ygr ant i ngbar r en womenchi l dr enmuchl i kei t sbr i efment i oni nJ os eRi z al ’ sNol iMeTanger e.I t ’ sl i t t l ewonder whyl ocali ndependentfil m AngHul i ngChachaniAni t awoul dbui l di t ss t or yl i neont hi ss mal l t owngat her i ng–whi chal s ohappenedt obet hes our ceofmypi quedi nt er es tt ot heUbando Fer t i l i t yDance. Thef ol l owi ngphot ogr aphsar eonl yabr i efgl i mps eoft hecel ebr at i onwhi chbegant heday bef or eandwast oendt hedayaf t er ,butnes t l edamongt hes ei magesar es t or i esofpeopl e’ s f ai t handcel ebr at i on–andawhol et own’ saccompany i nghos pi t al i t y .

Thel i kenes sofSt a.Cl ar adeAs s i s i ,t hepat r ons ai ntbei ngv ener at edf ort heday ,i sbei ngpar adedar oundUbando onawheel edoatf oronl ooker st os ee.

Ay oungcandl ebear erwai t sf ort hebegi nni ngoft her i t esf r om t heheadoft hepr oces s i on.Behi ndhi m t heot hers acr i s t anar ear r angi ngt hems el v est of al li nl i ne.

Af emal el ocalcl adi nt het r adi t i onals ay a,par toft hegr oupofdancer sper f or mi ngdur i ngt he pr oces s i onoft heUbandoFer t i l i t yRi t es ,danceswi t hgr aceamongherf el l owper f or mer s

Al adys ay sherpr ay er s ,t ouchi ngt hehandofanangelf r om t heoatoft heLadyofSal ambaoi nf r ontoft heUbando Chur ch.Manydev ot edl i keherr eachoutt ot hei mageoft heLadyaswel l .

Ababyonhi ss t r ol l ergl ancesatt hegr andpar adeoft heLi l i wT s i nel asFes t i v al ,Apr i l9 .


Ant onConv ocarOnat o

Li l i wGatTay awT s i nel asFes t i v al( Apr i l29) Har v es tf es t i v al sar eadi meadoz en,any wher ei nt hewor l d. T s i nel asFes t i v al i scel ebr at eddur i ngt hemont hofApr i l i nt hehumbl et ownofLi l i wi nLaguna. I ti sacol or f ulev entt hathi ghl i ght st he par ade offloat sf eat ur i ngt he agr i cul t ur aland i ndus t r i alpr oduct sofLi l i w whi ch i ncl udesgi gant i cs l i pper s ,a par ade ofbi r d mas cot s r emi ndi ngt hepeopl eoft heor i gi noft hename“ Li l i w” . Li l i w,t heT s i nel asCapi t al ofLaguna,i st hr eehourdr i v eawayf r om t hebus ys t r eet sofMani l a. Des pi t et hel onghour soft r av el i ng ,t hes i mpl i ci t yandt r anqui l i t yofi t sv as tf or es twi l l t akey ou onar el ax i ngj our ney ,awayf r om t henoi s eofMani l a. Thef es t i v al ki cksof fwi t hacel ebr at i onoft heHol yEuchar i s ti nhonorofSt .J ohnt heBapt i s t , t het own’ spat r ons ai nt .I ti si mmedi at el yf ol l owedbyt heopeni ngcer emoni es . Act i v i t i esi ncl uded i nt heweekl ongcel ebr at i onar eKat ut ubongPal ar o,GabingHar ana, mus i cal ar t sandpai nt i ngcont es t sandt heGawadPar angal f orout s t andi ngLi l i weñosf ort hei r ex empl ar ys er v i cet ot hecommuni t y . Thi sf es t i v ali sal s oknownast heGatTay awT s i nel asFes t i v al ,i nt r i but et oi t st own’ schi ef t ai n f ounder ,GatTay aw. Dur i ngt he cel ebr at i on,col or f ulfloat spar ade t hr ough t he t own’ ss t r eet swhi l e peopl e i ndul gei nnat i v ef oods ,goodmus i c,ar t s ,andv ar i et yofgames .Theboomi ngi ndus t r yandi t s annualcel ebr at i onai mt oi mpr ov et heeconomi cs t at usoft het own.

Agaymemberoft heLi l i wdancet r oupehappi l ydancest ot hebeatoft hedr umsdur i ngt hegr andpar adeoft he Li l i wT s i nel asFes t i v al ,Apr i l9 .

Thel eaderoft heLi l i wdancet r oupeheadshermemberi ndanci ngdur i ngt hegr andpar ade,Apr i l9 .

Peopl ewhoj oi nedt hegr andpar adepos ef oraphot o,Apr i l9 .

Par toft heT s i nel asFes t i v ali st odr i nkl ambanogdur i ngt hegr andpar ade.Amans howcas esnotonl yt her i cht r adi t i on ofLi l i wbutal s oi t sav or f ull ambanog ,Apr i l9 .

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